Taming Sayali Ch. 12

Dinner was an affair fraught with tension. There was so much conflict just below the surface that I felt as if I was in an ocean infected with sharks. Kanan and Neleema were obviously at odds with each other over Sayali and probably myself, if I could be so bold. Sayali seemed to be almost a common enemy when I considered her damaged relationship with her mother and former lecturer, not to mention Harsha, and to a degree myself as well. There was a degree of enmity between Kanan and Harsha and between the two teens as well.

There was a part of me that revealed in this conflict, since I stood to gain considerably if I could retain my vision of things and keep pressing towards my solution to this problem. If I could arrange an accommodation of sorts between Neleema and her wayward daughter, there was a place for me in that group. Neleema and I could probably restore our former relationship that was a most enjoyable one in a physical sense. In this alignment there was the chance that Sayali could eventually fall into my hands like ripe fruit from a low hanging bough.

A settlement between Sayali and Neleema would leave Kanan to my tender merges if I exerted myself. There was something strong between us and it might be more than physical, but frankly I did not want to think beyond bending this dark skinned creativity to my own selfish desires. Of all the possible futures that one seemed to be the most likely problem. I had to exert some internal discipline to prevent my thoughts from going from the general to the very particular. It took an effort of the will to erase the picture of Kanan, stark naked hanging by her wrists, her body welted from the whipping I was giving her for her temperament to oppose my will.

Sleeping arrangements was another challenge; letting Sayali join her mother, while Kanan and Harsha shared the other bedroom made sense. That would leave me sleeping alone, which was probably best under the circumstances. I made my suggestion and Neleema agreed, provided her daughter was suitable restrained so she would not be tempted to take her leave while we slept. Harsha did not look as if she was looking forward to spending the night under her professor’s care, but it was my guess that Kanan would be saving her energy for the morrow when things would get very serious.

As for myself, I was looking forward to a respite from the temptations of the flesh. Under Normal circumstances I would have been delighted to bed down with any of these women, and that included Harsha who had a body that attracted me physically. There were those fresh upturned breasts, deliciously rounded bottoms and all those curves and hollows to consider when it came to a choice of a proper bedmate for an evening’s dalliance. Alas, it was the curse of men that we were often governed by our groins and not our brains.

Preparing their charges for bed proved to be most entertaining. Neither Neleema nor Kanan were willing to share their beds. Kanan boundHarsha hand and foot after making her strip down to only her panties. She warned her in my presence that any noise from her would result in those panties being transferred into her mouth. I innocently inquired as to what would cause the girl to cry out during the night. This question obviously created some tension in both of them. I secretly was enjoying their disappoint, amusing myself by imagining Kanan joining Harsha on the floor so the girl could lick and kiss her hairy cunt until Kanan’s cum coated her face. Then again it might be required of Harsha to insinuate her knowing tongue between her teacher’s cheats and worship that pumped starfish until Kanan became so excited that she had to use her charge’s face like a cunt rag as she climaxed.

Neleem was more severe with her daughter. Sayali was made to strip naked and then Neleema bound her tightly to the rattan chair located a few paces from her bed. She proved to be quite adept at using the ropes to place her daughter into a very stressful position, her back forced to arch painfully and her legs wide spread, bent up under the chair and her ankles anchored to her tightly tied wrists. She then stuffed a pair of her soiled panties into the girl’s mouth and completed her bondage by cinching a short length of rope across her stuffed mouth to hold the rag in place. To check on the integrity of the girl’s bonds, she cruelly pinched one of her melon shaped breasts and twisted the flesh to create considerable pain for Sayali. The sounds that issued from her gagged mouth were muffled significantly, and a smile lit up her mother’s face.

“Perhaps I should take the strap to those big breasts of hers before I turn in for the night. I’ll bet you’d stay around to enjoy the sight of those beauty bouncing and dancing to the tune from my belt.” I refused to take the bait, which Disappointed her. She took another tack, this time insinuating that the reason I had chosen to sleep in the parlor was so that Kanan andI could have an opportunity to enjoy each other’s bodies while she had to keep one eye on her disobedient, lesbian daughter. I decided to not respond, and plant the seeds of insecurity in her mind. I observed that like herself, Kanan had left room in her bed for a companion, leaving open who that person might be. I could see that my barb had found some flesh.

Neleema played her trump card, removing the wrapping from her body to reveal those heavy breasts that I’d sucked and kissed by the hour, that rounded belly I’d licked and nibbled before moving down to her musky slit where I’d spend many an evening worshipping and plumbing, stirring up the juices that came from deep within it. I could feel my cock beginning to harden as I recalled our many nights in that very bed going at each other like two beasts responding to Our primary natures. I was most sorely tempted, but some different portion of my personality refused to allow me to respond in the manner that most of me wished. Neleema’s face grow cold and distant as she realized that I was refusing her offer of an evening in her bed as Sayali listened and caught an occasional glimpse of our emrithical bodies as we made ferocious love.

In an attempt to relieve some of the tension that appeared to be taking over my body, I opted for a long hot shower. As I stood under the warm water and soaped my body, the tension began to melt away. I was so engrossed in the easing of the strain that made my jaw muscles clnch, that I was completely caught off guard by the entry of Kanan into the shower stall, naked as the day she was born. She wasted no time in preliminaries, her hand gripping my flaccid cock and rubbing it against her hairy slit while her tongue snaked its way into my mouth.

My response was immediate and most direct, part of me had obviously been planning for just This moment and my movements were almost automatic. I grabbed her ass cheeses and kneaded them as we ground our crotches against each other.I began to suck her tongue and felt my cock hardening rapidly as she continued to stroke it and at the same time her teeth nipped my lips. I throw her against the side of the stall and pressed my body to hers, pinning a helpless Kanan against the tile. I began to maul her bare body, pinching and twisting her skin and raking my nails across her small pancake shaped tits and down her flanks, feeling the ridges of bone that composed her ribcage. I pushed my knee between her thighs and forced them open so I could enter her. She bit down on my shoulder as my cock broke through her defenses and began stretching that wet cunt that I sought. For the first time I was doing exactly what the animal part of my brain was ordering and I thoroughly enjoyed the sensing of being free to act on my needs, unburdened by the tyranny of my intelligence.

Without thinking, I had bent my knees so I could penetrate her as she leaned against the side of the shower stall. Now my passages grew and I grasped her under her arms and raised her body sufficiently that I could once more stand erect. Then I proceeded to give her cunt a furious battery as she just stared, mouth open, almost slack, her body being pounded brutally against the unyielding tile wall. I have no idea how long I remained in this frenzied state, but by the time I drenched her insides with my furious discharge, she was limp in my arms. I felt like bellowing my triumph! I had conquered this mocking, angry, exotic, erotic, conflicted, creativity. She would be bent to my will, nothing in this world could stop that from becoming true.

I have no collection of Kanan leaving the shower and returning to her bedroom. It was as if I were in a fog. My actions were those of a man in a trace. Then it sank into me what I had just done, and I exalted! There was so much anger Still locked within when it came to Kanan, that I knew what had transpired tonight was but a prelude to a lengthy and most daunting relationship. She would be a worthy challenge, but beneath her veneer of sophistication and cynicism there was a woman who had been severely harmed by numerous unthinking men, doing what the culture allowed them to do, uncaring about the effect it had on the unfortunate person who had been given with a bright mind and a will to succeed.

There was no interest on my part in being just another version of her father or brothers or those students who Thoughtlessly demeaned and degraded her without any consideration for the consequences it had on her life and spirit. Tearing her down to her essence and then rebuilding her into a stronger, more understanding representation was a task that might consume a significant fraction of the next few years. That was something to consider when I thought of the end of my sabbatical, mere months away.

I curled up on the divan in the parlor and fell fast wait. When I awoke the next morning, the sun was just beginning to transform the darkness. I lay there recallingthe startling but inevitable event that had occurred last evening. There were no recriminations, no feelings of guilt over what had translated. In point of fact there was great excitement about what was going to develop between Kanan and myself. Then I realized that my first loyalty still was to Neleema and her conflicted daughter who might be more twisted than any one of us knew.

That morning as we assembled for breakfast it became apparent that Neleema sensed something had happened to me that involved Kanan. The thin, dark teacher was very quiet, almost deferential towards both Neleema and me. The young women were still bound tightly and remained in their respective rooms, Sayali hogtied to the rattan chair while Harsha was still trying to find a comfortable spot on the wooden floor. I took a quick look at Kanan and caught her staring at me with a strange look on her sharp featured face. I glowered at her and she looked away, looking like a child who had been caught doing somehing wrong. For a few moments I retired what I could remember of last night in the shower and found myself getting hard. I was a bit angle at my lack of self control and vowed to take my anger out on whoever got in my path.

The tension between the two women was most palpable, and so I attempted to defend that issue. I cought to get their attention and said what had to be said. I made no excuse for taking what Kanan had offered and provided no apology whatsoever for my behavior. Neleema was staring daggers at the teacher and for one of those rare times, Kanan appeared to be on the defendive. I challenged my former lover to face me with whatever complaint she had concerning what had passed between Kanan and myself. Now it was her turn to shy away from confrontation with me. She was a wise woman, and realized that having me as an ally, Perhaps even a lover, would serve her best interests. I could already see her trying to accommodate this major shift in relationships.

The discussion now centered on Sayali. There were still bits and pieces of things that were not yet completely revealed. Rather than make a list of them, it might be better to merely force the truth, the entire truth from Sayali. Harsha’s testimony had proven to be mostly accurate, but there still remained a few unanswered questions that had to be resolved with her as well. To me it seemed the issues concerning Harsha’s version of the truth were minor matters that would have no significance once we were sure that Sayali was speaking the truth. In the event it was shown that Harsha had deliberately held something back or in any way shaded the truth to put herself in a better light, Kanan and I would give her the appropriate punishment the next time she visited the teacher’s apartment. That mollified Kanan, but I could see the wheels turning in Neleema’s head.

She feared that Kanan might gain a more secure position with me under these conditions. I was amused at how her jealousy blinded her to the obvious in this case. I suggested that Kanan return the girl Harsha until the three of us had broken Sayali to our complete satisfaction. Neleema was silent for a time, while Kanan expressed some degree of dismay that she would have to be away while the interrogation of the girl was taking place. To keep everyone relatively satisfied I agreed that Neleema and I would hold off questioning Sayali until Kanan returned. What was left unsad was that did not guarantee that we were going to avoid softening up the willful girl by any means deemed necessary.

Minutes after Kanan and Harsha left the house, Neleema and I headed for the bedroom where Sayali was being kept. I allowed Neleema to rid herself of all the frustration she had concerning her daughter. She grabbed the girl’s hair in her hands and began trying to yank it from her scalp using only her arms and hands. After a few frustrating minutes she had to rest to regain her strength. Sayali’s face was flush from the assault she had just weathered.

It was now my turn to try to gain a footballold with this stubborn teen. I homed in on her firm breasts, slapping those dusky globes from side to side, each slap a little harder than its predecessor. Her eyes grow wide as I continued to buffet her melon-like mounds with harder and harder slaps. Her eyes were like two knives trying to pierce my heart. I gloryed in her resistance. Her attitude and chicanery would not protect her from the creation that was gaining control of me. Perhaps it was related to that force that had taken over my body last night with Kanan.

When I captured her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and cruelly pulled them up until tears formed in her eyes, her body language changed. Still holding those nubbins in a grip of steel I began stretching them from side to side, varying the torment by twisting them in one direction than another, never allowing Sayali to prepare herself for whatever was to follow. Then I switched my attack to her long lustrous hair. Unlike her mother I did not try to use brute force to tear the hair from their roots. Instead I captured a small number of strands and literally plucked them from her scalp by the roots. Even with the gag, I was rewarded with some muffled grunts and a muted wavering cry of pain and distress. Momentarily satisfied, I stepped back to give Neleema another opportunity to take her vengeance on Sayali.

She grabbed a handful of her daughter’s hair and used it to hold her still as she swung her flat palm into the girl’s face, over and over until she couldn’t raise it. Then she switched hands and resumed pumping Sayali’s face with hard slap after slap, the sound echoing from the walls. This time around I aimed to make her afraid without pain, just the threat of it. I wrapped some of her hair around my fist and pulled upward to make her neck strain. She was taken by surprise and then when I drew back my closed fist as if preparing to smoke her face into pieces from the force of the blow, she lost control of her bladder and a stream of deep yellow, pungent piss arced out from her spread thighs and puddled in front of the chair. I feinted as if I was going to follow through with my punch, and she began to blubber like a little baby. She was very close to breaking down; soon we would be hearing from her lips what she had actually been doing this year both at college and Afterwards. However there was much more time before we would be joined by Kanan and I wanted to use it to give this temptress some disappoint and humiliation that I could design.

Neleema stood behind me, grinding her hips into mine. It looked like this taste for cruelty was manifesting itself in other ways. She made no pretense in front of an almost terrified Sayali, and reached a hand around and into my Trousers, and cradled my full scrotum. Sayali looked disinterested, except her eyes which still glared at us. With a dismissive grunt, Neleema turned away and led meback to her room where she wasted no time at all in letting me know how appreciated she was for my help.


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