Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.
My luck was good and Ms Kanan Jorsay agreed to meet with me later in the morning. In fact she even accepted my invitation to have lunch, if her schedule permitted. I arrived a few minutes before our meeting, having found my way to the room with little difficulty. Her directions had been terse but easy to follow. This young woman was obviously an orderly, well organized person based on this and the information I had glean from Neleema.
In person this short, slim, dark skinned woman acted as if she was at least twenty centimeters taller and perhaps twenty kilograms heavier. She extended her tiny, bony hand in greeting and I took it, surprised at its cooling. Her grasp was quick and amazingly firm for a woman of her size. Kanan’s face was almost skeletal, her skin stretched in sharp planes over the bony ridges of her cheeses and eye sockets. Her jaw was a clinched line that gave her the appearance of some bird of prey that had long since became extinct. Her eyes were hidden behind the tinted lenses of her glasses, their design narrowing her face even more. There was no way that she could be described as pretty or passable, but her face was unlike any I had ever seen. This was an exotic creation from our primary past come to judge her descendants.
For some reason my penis was hardening; I could not believe how my body and portions of my mind were reacting to this birdlike creativity. Later my now strange behavior would become routine whenever I was in her presence, and I would no longer be anything but thrilled over my response to whatever that small, ball of angry flesh was radiating From somewhere deep within her.
She immediately took control of our meeting, asking me a series of rapid fire questions, each one tied securely to its predecessor. Within minutes she knew quite a bit about me while keeping herself nearly a complete stranger. My erection was still intruding into my attempts to gain some control of our discussion. After being assured that I was indeed a member of the teaching profession, and had some knowledge about certain flaws that Sayali possessed, she paused. I foolishly thought she was allowing me an opportunity to make some queries of my own. But before the first words could come from my mouth she delivered the first of many devastating blows aimed at my young pupil.
“There are times that I am firmly convinced that she is the reincarnation of some evil creation from the past. In my more charitable moments I believe her to be spoiled and in need of guidance and extremely firm discipline. She is not untalented when she applies herself, which is infrequent, but sufficient enough to totally frustrate me as a teacher. The new ways of our country have made it impossible to use the type of approach that I often experienced when growing up and even while I was at university.” It was becoming very difficult to contain myself, to continue to act the part of a disinterested service just wanting to know the easiest path to success with Sayali. I began to realize that here was a kindred spirit of sorts. I began to fantasize her as my assistant, an eager helpmate in the taming of this little imp. Kanan must have read Some of these thoughts from my face. For the first time that stern configuration of skin and clenched muscle broke into something resembling a smile. To be honest it looked at first as if it were a grimace of disappoint, until I noted the relaxing of certain portions of her dark face. I pressed on with a more comfortable feeling about this matter.
I decided that I had to draw this young lady out further, and this was not the proper Venue for it. I suggested we discuss the matter of discussion with respect to Sayali over an early lunch. Her smile grow tEighter as she nodded her head. Kanan took the lead, and within minutes we were in a small, dark restaurant. We were seated, at her request, well away from the main flow of traffic to the elaborate buffet of Indian dishes that were simmering over the small candles keeping them warm. To my surprise she ordered a cocktail. In my experience few Indian women drank, and the thought of her returning to teach with liquor on her breath seemed to be the height of arrestance on her part. I had much to learn about Kanan, and I was about to have my first lesson.
She leaned forward once the waiter had disappeared into the darkness and said in a low voice tinged with venom, “I have had fans about beating that one bloody.” I was utterly stunned. I could do nothing but try to accustom myself to the dimness and search for her face to see if perchance she had just made a joke. Even before I could start reading her features she confirmed the sincerity of her initial comment. “In my mind, I’ve turned those bouncing breasts into strips of raw bleeding meat on more than one occasion as she spitefully ignored my instructions or feigned ignorance concerning what they meant.” I could feel her mirrored eyes drilling a hole into my deepest receptions, and at the same time I began to detect the fearest of scents emanating from her. I felt like an animal picking up the smell of another of my kind. I grew excited; my penis once more unsheathed at the prospect of becoming one with this exotic young woman. She was turning into something beyond my most optimistic expectations or fansies.
It was time to reveal my true intentions to Kanan; failure to do so might alienate us before we even had a chance to bond. With a deep breath I told her briefly of what had happened the previous evening, presenting the highlights and trying to conceal as much as I could About how I felt as I tore into Sayali’s firm breasts and that yawning crevice of a cunt. She reached across the table and once more I was treated to the sensing of her small bony hand transmitting another one of her unspoken thoughts to me. The arrival of the waiter with her cocktail and my iced tea broke the spell momentarily. She took a long sip from the chilled contents of her glass and then started to tell me the brief story of her life. I hung on every word.
“I grew up as the youngest in a home ruled with an iron hand by my father, who was a constable in our little Town located on the Malabar Coast. I was least favored for two reasons, being the youngerest and the only girl. I had two older siblings who with the passage of time assumed positions of authority and control over me as well. My mother knew her place and kept within its borders. I was totally at the mercy of the males of my family. I still remember the first time I received a taste of my father’s wide leather belt, the one that was part of his uniform. You talk about symbolism; I learned well its meaning.” “A minor squabble between me and the younger of my two brothers soon bloomed into an ugly confrontation. Before I knew what was happening I was stripped to the skin and over my father’s lap. I will never forget the first taste of that horrible belt. It was as if I had stuck my hand into a light socket. He only gave me three strokes with a lengthy pause between each to let the pain radiate throughout my shivering body. I was in too much pain to be aware of my nakedness and the shame it would induce in me as I grew older.” “By the time I turned eighteen my brothers took an interest in my department and began to mete out their own punishments with the full approval of my father who was neither a pervert nor a sadist. He was just your typical Indian male animal, interested in critic, chess and making sure that he was properly fed and entered in the bedroom by his concubine, my humble, self-effacing mother.”
“They always insisted I be stark naked, even though I had very little evidence to show that I was a female,Let alone a budding female. My chest was flat with no signs of the pumpiness that indicates the growth of those prized manifestations of womanhood. My slit was a thin line, totally devoid of hair. My buttocks were non-existent as were my hips. For some strange reason this only served to increase their curiosity and heighten their sexual interest in me.”
“It was Ramu, the oldest, who deflowered me one hot afternoon After he had flogged me to the point that I became ill from the pain radiating from my blistered buttocks. This new and terrible pain coming on top of the age I was still experiencing from the beating caused me to pass out as he breached the thin membrane guarding my innocent. When I avoided my senses, I discovered that my thighs were smelled with blood and this brought on a panic that was quickly suppressed by Ramu. He ordered me to wash myself and to tell no one of this or it would go very hard on me later.”
“Ramu did not touch me again in this way. He haddiscovered that there was an ocean of young local girls only too glad to spread themselves for him in hopes that it would lead to a permanent union. However he continued to discuss me whenever the spirit moved him. I soon began to notice that my punishments were almost always linked to some real or imagined slight that he had suffered from one of his many “concubines”, as I called them. It was almost humorous to hear him uttering the name of one of these sluts as he walled my bare bottom with his hand or worse still, his belt. By then I was old enough to understand that making fun of his disappoint would only bring worse punishments down on me.”
“Kumar, my other brother, kept his distance, perhaps afraid to challenge Ramu for the right to hurt me. Life became almost peaceful for a number of years. Then for the first time in my life I was apparently free of the optimistic environment of my home. At least I thought that I was. I always had been a good student, but like my mother I knew that it was unwise to call attention to oneself in most cases if you were a woman. For all the talk about women being free, it was not the case in this part of India where I lived.”
“By some miracle I managed to win a scholarship to the University at Pune, some distance up the coast. It was far enough away that there was no option except for me to live there. I was thrilled beyond words. With good fortune, in three years I would be able to strike out on my own, finally completely free of the prison in which I had dwelt for my entire life. I quickly discovered that I had traded one prison or another.”
“In the women’s wing of the multi-storied dormitories that covered huge swats of land, it was three to the unit, a tight fit for those used to the comforts of single bedrooms. My two companies were friends who had managed to get around the random drawings that were supposed to people each unit. Initially this was of no concern to me in my excitement to begin my newlife.”
“Shirlyn and Sheila were from Bhopal, a city of one million, where many years ago four thousand people died in a chemical accident, the worst in modern history. They came from families that were beginning to move away from the old Indian culture and adopting the new ways including names for their children. I wondered why they had not decided to attend the large modern university located in their city. It all became apparent within a few weeks.” “Those two were much taller, lighter in skin color and more attractive than I. They nicknamed me ‘Monkey’ because I was so small and dark. At first I took no offense, it seemed to be more an affectionate than demeaning name. I was to be proven wrong on this matter as well.”
“One weekend what started out to be a roughhousing that was normal for college girls such as us, penned up for weeks on end as our hormones ran wild, turned into something terrible. The two of them ganged up on me and easily overcame my resistance. My clothesing was speedily removed and I was wrestled to one of the beds. I still was not aware of my peril, even when my wrists were secured to the head of the bed and my legs parted and roped to the base. I was still laughing until my mouth was stuffed with a pair of underpants and tape was used to hold them in place. I suddenly knew that something bad was about to happen to me. I was proven correct rather rapidly.”
“I remained bound to that narrow bed for nearly twenty-four hours. By the time they freed me I was sore, swollen and broken to their wills. They introduced me to their vibrators and Shirlyn’s dildo, a straw-on affairs. It took them some many hours to induce my first orgasm, and after that, I was their slave. They gave me a short course in how to pleasure them, taking turns presenting their neighborly trimmed cunts for me to lick, kiss and suck. Failure to follow their instructions to the letter resulted in pain. I was pinched, slapped, jabbed and given a taste of the neither of them could hit with the force of my father or Ramu, these two knew all those places on a woman where the straw would hurt the most.”
“From then on I had additional duties beside going to classes and studying. I kept our unit spotless and neat at all times, did all our laundry, helped them with their course work and learned all the various ways that a woman could make another woman happy in bed. I was not allowed to Wear any clothes when we were in the unit, another way of demeaning me. Within a few weeks this new routine was no longer threatening to me; I had adapted myself to my new prison.” “Of course I was beating on occasion, usually for trivial mistakes. I knew that my beatings were not for the reasons given, but rather to reform their mastery over me. It was no longer necessary to use restraints when I took the straw. I would merely lean forward and support myself on my outstretched arms as the leather was diligently applied to my bottom. Outcries were forbidden, but they usually did their best to force some from me which would result in my being gagged with a pair of soiled panties and given another round of the strap.”
Kanan paused in her story and suggested we visited the buffet since she was becoming hungry and had a long afternoon ahead of her. I felt as if I were sleepwalking as we moved through the line surrounded by other diners, many of whom were carrying on quite animated conversations. All I could do was mull over the astounding things I had just heard from this small dark woman who moved with purpose, skillfully filling her plate with mechanical precision. This indeed was a most distributed woman in the truest sense of the word. Upon returning to our table she resumed her story while eating with a gusto that seemed uncharacteristic of one so thin and small.
“The week before semester break my mistresses smuggled me into the men’s wing, hidden in a hamper filled with soiled clothes. I was naked, gagged and securely bound. Prior to moving me from our unit they had spent a few hours stimulating my genitals, being very careful not to allow me to have an orgasm until just before I was taken over to the other side.” “I was in frenzy from the constant sexual excitement the pocket rocket vibrator caused in me. This was a new toy they had obtained from another girl on the floor. I remember well that in return I had to lick the girl, her name was Meghna, to a half dozen orgasms as she straddled my face and guided me to all her sweet spots, while my two owners laughed and made nasty comments about my behavior, calling me a lezzie and a whore.”
“They finally finished me off when they simultaneously used this little buzzing demon on my stiff cliporis and the fat dildo to stretch my insides. They told me they were doing me a good turn since I was to be used by a large number of men later. I began to cry and beg, but they laughed and slapped my face to make me stop.” “That afternoon and well into the evening I was raped without interruption by dozens of students who used my cunt and mouth at first, but once I became quite loose, they untied me and put me on my stomach so that they could use my anus as well.” “The pain of having my virgin asshole breached repeatedly caused me to cry out so much that they were forced to gag me, thus depriving them of one of my body’s entrances. Now they took to using me in tandem, one beneath, his prong wedged deep inside my sore cunt while his partner would penetrate my asshole until he flooded it with his sperm.”
“Toward the end of my ordeal I had an orgasm, the first since these men had begun using me. The ones inside me at the time laughed, declaring that I must indeed be some kind of a prostitute if this kind of treatment could make me come. They decided to punish me for this offensive behavior. I received the strap from a number of those loitering inside the cramped unit.” “During the entire time they made no attempt to use condoms which terrI established me. The thought of becoming pregnant and thus ending any chance of better myself made my stomach knot. I did not even consider the danger of contracting a disease, even HIV, so fearful was I of losing my freedom forever.”
“Somehow I managed to recover sufficiently to take my exams. My two mistresses were quite lenient with me, probably thinking that the gangbang may have been a bit too much for their unit slave. In point of fact I enjoyed portions of my raping, it felt good to have a man inside me, wanting me, even for some brief moments until he spurted and went soft.”
“When I returned to my parents’ home, already feeling like a visitor, they announced that Ramu, who had taken my virginity, was now engaged to a local girl by the name of Harsha. I could not recall ever seeing this woman, and wondered What would have possessed her to allow herself to be betrothed to my older brother. A few days later Kumar raped me while my parents were away, and threatened me withbody harm if I was foolish enough to acuse him of this action. He also told me that as long as I remained under this roof he had dominion over me. His father no longer had either the time or the interest in making sure that I lived the proper life, and his older brother now had other things more important to tend to.”
“During my nearly two month stay, Kumar used my body often, sometimes taking me two or three times a day in his little bedroom that looked out onto the shoreline. I became rather accustomed to his thick cock boring away inside me and on some occasions I even experienced an orgasm. For some reason this made Kumar quite happy, unlike those animals that had raped me at the university. I was even more appreciated of the fact that at least my rapist brother had the good sense to use protection. He may have Only been considering his own safety, but nevertheless I too was being shielded from that terrible fear of becoming pregnant.”
“On three occasions Kumar disciplined me. Each time I was taken to his room, made to strip naked and after being tied face down to his bed, he would use his belt on my bottom, legs and on one occasion he spent considerable time striking my cunt, a difficult task until he elevated me with a pillow. I was sore for a number of days afterward, but it was almost worth the beating since he avoided having sex with me.” “I returned to the university none the worse for wear. My subscription to those cruel girls in college had made me strong enough to withstand the abuse that my brother gave me. I wondered what lay in store for me this semester.”
All the while she was telling me this amazing story Kanan was efficiently empty her plate of food. She asked me for the time once she was finished and told me she would have to return to the university immediately since her next lesson would begin in a half hour. She laughed softly at my confusion and promised to finish her story if I would be willing to have lunch with hertomorrow. I could hardly contain my happiness about being able to see this mysterious creativity and hear more of her adventures.
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