Tango on the Razor's Edge Ch. 09

Once we got home, Holly had me hang up my dresses and then knee down in front of her in the living room. She said, “Tell me why I’m so mad at you.” She paused for a moment, then corrected herself. “No, that’s not right. Tell me why I’m so disappointed in you.”

“You’re always disappointed in me. Do we really need a reason?”

She made herself comfortable on the couch and said, “Nice try, but that’s not going to work. Why don’t you start by telling me what happened today.”

“I did just what you told me to do. I came home, got dressed up, and picked up the dress at Darlene’s. When I was there, I tried to do what you said and didn’t worry about what might go wrong.”

Holly waited for me to continue. Once it became clear I was through, she said, “I’m going to need more details than that.”

“When I got there, Darlene’s husband answered the door. She said that Darlene was with her bull and that I’d have to wait. I figured you and Darlene had arranged another setupfor me, so I played along.”

“You played along?”

“I did what you wanted me to do.”

Holly leaned forward and said, “Quit beating about the bush and tell me what the fuck you did.”

“I, um, played a little with Angela. Angela and I took turns cleaning the bull. After that, I gave Angela head, and then I licked My Queen clean.”

“You what?”

“I cleaned up Darlene’s yoni. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Did you call her your Queen?”

“Yeah, that’s what Angela calls her. I guess I kind of slipped into it.”

“And Darlene let you lick her pussy?”

“Yeah, well, Angela had been a bad girl, so her punishment was to watch me clean up.”

“And you didn’t stop to think that submitting to another domme might not be the right thing to do?”

“I was trying to do what you said, you know, jump across the stream without worrying about what might go wrong.”

Holly shook her head in disbelief. “So now you’ll just drop down on your knees for any man, woman, or donkey that will hold still?”

“That’s not fair.”

Holly shook her head. “What happened with Joaquin?”

“He tricked me.”

“He tricked you into sucking his dick?”

“Yes, he took out the van’s battery and then offered to help me if I went down on him.”

“And you didn’t stop to think that something might be going on?”

“I just thought I’d been distracted and left the lights on.”

“At noon? You thought you’d left the lights on at noon on a sunny day?”

“Yeah, I was going in to meet Darlene. Her husband was going to be there, and I didn’t know what to expect. So I was a little frazzled. I thought I might have left the lights on.”

“So you Thought since the battery was dead, your only option was to drop down on your knees and start sucking the first dick that poked you in the eye? Is that really what you thought?”

It all sounded absurd when she said it. “Well, not quite.”

“For fuck’s sake, this is ridiculous. Youfix shit every day at work, and yet, when the battery in your car goes dead, the only thing you can think to do is give the nearest stranger a blow job. Is giving head for services rendered your new thing? Are you going to blow the bag-boy at the market and give head to the waitress at the dinner? Are you going to drop down on your knees to get Raul and the other guys at work to fix the machinery?”

“I don’t understand why you’re so upset. It’s not like you even let me touch you anymore, and shit, when was the last time you touched me? I’d think you’d be relieved that I’d found someone else to pester.”

Holly smiled wryly. “Are you pretending not to get it, or do you really not get it?”

“Get what?”

“You’re mine. You’ve submitted to me. Darlene is not your queen, and you don’t go down on anyone unless I tell you to. That includes Angela, Darlene, her bull, and certainly not Joaquin. Do you understand?”

I silently nodded.

“You don’t decide how often I touch you, or how often you get to cum, or even if you get to cum at all. Do you understand that?”

I nodded again.

“Say it.”

“You are My Goddess. You decide what is best for me, even if I never cum again. Even if you never touch me or love me again.” I paused for a moment, then protected, “But you told me to have fun with Angela.”

“Well, Angela is usually caged, so I didn’t think I needed to worry about that. But did you really think I wanted you to blow Joaquin?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what I thought, but it all made sense at the time.”

“Well, this isn’t going to happen again. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, My Goddess.”

“And I’m going to have to punish you. Go upstairs and get the riding crop and the big strapon from my closet.”

“The crop? Are you serious?”

Holly exhausted, composed herself again, and said, “What did I just say?”

I said, “Yes, My Goddess,” stood and went upstairs.

Chris and Cathryn were sittingat the top of the stairs. I asked, “Why aren’t you two at school?”

Cathryn said, “There’s a thing at school, so they sent us home.”

“A thing?”

“Yeah, it’s some teacher thing.”

I said, “Please go to your rooms,” but they didn’t budget. I didn’t command much respect with my cock in a cage that was barely concealed by a pair of red panties. The red bra and garter belt with the black lace stockings probably didn’t add to my status, but I pleased with them anyway. “Please? Didn’t you two get enough the last time?”

They made room for me to get past them in the hallway with no indication of a retreat to their rooms. They were sitting on the stairs with a clear view of the living room when I returned with the crop, strapon, and lube.

“Please do this one thing for me. Just this one time and go to your rooms,” I pleaded.

Before either of them could respond, Holly said, “No. I want them to watch. They need to learn how this is done.”

Cathryn smiledlike a child anticipating a chocolate sundae with a cherry on top. Chris looked like she’d just received a pink slip from the vice principal’s office. Neither of them moved.

Holly slapped her palm once with the crop as she inspected my new bra and panties. She said, “Take off your panties. I don’t want to ruin them.”

I slipped out of the panties while standing in front of her.

“Turn around,” she commanded.

My cock raged against its cage as I slowly turned in front of her. I’d been excited the whole afternoon. Even though there was still no chance for release, the vulnerability of my naked ass so close to the threatening crop made the situation both intensity and erotic.

She tapped the cage with the crop and asked, “How long have you been locked up?”

“It’s been almost four weeks.”

“I bet you’d love to let your little man out for a while, wouldn’t you?”

I looked for the key, but the chain and key I’d given her had been replaced by Dan’s diamond necklace. I shook my head in despair and said, “What I want no longer matters.”

Holly smiled. “Oh, Princess. That’s such a good answer! You see? You can be good. You just need a little encouragement.” She tapped the cage with her crop again. “But I’m still going to have to punish you. You know that, right?”

I signed in resignation. “Yes, My Goddess.”

“Get on your hands and knees.”

I dropped down onto all fours with Holly to my left and the girls at my front right, watching.

“Before we got started, I want you to tell the girls what happened today.”

I looked up at Holly’s two daughters and said, “Your mother asked…”

Holly interrupted me. “Excuse me, who did what?”

I looked over to Holly and said, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I mean no offense.”

“I didn’t think so. Carry on.”

“This morning, My Goddess sent me to pick up a new dress. While I was there, I did things that displeased her.”

Holly slapped my ass with thecrop. “Tell them what happened. I want details.”

I looked down at the floor between my hands. “I picked up the dress from a couple who have a relationship similar to your mother and me. The husband was aroused by the sounds of his wife and her lover in the bedroom. I thought that your… My Goddess had sent me there to be with another sissy, so I did what I thought My Goddess wanted me to do, and I consoled her.”

Holly swatted my ass and said, “Look at the girls when you speak to them.”

I looked up at Chris and Cathryn and said, “I was just doing what I thought she wanted me to do.”

Holly snorted. “Tell them exactly what you did.”

I looked into Chris’s eyes and said, “I stroked the sissy husband’s erect penis through her nightgown while I whispered into her ear.”

Holly swatted my ass again and asked, “What did you whisper?”

“I told her that she looked beautiful.”

Cathryn giggled. Chris had covered her mouth with her hands.

The cropslapped my ass again. Holly said, “Go on. Tell us what happened next.”

“The bull came out and told Angela, the other sissy, to clean him up. So, Angela licked and sucked at his cock while I umm… While I sucked her cock.”

Cathryn laughed out loud and said, “You went down on a sissy who was going down on her bull?”

I nodded while I thought about how nice Angela’s cock had felt in my mouth.

“That’s the lowest of the low,” giggled Cathryn.

I silently begged her to let it go. But, instead, she asked, “Did she cum in your mouth?”

I looked up at her without responding.

Holly swatted my ass again. “Well? Did she come in your mouth?”

I could only nod.

“Say it,” commanded Holly as the crop stung my ass again.

“Yes, she came in my mouth, and then we shared her cum on our tongues when we kissed.”

“Did you swallow?” Chris asked.

“Yes. We both swallowed.”

Cathryn was in fits of laughter. “Did you suck the bull’s cock too?”

“Yes, he wanted me to, so I did.”

She laughed again and said, “I knew it!”

“What happened next?” asked Holly.

“Darlene was mad at her husband for not restraining herself, so she punished her by having me lick the bull’s mess from her pussy while her husband watched.”

“I bet you loved that!” Cathryn cracked.

Chris stood up and headed upstairs.

“Where are you going?” asked Holly.

“I’m going to my room.”

“Sit down. You need to watch this.”

“I get it, mom. Nick’s a spinless cocksucker, and you get off on humiliating him. I don’t need to see any more.”

“I told you to sit down.”

Chris took the measure of her mother’s conviction, then asked, “Why do you have to do this in front of me? Are you trying to get me to despise him?”

“Sit down, and I’ll tell you.”

Chris took her seat next to Cathryn with a heavy sight.

Holly patted my ass with the crop and said, “I think it’s natural for a woman your age to think that they have everything figured out. You know that it’s wrong for me to cheat, and you can’t understand why anyone would submit the way Nicki has.” She turned the crop in her hand and continued. “But if you look deep inside yourself, I’m certain you’ll see dark desires that you don’t understand. You might find these dark places frightening. You might even want to deny they exist, but You need to accept that your desires are neither good nor bad. They simply are. It’s only when we deny them that we deny who we really are, and that’s bad.”

Chris’s expression turned serious as the gears in her head furiously spun, and Cathryn’s smile faded into a look of pensive calculation.

“Most parents teach their children to eat with their mouth closed, be quiet in church, and not to take candy from strangers. I’m trying to teach you to accept yourself for who you are, no matter how dark or unsettling you find yourself to be.”

“No, Mom. You’re doing this because you’re gettingready to dump Dad and move on to the next guy,” protested Chris. “Aren’t you already fucking his boss?”

Holly nodded thoughtfully. “Given what we’ve been through, I can understand why you’d say that but think for a minute. The acorn never falls far from the tree, so you are going to grow up to be a lot more like me than you’d like. You might date regular guys for a while, but soon you’ll realize that you’d never be happy married to a normal guy. You’ll realize that you need a husband like Nicki.”

Chris looked at me like she was gazing into a crystal ball at an unanticipated future. While it seemed unlikely, there was a strange logic to it that she couldn’t quite grok. She shook her head. “No. I’m not like you and Cathryn.”

Holly smiled sympathetically at her oldest daughter. “Think, Sweetie. Who’s the one person in your life who has never let you down? Who loves you unconditionally? Who has served as the template for the ideal husband?” My gaze fell to the floor as Holly continued. “Don’t understandable Nicki’s importance in your life, and don’t think for a minute that he’s not a human, with his own weaknesses and his own dark desires.”

“I don’t need to know everything about him,” Chris objected.

Holly nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, but if you’re going to marry a sissy, you need to know how to treat her. You’ll lose her if you don’t attend to her needs.” Holly gave them a minute to think, then said, “Now pay attention while I show you how to discuss a misbehaving wuss.”

Holly turned her attention to me and said, “Look at you. You’re castrated by your cage, humiliated, and on display in front of your girls, aren’t you?”

I knew better than to hold back, “Yes, My Goddess. You have completely emasculated me, and everyone important to me knows it.”

“Oh, you are so obedient, and you’re loyal too. You’re very well trained, aren’t you?”

“Yes, My Goddess.”

“Do you remember, back before you were caged when you said that I should get a dog?”

“Yes. I remember.”

“Well, now I have one, don’t I?”

“Yes, My Goddess. I’m your dog.”

Holly laughed. “Bark for me, dog!”

I played along. “Ruff, ruff, ruff.”

SMACK. The riding crop struck my ass much harder than it had before. “BARK, I said.”

I howled at the crop’s sharp bite at my ass.

“Oh, that’s better. Let’s hear that again.” SMACK.

I howled once again.

“You see. You’re a good dog. You do just what you’re told. Now I want you to tell me why I have to discipline you.”

“It’s because I was bad.”

SMACK. “Tell me how you were bad.”

The pain of the third smack lacked the Surprise of the first two. I winced, then carried on. “I was concerned with the pleasure of someone other than My Goddess.”

The crop stung my ass once again. “Why did you attend to someone other than me?”

I looked over my shoulder at her and said, “Because I can no longer please you, and I’m desperate to pleasesomeone.”

The crop stung me again. “What you’re desperate for doesn’t matter!” She hit me again. “I thought you understand that.” She hit me again and again.

The crop’s sting had returned with a vengeance. My breath caught in my throat, and tears welled up in my eyes.

“Tell me why you ate Darlene’s pussy!” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK.

“I…” The words caught in my throat. Holly’s anger had taken me off guard. She hit me again and then again before I could answer.

“Well? Are you going to answer me?”

Before she could hit me again, I said, “I ate her pussy because I knew that I would never be able to worship your yoni again.”


“You said that I can’t give you head anymore.”


“That’s what you said.”

“I never said that.”

“Yes, you said it this morning.” I looked up at the girls and then back to Holly. “You said that Dan had forbidden it.”

She tapped my ass with the crop while she recalled the morning’s conversationation. “I did say that, didn’t I?” I nodded without moving. After a moment’s additional thought, she said, “Roll over and lie on your back.” From seemingly out of nowhere, she produced the key to my cage. She removed the lock then unpuzzled the interlocking mechanism to free my cock. It was such an unexpected turn of events that I had no idea how to respond. I lay underneath my rapidly hardening cock, afraid to move.

She said, “We’re going to play a little game before I punish you. Would you like that?” She smiled brightly as she tapped the crop to my cock.

“I thought you were already punishing me.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, that was just a warm-up, but before I punish you, I’m going to give you a chance to cum. Would you like that?”

“Very much.”

She traced the length of my erection with the crop’s tip. “Would you like me to touch you right here?”

“Yes. Very much.”

The crop’s tip traced out a tight circle on my cock’s crown, “Would you like to cum?”

“Yes. please.”

Her smile broadened. “I thought you would.” Her smile dipped, then she said, “But there are some rules. First, you have to hold still. If you move or get up or roll over, the game is over. Do you understand?”

I didn’t understand, but I nodded anyway.

“Here’s how it works. I’m going to tap your little penis with my big, bad crop. After every little love tap, I’m going to ask you if you’d like another. If you say yes, I’ll add ten seconds to the clock, then I’ll hit you again. All you have to do to get me to stop is ask. Do you understand?”

“I think so.”

“Once we’ve stopped accumulating time, we’ll run down the clock by stroking your cock until you cum or the clock runs out. Does that sound fair?”

It was the best offer I’d had in weeks, so I said, “Yes, My Goddess.”

Holly smiled and said, “Good choice!” She held the crop about six inches over my cock and then brought it down sharply.

My cock throbbed as it burned from the crop’s rough contact. I’d expected it to hurt, but I was surprised by how exciting it was. I wanted another, so I asked for it.

Holly smiled, “I knew you’d like this game.” She raised the crop again, this time a little higher, and then brought it down sharply. It landed with a hefty ‘thunk’ on the spongy meat of my cock.

Once again, the excitement was excruciating. “More, please,” I begged.

She raised the crop even higher and brought it down hard. It bit into my stiff cock like the sharp teeth of a small dog. I gasped in pain as the crop recoiled and then hung over me, waiting for another bite. I looked up into Holly’s unflinching eyes, which anticipated my next request. I couldn’t tell if she enjoyed inflicting the pain or listening to me beg, but she was clearly eager to have another go. As much as I wanted to please her and ask for an additional ten seconds to the clock, I wasn’t sure I could handle any more pain. I paused for a moment while I caught my breath.

“You’re not giving up already, are you?”

“No, My Goddess.”

“That’s a good girl. Now let me hear you beg for it.”

“Can I please have another?” I said without thinking.

Holly smiled broadly. She said, “You are such a good girl,” and then her expression took a sinister turn as she raised the crop. THWACK.

Pain shattered my composition. My cock burned, and all of the muscles in my body tensed. I began to sweat, and my body instinctively curled into a fetal ball. Holly pushed my shoulder with the crop and said, “Don’t move, or you’ll lose the thirty seconds you’ve got left.”

I snapped back into the moment. “I’ve got forty seconds.”

She poked my shoulder and said, “You’d have nothing if I hadn’t stopped you from curling up. Now lie back and beg me for more.”

I shook my head as I lay back down on the floor. “I can’t.”

“What do you mean, you can’t?”

“It hurts too much.”

She laughed. “Oh, poor baby.” Then her mood turned dark. “Don’t be such a pussy.”

I shook my head in self-disgust.

Holly turned the crop in her hand as she said, “I tell you what. If you let me hit you three times in a row, and you take all three without moving, I’ll double your 40 seconds. How about that?”

“Eighty seconds?”

She touched the crop to my chin and said, “Yes, Princess. Eighty seconds. That might even be enough time for you to get off.” She tapped the end of my pained erection with the crop and asked, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, very much.”

“So how ’bout it? Three itty bitty swats for eighty seconds?”


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