Beverly looked at Mr. Bridges as her wedding ring slowly dissolved in the liquid. She realized that she would have to call him Master from now on. He glowered at Beverly.
“I see that you are learning. However, calling me Master and looking interested when I fuck you is not enough. You will come to love me and you will want to give me every part of your body. In the mornings you will suck me off and look forward to your daily breakfast of my cum. There are times not too far ahead where you will beg me to fuck you up the ass. To spend the night in my bed you will do all manner of things.”
A defiant look crossed Beverly’s face.
Adam Bridges laughed and said, “Right now your thoughts are still on escape and bargaining. Escape is impossible and you have nothing to bargain with as I already own your every million. The first thing you must learn is total submission’”
Adam approached the couch where Beverly sat. With one movement he removed something from his pocket and throw it over Beverly’s head. The leather hood had only a small slot for her nose. Beverly found herself gasping for breath as fear and panic over took her.
“Now woman,” said Adam “You are going to learn that I control everything including your ability to breath.” Adam pulled out a strip of duct tape and fastened it over the nose hole of the mask. For Beverly the panic was outstanding. Her breath quickly left her and she tried with all of her might to suck air through the tape. She began to kick out in panic then felt herself getting light headed. Just when she was on the edge of losing consciousness Adam peeled back the tape and air rushed into her lungs.
Before Beverly could gather another breath, Adam replaced the tape. For the next six hours Adam plunged Beverly into breathlessness and fear. Beverly’s only thought was for air, blessed air. Sometimes during this nightmare she realized that she had been carried and set in the cold, empty bathtub. She voided her bladderSeveral times and her body was limp when Adam removed the hood.
“What have you learned woman? I will tell you what you have learned. You have learned that I control your universe.”
He looked at Beverly, who was huddled in a heap in the tub.
“Now woman it is decision time. Do you want me to put the hood back on and repeat what I have been doing for the last several hours or do you want me to fuck you up the ass?”
Beverly, drenched in fear and sweat, knew that wanted no part of the hood again.
“Please Master … not the hood,” She said
Adam looked at Beverly with menace, “You need to ask for it woman. Ask me to fuck you up the ass nicely and I will. Cop an attitude and we play “catch your breath” some more.”
Beverly realized that this man could easily kill her but that he wanted something worse from her. He wanted her soul. The thought of anal sex was repugnant to her. One of the nastiest arguments she had ever had with her husband had been whenTed suggested that they try it, Now she would give anything to go back in time and submit to Ted. Although herself she heard herself saying. “Please Master, I want you to fuck me up the ass.”
“Now you are learning woman.” Adam helped her up and led her to the bedroom, He had her turn down the sheets.
“Ask again woman.”
Beverly bit her lip and said, “Please fuck me up the ass Master.”
Adam had her get on her hands and knees in the bed. Because he wanted submission and did not want to hurt her too much he reached for some lubricant on the nightstand and grossed up her asshole. Slowly, yet deliberately, Adam entered her. Beverly thought that she would break apart as his massive cock entered her. She realized that there are violences worse than being stripped and shavled. Adam ground into her working his hips. After an interval Beverly felt him come deep inside of her. He softened and pulled out.
“You are supremely tight woman. Am I the first to ever fuck youin this hole?”
Beverly flushed with embarrassment and nodded her head.
Adam laughed and said “Well you have lost that virginity to me. It was nice of you to preserve that gift for me.”
Beverly began weeping into the pillows. Adam led the sobbing woman back into her cage. He pulled out the hood and slipped it over her head. He lashed it to Beverly’s collar so that she could not remove it and dropped the bars.
“In the morning you will ask for a kiss and for permission to suck me off and swallow my seed or you won’t get breakfast. If I have to remind you of this tomorrow we will play “catch your breath” all day long. “
Beverly, looked into the blackness of her mask and considered the course of the day’s events. She knew that she could not endure an entire day of having to gasp for breath. The thought of kissing him and preforming fellatio was intolerable, but not as intolerable as the mask. She also realized that she was very hungry. She had not eaten since breakfast. Humiliated, frightened and starving she at last fall asleep.
In her dreams Beverly was back home. She was hugging her son and daughter and later making love to Ted. She lay on the bed letting Ted shave her when all at once his hands and face were replaced by those of her abductor. She awoke with a scream and realized that she was still in her leather mask. In tears she fell anew into sleep.
The smell of cooking food and the sound of the bars of her cage being opened weke her. At once she felt her master’s hands upon her collar untying and releasing her hood. The welcome air was an ecstasy. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at her captor. His words from the night before echoed loudly in her head.
“M… Master my I have a kiss and my I suck your cock?”
Adam smiled and said, “Yes you may woman.” He helped her to her feet and waited for her to embrace him. She hugged him and offered her mouth and he kissed her deeply and passwordately as he would a lover. He knew that by alternative between tenderness and harshness he could break her down more quickly. After he finished kissing her he gently pushed down her shoulders and she knelt on the floor, reached for his fly and fished out Adam’s penis.
The blow job was very good. Adam noticed that he did not have to hold Beverly’s head as tightly as the first time she had served him when he came. She swallowed every drop. Adam led her into the kitchenette .
“Because you were obedient you get to eat in the kitchen. Eat every bit and you get a relaxing bath and an enjoyable shake or would you rather play “catch your breath” all day. Personally I LOVE that game.”
Beverly began eating the food Adam placed in front of her with gusto. She realized that he was actually a very talented cook. It was bacon and french toast and syrup with Yams stuffed with something Barbara could not identify but which was very yummy. It was hard to eat it all with a spork without getting it on herself but she did her best. There was also a mug of luke warm coffee. Adam ate, eyeing Beverly constantly.
She ate all the food. Adam commanded her to lick the plate clean and she did. For Beverly the bath was wonderful. The muscles that had tightened up while Adam was torturing her relaxed in the hot water. Adam washed every part of her and then did her hair and combined out the tangles from the hood. On the toilet Beverly was reminded again of her captor’s power when he wiped her after she peed and crapped.
On the bed again she felt her mind wander as Adam began the laborious process of shaving her entire body. Beverly wondered how this man could be so powerful yet at other times incredibly gentle. She knew that she liked the gentle man much better than the one who had laughed while she gasped for breath and had plunged her into panic again and again. She also thought of escape. She realized how futile that hope was. She realized that only by winning his trust and confidence could she place herself in a position to escape from the cabin.
The thought of getting close to this man filed her with terror and revulsion. “He wants me to drop my guard. To feel affection for him to replace him for my husband Ted in my heart.” The thought of her family reminded her again of the threats her Master had made against them. “Why do I comply with his wishes and say Master rather than Mr. Bridges?” She Thought to herself. “Is he in my mind already?”
After the shake Adam attached some leather lined cuffs to the head and foot of the bed. Beverly understand exactly what was about to happen. She jumped from the bed and tried to reach the front door.
Before she got fifteen feet Adam caught up with her and dragged her kicking and screaming to the bed. Her gyrations were pointless. In moments she was fastened spread eagle to the bed. She screamed and yelled until Adam slapped her forcedly with his open hand and ordered “Silence!”
For Beverly, who had never had so much as a school girl fight and who shunned violence the impact of Adam’s open hand was as stunning as her capture. Fear and panic battle in her mind with obedience. In the end obedience won and she fell silent.
“That was VERY stupid woman. You WILL be tortured for that act of defiance. However at the end of the day you will also experience pleasure so that you will understand the blessings that come to obedient slaves.”
Beverly tested the limits of her restraints. She could move, at most a centerter in any direction. Adam approached her with something in his hands. “These are nipple clips.” he said as he applied them to her breasts. Beverly’s pain threshold was not very high and in seeming moments she was in ago.
“Please M … Master have mercy on me.”
“Why should I?” replied Adam. “You are rebellious and of no value to me except as an organic toy. I have to feed you and house you. Perhaps you have given me all the pleasure you are capable of givingg. Give me three reasons why I should not kill you.”
Beverly was wrapped with pain but Adam’s statement shook her to the core. She knew that her daughter was in danger if Adam decided to kill her. As awful as capacity was she knew that she had to endure it to protect her family from this monster. She knew the answers to his question and she tensed herself to reply.
“Master … my mouth my pussy and … my asshole.”
Adam released the nipple clamps. Left the room and returned with some ice. He began rubbing ice on each nipple in turn. To Beverly, the release was heavenly.
“Those are the right answers woman. I see that you are learning. I am going to release now so that we can go to the bathroom. Afterwards you will return to these refuges and I will give you pleasure for quite some time.”
In the bathroom Adam wiped her. Beverly realized that she was less repulsed by this activity with each new time she was subjected to it. She wondered what would happenWhen she had her period at the end of the month. In that area she was regular as clockwork, The thought of her abductor inserting her tampons was even more appalling than his cleaning up for her after her toilet activities. “Hopefully the police will find me by then.” She thought to herself. She still clung to the hope that rescue was a probability. She knew that if she gave up hope he would have easier access to her mind.
After they left the bathroom Beverly knew better than to protest as Adam returned her to a spread eagle position. Adam turned and removed something from a drawer. He held it up and said. “I’m sure even you are familiar with a dildo. Have you ever used one?”
Beverly, led a rather sheltered life. She realized just how sheltered when she went to a wedding shower and it turned into a dildo party. Beverly was beet red as she realized that so many of her friends turned to artistic cocks for pleasure. She vowed to herself that she would never be so shameless.
She shook her head no and Adam could read her embarrassment in her entire body language despite her being strapped down..
“Well I have selected the most delightful woman to be my slave. It is time that you were introduced to the joys of the dildo. This one is made in the same shape and dimensions as my own cock.”
He slide it into Beverly’s pussy.
“This one vibrates with an electric implant. It is one of the reasons I have power in this cabin.”
He ran a cord to the wall and plugged it in. Although trying to ignore the sensing Beverly realized that she was becoming aroused. Powerless, she felt herself floating away on the wafts of orgasm. She screamed her husband Ted’s name several times. Adam took delight in her deep moans. He had suspected that she was a deep orgasmic woman when he had first lain eyes upon her. In no time he would have he coming like that when he fucked her. She would have to be reduced psychologically until only he was paramount in her thoughts.
Adam let her come several times before he extracted the vibrating dildo.
“Do you see what pleasure I can give you woman. You must thank me for those orgasms.”
Beverly was totally humiliated. She knew that her body had betrayed her but she would be damned before she thanked this beast for her orgasms. She clammed up and turned her head away from Adam. Adam was Angry at her silence.
“Woman, you can either thank me for your orgasms or we can play “catch your breath” again. In fact we will play it now. I LOVE this game.”
Adam left the room and returned with the dreaded leather mask.
“No!” screamed Beverly “No, thank you Master for the orgasms.”
“Your responses need to come immediately, woman. It is too late Now. Time for another round of my favorite game,”
Adam forced the hood over her head. Rather than duct tape this time he used a small clamp to seal off her nostrils. In panic Beverly pulled against her bonds. She was brought toThe edge of consciousness time and time again, for the next several hours. At long last Adam removed the hood.
“Thank me for the orgasms and for not killing you.” said Adam.
Thoroughly chasted Beverly breathed in the life essential air and said. “Master thank you for the orgasms and for not killing me.”
“Now tell me how much you want me to fuck you, woman.”
Without thinking Beverly said “Master I want you to fuck me very much, please fuck me.”
Adam striped off as he stride towards the bed. In a moment he entered her. Beverly felt a stirring in her privates and then realized that she was about to orgasm. She fought for control and pulled against her bonds. It was to no avail. She started moaning and crying at the same time.
Adam had a broad smile on his face as he rose from the bed and let Beverly out of her restraints.
“You are doing well woman. Now it is time for a trip to the toilet and then you go to your cage while I make dinner. Beforeyou know it you will be falling in love with me and will want to please me in every way.”
Those words rang in Beverly’s head as she waited in her cage. She assured herself that she would never let this man get into her head. She vowed that she would never fall in love with him. She would never obey him willingly. Yet in part of her mind deep doubts were beginning to surface.
Dinner smelled delicious.
The End Of The Beginning
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