Synopsis : This series chronicles the real life of a true sub and fucktoy. She is controlled by her Master to be but an object, body, toy and holes for men to use. This is not fiction or fantasy. The people, activities and events are all true, but some names, locations and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved.
To fully understand and appreciate things and how she got to where she is now, it is recommended that you read The Backstory.
Note : Entries with a date signify days she was used worthy of telling. However, she is used many other days, but not all are documented.
04/14/2023 – The Tattoo
As discussed in the 04/07/2023 entry, she visited a local tattoo parlor and met with two artists about getting one that said “Fucktoy”, right above her pussy. They offered to do it free that day, but she said she needed more time to think about it since it would be permanent. They said they would honor the offer, but only for one week.
A week passed and it was now the last day the offer was valid. While getting it free really didn’t factor into her decision whether or not to get one, it did set a “deadline” of sorts. And by the time this day rolled around, it was determined she would get marked for what she was and good for.
As normal, before heading to the shop, she needed to be approximately dressed. Not only for the occasion, but to please those who would see her. A white stretchy skirt was chosen – one that is, as always, upper thigh and clings to her body, causing it to shift upwards when she moves. Paired with it was a crop-top that not only exposed her flat stomach, but also about a third of her picture-perfect tits and, being thin, made her nipples Notably poke at the material. Given she would only go to the shop and be seated, she was allowed to be casual and wear short socks and sneakers.
A mix of nerves and excitem, she entered the tattoo shop and was immediately recognized by the guys she met with before and taken back to a booth by one of them. She took her place in the chair as they discussed details about size and placement. He did ask again if she also wanted her nipples pierced, but she decided, saying the tattoo was enough for now. Her heart raced as she watched him make the stencil, then returned to her with it in hand.
He was ready to place it against in clean-shaved crotch for size and placement. He, obviously, would need her to slide the skirt down, and she knew and was expecting it. Before he could even ask, she rose out of the chair, dropped her skirt to the floor, stepped out of it and re-positioned herself in the chair. He was obviously pleased not just with her slutty actions, but the clear view of her pussy. The combination of Both yield an exclamation of “Wow!” from him.
Not only was she now displaying a perfectly smooth palate for him, but even she admittedthat her pussy was clearly very wet. With the booth not being fully closed off, she knew she was in view of the other artist, as well as the guy he was with. While they did not have the unobstructed view her artist did, she knew they, too, could see from their vantage point that she was fully exposed. That, too, just fueled her excitement and juices.
He rolled his chair between her spread legs and placed the stencil right above her waiting, elicing slit. As with the week before, he tried his best to remain professional, but she knew he could clearly see she was very wet and that her pussy lips were slightly parted, and what he was likely thinking.
He worked on her for the next 40 minutes, giving her breaks to rest, knowing it was painful. Which it was. Even more than she had anticipated. While he applied the ink on her, she could see the customer in the other booth glance over from time to time. The other artist also came to her booth a couple times, likely feigning interest in the progress of the art so he could get an up-close look at her exposed bald pussy and the namesakes tattoo being applied to it … and her.
Finally done, he showed her the finished product before cleaning and covering it so it was protected and could heal. She thanked him and, even though there was no charge for the tattoo, she generally tipped him.
For the next few days, it remained sore and pink, taking the better part of a week to fully recover. While not able to be used during that time, she was very pleased with the outcome and how it made her look and feel. And she was excited for the day when she would be able to show it and what she is to others.
While this is just an example and a temporary tattoo, it is almost identical to what she now proudly wears.
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Up Next: The first unveiling.
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