He awoke with a dry mouth, sensing something was different here in his private cell. The air was naturally humid which he didn’t mind and the only light came from a low wattage bulb near the wooden stairway. On the queen sized mattress, sans sheets, he rolled over onto his side, the soreness from the previous night apparent but fulfilling.
Like scattered clips from a cut up film, he began to fill in some of the pieces. Mistress had flogged him to the delight of the small crowd. Touching the wide leather collar, She had led Her pet into the main hall on a leanh. Bent over the huge wooden table, several huge cocks had abused his tender backside. They adored his tight hole and he had served others with his pliable mouth. Stretched upon the floor, Mistress had provided the best present, allowing the slave to drink Her precise piss.
Stretching his limbs, he stared through the metal bars at the tiny red blinking light atop the security camera. He groaned painfully, as if they were watching, for their delight. And then he noticed her. Not five feet away near the edge of the cushioned bedding; she lay naked, curled up in a fetal position.
His numb mind raced, was this a trick? How did she get in here? He stared and moved closer. Her ass was brilliant white and had black and blue marks. No. Those weren’t marks, it was a magnificent tattoo! He moved closer to the slumbering girl.
Inches away, he gawked at the fancy lettering. The tails of the first letters, S & M, were cleverly extended to appear as the ends of a whip. Their spidery ends struck her tender flesh, leaving a perfect blushing mark. Spank me. Oh God yes. That’s what she requires…and more.
His balls rolled lustfully. He could think of nothing else but licking her tattoo, leaving a wet streak across the intimate signature. His cock began to stiffen and he looked up sheepishly at the camera. Is this what they want? Quickly, he shuddered, thinking back to a movie scene from The Planet of the Apes. Although the man, Charleston Heston, couldn’t speak, they knew his needs and dragged a girl into his cage. The apes watched in this upside down zoo version, expecting them to mate and fuck like animals. He felt ashamed but also turned on.
She groaned and awakened, rolling to her side just as he had done mere minutes ago. Being this near, he could smell the mixture of cum and female fluids upon her which only seemed to heighten his sexual awareness. Her blonde hair was straight and shiny even in the dim light.
Suddenly her dark brown eyes fluttered open and she sat up quickly, “What…who are you?” she stammered, “And…where am I?”
He smiled back while staring at her seventy breasts, “You don’t remember how you got here? I guess I can understand that…after last night I don’t remember all that well either. Well…” he surprised, “You’re in my cell here at Mistress Jennifer’s home.”
“Oh no.” she giggled.
“What’s so funny?”
“That’s my name also. How ironic, huh?”
“I’m Don…” offering an outstretched hand.
“W-what were you looking at….before I woke?”
“Your gorgeous tattoo. And to be quite honest, I was imagining what it’d be like to lick it.”
Her deep, smiling eyes glazed into his, “I’ll let ya, if you can find me some water!”
Reaching back for the liter of Aquafina, she couldn’t help but notice the red striped welts across his muscular back, his tight ass marked deeper by the cane’s angry licks. She gulped the tepid water, slaking her deep thirst and belched loudly. Her eyes darted to the delicate gold loop piercings adorning both nipples and nodded towards the camera.
“High tech, huh?”
“Oh yes. Haven’t you saw the upstairs?”
“No. I was brought here last night from another party, you know, blindfolded and in the trunk. Not too far away…but…” Unconsciously his fingers traced the embossed “J” upon the leather collar, the absence upon her white neck noticeable.
“You’re not owned?”
“Umm…no. Not yet anyway. This pain slut is property to be loaned and…” while taking another long pull on the bottle, he studied the pretty submissive.
“D’ya think they’re watching? I mean like right now?”
“I don’t know, maybe. And anyway, if they’re not, everything’s recorded…” Her eyes flicked towards the red light.
Relaxing, for the time being, they spoke in ow voices about their lives in general.
Suddenly the door at the top of the stairs opened, spinning morning light downward and a pair of soft, doesn’t moccasins began to descend. Within the cell both immediately knelt with eyes downcast. They heard padded footsteps and the sound of tinkling keys as the lock open.
“Good morning Pet…” Her husky, lilting voice addressed Her slave.
“Good morning Mistress.”
“And we have a newcomer. I take it you’ve met?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Isthat all Pet? Haven’t you asked for something else, something a bit more personal?”
He cowered. “Umm…y-y-yes Mistress. I…umm…saw her tattoo and…and…told her I’d like to lick it Mistress.”
“Out of the cell…now! Both of you!” On hands and knees they crawled the short distance to the center of the immaculate marble tiled floor room.
“You may both stand and look up.”
With long black tempers, Mistress Jennifer is quite beautiful. Her face has a stern look but attractive. Wearing an expensive, tailored business suit She’s obviously ready, excepting heels, on Her way to the office. Mistress is an accomplished, upscale realtor for the Phoenix area. Her manicured hand patted Her Pet’s long, curly brown hair.
“You were a hit last night boy. In fact, two of the men approached and specifically asked for your delicious, talented body again. I am pleased.”
Don blushed while looking into the depths of Her eyes. “Thank You Misstress. I live to please Thee.” She now faced and stared at the girl, gripping her small chin, turning her face from side to side.
“My…you’re a pretty cunt. Turn around now so I can see all of you.” Hands clapped, she obediently performed a slow pirouette for Her careful inspection.
“Excuse me…M-m-m…umm. What shall I call Thee?”
“Ooo! The whore has manners! Excellent. You may call Me Mistress J.”
“Thank You Mistress J.”
“Pet…come here.” He instantly stood at Her side.
Speaking to the girl, “Face the camera slut. Yes…like that and now…bend over. Good girl. Pet…what a marvelous branding she has…don’t you think?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Well she’s obviously asking for that…let’s oblige the pain slut…let’s give her…or rather you give her ten hard slaps on each chef. Now boy.”
“Slap! Slap! Slap!”
The sounds of a bare palm striking tender flesh resounded throughout the quiet dungeon setting. Vigorously he smacked her derriere unbridled strength and she never flinched.
“Very nice!” Mistress talked, “Perhaps…later Pet…if you’re good I’ll contemplate your cravings and allow you to lick the price. Would you like that?”
“Oh yes. Thank You Mistress.”
“All right. You know the drill Pet. I’m off…the pesky, demanding but rich clients await. Show the lender around. I’ve left specific instructions for dinner and attire for this evening. Lady Cynthia will certainly be here, Master Paul is unsure however plan for a cozy threesome. Ta Ta!”
Gliding up the stairs, Her wispy, ghost like personage disappeared and the pair inhaled the temporary freedom, smiling into one another’s eyes.
“She’s beautiful. You’re lucky.”
“She’s my life. You’re gonna like it here I think…I hope.” She nodded.
“Are you hungry?”
“Fuck yeah!” Like her spirit he continued to smile.
“The day is practically all ours. The mansion awaits.” Courteously holding her elbow, he led her up the narrow stairway. Two steps down and eye level with the exhaust tattoo, her wide hips sweepled exclusively. I need to wait, he thought. Hmm…can I?
It was like entering a new world. Jen carefully walked across the vast expansion of plus beige carpeting, straining her neck up towards the cathedral ceiling. The harsh sunlight was filtered and cooled through smokey panes of glass. Around the west side of the enormous front hall, a wide stairway curved and swept towards the upstairs.
Directly in front of the massive carved, wooden doors a fountain lightly spewed water over neary mossy rocks in a shimmering pool with colorful, submerged lighting. The arched doorway leading into the library had two Polished granite statuses on either side. One was Aphrodite clad in a shimmering silk wrap. Her head thrown back in an expression of ecstasy. The other was Hercules, detailed and muscular. His towering erection sprouted out from the miniscule loincloth.
The entire room reeked of decade, tasteful furnitures that left Jen breathless. “Wow.” She gasped.
Don held her trembling hand, “C’mon…I’ll show you upstairs. You can shower and I’ll whip up some breakfast.” He softly kissed her cheek. Her knees felt weakened. The agony and the ecstasy, a bewildering thought.
Her damp palm squeaked along the poisoned, mahogany rail that sounded like sneakers in a high school gym. At the top of the stairs, the hallway curved in two distinct directions.
“Down there…” he pointed towards the left, “are Mistress’s bedroom, one guest room and…what I call…the chamber for torture and play.” He turned. To the right, they passed 2 closed doors, she assumed were other guest rooms and they entered his living area. She quickly scanned his computer desk and simple furnishings.
“C’mon down when you’re ready…” Don pointed towardsthe bathroom off to the side.
The dozen or so pulsating jets sprayed and massed her tired, sore muscles within the confines of his heavenly glass stall. She raised her arms and turned around, inviting the heads to cares every inch of her body. Lathering the jojoba shampoo into her tempers, she released her piss, the warm stream flowing innocently down her thigh.
Upon the bed, he had laid a short yellow tee shirt and matching panties. Forgoing the underwear, Jen made her way downstairs into the kitchen. Don was placing his dish and cup into the sink while she sat. Her tummy grew as she dug into the mouth watering omelet, colorfully dotted with red and green peppers. Buttered wheat toast and a tall glass of juice filled out the breakfast and her voracious appeal.
“No panties…I like that.” He smiled, taking in her long legs beneath the table. “I’m going for a swim…you can join me or whatever you please. Just…umm… look around or whateverver but the wing into Mistress’s hall is obviously off limits.”
Jen ate peacefully, delicately burping into the clothes napkin and glanced up at the red eye in one corner of the ceiling, seemingly watching her. Hmm…a little weird but whom am I to argue with all these surroundings? She thought.
She wandered out into the main hall again where a magnificent sound system blared out an Eagles tune:
Everyone feels alright you know I heard some poor fool say. Everyone is out there on the loose. Well I wish I lived in the land of fools, no-one know my name. But what you get is not quite what you choose.
Tell me, how long, how long, woman will you weep?
How long, how long? Rock yourself to sleep.
Jen pulled back the heavy, sliding patio door and the hot Phoenix sun blasted against her face. She walked past two flowering orange trees; another dotted with ripening grapefruits and sat in a chain locke chair under a wide umbrella. Don’s naked body sliced through the deep blue water, she noticed his collar that sat unobtrusively upon the clear table. Exiting the long pool, he walked towards her with rivulets of water dripping. She stared at his smooth shaken balls and, jealously, his pierced nipples.
“You…you’re allowed to take off your collar?”
“Mistress approves when I swim…and…besides there aren’t any outside cameras here. At night they’re on for security but…you know…” He noticed Jen’s dark, hard nipples scanning against the thin material, her fingers lightly pinching the nubs and looked into his eyes.
“Maybe…some day. I hope…somebody will…”
“If that’s what you wish…it might happen…”
The day was a happy blur. Jen explored the mansion, found the time to e-mail close friends and offered to help Don in cleaning the enormous, meticulous home. In the late afternoon, he began preparing the seafood paella, selecting a proper wine and carefully set the formal dining room for three.
“We’d better get ready. Always in our best interest to be early rather than late, eh?” The pair ascended the steps and dressed as per Mistress’s instructions. Jen wore a lavender cap, more like a barber’s smock, except it was seen through. The lower edge that reached just below her navel was fringed with a delicate lace. Other than the collar, Don fit himself into a pure white pouch, more like a thong, the back neighborly bisecting his cheats, balls tightly held.
Upon the tiled entryway, ten feet in front of the massive oak double doors, the pair knelt on their haunches, palms raised upwards atop bare tights. Silently and calmly they exhausted, waiting. The grandfathers’ clock ticked nearby, like a heartbeat. They stole a piercing glance and smiled. It could be an hour, who knew? This is what they lived for, to wait and obediently serve.
In the distance, the whirring sound of the garage door opening signald their attention. The large brass doorknob was soon turning and both lowered their heads.
It was difficult to suppress the rush of adrenaline and pure devotion. Mistress’s lilting conversation muffled through the thick door was mixed with a deeper, gruffer voice.
“Ahh…here they are.”
“They do make a fine pair.” Lady Cynthia noted. Master Paul only nodded, instantly fascinated with the kneeling man slave and the small, defined pouch holding his privates.
Jen felt their piercing eyes and the usual, inherent trepidation swirling her insides. She embraced the girl thought of blushing and remained perfectly still for them.
The pair worked in tandem, courteously escorting the guests into the library, taking their orders for drinks and waited for Mistress’s signal for dinner. Serving with proper ease, the pair Attentively moved skillfully and correctly.
Mistress Jennifer, Don silently noted, picked at Her food, lightly chewing bits of shrimp andrice, Her eyes rarely strayed from the new girl, Her appealite apparently elsewhere.
Completing the sumptuous meal, the trio comfortably returned to the recent setting, their voices ringing through the mansion while Don and Jen hastily cleared the table and would soon serve them there.
As per instructions, Jen raced up the wide staircase and put on the red platform shoes laid next to the dresser and removed the see Through cape. The shoes were one size too small but she stuffed her cramped toes in and stole a quick glance into the full length mirror, gauging the minute height difference, hoping and praying to please and fit in to her new surroundings.
She balanced awkwardly down the stairs, her nude entrance into the library did not go unnoticed as she crossed the short distance and knelt near Mistress. Her beautifully manicured hand stroked and petted the top of Don’s head, also kneeling at Her side.
“Well…” She announced while rising from the leather chair, “I’m going to find something more comfortable to wear. Don please enter our guests and see to their needs in any way, is that understand pet?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“And you My dear…the new wench…will assist Me. Come along now.” The tall dominating woman left the room in a flourish, Jen obediently trailed behind taking slow calculated steps, horrified at the thought of stumbling on any level.
Flowing along the sacrosanct hallway Jen felt a certain pride with the opportunity to be alone…with Her. A myriad of foolish, unspoken thoughts cavorted and she shushed them, intent and focused on manners and serving Her needs.
They passed by the partially open door of what Don had termed the chamber and Jen frozenly darted her peering eyes into the near darkness. In the center of the room sat what appeared to be an examination table used by physicals. Nearby chrome utesils dully flashed. Jen’s mouth became dry.
“Has Don told you of this room?”
“Yes…some. Not in detail Mistress J.”
“Perhaps…someday…you will know more of it’s potential. Tell Me…what is your name? Are you a local?”
“M-m-my name is actually Jennifer and yes Mistress J. I am from here. From Gilbert, Mistress J.”
“Well! We can’t have that now can we? Let’s see…for the time being I will call you slave X.”
“Thank You Mistress J.” The entrance to Mistress’s boudoir was through a magnificent maple door carved and stained with a light golden sheen. On the wall to the right an original Jackson Pollock hung, it’s inextricable web of colors pulled the viewer into the volatile expression. Mistress is a collector of art.
Inside, Jen took in the splendidly furnished room, hushed with thick draws and plus carpeting. The heavy door closed with a finality, which Jen oddly even heard. She stared at the ornate four poster bed, pale yellow linen curtains hung from each column and tied with white cords. Erotic photos almost entirely covered one blue wall.
“Are you done….gawking slave X?”
“Oh. F-f-forgive this one Mistress J. It is all so beautiful. This one is thankful….to accompany You.”
She began to disrobe, gliding towards the cavernous walk in closet and simply draped the pieces of Her business suit over the stuffed chair, the working day to be forgotten.
“Under the foot of the bed…you’ll find a spreader bar and handcuffs. Put them on now.” She ordered while slipping out of Her shoes and carefully tossed Her silk blouse near the wicker hamper. Jen effectively attached each of the irons to her ankles and snapped the cold metal cuffs onto her dainty wrists.
“Look at Me.” Jen tenatively looked in Her direction, stifling a gasp. Standing next to the dresser, Her long, silky black tresses hung across freckled shoulders. The black half bra pushed Her luscious, milky white breasts up, each capped with dark brown nipples. A matching, lacygarter belt surrounded Her delicate wait, attached to sleep hose. Her tufted, windmock puffed out as if combined.
She smiled into Jen’s eyes and using a thumb, gestured towards the ceiling. Jen looked up at the metal grey hook suspended from an exposed rafter. Attempting to take in all of the completely new surroundings in this room, surprisingly she had not seen the hook but diligently stood on tip toes and looped the handcuff’s chain into the upside down question mark. Arms and legs stretched, Jen welcomed the pure vulnerability.
“What’s your sign slave X?”
“I…I am Scorpio Mistress J.”
“Really?” She laughed, “I’m not a full believer with all that zodiac crap…however…I do know that Scorpio’s are or can be very loyal. Quite password and known for sexual stamina. So tell Me slave X… are you like that? Do you masturbate?”
“Yes Mistress. I think You are very intelligent and very knowing. This one tends to be loyal and yes…I do masturbate. I cannot control the urges. I’m a slut Mistress J.” Jen heard the sound of a drawer opening behind her. Their short conversation believed the underlying intensity of what was to come.
“Whip-TISH!” The three inch wide, braided leather belt Mistress had chosen struck across Jen’s should blades and unprepared, she alarmingly flinched from the sting.
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