Victoria's Whips

It’s Sunday Morning. I’m sitting drinking my first coffee at the kitchen table, wearing only my bath robe.

Vicki, my Chinese Canadian (third generation) wife is standing in the opening to the living room. She smiles. My world lights up. She’s a vision in purple this morning. A purple satin ribbon holds her long black hair up in a slightly disheveled look I know she’s taken the time to arrange just right. Her lip gloss and nails are purple. Through the purple gossamer material of her floor sweeping robe I can see hints of her purple lace bra and panties. The wide satin ruffle of it’s collar tumbles down almost to the long purple satin sash, tied in a big bow at her waist. The full elbow length sleeves are gathered by a similar purple ruffle cuff. On her dainty feet are three inch spikes with narrow purple leather straps and tiny gold buckles.

“Come along, David. It’s time.”

Sundays are our special together days. We rarely go out, or have visitors on Sundays. It was,What? Three years ago, just before Christmas. Her sister Linda was staying with us while she went to college here. It was a Saturday. We’d started drinking early in the afternoon. We’d smoked a few doobies. Wine with supplier. Linda made some Christmas cookies with ‘special’ butter. Vicki was cleaning up in the kitchen. I was just returning from the bog.

Linda blocked my way, standing under the mistletoe taped to the arch that separates the hall from the front room. We kissed. We kissed some more. Soon we were grouping each other. In my booze and dope added conscience I didn’t see anything wrong, after all, we were fully dressed and we weren’t fucking.

“Are you two monkeys QUITE finished?” Vicki laughed as we blushed.

That night Vicki and I fucked our brains out. Not that rare an occurrence. I forgot all about the incident. Well, not all about. Well, OK, more than a bit, but not like I’d ever cheat on my love in real life. Right?

So, anyhoo, one Friday, late January or early February, I get home and Vicki’s Toyota is parked in the driveway. I hit the remote, and the two car garage door doesn’t budget. ‘Home ownership,’ I think, ‘one more thing to repair.’

I kick off my shoes and hang my coat in the hall closet. “Honey, I’m home. I see the garage door opener…”

Wow! Wow again! There’s my darling. The most beautiful woman in the whole world. Her silken black hair is drawn over her bare shoulders. She’s wearing her pink angora halter top with the soft puff sleeps. Her skirt is the royal blue mini skirt I love. On her feet are her white open to block heels. Coral lipstick and nails and just a hint of blush to accentuate her cheeks. Oh my God. She opens her arms.

I wrap her to me. I bend down to kiss her. Five foot tall to my five foot eight. My beautiful little Goddess.

“Glass of wine before dinner. It’ll be a bit late. Linda’s tied up”. We kiss and fondle. Her red silk scarf and our padded leather hand cuffs are on theend table. She wants me to overpower her, bind and rape her. I like that game. Haven’t played it for a while. No, she tells me to hold out my wrists. She then blindfolds me. “Stand up, Baby, let me guide you.”

Round and round. I’m totally disoriented. A rush of cool air. “One step down now.” The smell. We’re in the garage? A snap shadow clicks. I struggle as my wrists are pulled up to my chin. A kiss. Another kiss with lots of tongue. “Open your mouth David. Wider, wider.”

A round rubber sphere is pushed in. I feel straps being tightened around my head. The scarf is removed.

I try to take in everything at once. My Laser sailboat is against the far wall. One of the tackles that should be holding it to the ceiling of the garage is holding Linda’s wrists to her chin. The other is holding mine. She too has a ball gag in her mouth. Hers is red, no Idea what colour mine is.

Victoria first pulls the line until Linda’s hands are well above her head, then pulls mine up.


“Well, here we are. One big happy family.”

I’d been planning this for a while. I like to take my time and plan things out. I’ve been wondering about female led relationships, then Christmas comes and here the opportunity falls right into my lap, as it were.

Uni. is back in. Linda has half days on Friday. I time things closely. She’s in her room studying. “Linny ,hon, can you help me in the garage for a sec?”

“Sure sis, I’m about studied out anyway.”

She helps me get the dinghy down and over to the side.

“Can you keep a secret?”


I get one of the pair of padded cuffs out of the work benchmark drawer. “Dave is going to cuff me and ‘rape’ me here tonight. With these.”

“Oh My God! Really! You perverts.”

“Don’t knock it ’till you try it.”


Want to try it?”

“You crazy? No. Well? Uh, well. Sure?”

“Hold out your hands.”

This is too easy… I cuff her.

“Over here.” I snap a shackle onto the chain between her wrists and pull the line until they’re just below her chin.

“Oh, I’m a sexy damsel about to be tortured by the Evil Queen!”

“Wait, one more thing.” I get the ball gag. “Open up sweetie.”

Just too easy. I hear Dave’s car pull up to the garage door. I’d tripped the circuit breaker for the garage door opener earlier.

“Linda hon, you are one trusting silly cunt at times. Make yourself comfortable, be back in a while.”


I leave her hanging.

Dave looks so sexy in his work clothes. He’s great kisser too. In the living room our petting and fondling has us both so turned on.

The look on his face was priceless when I removed his blindfold. Disorientation, shock surprise, realization all in a nano second.

“Well, here we are. One big happy family. You probably wonder what’s going on. See, I thought I could trust the two people I love most in the world. Instead, while I’m cleaning up after supper, you twoare practically fucking under the mistletoe. I’m so disappointed.

“So, first I’m going to punish you, then, there will be changes. I’ll get to that later.”


I couldn’t believe Vicki was doing this. Why did I let her tie me up like this?

After her little speech she pulls David’s trousers and boxes down and throws them over by the house door. My, he is sort of impressive, if you follow my meaning. She then pulls down my jeans and thong. I’m thinking Dave likes what he sees. now he’s really impressive. Cock a doodle do me! Wonder when his brother will be back for a visit, it must run in the family, right?

“Ladies first, shall we?” Vicki has taken the belt out of Dave’s pants. The buckle is in her open palm. She closes it and wraps the belt one turn around her fist.

“Since this is your first offense, I think five will do, don’t you?” I’ve seen that evil smile before, when we were children.

Fucking Mother Of God! My bitch sister didn’t hold back at all. Fuck. I screamed with each burning slash of the belt. The gag in my mouth wasn’t able to contain my scream. Fucking David’s eyes were wide and his big cock bobbing and pointing. Tears blurred my vision. Fuck it hurt.

Then it stopped. I hung my head and cried.


That’s the first shawned one I’ve seen. Cute Linda, looked so sexy hanging there wearing just her hoodie and sneakers. Vulnerable. Drool hanging down from her gagged lips. The fear in her eyes. And those smooth legs and shacked pussy. Wow.

It’s a good thing it’s winter, the garage door is closed, and the neighbors won’t be outside. Linda’s scream was still loud through the gag.

My Victoria stroked my cock. “Ready Baby?”

I admit, my screams were as loud and girly as Linda’s. Man it hurt. Oddly enough Mr. Happy didn’t wild until after it was all over.


“Wait here you two.”

I went and got the ‘FEDEX’ box from the laundry room. I set it on the floor betweenthem.

“Now, my loves, let me tell you the new rules. I am the Queen. You are now my subjects. From now on you two will be responsible for all the house work. You will follow my commands.

“So. I don’t have time to watch you two all the time. I’ve got you these.”

With a dramatic flourish I pulled the chrome and leather chatity belt from the box. Linda tried squirming away. “Do I need to use the belt again?” She settled right down.

David was a bit harder, oops, bad pun. He didn’t squirm, but every time I touched it his love pole would grow too big to cage. A baggie of crushed ice did the trick. Good thing he was still gagged. The scream when I first held the crushed ice to ‘big Jim and the twins’ was loud.


As I said, that was three years ago. Linda graduated and moved out. But I’m still Queen Victoria’s loyal subject.

I follow her. Her chiffon robe swways so exclusively. I follow her down the cellar stairs. Down to ‘Victoria’s Play Room’. Shepulls the slender gold necklace with the keys over her neck. She opens the door and motions me in.

We designed and built it ourselves. Soundproof, intimate. Black marble patterned floor tiles, keep shiny and clean. Dark green painted walls. Cream ceramic scenarios hold indirect lighting. Several floor to ceiling mirrors. A single bed with a hard mattress and restraints at it’s corners. A red leather love seat and end table. A glass front china cabinet displays ‘toys’.

“Bring the horse to the middle of the room, David.”

The horse. I made it to Queen Victoria’s design specifications. Four feet long. Eight inches wide at it’s red leather covered padded top. Two foot six tall. It’s four legs played out for stability.

I knew what to do next. I hadn’t been distributed for weeks. I looked forward to it. Yearned for it. I took off my bath robe and hung it on a peg on the back of the door. I lay chest down on the padded top, and reaching forward grab the front legs. My ass hangs over the end. My Queen spreads my legs and fastens the Velcro strraps around my thighs to the horse’s legs. My caged cock and swollen balls hang free.

She gently strokes my back, from my neck to my ass. Three times.

“Good boy. My good baby. We have a long painful Sunday ahead of us.” Her hand slides away.

I scream as her pointed toe kicks my hanging balls.

“Oh my! You’re in beautiful voice today. Are you going to sing like that all day for your Queen?”

“Yes, Majesty.” I whimper.

She kisses my left ear. “Good baby. You know how much I enjoy your singing.”

All day. She said all day. That’s why we’ve started so early. She’s going to treat me. A full day of pain and pleasure. Love and punishment. I’m terrified and turned on at the same time. I love her and fear her. How did I get so lucky?

She swways over to the china cabinet. Another key, she smiles back over her shoulder, then unlocks the cabinet.


I’m amazes. MyDavid was so easy to train. Pavlovian conditioning. I do think though there has to be an inherent susceptibility. He loves to receive his discipline as much as I love administratoring it. And that’s a lot.

Unlike Sis. She didn’t take the whip at all well. Moved out as soon as she could.

Now, what to start with? The three foot braided whip? I take it out and snap it a few times. No. Put it back and take out the wide leather strap. Oddly, the leather worker at the saddle shop didn’t even blink when I described what I wanted and asked if he could make it. He just went into the back room and came out with exactly what I wanted. I guess we’re not all that unusual after all. I smack it against my palm a few times. No, save it for later. How about the wooden paddle? My David made it to my order. He’s quite a woodworker. Imagine what he was thinking as he carved and varnished it, knowing he’d soon feel it on his little tush? No, put it back.

That’s what I’ll start the day with.I’d grown bored using a belt on my love. We were driving along a secondary highway and saw the sign ‘Tack Shop, next left 1/4 mile’. We were on the way to our friend’s cottage for a week get together.

Horse people. So much leather. We bought the riding crop. The rest of the weekend, and all the next week I teased him. “What do you think it’s kiss will be like, Baby?” By the Following Sunday he was so excited I thought I’d better do him. That’s when we began making Sundays out special day.


My Queen turns towards me. Her riding crop in her hand. ‘Whoosh. Whoosh.’ A tiny pink tip of a tongue peeks out between her purple lips. She sways over to me. She gently lays her weapon on my back and steps away. I watch her slowly untie the purple bow of her gown. She spreads it open. She smiles. She strokes it off her shoulders. It falls to her elbows. She cups her purple lace bra covered boobs. She elegantly slips the purple chiffon robe off her arms and flows it over thearm of the love seat.

I watch in the mirror as she lifts her riding crop off my back. Her face has that dreamy smile I know so well.

I scream and cry as she rains ten searing blows on my ass and thighs.

Just as suddenly, she stops. I whimper. Tears run down my cheeks.

“That was so very good Baby. Singing just for me. My beautiful baby.”

She squashes my hanging balls until I let out a grunt of pain. She giggles. Actually giggles! Then she returns to the cabinet.

Her purple lips form a perfect ‘O’ as she turns back to me, holding up what she’s just ‘found.’


I started training him to take it just after Labour Day. First a finger, then a carrot. Now I’ve worked him up to taking it in the ass from this. My big pink strapon. Ten inches long, inch and a half across, balls that slap his ass cheeses. My end has a prod, so the giver gets stimulation as she fucks the taker.

I kick my damp purple lace panties aside. He watches closelyas I adjust the straps just right.

I took a night school ceramics class a few years ago. The little jug I made, not much bigger than a coffee mug sits on the end table. It looks so much better than a plastic bottle of baby oil.

Did David just lick his lips as I poured the lube onto my cock and lovingly spread it along my shake? He used to cry and whimper. I sort of miss that.


She’s preparing to fuck me. Reward me. Slow sensitive strokes of her hand as she spreads the lube along her big pink cock.

If you’d told me a year ago that sodomy was so beautiful, I’d have said ‘You’re full of shit.’ That’s what queer faggots do. It’s perverted.

The training was painful and humiliating at first.

One finger traces down my spine as she moves behind me. I watch her in the mirror. The finger lingers on my sphincter, then moves on. She gently fondles my hanging jewels and wiggled my caged cock.

“Mm. Baby are you ready?”

“Yes Your Highness.” Bit of a catch in my throat.

“Good. Bit of lube here…” She fingers some into my ass hole.


My Queen’s big knob pushes and spreads it’s way in. I try to relax down there.

There! It’s just in.

“Does that feel good, baby?”

Yes your MaAAA!” She suddenly rams all the way in, right to her balls.

She rams me hard and deep.

“Beautiful!” Ram. “Gaah.”

“Beautiful!” Ram. “Gaah.”

‘Tight.” Ram. “Gaah.”

“Ass.” Ram. “Gaah.”

Ram. “Gaah.”

Ram. “Gaah.”

Her dainty hands grip my shoulders. She slows the pace. Long smooth strokes.

her left hand strokes down my side. She reaches around my waist and starts fondling my balls. I feel the tingle rising.

I cum. A squirt with each slow deep plume of her pink cock. Mr. happy is crushed in his cage. I squirt and squirt as My Queen pumps and pumps.

The emotional letdown as she pulls out after pumping me dry. I lay there too drained to move as she releases the straps around my thighs.

She tosses her weapon towards her discarded panties, then sits on the red leather love seat.

“David. Come.”

I pull myself off the horse and crawl between her smooth legs and begin to kiss.

Our beautiful Sunday has just begun.


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