Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.
I think just before my seemingly irrational outburst I know the truth about Sayali; she was indeed what Harsha had claimed! Now I was more than ever determined to wrap the truth from this dusky teen temptress. Neleema was coming out from the shock that my behavior had caused, and the look on her face indicated that she would be doing more than attacking my character. I quickly assumed a defendive posture and waited for whatever would come.
It was Kanan who seized the moment, and took full advantage of the stalemate that existed between Neleema and myself. “I’m glad to see you Finally accepting the truth about this whore. It’s taken you long enough to realize what I’ve known for months. Now it is time for action regardless of the consequences; this one must be exposed for what she is, and then it will be up to the three of us to decide whether she can be saved from herself. I might as well admit that I am convinced this imp is beyond redemption despite her youth.”
This bold approach had created some confusion in Neleema. She did not know which of us to take after first. Then Kanan continued to cause doubt in my lover. “Can you say for a fact that Your daughter is indeed a virgin? Have you taken the time to investigate her person to determine that she remains untouched? I can almost guarantee that you will be disappointed with the result.”
It could be seen from Neleema’s body language, the way her shoulders slumped, her tightly pursued lips, the widening of her eyes and the stiffness in her posture, that she had not done anything practical to determine whether or not Sayali was chaste. Kanan pressed her advantage. “Shall I find out for you or will you examine her yourself?” That challenge came like a slap across the face.Neleema flushed, trembled for a few seconds and moved towards Sayali. The look on the girl’s face told all, and when I glanced at Kanan, her face was as close to a smile as I’d seen in some time.
Neleema glared down at her daughter, and then abruptly left the room, leaving me in the company of two women that sorely tempted me. Both were naked and definitely available. Sayali because she was restrained and in as vulnerable a position as a naked eighteen year-old could be. Kanan because of the mutual attraction, or was it primary lust, that bound us together. Kanan licked her lips and brushed her hand across her hairy crotch, as if teasing or was she daring me to make the first move in that little ritual mating dance that was common to all species including humans.
Kanan arched her back which pushed her black thatched vulva towards me. I could smell her body’s odor, an aroma of pure unadulterated sex. My cock began to grow stiff, eager to join itself to that dark-skinned bodythat was composed of hair, bones, skin, and a dripping sex that was beginning to overcome my sense of civilization. I was saved from my urges by the return of Neleema, grim faced and holding what looked like a baster in one hand. There was no doubt that the turkey to be basted was her own daughter. Sayali began to struggle against her bonds which held fast.
Once again Kanan took the initiative and spread the lips of Sayali’s cunt wide, looking up at Neleema with a face bathed in mischief. During all this time Sayali was motionless, no facial expressions, no movements of her body against the bonds that held her fast to the bed, nothing. Neleema paid Kanan’s mocking look no heed, and positioned the tip of the long plastic tube at the entrance to the girl’s vagina. “Now for the truth!” she exclaimed, pushing the baster into her daughter’s swollen-lipped passage.
Kanan and I watched as inch after inch of the plastic kitchen tool went into Sayali. “So, now the truth will be known.”Kanan said as she nodded her head in the direction of the girl’s cunt, still swallowing more of this damning implementation that was finding no resistance. Suddenly Neleema jammed the entire length into her daughter with a cry of disgust, bringing a grunt of pain from her as she felt it bottom out against Sayali’s uterus.
“All this proves is that her hymen is not intact; there could be any number of innocent reasons for her condition. Why don’t we let the girl tell us what caused this situation?” I had said it so quickly that even I was surprised at my boldness. If anything, this was a matter for women to decide, not a male who was not of their family. Kanan gave me a look of condescension, Neleema, one of surprise and Sayali just glowered at the three of us. At that point I mentally gave her over to the not so tender mergers of the two women. I turned on my heel and took my leave.
By the time I reached the chair by the window looking into the sheltered part of the property that now housed Harsha, I could hear muffled shrieks and screams coming from the bedroom. The sounds rose and fall and new ones were added. I recognized those as leather meeting flesh. I witnessed and mentally pictured the two furious women lashing the helpless girl as she understood in pain on that sweat soaked mattress, her hands and feet struggle to be free of the bonds that held her in place.
To escape the sounds that were growing more intensity by the minute I took refuge in the secluded area of the courtyard sheltered by the tall trees that provided shade from the blistering sun for at least part of the day. It was mid afternoon by now, and I managed to find some shade. I settled into a chair and began to leaf through the book I had brought with me. I guess Harsha must have heard my arrival, for she called out to me. I tried to ignore her cries, but at last I approached the edge of the pit and peered down to where she was huddled. “How long must I remain in this sinking place?” sheasked, looking up to me. I had no answer. Again she asked, this time in a much louder voice. I realized that there was a slight chance that her voice might carry to the road going past Neleema’s home. Why not release the girl from the pit and allow her to rest out here in the shade and perhaps even have some iced tea with me as I perused the pages of my book.
I had forgotten that Harsha was as naked as the day she was born and bore the welts that had been inflicted on her by Neleema and Kanan. The little vixen had also not forgotten my prong going deep down her throat and nearly suffocating her. She gave me a wide berth for a time, but once she realized I had no intentions of raping her, she became more comfortable. “I will tell you more than I told them if you will promise to protect me.” Her offer had the ring of truth to it and so I agreed, telling her to wait here while I fetched something for her to drink and tried to find something that would give her body a bit of protection.
At last Harsha and I sat opposite each other, she sipping on a glass of iced tea, her third, and the first she had not downed in a few gulps. I had located a piece of Sayali’s clothing that covered the girl’s loins, but left her breasts exposed, a most distracting display I had to admit. As I passed the room where the two women were beating Sayali, the sounds of leather striking skin had diminished significantly, probably due to exhaustion on their part.
Harsha put her glass down and after taking a deep breath, she launched into her amazing story. “Everything I have said about Sayali is true. She has been with both sexes; she has had multiple male sex partners at the same time, all true, but at the same time, not true.” Her statement perplexed me greatly. I asked, actually demanded, her to explain this mysterious comment about true and not true. She cast her eyes downward for a moment, took another even deeper sight and continued.
“Let me go back to the time I first saw Sayali in the showers with the other girls in the college. It was last year and she had just blowmed. Her development had sparked the interest of a number of senior girls who were attracted more to girls than boys. Sayali was easily coated into joining them for some innocent fun that soon became more passwordate and quite a bit more demanding when it came to what the seniors wanted from her. One thing led to another and soon Sayali was being regularly marched back into the deepest receipts of the shows. This area was known to all as the province of those only interested in girl-girl activities. By the end of the year Sayali was the pet of the top lesbian in the college; a student so well connected that no professor or administrator dare interfere with her on such matters as those involving Sayali and herself.”
“During that summer I was told that Sayali was introduced to a very rich and most influential lesbian who decided to take the girl under her wing, so to speak. To make Sayali acknowledge her control and dominance when it came to their relationship, she would have her deliberately offer her body to a number of male gangs that sought out young girls to have sex with. Sayali did as she was ordered on many occasions, becoming quite popular with one particular group of males. I know for a fact, because Sayali told me, that she was most unhappy over her patron forcing her to have sex with males, which was disgusting as far as she was concerned. In fact this is what led to their breakup just before college resumed this year.”
Everything began to fall in place, but the picture that was taking shape was not one that either I or Neleema could be happy about. I dreaded having to break this news to all involved, but then I caught myself. What about the mark that was supposed to be on Sayali’s body? Without that as evidence, Harsha’s story was just that, a story, one of fiction if you choose not to accept what she said. “Where is the mark” I asked.
Harsha looked down at her lap and fidgeted some. I was beginning to become a bit annoyed at her behavior. Just as I was about to escort her to either the pit or the bedroom where Sayali was being beaten seriously, she brightened considerably. “I think it has to be between her toes. The mark is broken up into eight sections; that must be where it is.”
I feel as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. However there was still the matter of Harsha’s relationship with Kanan. “Why didn’t you tell Kanan about where the mark was?” I asked.
Harsha’s answer took me by surprise. “She knows what you know. She beat it out of me with that terrible weighed cane. I would do anything to avoid being beaten with it and she uses that to make me do the things to her that are done by lesbians. I am convinced that she is a lesbian herself, or is too afraid of men to allow them near enough to her to do what men do with women. She will never have a man as long as she has a young girl to dominate and abuse. I know, look at what she has brought me to, sexually satisfied her, being sodomized by my own father almost every day and being beaten half to death by my outraged mother. I sometimes think the only way out of my current life is to offer myself to a man, any man, who will take me away from this terrible state I have fallen into. There are other times that I know Kanan has her mind made up to somehow get Sayali under her control. If and when that happens, my life may become much better, but I despair that it will happen.”
Harsha’s story made sense, tying together all that I had heard from Kanan, with some modest shadings to certain portions, and the little that I could get from Sayali, who was in truth, not what she seemed. I tried to sum it all up in my mind so that when I confronted all the parties with what I now know, I’d be prepared for the reaction that would come from each. First and foremost, Sayali was definitely on the path towards becoming a dedicated lesbian. Whether she could be moved from it was unknown, but worth a try. Her mother Neleema would be devastated with this revelation and might drive Sayali from her house and life or attempt to coerce her into becoming something that she could not be. Kanan might take the opportunity to take Sayali from Neleema and use her for her own needs, which would only drive the girl further into the lesbian lifestyle as a submissive partner.
Of course there was my own selfish position to satisfy as well. I finally had to be honest with my own feelings; I too wanted to possess Sayali, body and soul. If given a choice between the two, I probably would accept her body as long as it remained firm, rounded and willing to allow me to play it like the wonderful instrument it could be in my hands. Armed now with all the positions that would likely be taken by all parties concerned, I made my way towards the bedroom accompanied by a half naked Harsha who was beginning to look more and moreattractive as we moved through the house.
Our entry interrupted Kanan who was in the process of fisting Sayali, her entire hand swallowed by the teen’s cunt. It was a strange sight to see only the teacher’s arm protruding from the girl. Neleema was staring down at her daughter whose face was contorted with lust and pain reacting to this foreign object now residing within her body. “Enough of this charade, stand away from the girl and listen to what I have to say. I grew tired of this bickering, lying and the perpetual jockeying for position that you two have been taking since you first met.” I do believe that the tone of my voice made both women cease their activities and pay close attention to what I had to say. With no preamble, I launched into my analysis of the situation and the strong, and I must admit self-serving, Recommendations that I had to solve the issues that were separating us.
“Let me begin by saying that at this time Sayali’s tastes run to the female side of the ledger. She has been deliberately skewed in this direction and I don’t know if her current bent can be changed. I do know one thing; force alone is not the total answer. Her previous relationships with men have been forced upon her if what Harsha has told me is true, and I believe her. Sayali has indulged in this behavior not for her pleasure, but for the pleasure of the one who made her do these things.”
“This brings me to Kanan. You my dear woman have been less than fully truthful and I shall deal with you in private, perhaps at your apartment where we will be undisturbed while I make an attempt to elevate your consciousness concerning who you are and what you can be in the future. You must know now that my approach will be painful at times, but it is what you need. I must admit that you and Sayali may be fated to be together, that remains to be determined. However it will not be addressed until you and I have reached an accommodation concerning the girl.”
“Neleema, youhave the most challenging prospect before you. I know that you have an aversion to things between women, so be it. However your daughter is still your flesh and blood. You must be willing to either accept the possibility that her path is not yours when it comes to matters sexual, or she will desert you forever, leaving you an empty shell.”
“Sayali does carry a mark, and Kanan knows where it is and what it says. Perhaps you would like to take the first step in the process of redeeming yourself when it comes to telling the truth.” All eyes were now fixed on the dark skinned woman. The look on her face was tense, almost resistant. I gave her a count of five and then moved towards the bed. “Stop! I will show you.” she said in a voice that was stressed, perhaps indicating just how traumatic this moment was to her and her plans.
Sayali made no attempt to resist as Kanan separated her toes and showed Neleema and myself the faith marks inscribed in the webbing. “Harsha told you ofThese; she will be punished severely once we leave here today. I will turn her bottom into a chunk of raw flesh and rub salt into it!” Her threat terrified the half naked teen-ager who began to tremble at the prospect of taking that weighed cane until she fell unconscious from the pain.
I glared at the teacher and wagged a finger in her direction. “If you do that to her I will make you rue the day you ever came onto This earth. Perhaps Neleema might wish to assist me as I turn your skinny body into a pulpy mass of bleeding flesh from browser to toes.” Now it was Kanan’s turn to shake, but there was more to her reaction than just fear. Was it possible that such a fate was not totally unpalatable to her? There was much more to discover within his exotic creativity’s makeup, and I might have the enjoyable task of making her give up her secrets to me, grudgingly I might imagine. That would make my efforts even more enjoyable. I wondered what the shopkeeper might have in his inventory that would be useful when it came to taming Kanan?
The day was giving up its light and so I suggested that all of us remain here for the night, and then on the morning come to some type of agreement concerning Sayali and the role they expected to play in bringing her to heel. Since no one argued to the contrary, we freed the bruised and bleeding Sayali from her bonds and allowed her and Harsha to clean themselves up while the women prepared dinner and I relaxed with a small aperitif to celebrate my success. Tomorrow would be a very interesting day for all concerned.
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