Taming Sayali Ch. 01

Synopsis: Sayali, a beautiful but undisciplined Indian teenager, encounters a personal tutor who is interested in taming her spirit for his own purposes, rather than to please her mother, who also has designs on him.


I am a teacher taking his sabbatical in India. One afternoon as I was leaving through the local English language paper I came across a solicitation for a private tutor to work with a young lady on her education and manners. The wording was rather strange and most intriguing. I responded and two weeks later I was hired as Sayali’s personal tutor. Sayali was a positively gorgeous 19 year old with a disposition that left much to be desired. Her mother, who was well fixed as a result of her diploma settlement, had thrown up her hands in dismay over the way her only child seemed to have changed once she entered college. I found Sayali to be extremely bright, energetic and totally undisciplined. After two weeks I held a consultation with her mother. Neleema gave me permission to employ any and all means to bring her daughter under control. She emphasized the fact that she did mean “any”.

“When Sayali was growing up her father kept her in line by the judicial use of corporate punishment. By the time she was eighteen she was taking the cane regularly. It was a rare day when Sayali wasn’t submitted to a sound thrashing. Most of the time I would witness her Punishment out of consideration for family solidarity.”

“During the final weeks of our marriage my husband began to restrain the girl, binding her wrists and ankles to the corners of our marriage bed, then placing a pillow beneath her bottom to elevate her mound so that it could be whipped properly. He was now using a device he had purchased in one of those adult emporiums. He called it a flogger and it was evinedly designed with the Intention of being used to administrator a through beating to a girl’s private parts. It was amazing to witness the spray of juices that would fly from her mound as the flogger bit into the soft flesh. Sayali would be so swollen after such a beating that the child would have difficulty urinating. Then abruptly my husband was gone and it was about this time that Sayali began to turn away from me.”

I developed the mother of all erections while she told me this story. To my chagrin I realized that while I had been totally focused on carrying out my duties with respect to the girl, her mother had been sending me very strong signals that she was interested in me for other uses. It dawned on me that likely this well built woman had not been with a man since her husband departed, and from what she had told me, they were not occupying the same bed for months before he left.

Immediately I began making repairs to our slightly damaged relationship. Neleema beamed When I started complimenting her on her appearance and how well she keep the house in order despite her disobedient daughter. I began to take a much more careful lookat this woman, who was probably in her early to mid 40s. She dressed in the traditional fashion, a sari over what might be described charitably as loose undergarments. I noticed how her hips swayed as she moved about the house, and the gentle movement of her large breasts as they struggled against the restraints of the tightly drawn sari. We soon became close friends, sharing our common goal of training her reccitrant daughter into a being who was at one with the world.

Sayali continued to be a trial and a challenge to me and her mother. I was reluctant to use force on the lovely teen for fear of causing a permanent rupture in our tenuous relationship. After a few weeks as Neleema and I grew closer and closer to sharing her empty bed, an event of some significance took place. Neleema and Sayali clashed harshly over the matter of her dress while she was in the house. The girl preferred to run around in jeans and a top. I could not fail to notice that she rarely wore a bra, evenThough she was very well built for a nineteen year old.

I ended the argument and established myself as the man of the house with one quick decision. From now on Sayali would either wear a sari when in the house or only her underwear. Both of them were very surprised at the latter option, but Neleema realized that she and I would soon be doing naughty things in her big empty bed, and thus would not be too tempted by the state of undress that her daughter would likely choose.

As I expected, Sayali chose to wear as little as possible. As soon as the little imp returned home from college she would disrobe at the door and then purchase about in tight panties and bras that left little to the imagination. Since she’d been in them all day in a classroom that had no air conditioning, she would be rather ripe by the time she got home. Her cent was driving me insane as was the sight of her perpetually damp panty crotch that me to glimpse almost all of her plump public shaft. I soon realized that she shavaged her public hair, something that was in vogue with the teenaged population. Neleema was scandalized, but I just looked and licked my lips, wondering what that plump pussy tasted like.

A few days later Neleema invited me into her bedroom one early afternoon, fully knowing that her daughter would not be interrupting us for many hours. I put the time to good use. Neleema was an exciting lover and for a few weeks I failed to respond to the temptations that were offered daily by Sayali. Neleema was delighted at the length and thickness of my penis. She spent hours fondling and kissing it, not so much to get it hard, but to express her appreciation for how it was put to use. She had no reservations when it came to sucking it or even swallowing whatever I happened to deliver when she got too enthusiastic. She went wild the first time I went down on her thickly that mound and began worming my tongue into that hot, aromatic slit. She told me afterwards that her husband had a great distaste for anything having to do with oral sex, refusing her offers to suck him off as well as her overtures to have him go down on her.

We must have tried every position in the Kama Sutra, twice or possible three times, during the first month. I would take her in the morning as soon as a very annoyed Sayali left for lessons. Later we’d return for an enhance performance just before lunch. I used to tell her that was to allow us to develop a good appetite. She used to laugh and chide me for being a pig and eating a meal before lunch. Usually I was too busy exploring some new nose or cranny in her well upholstered body to respond. To lord it over her impudent daughter Neleema always arranged to have me doing her when the girl returned from class.

The first few times the door to the bedroom was shut and so the girl just ignored her mother’s long drawn out moans and groans, not to mention her loud requests for me to ” Fuck me harder! Kiss me down there, oh yes, right there, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.. if I suck you, can you do me once more? Please say yes, I’ll suck you so very hard and as long as it takes..” The third day our bedroom door was wide open and Neleema arranged matters so that I was deep inside her, pumping away at a good steady pace as she moaned and groaned. We knew Sayali was listening and so Neleema made it even More interesting by saying in a loud, quivering voice, “Cum inside me, I know you can do it one more time, pump me harder and make me feel that long fat cock turning me inside out.” Neleema grinned and nodded as Sayali sauntered past us as we made the bedsprings creak even faster. The next day Neleema was straddling me as I drilled her out from below. This time her daughter actually stopped and stared at us as we went at it like rabbits.

The next day Neleema sprang another surprise on her daughter, waiting until she was home and in her underwear. That day Sayali had selected a pair of sheer bikini pantiesthat left nothing to the imagination and a matching half cup bra that presented, more than supported, her heavy breasts. Neleema waltzed out of the shower in nothing but a pair of panties and padded past her open-mouthed daughter. To make matters worse she stayed half naked for the next hour or so, idly leaving through a magazine and then innocently asking me if I wanted to go into the bedroom and “fuck for a while”. Sayali Neleema gave me a mischievous grin and made sure that Sayali and I both saw her scratch her crotch with a contented look of satisfaction on her face. In truth I had spent the better part of the afternoon doing her fore and after, a special treatment she thought I deserved. Her butt hole was super tight and I nearly came before I got deep enough inside to start pumping. She just stretched out on her belly and held her cheeks apart to allow me entry into her backdoor, something her husband had rarely used. I was the second man whohad ever been inside her anus and I would become a regular visitor as time went on.

Two days later another event occurred which changed the relationship and balance of power between the three of us. Sayali, shame-faced, had brought home a letter from the University Dean calling attention to the fact that she had been caught in a compromise situation with another girl in the shows. It required Neleema to attend a conference with Sayali’s professor and a counselor on the following day. Immediately after reading this letter Neleema looked towards me and said in a very angry voice, “You are to blow for this! You have not installed proper discipline into this terrible child of mine. Instead you have been fucking me and ignoring your duties. Until you bring her under control, there will not be any fucking for you unless you go to see a prostitute.”

Sayali tried to become invisible, but within a minute or so she found herself over my lap, receiving a very serious spanking. InOur struggle her bra had come free giving me my first look at her bare breasts. They were spectacular. However it was her bottom I focused on. Pulling her panties down around her knees, I began delivering hard smokes of my open palm onto her firm but cheeses, noticing how little they jiggled as I slammed into them.

About a dozen spanks in, she began to cry and after another dozen she was sobbing and pleading for relief from the rain of blows falling on her bare, burning bottom. I continued until my arm grew tired, perhaps dealing her nearly two dozen more before I stopped. By then she was a trembling mass of anguished little girl, her firm chefs now crisis and swelling rapidly. I knew that she would be having a very difficult time staying seated comfortablely at school tomorrow. I also knew that she was in for Another very unpleasant surprise when she returned home. I would be waiting with a few toys that her rump would soon become quite familiar with.

That evening Neleema crawled into bed wih me and the next thing I knew she was trying to swallow my cock whole. “That was a fast moratorium”, I thought as she noisily suctioned me into hardness. I did my duty and finished by shooting all over her big tits. She gave me a big smile and rubbed the white stuff into her pendulous breasts. I wondered if Sayali would get as big as her mother, or perhaps bigger. That thought keep me hard, and so we got busy and soon were making the bed creak and the bedsprings squeak once more.

I started to think again about Sayali, alone in the dark with her butt still on fire, listening to the sound of her mother and the man who just pounded her butt into mush fucking away. That mind picture made me smile, even as I shifted gears and really began laying the wood to Neleema. This load was a bit more challenging to deliver, but Neleema was on her game and I barely had time to pull out and decorate her belly with a watery load that she accepted graciously. She fell fast asleep with my cum still drying on her sweaty skin. My employer was a damned good fuck; there was no doubt about that. Still I couldn’t get rid of the memory of Sayali’s bare breasts and that fine firm ass.

It was a busy day for all three of us. Neleema’s meeting with the Dean was scheduled for right after lunch. Sayali, moving rather stiffly, left for lessons a few minutes late, probably slowed somewhat by her sore bottom. I’m sure that the girls would tease her mercilessly if they saw her bruised behind in the shows. I wondered if she and the other girl might slip away for a brief tryst where her lover might gently rub her pain away.

Neleema was a bit agitated, and definitely not in the mood for sex as I discovered this morning when I rolled over and attempted to warm her up. She slapped my hand away and muttered that she was still unhappy with me. I thought back to last night as she sucked enthusiastically on my stiff cock, trying for a second round of hard fucking, andsmiled to myself. I know that this evening we would be locked tightly together, trying to climb into each other’s body, Neleema urging me to go deeper and harder and faster as we soaked the sheets.

There are some advantages to living in a large city. Generally one can live an anonymous existence if one chooses. Almost everything that one might need or want can usually be obtained in such a place. Today I had need for some very specific items. It would take some time to ferret out a supplier, but at least I knew in which section of the city to begin my search. I set out immediately after Neleema, who was still muttering and not exactly sure that she was wearing the proper clothes for her meeting, left the house.

It took a couple of hours before I entered an out of the way shop that had what I thought. I Wondered if perhaps Sanjiv, Sayali’s father, had obtained his flogger from this very same establishment. The one I selected after consulting with the owner for some time wasof high quality leather, well made and still stiff, having yet to be used.

I also was shown a very interesting device which could be best described as a modified ping-pong paddle. This one had a larger face, sufficient to cover the firm rounded cheeses of my charge. It was weighed in a manner that allowed much greater force to be applied to the target. I was started at the explosive sound it made when the owner demonstrated Its power. Finally there were numerous holes drilled through the wooden paddle that decreased air resistance, allowing one to generate much greater speed in the paddle which translated to even more force to be dealt to the offending bottom of my teenaged temptress.

Next I purchased a set of high quality and rather expensive handcuffs to be used to restrain the girl during portions of her training sessions. I resisted the shopkeeper’s attempts to sell me a leather mask, a ball gag or a spreader bar, but did purchase a set of leather straps that would dothe job when I wished to stretch Sayali out on the bed for some serious punishment. The thought of having her naked body so vulnerable and accessible gave me an erection that brought a smile to the owner’s face.

Neleema was already back by the time I returned. The meeting had not gone very well. Evidently Sayali was a favorite of many girls, who seemed to pass her around from one to the other. The professors had complained about her department in lectures and recommended that she be explored. As of today Sayali was suspended from school until Neleema could provide evidence that her daughter had reformed her ways. Neleema was furious, and naturally I caught a great deal of the blow and was once more exposed from her bed.

“I am not raising a lesbian! My family would be outtraged and mortified to learn of this. I want you to give her the thrashing of her young life when she comes home from school today. Poor Sanjiv, perhaps he finally realized what she was and just didn’t havethe heart to do what had to be done. You should have no such scruples. I’ve seen how you look at her, well she’s yours. You can use her every night for all I care, just as long as she turns into a girl who likes men not women.”

I could not believe my ears. I was being given total control over this young succubus. I wondered just how far Neleema would let me go. As soon as the girl got home I was going to start to find out.


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