Naked, Rosa stood in the marble and stainless steel kitchen brewing tea. Beyond the panoramic window, across the dividend, that long ago may or may not have been a river serving the town, but now separate her property from the modern six storey car park opposite, she saw the slightest of movements in the shadows.
Still facing the window, for effect, she stretched languorously cat-like, allowing herself the briefest of smiles. Raising supplement arms above her head Rosa groaned inwardly knowing that this simple act would lift her breasts high as flexing arms drew their bounteous beauty upward. A slight tingle started in her nipples making them come erect, sending the briefest of messages careering towards her pussy.
At barely five feet tall on a good day, she tended a little towards being pump, her breasts a very pleasant 36B were full but firm, soft but malleable and still slightly up tilted. Silken tawny hair cut to shoulder length framed a pretty, cherubic face, full lips and a petite nose almost completing the picture. Her eyes however, were outstanding, a beautiful green, shot with yellow giving her a predatory look, that of a tiger hunting a mate.
Of Italian descent she had the slightly darker complexion of the race which added to her beauty. Born Rosalina twenty three years ago, she had never desired to marry and only ever hooked up with one guy long term, although there had never been any shortage of partners, if only for one night.
Glancing towards the window she saw that he was there again, her own private Peeping Tom, now drinking in her naked beauty, she knew that shortly he would be rubbing his cock as he watched her. Thoughts of him responding to her loveliness and total lack of shade caused twinings in her pussy as nipples became more erect by the second.
Two or three times a week they played this game, he spying and her going about her business pretending that she didn’t know he was there. In the beginning she had been surprised and perhaps a little shocked to think that someone might be watching her going to and fro naked as she did things in her kitchen. However she was damned if she was going to change her habits because of a Peeping Tom. Once having grown used to the idea of him being out there the thought began to amuse her, eventually causing her to indulge in erotic fansies about him, secure in the knowledge that he was out there, and she, safely indoors.
Now, she smiled, as thoughts of him out there slowly rubbing his cock made her want to be daring this night. Bringing her arms down Rosa easily filled her small hands with her seventeen breasts, gently tweaking already erect nipples to stiffen them even further, while hoping that he would be able to see the response in them.
‘Tonight,’ she thought, ‘tonight would be for him, tonight she would put on a real show, a show that would leave him gasping.’ For the first time she had become horny and she wanted to see him, wanted to watch him pumping his cock, wanted to see his cumm spurting from the single eye, tonight she would masturbate for him.
Running one hand down her body she lightly brushed over the neighborly trimmed heart shaped area of public hair above the ‘V’ until reaching the rapidly swelling lips of her now hungry pussy. Gently she allowed the index finger of her right hand to slip between those lips and into the wetness of her desire before drawing it through them in a gentle downward stroke to where juices had quietly begun to bubble.
‘Yes,’ she thought, ‘I am wet, very wet, come my phantom lover, show yourself, let me see what you are concealing out there in shadowland.’
Stretching out one leg Rosa carefully hooked her foot around a chair slowly drawing it across the floor towards her. When she felt that the position had become Just right for his optimum advantage she placed the foot on it, thus opening herself up for her nocturnal viewer. Swollen lips parted easily, now dripping with unconcealed desire as the wanton password of the moment mounted inside her.
Gently she began to rub her clip, feeling it too began to seek out passage from under its protective hood. All the while she gazed through the window at the spot where she knew he would be watching and rubbing his cock She would him to come out from his concealment, wanting the visual stimulation that she believed his cock would draw from her very depths. Knowing that to be able to see him would at least make one of her fansies about him become a reality.
Eventually he did step from the shadows and what she saw almost made her jaw drop. In his furiously pumping hand was perhaps the biggest real cock she had ever seen, Rosa figured that it must be around eight inches in length and could also see that it was quite fat.
“Oh my god!” she exceled, “that is enormous,” her fingers then began to blur as using two of them she literally assaulted her now turgid clip with renewed vigour. Tension building inside as messages triggered synapses from eyes to brain and from brain to fingers and pussy alike.
She knew that her orgasm would be swift and prayed that he might cumm with her. Rosa knew that there could be no holding back as she rushed headlong towards the eternal bliss that the French call The little Death. “Oh lover, cumm just before I do, please let me see you cumm!”
Almost as though on cue she saw him stiffen and rub more slowly as his cumm shot from the little eye to spurt some distance in front of him. She saw at least four large spurts before her own body submitted to its needs making her climax with a loud cry as the force of her orgasm tore through her, making her knees go weak and almost collapse with its intensity.
Eventually able to look up she saw him still standing there, he Mouthed the words thank you and vanished back into the shadows. Rosa grabbed up a couple of kitchen towels that she used to wipe the juices from the inside of her thighs, her body still trembling from her hard cumm. She was pleased that this night one of her fans had indeed come true.
The remainder of the evening was dull by comparison, she made her tea taking it into the living room where she tried to watch the TV. Finding it impossible to concentrate, as images of her phantom lover and the elephants trunk that masqueraded as a cock driving her out of her mind so she decided to go to bed.
However, bed proved to be no consolation either, tossing and turning, sleep just would not come, Rosa was still hot and horny from the experience and found that she had to masturbate once more to ease the dull nagging ache that persisted in her pussy.
Now sleep came to her and exhausted she drifted off relatively quickly, the time was around 3am.
The next evening he wasn’t there, nor the second, believing that the spell for him might have now been broken, that he had achieved the ultimate. Disappointed Rosa resigned herself to fate, wentback to her computer with yet another mug of tea tried to work on the erotic poetry for her third book of poetry.
She found working difficult, the image of him still dominating, thoughts of him flashing through and visions of what to her was a most magnificent cock flowed without the slightest effort, continuing their journey through the maelstrom that had become her waking mind.
Almost at the end of her tether, a knot in her stomach that positively ached, desperately wanting to see him again, wanting to see that magnificent specimen once more she was about to shut down the computer when the bell rang. Getting up from her chair she throw on a robe that was kept on a hook close by and opened the front door.
‘O my god, it’s him.’ Standing in her doorway with a huge smile her shadow man stood holding what seemed like a bouquet. About five feet eight or nine, tight blue jeans and a tightly fitting pale blue T shirt that accentuated his pecs and flat abdomen. He was everyhing Rosa had ever fantasized about. Hazel eyes and a shock of thick and very dark brown hair that extended to his broad chest and a well trimmed bear, she felt her heart go bump. Unable to sort out the jumble of thoughts running pell-mell through her head she managed to stutter a greeting of some kind as he presented her with a tasteful bunch of red roses, third in number.
“I want to invite you in,” she stammered, gratefully accepting the blooms, “but I’m not dressed.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, the robe will do and I’ve seen pretty much all that you have to offer anyway, your body is no stranger to me, but now that I see you close to, you are more beautiful than I could ever have hoped.” He paused to take in the affect that his words had on her before continuing.
“Well, are you going to invite me in or just stand there slack-jawed?” He asked looking at her as though she had lost her mind.
Indeed, that was the crux of the matter, seeing him at her door hadcompletely rocked her boat.
“Please, won’t you please come in.”
“Gesturing with her hand she invited him into her home, not for one moment thinking that this was the guy who had been watching her, had masturbated over her goodness knew how many times and three nights ago had finally shown himself and a most magnificent cock. Rosa never stopped to think that he might be a rapist or worse, a murderer.”
“You had better put the roses in water, oh and I’m Jack, nice to meet you,” he said proffering his hand.
“Err yes, they are beautiful, thank you so much, and I’m Rosa. Would you like some tea,” she replied noting the firmness of his grip?
“Thank you Rosa, that would be nice, but only if I can watch you while you make it,” he chuckled. His voice flowed over, around and through her, if it could be described as a material it would have been a deep brown velvet, quite the sexiest voice she had ever heard. He spoke slowly, deliberately and so very low.
Rosablushed through to the roots of her hair, remembering that he had seen her making tea in all her naked glory and so many times. She was glad that only that morning, before her bath, she had decided to shake and trim her little heart. ‘Oh my,’ she thought, ‘why am I thinking that, I need to get my mind above my waist and concentrate on making the tea.’
Quickly, without uttering another word she turned, heading for what she believed might be the relative safety of her kitchen, soon busy herself with preparing to make the tea and putting the roses in water.
With the kettle on the go she began cutting the stems and relieving the flowers of some of their leaves. Satisfied that they had been properly prepared she turned to a high cupboard to take down a vase for them, as she did this the robe fell open, exposing her nakedness to his view. Rosa glanced over toward the kitchen doorway and yes, there he was, watching her every move.
Hurriedly she tried to cover up while holding the vase, but found the simple task all but impossible.
“No,” she heard Jack utter in his soft and sexy but commanding voice, “don’t cover yourself, you have a beautiful body and I love to look at you.”
Without really knowing why she left the robe open, knowing that Jack saw nothing that he hadn’t already seen, she felt no qualms at letting him see her more closely. Filling the vase with one third water she soon had the blooms arranged and continued with making the tea. The whole thing felt surreal as she kept herself busy although knowing that he watched her every move, taking in every glimpse of her body and the fact that her nipples were rising of their own voltage.
Perhaps a little grudgingly Rosa now accepted that having this man in her home made her want him inside her body too, she had seen his hard cock and now she wanted it. His voice had made her feel calm, she sensed no reason to fear him and liked the way he had spoken to her strongly. She felt thathere was a man in control of himself, a man who just might be able to control her too. Whatever it was, it was eating her up inside, she wanted Jack to take her, and fuck her without any preamble.
No man had ever made her feel so utterly abandoned, she wanted Jack to know how she felt, that he just had to say one word and she would be down on her knees for him. She felt prepared to do anything at all for him, anything at all, but he just sat there quietly drinking his tea. Her nipples had become hard spikes now, her pudenda swollen, her pussy was wet, Rosa knew that had become hot, her body fired up, she had become a woman in heat.
At last he set aside his empty cup and came over to where she sat on the chair opposite him.
“You are horny Rosa, you want me to fuck you, you want to feel my fat cock in your hand, in your pussy, in your mouth, or perhaps in your arse. Be patient little one, all will come to you.”
Kneeling between her legs he roughly pushed her thighs wide to expose her gaping pussy. “You belong to me now,” he said softly but with that underlying firmness in his voice. I will have you whenever and wherever I want, I phone you and you will come to me, I will own you and everything you are, you are my cunt, my piece of human flesh, whatever you are doing when I call you will come.”
“You will be whatever I want and do whatever I Want, I am your Master and you are my slave. You will only ever speak when I give you permission to do so and you will always call me Master. Are you clear on your role Rosa, do you understand me?
“Yes Master,” she answered softly although not really knowing why, Rosa wondered if this could be what had been missing from her life, a perverse need to be controlled, dominated, used.
Once again his voice broke into her thoughts, “I know that you like to walk around the house naked, that’s fine with me, in fact I like it, but from this day forward when with me you wear what I want you to wear andnothing else, is that clear too?”
“Yes Master, I am your slave and will dress accordingly.” As she spoke the words Rosa felt that it was someone else speaking them, that she was outside her body looking down on this scene.
She sat there completely open to him, nipples spiked, pudenda swollen and pussy gaping like some kind of whore or concubine, she just couldn’t help herself. She felt him push something into her and realized that it was a finger, in perhaps a couple of minutes it was joined by a second finger and then a third. His thumb pushed hard against her clip the sensing making her groan as she pushed hard down on his hand.
This wasn’t quite what she had expected, or what she had wanted, but at least if he kept this up he would get her off. Rosa completely abandoned herself to the moment fucking his hand like a wild woman, becoming so involved that perspiration ran in rivers down her face, trickling between her breasts. Hair sweat streaked and matted to herhead.
“Play with your tits,” he commanded, “squeeze them, pinch the nipples, hard, pull on them, stretch them.”
His fingers pintoned in and out hard and fast, the thumb pressing and rubbing her clip, she groaned, she was going to cumm and nothing on earth could stop this mighty expression that drive her towards oblivion.
“Now,” she cried out, “oh mercy but this is sooooo good,” and with that her climax followed swiftly, lifting her bottom from the chair she thrust upward, a strange scream issuing from her throat that turned into a whimper. Tears ran from her face to mingle with the sweat, she shook and shivered and realized that he was holding her, soothing and stroking her, bringing her back down to earth once more.
She tried to smile through her tears, but the salt in them burned her eyes, she tried to Say thank you, but found she could not speak. Instead she drew her legs up onto the chair and curled up into a little ball resting her head on her arm, body wraped with quiet sobs.
Jack stood up for a few moments before pulling her into an upright position on the chair where his groin and a massive erection were just inches from her face. “My turn now Rosa, suck me, undo my trousers, take out my cock and suck me,” he commanded roughly.
She had to obey, wanted to obey and reaching out, lowering her eyes to the massive weapon coiled like a snake in his trousers she mumbled, “Yes Master.”
“Louder slave,” he ordered, “I can’t hear you, any more mumbling and I will be forced to punish you.”
“Yes Master,” she answered more clearly and louder, not wishing to incur his wrath or punishment and being unsure if he really would punish her and if the answer to that were to be yes, she wondered also what form that punishment might take. Either way, she really wanted to taste that snake.
Deftly she unbuckled his belt, drew down the zip to find underneath a pair of black silk boxes. Pulling both down to his knees she almost swooned on seeing his magnificent cock at close quarters. It was hard like the finest oak and at least eight inches in length, but what astounded her most was its massive girl. Rosa didn’t think that she would be able to get it into her mouth, certainly not all of it, but she determined to have a damn good try.
Slowly, tenatively she put out her tongue to lick the tip of this monster while her small hand closed Around its length to begin gently struggling. Surprisingly, the movement of her fingers up and down its length caused it to grow just that little bit longer and soon she was able to lick the pre-cumm from its tip. Gradually her fingers became faster and without too much of a struggle Rosa found that she could get the whole of that purple, dangerous looking head into her mouth.
She wondered at the feel of this huge cock, it’s silentness, the vein that stood out along the top, obviously throbbing and the unbelievable heat that came from it. How could it be so hard yet feel sosoft?
Pleased now that she could do this, Rosa set about sucking this beautiful creation with love and affection, now she know that she would be able to please her Master by making him cumm and swallowing his sperm. Her number one priority in her life had now become to please him and she determined to do everything in her power to make this happen, however large or small his wish might be.
As Jack came closer and closer to his own impending climax he moved his hips in time with her, literally fucking her face. This action caused his cock to burrow more deeply with every stroke, bringing the head closer and closer to her throat.
Eventually he hit the opening to Rosa’s throat and feel her gag as the massive head tried to burrow in. “Relax your throat bitch or I shall force it in, you will rob my cock.”
Hearing these words Rosa flinched at being called a bitch but fearing his wrath pressed on, demanding that her muscles relax, gradually they did so until ableto take the entire gargantuan head in.
“That’s better,” he cooed at her, “I knew you could do it and with a bit of practice it will become much easier for you.”
Now the thrusting became harder and faster, Rosa sucked hard as his cock slide in and out of her mouth wanting him to cumm for her.
“Yes Rosa, that’s it, don’t stop now, I’m gonna cumm for you,” he bellowed. Unbelievably she felt him swell just a little bit more and then with a cry that sounded like a wounded bull elephant the first jet burst from his cock like a fire hose, straight into her throat, the second in her mouth. Jet after jet of hot cumm followed with Rosa avidly striving to swallow every last drop and game girl that she was and so eager to please that she wasted not a drop.
She stood up now, looking him straight in the eye, “Master that was wonderful, you tasted so very different and I didn’t waste a drop.”
“Down on your knees slave,” he answered almost angrily, “I didn’t give you leaveto stand up, and you never look a Master in the eye, that is one of the worst breaks in etiquette that you can ever be afraid of, it will incur punishment if it happens again. As this is your first time ever as a slave I shall overlook it in this instant, but take care that no such oversight ever occurs again.”
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