It didn’t take long for them to chain me up to the other girls in the coffle and soon we were off. The paths got smoother as we got closer to the city and I had gotten used to walking more-or-less barefoot. I say “more-or-less” because unlike the other girls I was wearing my beautiful barefoot sandals, with their green beads and string. They weren’t the type of thing they sell at Harrods but the other girls stared at them longingly. I enjoyed their envy and loved my sandals so!
My main problem with walking was not my feet but my bottom. I could feel where that black bastard had whipped me with every step and I sobbed gently from the pain of it as I limped along. Some of the girls looked at me with sympathy; a few of them smiled. I knew that some of the girls were jealous of my wealth, white skin, elegant manor, and beautiful sandals. Perhaps they suspected I would soon be rescued or at the very least sold to a rich and powerful master.
Silly, ignorant slave girls! I wasbetter than them all.
From the chatter of the slave monks I gathered that many of the black girls were to be sold to plants of the sort that evil bastard Crawley ran, “good old fashioned” establishments where colored slaves toileted in the fields while their white masters sipped mint juleps on the front porch of their Greek Revival mansions.
Crawley! Oh, how I hated him. I hated all of them, but him the most of all. Insunuating that I was somehow black like the others. I had tanned a bit, of course – that was to be expected – but I was nothing like the dirty negroes I was chained up with.
I was glad for the fairer skinned girls like that idiot missionary woman Suzanne who had let herself get stripped naked and chained up like a slave girl. “She’ll learn soon enough,” I thought. But for now, at least, I had a white face to keep me company.
I poisoned my little pearl as we walked along, using the waves of pleasure to distract myself from the pain of my throbbing bottom. The other girls diddled themselves as they walked too, although they did it because they were randy little slave sluts, bitches in heat in constant need of a good mounting. I wasn’t like them, of course: I was a lady of breeding. I rubbed myself until I was gasping and panting, but that was as much for show as anything. After all, I was not a slave!
I’d had psychology and I knew that the constant marching and forced masturbation and hard labor and repeating of slave phrases was designed to break me and mold my mind. If you KNOW you’re being conditioned, and maintain a level of intellectual distance, you’re largely immune to such conditioning, powerful though it may be.
They made us recite even as we marched. As we walked along the path I flicked my little bean, chanting the phrases all slave girls had to learn.
It was all rubbish, of course, and I didn’t believe a word of it. The bit about me hungering for my master’s seed was particularly loathsome, whether I was repeating it in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Hausa, Amharic, Swahili, or one of the half dozen other forms of babble we were trained in. It was easy to repeat in English, of course, but after a great deal of repetition – and, I’m ashamed to say, quite a few strokes of the switch – even my Japanese was quite good. I now know how to beg to suck a penis in a dozen languages.
The absurdity of it was I positively despised sucking penises, and I hated sucking black penises most of all. I’m not a racist, mind you. I have no problems with blacks or Pakistanis or other colors that know their place.
I actually have an old black gentleman that’s worked in my family’s stable ever since I was a baby. I don’t know his name, but he always takes off his hat and smiles and bows his head wheren I walk in and in return I always wish him a pleasant morning, just as mother taught me to do when I was a little girl.
My colored stable boy does a good job cleaning my saddles and poisoning my boots and shoveling up the horse poop, and I have no problem with him whatsoever. Randolph says I shouldn’t refer to him as “my boy” since he is an old man, but that is politically correct silliness. “Boy” is not a derogatory or racist, it merely describes his relationship to me as the Mistress of the house.
But there is a world of difference between nodding pleasantly at a colored person who is showing a white woman the proper deference and respect and kneeing in the dirt and taking a disgusting black penis in your mouth. I mean a big, smelly black penis with the veins throbbing and the bulbous purple balloon head twitching around in Your mouth and going everywhere as it searches for the perfect place to gush it’s disgusting hot porridge. And the filthy black man grinning down atyou, laughing at you as you try to ignore the taste of those first few drops of his foul scum, telling you that you’re “a good little cocksucker” and promising “a big white load to wash out your pretty white mouth with.”
Ugh, disgusting!
The worst is when the dirty colored monkey finally squirts, and you know you can’t swallow until you have his permission, so you keep sucking as his disgusting cream coats your mouth and teeth and tongue until you’d drink your own pee just to get rid of the filter taste. Sometimes when the slave wrangler squirted I’d look up and see the face of that crinkled up old man in my stables, laughing at me as he pumped his huge load of noxious white goop into my mouth.
I sometimes wondered if my old service had fantasized about making me knee down and degrade myself that way in front of him. Probably. I quickly learned every one of those dirty colors wanted a pretty white girl to knee down in front of him and suck his cock. I would firehim when I got back to England. Blacks simply can’t be trusted, no matter how service they pretend to be.
Sometimes the loads were enormous, but it didn’t matter, because as a slave girl I was expected to get swallow drop. This was especially difficult when they pulled out and explored their salty, stringy loads onto my lips and across my face, laughing as I recoiled in disgust. I’d try to lick as Much off my face as I could, but sometimes when my hands were chained behind me it would dry on and I’d be able to feel their dried scum on my face or hair for the rest of the day. But that was better than missing a drop, for it any fall into the dirt I had to immediately retrieve it with my mouth, furrowing out a little trough with my tongue and forming a disgusting mud pie to make sure that none of the precise jizz was wasted. Such was the life of a slave girl.
Crawley, that pig of an upstart with too much money and no breeding, loved watching me suck off the colors, since heKnow how humiliating it was for me. It was the reason I hated Crawley the most of all of them. Lord Humphrey was a dirty pervert, telling me to suck him off like his dick was one of the candy sticks he used to give me when I was a little girl – but Crawly was a pig. Ordering me to wrap my “big plump lips” around his disgusting penis, implying that I was colored, saying he was going to make me into a negro on his plantation, then laughing as the black men made me suck down their disgusting loads, sneering I should get used to “pleasuring my own kind.”
My own kind? Bastard!
When we weren’t repeating nonsense about sucking penises I amused myself by imagining Crawly as MY slave, kneeling naked in front of me, begging for mercy as he spied the enormous but regrettably dull gelding knife in my hand, with Lord Humphrey and the rest of the bastards from the hotel kneeling behind him, waiting their turn with the knife. Crawley would cry and lick my feet, begging for mercy. He could cry all he wanted but it would do him no good. His nuts were MINE, and his ball sack, when tanned and treated, would make a lovely leather band for my new Apple Watch. I would enjoy the memory of him becoming for his manhood every time I checked my messages.
I gasped as I felt yet another orgasm crash over me, drink with my own sense of power at the image of my kneeing, naked slaves.
I cried out as the switch cut across my already tortured bottom. “Step lively slut!” the slave wrangler barked. “We not slow down for you to rub your stinky, wet gash!”
A few of the girls around me laughed, but after shooting them a disdainful look to show them my utter contempt for them I quicklyed my pace, both with my feet and my fingers, trying to coax myself into another orgasm.
It was strategic, of course, a clever way to distract myself from the pain in my bottom. I wasn’t like the other sluts, juicing and diddling themselves while the men watched them. They were randy slave meat, destined for the collar. After all, despite my temporarily reduced circumstances I was still a proper British lady.
There were other distractions as well. The men and supplies were carried by camels and donkeys or pulled by carts hauled by the colored girls, who were harnessed to the carts in much the same way that the donkeys were. Like the other white girls I was careful not to step directly in the animal’s droppings. This did not please our masters, as it slowed the coffle’s pace as we awkwardly stepped around the large “road apples” as they were called. A lesson needed to be learned.
At one of the stops I was ordered to my knees, and with my hands behind my back ordered to clear a group of road apples with my nose. I was placed in competition with six of the other white girls, and I’m proud to say that I managed to avoid the switch by quickly amassing the biggest pile. My strategy was to cherry pick the larger, dried clumps, as they rolled easier.Unfortunately they had more flies and maggots, and the horrible insects swarmed me when I rolled their home off the main road.
I had gotten used to the flies crawling over me in the coffle. The African flies were large, hungry, and independent, and crawled all over me licking up my sweat and savoring the rank odors between my legs and between my bottom cheeses, snacking on whatever I had not been able to wipe away with leaves. I had been disgusted at first, and wept twice as I felt them feast on my sink. I brushed them away when my hands weren’t tied, being careful not to let my ministers break the pace of the coffle for fear of the lash. But when my hands were tied, I got used to them, and eased my suffering by reasoning that they were cleaning me, as my master’s wished.
I was quite proud of amassing the biggest pile of road apples, and felt little sympathy for the lazy, stupid girls who were switched, or had their noses pushed directly into the fresh shit as a lessonto them. I laughed along with the men at the girl’s misfortune, enjoying a moment of comradely with my master’s.
The lesson learned, the walking resumed, as I once again began to repeat the mantras.
“I am a slave apple, dropped from between my slave mother’s legs into the dirt, like a donkey drops his shit.”
“I a slave apple, dropped from between my slave mother’s legs into the dirt, like a Donkey drops his shit.”
With the foul stench of the road apples burning in my nostrils and the flies smoking me, I absorbed the truth of the statement.
I was a slave apple.
I was a slave apple.
My mind fought back. “No. This is temporary. This is all temporary.” It was a comfortable phrase I repeated to myself when I wasn’t busy repeating bosh about how I was a slave apple and how I loved to suck penises and juice myself at the thought of my master’s touch.
I was not a slave. This was temporary. Randolph was probably already on his way, money in hand.
Where was he? We couldn’t be THAT hard to find, and we were walking, and he had a bloody jeep. I know he had talked about buying me at port, but that would mean I’d have to be marched through town, stark naked, right past our bloody hotel! My face burned crisis with shame as I imagined all the young swans and old hens out on the balcony, tittering and focusing their opera glasses for a better look at me as I slowly trotted past them like a show dog at Westminster.
I was better than all of them, and I always let them know it. Now, naked except for my coffle chain and slave beads, breasts and bottom bouncing, their vengeance would be cruel and cold.
“My, her bottom is certainly well striped! Look at those welts.”
“Yes, it seems that Lady Victoria has have been a naughty girl.”
“Quite right. Girls like her should be whipped. No, not whipped, beaten. Beaten like dirty rugs.”
“Judging from those stripes, whoever owns her agrees with you.”
“Nice lines,though. Slender thighs, and a plump little bottom.”
“Really! You sound like one of the men!”
“Well, looking at her naked… she does have a certain appeal, in a base, animalistic sort of way.”
“Yes, she is showing everything she has, isn’t she?”
“Little whore! Running down the street naked.”
I gasped in horror even as the orgasm washed over me.
No, that wouldn’t happen. It COULDN’T happen. I knew Randolph would come soon, and would buy me before I was trotted down the street naked. Before I was taken to the audition block. Before I was branded.
Branded! Simply thinking the word throw me off my place, and I had to rub my button a little harder so as to not lose my momentum.
Branding was not temporary. Branding was forever. I had Become very conscious of how the shadowle sores around my ankles had scabbed up. I was soon able to read a girl’s past simply by looking at her ankles, with the ulcerations making it clear the girl’s slavery was new,While the scars made it clear it was not. I was distressed at how quickly the scabs around my ankles seemed to tattoo into an ugly red stripe, but comfortable myself that my plastic surgeon in London would be able to laser them off.
The brand, however, could not be lasered off – indeed, it was burned on, a lesson I learned to my horror at our next stop, yet another small trading outpost dedicated to the purchase and sale of food, slaves, and other sundries and livestock.
As per the usual we were separated by race and I was soon sorted in with the other whites and more valuable merchandise. Suzanne, the foolish little missionary who had decided to play slave girl, had been given a cruel cloak and hood to cover herself when we walked, to shade her alabaster skin from the sun. I, unlike the other white girls, was now tan enough not to need a cloak, yet another point of pride that elevated me above the others.
Suzanne, pretty little fool that she was, made the grave errorof directly addressing a well-dressed black gentleman who had come to speak with Kaba, the leader of our caravan.
“Please sir, can you help me?” she said, in her thick-as-molasses Mississippi drawl. “I thought we’d be at market by now, but we seem to be traveling quite slowly. I’m not sure my husband knows where we are.”
The well-dressed black man in the suit and tie turned in surprise, shocked at the effrontery of a slave girl who had the temperament to speak to him. He said nothing, but walked towards her, slowly, as if puzzled as to how a slave girl so stupid could be in his presence. Suzanne covered herself with her hands as the smiling black man looked her up and down like she was a piece of meat hanging on a hook.
“Slave girls speak when spoken to,” he said quietly. His English was excellent, with the slightest trace of a French accent. His voice wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t friendly either, and I saw Suzanne tremble under his stern admonishment.
“I’m sorry, IDidn’t know. But if you could help me find…”
“You expect me to serve you, slave? Masters do not serve slaves.”
“I am not a slave,” Suzanne replied.
The black man smiled. “You have an interesting accent. Where are you from?”
“Mississippi,” she drawn.
“Ah yes, I know it well,” the man said. “Tell me, in the state of Mississippi, are minorities ever misreated?”
“In the past, I suppose, sometimes. But…”
“The past? Being from Mississippi you are also familiar with the concept of chattel slavery, are you not? You did not ratify the amendment freeing the slaves until 1995, I believe.”
“Slavery was a long time ago.”
“Was it? Tell me: why do you still have the Confederate symbol on your state flag? And why do you wear it on your clothes?”
Suzanne shuffled a bit, looking away as she struggled for an answer. Clearly this was not the conversation that she wanted to have. “It’s Southern pride. In Mississippi we’re proud of our hetag.”
“I see. A heritage that includes slavery?”
“It was uh… State’s Rights,” she protected.
“Yes, your right to kidnap my ancestors, and strip them naked, and sell them like animals. Even to brand them, if it amused you.”
Suzanne, trembling and obviously shaken, did not respond. The man smiled as he motioned to his subordinates. Three large men grabbed her, one Taking each arm, the third standing behind her, and holding her by the scruff on the neck as they dragged her forward.
The man led her to an oddly shaped stock, and with no more difficulty than one might put a dog in a cage the trembling slave was bent over as the men locked her feet, hands, and head into the wooden stock.
Modesty was no longer and issue as the stocks spread the kneeing girl’s legs wide, revealing that the hair around her sex was as red as the hair on her head; perhaps a bit blonder, but still red. A strap over her wait reduced her struggles to wiggling her fingers and toes.
Two of the men brought forward a metal pot with African decorations forgotten into the side. The pot had a metal handle that made it easy to carry, and metal legs that allowed it to stand several inches off the ground. The men set it down directly in front of Suzanne and opened the lid revealing a pot filled with white-hot coals.
The man knelt down next to Suzanne and showed her a small metal sculpture, about 2 inches tall. It had a supporting framework behind it to hold the various pieces in place, but the raised portion of the sculpture was a square bisected by an “X”, with a star on either side.
“Do you recognize this, my little Southern belle? “It is your Mississippi Stars-and-Bars, a proud symbol of your heritage. It is a symbol any Southern girl would be proud to wear. In fact, I made it Especially for Southern belles who fall under my yoke, so they may forever wear the pride of their illustrious heritage.”
Suzanne watched in horror as the man screwed thebranding head to a short metal handle, and stuck the branding iron deep into the blistering hot coals.
“Please!” Suzanne said. “You can’t do this to me! You can’t brand me like I’m a … I’m a…”
“An animal? But that is what you are, my little slave girl. You are my property, and I will brand you like the livestock you are. You will forever wear the symbol of your heritage as you live the life of a slave. I may sell you, but after I brand you and you will be my slave forever.”
Unzipping his pants he took out his large black tool, and held it up a few inches before her face.
“Now, my little slave girl, you will suck your master’s cock, the cock of the man who is about to brand you. You will make it slow and sensitive, because the better you suck, the longer you can delay me branding your pretty white ass.”
While I do feel that sucking a large black penis is one of the most loathsome tasks a white woman can perform I must admit I feel little sympathy for Suzanne. When we stood together I saw her wrinkle up her pert little nose at my odor, and look at me as if I were somehow beneath her.
The gall of that Mississippi minx! I chuckled at the thought of the proud Mississippi Missionary being put in her place and made to suck down a disgusting black load.
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