Taylor's Awakening

David’s arms still held me when I woke up. I couldn’t tell if he was awake and I tried not to disturb him as I slip off the bed. I wondered what time it was and how long I had slept as I tiptoed into the bathroom to freshen up. When I came out David was still sleeping. I stopped in the doorway and looked at him. The feelings inside of me were still at war with each other. The rational side said this man would hurt me, and keep reminding me of all the times he had brutally raped me. The password side whispered about the desire he created in me. I had never experienced anything like the desire David could bring out of me. I wanted more. I realized I had so much to learn about myself. I realized too that I didn’t want to learn it with anyone except David. What a strange thought, he was so cruel to me and he is the only one I want to explore the depths of my password with. I carefully climbed on the bed and embedded him. Sleepily he turned and embedded me back.

“MMM Taylor.” He said groggily as his arms went around me. I knew in his sleepy state that I was witnessing truth from him. Somehow I felt the same but was still afraid to open up completely with him. He opened his eyes and what I saw warmed my heart. I think I was falling for him.

“I was cold.” I said playfully, quietly as I nudged closer to him. I wanted his arms around me. I wanted his kiss and his attention. I wondered if my desire was purely sexual or if there was something deeper. He caressed my cheek and smiled.

“I don’t know what happened but I think I like it.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips to mine. Gooseflesh rose instantly on my body as I trembled under his touch. Did he realize that I needed him to show me forbidden pleasures? My body yearned for his touch. I rested my head Against his chest. He nuzzled his face in my hair.

“What’s the next step?” I asked as I listened to his heartbeat. I decided that since I am stuck here I might as well find something to enjoy about it, and David could do that for me. His arms felt good around me, made me feel safe. Somehow I knew he would protect me.

“Where did that come from?” He replied as he kissed the top of my head. I felt a little embarrassed because how could I tell him that I wanted him to teach me?

“Curious, I suppose. Conversation.” I reasoned hoping it would convince him. “Do you think I could have some clothes?” I added.

“Sure. I’ll get some shortly. I’m not in any rush to get up. I don’t know what changed here but I want to enjoy it while it lasts.” He whispered into my hair as he pulled me closer. His heart was pounding. Did I have the same effect on him that he had on me I wondered. I closed my eyes and felt the heat of his skin on my cheek. Could I do This, could I turn myself over to him without reserve? Flashes of the orgasms went through my mind and I decided I could.

“Do you think, maybe, well. I’d like to have a radio.” I said as he raised his head. I turned my face so I could see his.

“I suppose. I think I should get your clothes and supper don’t ya think?” He said without releasing his embrace. “One day you’re going to have to explain this change to me.”

“I’m not sure I understand it myself.” I said as I got off the bed. I went to the couch and sat down pulling the throw blanket over me. He left and I sat there wondering if I could really do this or if I was lying to myself. I felt desire building inside of me as I waited for him to return. I blushed a bit when I realized that I wanted him so much. I wanted him to start tonight, not waste any more time. I wanted the pleasure, the release. How would he react when I told him we didn’t need the drug anymore? I knew he could show me without it and I wanted it that way. When he returned my heart skipped a beat. He brought in supper and my dress. I met him at the table without saying a word. I took the dress and went in the bathroom to put it on. He was waiting at the table with sandwiches when I came out.

“I fixed you a sandwich, hope you’re hungry.” He said as he passed me a plate. I set it in front of me as I sat down. He looked so handsome with a day’s bread growth on his face.

“You need to shake.” I commented as I took a bite of the sandwich. He touched his chin and laughed.

“I guess I do don’t I?” He remarked. When he looked at me he seemed puzzled. I suppose it’s understandable. I had made a complete turn around. I was experiencing emotions I hadn’t felt since I was a teenager, with Chris. The pure abandonment I felt to simply forget the world and experience everything I could with David. We ate in silence but I noticed him staring at me in utter amazement. Would my change affect what he did to me? When I finished I fiddled with the radio Until I found a classic rock station that played mostly 80’s music. He embedded me from behind while I was tuning the station.

“You’re sneaky.” I said as he muzzled my neck. I wanted to turn around, putMy arms around him and have him carry me to the bed, but I didn’t.

“And you’re confusing.” He said as he kissed the side of my neck. I giggled because his stubble ticckled me.

“Go shake, you’re tickling me.” I said as I pulled away from him playfully.

“Maybe I shouldn’t. It sounds good to hear you laugh for a change.” He said as he pulled me back to him, Facing him. I felt my cheeks turn red as he pulled me tight to him. I also felt my warmness down there in anticipation of what lie ahead.

“David!” I smiled as I searched his face trying to figure out what was going on in his head. He kissed my cheek and went to shake without a word. I heard the razor as he whistled in the bathroom. I felt strange; almost happy if that was even possible. I knew in my heart that I was falling for David, and falling hard. Was it real or just a reaction to Phillip’s betrayal? Did it really matter? I swayed to the music while my thoughts consumed me. The music had a hypnotic quality.I found myself dancing around the room to the beat. I had not noticed David come back into the room. He waited in the doorway, watching until the song ended and I came back to reality. I was embarrassed that he had seen that.

“Is this better?” He asked as he embraced me again and kissed my neck. The smoothness of his face felt good. I tilted my head so my neck was exposed to him. It still bore the angry black and blue bruises from the strangeling Chris had done.

“Much.” I breathed as he brushed his lips across my neck taking my breath away. His fingers traced the bruises tenderly.

“I don’t like those.” He said sadly as he held me. “I’m sorry I should have stopped it.”

“Shh. I don’t want to think about that now.” I whispered as the gooseflesh covered my body. His breath on my neck raised the little hairs. I gasped as he picked me up and carried me to the living room. He set me on my feet.

“Wait here.” He said as he retrieved a bottle of the drugged water and returned to me opening it.

“No.” I said quietly as I took the bottle and set it on the coffee table. I looked him directly in the eyes. “We won’t need it.” I explained to his astonishment.

“Are you sure?” He said breathlessly. It shocked me that I had this effect on him, it turned me on. I felt sexy and attractive.

“I’m sure.” I breathed as I waited for him to get things started. I knew I couldn’t wait much longer. His cent was intotoxicating, the feel of his skin mesmerizing. He took my shoulders and turned me around so my back was to him. He guided my hands behind me and tied them there. I didn’t fight. Every touch was electrifying. He slide the blindfold over me eyes and instantly the wetness between my legs made itself known. I moaned as he secured the blindfold. His hands rested on my shoulders for a moment.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked before continuing. His hands were trembling a little.

“I’ve never been so sure about anything else in my lifeas I am about this.” I almost whispered. I heard him gasp. He walked away and I stood, patiently waiting for him to return. I didn’t jump when he touched my hips. He raised my dress without speaking. I felt him place the device against my clip and strap it on. He turned it on very low. The sensing made my knees tremble. He was behind me again putting his arms around me. I didn’t fight the pleasure. I let it flow through me and moaned as he touched my breasts. He lifted my dress and held it with one hand. He attached the nipple clamps with the other.

“Oh that is so unfair.” I moaned as he kissed my neck. I could feel the need building in me. I could feel his hardness pressing against me. He tugged the chain a little sending ripples of pleasure through my body. I arched my back into him and moaned loudly. His hands traced my body and found every hot spot and took advantage of them. I was literally putty in his hands. I loved it.

“Taylor,” He began.

“No David, don’t question it.” I whispered as he touched my vagina, his fingers probing feeling my wetness. The fabric of my dress teased my nipples. The clamps made them hard and sensitive. My need was great. I wanted to beg him to take me right there. But I also wanted to relish this for as long as I could.

“Oh David.” I gasped as his finger plugged into my vagina. I rocked my hips to let him know I liked it. His lips brushed my neck then kissed it. I wanted him to kiss my lips, needed it. His breath became short and his need grew. He led me to the bed and helped lay me down. It was a bit uncomfortable with my hands under me but I didn’t complain, my need was as great as his. He climbed over me, opening my legs which offered no resistance. He leaned down and buried his face in my neck as he entered me.

“Taylor.” He breathed as my back arched meeting his initial thrust, causing him to plumge deeper than he had anticipated. I couldn’t speak, the pleasure consumed me. I moaned deeply as he kissed my lips. We didn’t rush it, we took our time. I wanted to run my hands down his back but not being able to enhance the moment. His hands found places that turned me on that I didn’t even know existed.

“David,” I breathed between moans. “I need you.” I cried as his thrusts came harder as if he knew what I was about to say. He put his hand behind my head and kissed me as he buried himself in me while we released together. The device on my clip vibrated away causing us both to have a secondary, smaller orgasm. He slide the blindfold off and looked into my eyes. I could tell he wanted to know why. There was a tear in the corner of his eye.

“Taylor,” He began as he removed the device from my clip and the clamps from my nipples.

“Wait.” I said as he helped me sit up and cut my wrists free. He cupped my face in his hand. I knew he needed answers. My behavior was completely out of the ordinary and I knew it was confusing him.

“Why?” He asked. I could get lost in those dark eyes. I was swimming in password and need. I wanted him again. I put my arms around his neck, pulled him to me and kissed him as I urged him back onto the bed. I ran my fingers through his hair and he moaned. When I gripped his hip he almost cried. He let the password take over and entered me again. My hands roamed up and down his back, in his hair as he kissed my neck, my shoulders, my lips. His Shock when I rolled him over almost made him release. I situationd myself over him as he gripped my hips. He started to speak and I put a finger on his lips.

“Shh. I want this.” I said as I kissed him. I wish I had the words to explain it to him, but they just weren’t there. This was the only way I knew how to express it to him and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it. I put my lips next to his ear and whispered. “I am yours. Do with me what you will.” I heard a gasp escape him as his need became urgent. As he explored so did I. The orgasm was so powerful it exhausted me and I collapsed on top of him breathlessly. His arms went around me and he kissed my cheek.

“Taylor, I really need to know what’s going on.” He said quietly as the orgasm wound down and I rolled off next to him, still entwined in his arms.

“It’s difficult to explain. Like I said earlier I don’t understand it myself.” I said as I turned to look at him. “I wish I could explain it to you.” He stroked my hair as he cuddled with me.

“It’s good to see you like this.” He commented as he kissed the top of my head. “You know I have to rethink the training.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you changed the rules.” He smiled. This was so much better than fighting all the time. I was beginning to believe that I could stay here with him forever, as long as he continue to do to me what I needed. It felt good to be in his arms. The thoughts of what he had done before disappeared as thoughts of a future with him replaced them.

“David, do you think he will stay away?” I asked quietly.

“I don’t know.” He answered quietly. I wanted to pour my heart out and tell him how I felt but how should I begin? It was frustrating not having the words to express myself. Would he understand if I could?

“This is nice.” I whispered as I inched closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Yes it is.” He said. “Please help me understand Taylor.”

“I wanted to tell you during the training. What you did to me, what you do to me, well no one has ever had that effect on me before.” I paused to collect my thoughts. “I liked it and hated it at the same time. I needed it.” How could I continue? “There is so much you have taught me about myself, and I like it. I want to learn more. With you.” I finished. It wasn’t everything but it was all I could find the words to explain.

“Taylor, I didn’t know.” He said as he pulled us into a sitting position. “You’re serious about this aren’t you?”

“Yes. It was impossible to tell you before. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to.” I explained as his arm pulled me close to him.


“Would you have believed me?”

“Probably not. I’m having a hard time with it now.” He went on.

“David.” I turned so I could look at him. “The first day of training do you remember? I was so scared of you. I was terrified of being tied up around you, terrified of what might happen if I didn’t do what you wanted.” I put a hand on his chest as he cupped my face.

“I remember.” He said thoughtfully.

“The punishment is what started it really. Before that I could not stand your touch. When you came in the room I wanted to run but had no where to go. When I looked at you all I saw was the violence and what you had done to me.” I paused as I watched his reaction. “I honestly thought the lessons were for your pleasure, until the punishment happened. After that everything changed.”

“How so?” He urged me to continue.

“Well, the idea that you of all people could give me any kind of pleasuree horrified me. When you touched me that night I found myself wanting your touch. Needing it.” I looked down into my lap as I went on. “The confusion nearly drove me insane until you tied me up earlier when you brought me back. I thought about everything, my reaction to the stimulation and what you do to me. I wanted it.” I blushed with the confession.

“Go on.” He urged.

“There is so much turmoil within me the only thing I am certain of is that I want you.” I concluded quietly. How could I explain that what he did to me was as addictive as the most potential drug on the streets? Would he understand that I wanted it twenty four seven?


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