Taming the Scribe Ch. 3

Nine days later I was back in the Outfit’s DC office, where I spent one week a month. My relationship with the Outfit is that of a contractor of more or less permanent status. I share the office with three others and each of us has their own week of the month to work there and be available to senior staff. The small consulting firm I run in the South allows me to keep a certain level of autonomy while charging the Outfit a premium rate for my time and effort. However the fact my agreement must be renewed every six months is a constant reminder I am not staff, and work only at the continued pleasure of my department head.

I turned my computer on to find a secure email from Personnel advising me of Jennifer’s appointment and suggesting I make arrangements to visit with my new supervisor. There was also a much less formal email from her asking me to report to her office at 3pm. I bought myself tidying up some loose ends, skipped lunch, and at the appointed hour found my way to her third floor office and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” she said.

I walked in the door as she rose to greet me from behind the large desk centering the rear third of the room. Her smile was dazzling and she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek while shaking my hand. “Hello Craig, its great to see you again. You look absolutely wonderful, lets sit on the sofa shall we?”

The black leather sofa was long and soft, a holdover from the previous occasion. I slip down into the corner while she drew a file from her desk. When she sat on the sofa not three feet from me I could make out the subtle scent of Chanel Number 5, and subconsciously began to let my guard down.

We chatted for twenty minutes about a wide range of topics and I said more than I wanted to but I couldn’t help it. She was wearing a navy blazer with a classic over the knee khaki skirt that rode up ever so slightly when she crossed her legs. Legs that were much trimmer and shapedly than I remembered from before. Her hair was cut shorter now in the fashion favorited by the DC career woman during the hot summer months. It was lighter and I guessed she highlighted it, as at 35 or so she might be seeing the first signs of grey.

Damn! We were talking business and experience told me she would cut to the chase at any moment. Instead of focusing I was trying to imagine if that wonderful ass had toned up like her legs. I managed to shake that thought only to glance down at her chest when she turned her head briefly — to get a look at those magnificent breasts. But the damned blazer was buttoned and the filled white cotton blouse only hinted at what I knew to be below.

That night so long ago I had managed no more than a brief glimpse and a soft squeeze of those tits. They were the size of cantaloupes, nicely rounded and firm. Surely if…

“Craig! Are you paying attention here?” she said as she looked at me with something of a smile playing across those luscious lips. I merely nodded, but once caught, I was all business now.

“I was saying that your work is absolutely top rate. Your reports are always among the best in your group and you have distinguished yourself when working in the field. Then her eyes narrowed and her voice dropped a notch. There is only one problem we have with you Craig and I’m afraid it simply must be corrected.”

Her blue eyes burned into mine as she continued, “Your reports are often late, more so than the rest of the department combined. Craig, in my Terms of Reference it states in most specific terms that I will be held responsible for bringing you in line with departmental policy. What do you think I should do about this?”

She was right but I was not about to admit it. I took pride in my analytical skills and refused to submit a report or paper until I thought it was perfect. I was always wandering off on tangents to find that last elusive piece of the puzzle. Often I missed the deadline. “Jennifer I’m sure Iwill do better,” I said with my most sincere look.

She giggled and suddenly I was looking not into the eyes of the professional DC staffer but that recent college grad of so many years ago. “Oh sweetie I know you will, I just do. That’s why I feel so silly about this new discipline policy I’ve instituted for you. I’m sure it will never come to it but let me go over it briefly, OK?”

“Your report deadline for days you are in the office will be 8am. I don’t want you to be rushing to finish something during the days you are here and have meetings and such. When you are traveling in the field or with your consulting firm the deadline for work due on that day will be 5pm Washington time. Understand so far?”

I nodded my head.

“Craig, part of how I will be evaluated in this slot will be based on how well you shape up. Now not only have I pledged to whip you into shape but I have also suggested a slight increase in your work load. It will be tough for you but here’s howI can be certain you will succeed.” With that she reached under the sofa and pulled out a long wooden sorority paddle and smoked it forcedly against her open palm.

She leaned forward and suddenly I had just a glimpse of her swelling cleavage. “Craig, the first time you miss a deadline you will report to my office for a discussion session. You are then going to bend over my desk and I am going to give you twenty smacks on your bare ass with this old thing. I play a good deal of tennis and racquetball these days so I can assure you your bottom will be quite toasty when I’m finished.”

I stood up, furious. “Jennifer the only thing that’s finished is this conversation. If you think…”

“Sit down!” she commanded. “If you ever raise your voice like that to me again you will regret it, I assure you. You work for me and at my pleasure Craig.” I sat back down and she leaned forward, her face only inches from mine, as she placed the heavy paddle across my lap. “If I were totell you right now to slide down this sofa and eat my pussy out you would — if you know what was good for you…”

She stood up abruptly and pulled me to my feet like a football player helping a teammate up. Her grip was strong and powerful. Suddenly she was all sweetness again. “But I know you won’t be tardy Craig. We’re going to be a great team. I just know it.” With that, my first meeting with Jennifer in almost twelve years came to a merciful conclusion.

To Be Continued…


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