Taming Sayali Ch. 10

Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.


All good things must come to an end, and so it was with my situation. Neleema sensed my approaching ejaculation and let my member pop free from her mouth. It bounced up and down, hard and ready for whatever wished to challenge it. I could still feel the strong probing that Kanan’s tongue was delivering as she skillfully excavated the area between my buttocks. “Stop or else he will be unable to do the job. I want to see that little whose’s face turn color as his stiff cock plugs her throat and deprives her of any air. We’ll soon see how honest this bitch she has been with us.” I let out a small sight of sadness as the moist hot tongue departed, leaving a region that started to cool rapidly as the wet film she had left behind began to evaporate.

As Neleema had promised, Harsha’s teeth had been totally neutralized. It took a few trial thrusts before my hard cock began its journey down her throat. I watched her eyes as I pressed my advantage, shoving another inch or so into her propped open mouth. She began to blink and as I moved even deeper, the blinking became rapid and then erratic as her throat muscles began to react to the intruder that was filling her air passage. Her head began to move from side to side as she attempted to explore my throbbing length of hard flesh. I moved my hips and thrust harder, pushing further down her throat. Now there were tears flowing from her eyes which had become dilated and moved first one way and then another as if seeking some escape from what was befalling her.

To steady myself and get some extra leverage I leaned forward and placed my hands into her hairy armpits. I continued to push steadily, making small progress as her throat convulsed and provided a sensing that was unlike anythinging I had experienced. Her struggles were becoming more frantic as she tried to explore me from her throat so she could gain some air. I must confess that I enjoyed this unequal contest; having this youthful temptress under my complete control, no, determining her fate was more accurate, gave me a feeling of power that was unique. I withdraw my engaged member from her throat and allowed her to gasp for breath Before jamming it back down her throat, going even deeper this time and then watching her face contort and gradually turn to a darker shade until she got her breath back as she finally started taking short gasps of her breath through her nose.

As if this wasn’t enough, I felt Kanan’s hands rubbing my buttocks, then pushing against them to assist my slow penetration of Harsha. I didn’t think it possible for my erection to Become any harder, but her efforts proved me wrong. I was sorely tempted to pull my stiff length from the teen’s spasming gullet and use it to dominate Kanan. My lust was mixed with the urge to dominate this birdlike creativity who seemed to have some strange hold over me. I wanted to break free and at the same time make her my slave to do with as I pleased. My dark side was on the verge of taking over.

It was Neleema who brought me back to reality. She had me release my cock from the confines of Harsha’s convulsing throat with a loud sucking sound as my saliva coated cock came into view. Kanan continued to massage my buttocks and even took the liberty of inserting a knowing finger into my rectum and moved it forward to find that lump of flesh that physically controlled my lusts.

While Harsha cought and sputtered, gradually recovering her strength, Kanan continued to manipulate me. Her middle finger continued to massage my prostate and her other hand was now gently squeezing my testicles, checking for how ready I was to erupt. Neleema grinned at my ambivalent reaction to the treatment I was receiving from the teacher. On the onehand I was truly on the verge of ejaculating. One careless move on Kanan’s part and I would coat her hand with my cum. I imagined the look of satisfaction that would be on her face as I lost control and paid homage to her sexuality. This thought kept me from acting out the fantasy. I wanted to be the one in control of things, not her. If her brothers could bend her to their will, why not me? She would be an excellent concubine, making herself available whenever my needs had to be satisfied. In my more rational moments I would feel contribute over having become this creativity feeding and growing on the fuel from my lusts, but now I was possessed and it was a wonderful feeling to be free of convention and all the other trappings of civilization.

“Again! Make the little whore choke!” I blindly followed Neleema’s exhortation and resumed thrusting my aching cock down the girl’s throat, blocking her passageway with my hard length of throbbing meat. This time I showed her no mercy, ramming myself deeper and deeper as she struggled. Once more I was gaining leverage from using her armits as a fulcrum. For some odd reason I felt this disappoint protrusion in the skin, although it was completely hidden from sight by the tangle of thick curly hair that bloomed in those sweaty hollows. I found myself concentrated more and more of my attention onto this tiny area that seemed to have too much texture and definition for what I assumed it to be.

My concentration was broken when Kanan’s finger poked just hard enough against my enlarged, throbbing prostate to trigger an exploration that sent torrents of my boiling seed down Harsha’s convulsing throat as she swoonted from the combination of no air and the stream of salty fluid that poured down her gullet to ultimately settle in her stomach. Neleema tried to pull me from the girl, but was Unsuccessful. I was enjoying her ages and the tremendous release of tension that the insinuating finger of that dark skinned seductress had produced in me. I managed to drive even more of my still hard cock down the teen’s throat as her face turned an ugly dark shade. Neleema dug her nails into my shoulder and screamed for me to cease my efforts.

Harsha had been so frightened by my second assault that the girl had lost control of her bladder and soaked the mattress with her acrid urine. Despite the wetness and the stench I was still fascinated by the little Imprint etched into her skin. I grabbed the teen by her throat with one hand and she tried to shrink, but was not able due to my powerful grip on her neck. I had her as if she was some small animal in the jaws of a tiger. Her eyes bulged with fear and her body trembled at the menacing sight she confronted. Later on Kanan confessed that she became tremendously excited at my behavior, realizing that there was something of substance lurking beneath my rather bland exterior. This something made her wet with desire and she decided at that point that one way or another wewould share a bed either here or somewhere else.

“I am curious as to what that mark in your armit is? Tell me, or I’ll throttle you again, and this time I won’t be so easily determined from harming you.” Harsha was completely at my mercy and had no option but to tell me what this mark was. For some strange reason I believed it had some type of connection between Harsha and perhaps Sayali. My instincts were soon proven to be correct.

I released my hand from her throat and she took a ragged breath before speaking. “It is their mark.” was all she said at first. I frowned and she quickly began to tell the story of the mark and what it means. We hung on every word.

“There are various groups of men and boys who enjoy the thrill of hunting down girls and women such as myself who will gladly Provide them with the type of pleasure that they seek. Each group has a mark that identifies them to other groups. Each group has a special place on the female’s body where the mark is placed. It signifies that she is the property of that group. Any other group that may choose to use her must pay some form of tax. The more attractive the female, the greater the tax. Any female who thinks the fact that she had been used by another group will suffer greatly. It is not uncommon for an offending female to have one of her nipples cut off for a first violation of the group’s honor. It has been said that one wild woman who was in her early twentyties and yet unwed had her cunt lips and clip cut from her body for repeated offenses to her group’s reputation.”

Neleema was quick to connect the story to Sayali. “Am I to believe that my daughter has such a mark on her body, hidden from my eyes?” Harsha cast her eyes downward and gave a small nod of her head. My lover grazed the girl by her hair and shook her head violently, all the time yelling, “Tell me, tell me! Where is this mark so I may look upon it and know you to be telling the truth about my daughter?”

“It is unknown to me. I know all those that share my mark; Sayali is not among them.” Harsha’s reply had the ring of truth. Much work had yet to be done before the truth about Sayali was revealed. It was obvious what our next step must be. However before we took Sayali from the pit and began to interrogate her, it was essential that we saw what Harsha’s mark looked like. Kanan left the room and returned bearing a razor.

Harsha was no match for the combined strength of Neleema and myself. We held her steady as Kanan shawed away the coache hair guarding the little mark. The girl screamed loudly and struggled mightily. At last the mark came into view. The symbol meant nothing to me, but Kanan was swift to observe that it represented one of the minor gods, one that had power over lost souls Who wandered in darkness, seeking an exit from their ceaseless wanderings. Upon further examination, Kanan announced that there was a number located within the mark. To me this had no significance, but while Kanan stated that the number probably had some meaning, she was at a loss to explain what it was.

Harsha volunteered that the symbol had been burned into her armpit by an electric need at her initiative into the group’s camp followers. The man who did it was a tattoo artist who was employed by all the groups in this capacity. We threatened Harsha with dire consequences if she even hinted to Sayali that we He knew of this mark. This done we marched the teen from the house and out towards the pit that contained Sayali. It was now her turn to be examined. This time instead of being a trio of blind persons, we had enough sight to be able to understand the mark that would prove Harsha’s accusations. There still remained the challenge of either finding the mark ourselves or forcing Sayali to reveal its location. There was always the chance that she would prove her innocent by not bearing this stigma.

Sayali’s eyes widened when she saw the condition of Harsha’s weltedbody. We made the transfer quickly and marched our prisoner into the house for her initial interrogation. Although the ejaculation that Kanan had produced less than thirty minutes previously, I was sexually aroused by the sight of those firm buttocks twitching from side to side as she padded into the house.

The girl put up a struggle when she saw the condition of the bed upon which we would spread her naked body for the examination. Her struggles were to no avail and within minutes she was on her back, wrists tied together and anchored to the headboard, her legs spread wide, ankles tied tightly to the posts at the foot of the urine soaked bed. I excused myself and left her to the not so tender mergers of Neleema and Kanan. My part in this charade would come only after they had softened her up with a barrage of blows from the paddle, flogger and even Possibly Kanan’s rattan cane. That decision I had left to Neleema. I also had reserved the use of that special implementation I had recently purchased for myself. The shop keeper’s remarks concerning its use were still fresh in my memory. I wondered if I had enough discussion to only use it as he had advised.

I sat by the window staring out into the rear courtyard where Harsha was hidden and listened to the sounds emanating from the bedroom. I easily recognized the two voices and the sounds made by the leather lengths as they ate into Sayali’s naked body. My mind formed mental pictures based on the sounds I heard. There was the grunt that came from Neleema followed by the splat sound indicating a blow to that plump mound of fatty tissue that was the entry to Sayali’s most secret place. This in turn was followed by the whistling of the flogger as it cut through the air to flatten one of her firm breasts. Kanan was delivering machine like blows to Sayali’s bare body, seeming to move from her breasts to her belly. My erection had returned with renewed vigor and I felt it pressing against my trousers in hopes of beingfreed.

The one sound I was not able to hear was Sayali’s voice. It disappointed me in a sense because it would have added more fuel to the fire that was beginning to rage almost out of control within me. Evidently the women had taken the same approach to her discipline as they had used on Harsha. I wondered whether Kanan was now stark naked, that thick mat of uncontrollable, black, springy pubic hair running free. In my vision she was, because those white cotton panties were now securely wedged inside of Sayali’s mouth to stiffle the yelps and screams that were the result of the merciless lashing her naked body was receiving.

It was fast approaching the time for my grand entrance onto the stage. I arose and went to the closet in our bedroom and retrieved the latest purchase I had made from that little shop that turned out to be a treasure trove for my needs. I hefted the single rounded strand of tooled leather, imagining it plowing deep into Sayali’s slit, splitting her plump cunt lips and creating a pain that was unlike anything she could conceive. If anything, my erection was even harder than the one that had been generated in response to the sight of that dark, half-naked creativity that had captured and focused my lusts.

This time I entered unannounced; Neleema did not have to invite me. For once my day dream had been accurate; Kanan Jorsay was naked, completely naked, her ebony body covered only by a film of perspiration that was the result of the effort she was putting into the beating that she and Neleema were giving Sayali. She glanced over to me for but a second and then brought the leather lash down across Sayali’s heaving belly. I was unaware that she had brought more things than just her cane.

I could not avoid staring fixedly at her bare body, especially her hairy crotch that did an excellent job of hiding her treasures from my gaze. I was astonished at the muscle development she displayed. Her buttocks were two tightly bunched slabs of flesh, firm and surprisingly rounded for one as slim as she. I was immediately transported to another place and time where my hard cock was splitting her twin mounds of muscle flesh as she lay beneath me, her hands holding those firm chefs apart, making it easier for my hard ram to penetrate that winding eye centered deep within that crevice.

Tearing myself away from Kanan’s naked body was a challenge that I managed to overcome. As I suspected, Sayali’s mouth was stuffed with something white that was held in place by a length of twin tightly knotted across her pursued lips. Her breasts were swollen and had been receiving a great deal of attention from both women. Even as I noted their condition, Neleema flattened them both with one swing of the flogger. Sayali’s mons was equally swollen; a trail of deep welts had have created over the fronts of her legs and the tender insides of her tapering thighs.

It was Neleema who tore the gag from Sayali’s mouth. She gave her daughter little time to prepare herself for the barrage of questions she was asked. “Are you ready to tell the truth? Do you need more of the whip and perhaps your teacher’s cock jammed down your throat until you suffocate? Where is the mark? Don’t lie, we know you have one, where is it?” Sayali refused to answer. For her silence she was rewarded with a cut of Kanan’s strap across her face. She shrieked in shock and pain. “Speak or I’ll cut your lying face into pieces.” Kanan said, raising her arm to deliver another blow. Sayali turned her head in anticipation of the blow and this time the strap exploded over her tightly shut eyes, bringing an even louder scream from the girl.


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