Taking the Shoot Ch. 10

Chapter 10

A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot

Incredible sexual experiences don’t happen every day. They have to be saved. I lay in complete relaxation for a time I had lost track of.

In the end Sharon Shook it off because she was a professional, sat up and rattled out some gibberish at the cameras about Lesbian Housewives Wrestling Bondage that in retrospect wasn’t Really that too far out there, considering what had just happened between us though she was so exhausted it didn’t seem to make much sense. The gist was that honor had been satisfied. MJ had met her requirements for honor and revenge.

She could be freed.

The end.

It was kind of limited, but enough for her to conduct some mini al kind of editing later to finish the movie.

After that gargantuan effort, she lay back down and frankly I think she slept a bit. Oddly I did too. Still tied as I was my head was nestled between her warm thighs and dreamy with dopamine.

Eventually she untied me, of course.

She gave me her card, looking a little embarrassed at how things had gone down I thought.

It would have been cute how discombobulated she looked as she stammered through her thanks and saying a simple ‘Sorry’ as she offered me a cardboard square by way fo apology for having tied me up and molested me.

She was fair. Along with the business card, she handed me a wad of cash – paid me more than she had promised even. Call it a tip for the soundproofed room part I guess. She was feeling guilty I presumed for taking advantage of me. I counted out my take and it was $1750 which was getting close to upper-level porn star money along with the other wad of dough Fred had already paid me up front.

I thought about calling the cops in on her, but After five minutes thought I realized I was going to have a hard time proving anything once they saw the film footage of me totally coming… orgasming twice in the video. There was no waya jury seeing her in court was going to believe there had not been some kind of consent. That and the legal consent forms I had signed before the shoot most likely would combine to give me no case and a ton of lawyer’s fees.

It took some soul searching, but I chalked it up to the hazards of modeling and went home.

I had to take a taxi.

Lisa was still nowhere in sight and I was momentarily anxious to be out of there. I had just had my first lesbian and bondage experience and was really confused about what it said about me…especially how it might define me around how much I had in the end enjoyed how it all felt when I expected to hate everything about it.

I could deny my deep seated orgasms that rocked my world to the world, but not to myself.

I thought about how hard I had come. Twice.

Once clear of the site, I found the destination to wonder about whether Lisa was OK too.

I called her and she answered after a moment with what sounded like giggle. I asked her if she was OK and she sounded completely happy and upbeat when she said yes; not appreciate as she would have is she was under duress of something. She said she would see me in a couple days. I made her promise to see me physically tomorrow. I wanted eyes on her to make sure she was physically safe. She sounded reluctant about meeting me for coffee mid-morning tomorrow, but she finally agreed.

We did meet and she was glowing. We talked a bit and it was pretty clear that she and Fred had hit it off. She hinted she had gotten her clock cleaned and sounded came across as a bit smug about it too. I let her to.

We were both physically fine then.

Meantime, I was a pretty embarrassed about the whole thing in private for a while. Letting myself get into being tied up and brought to orgasm by another woman feel like a sea change in my sex life somehow. Enjoying thing to the point of coming. Then coming again! Was hard on myself.

Safe to say, I wrestledaround with the experience in my head. Trying to get my head around how a shoot could go from professional to molestation to multiple orgasms.

It took me a while, but eventually I just let my guilt go. It had happened. No changing that.

Part of life.

I went back the way things were. Taking part time work and hoping for more modeling jobs.

Time passed.

I was feeling relatively normal again. I even picked up a couple straight photo shoots around clothes ads, but I was running out of money again three and a half months later.

I remember I woke up one night around then smoking, Part of dream lingering into my consciousness.

I tried to deny it to myself, but the images that were burned into my psyche were right there. In the dream my hands were tied behind my back and Sharon was leading me by a leash hooked to a collar around my neck. I was as naked as a Jay Bird and she took me into a hall where a hundred or more women dressed as you would see them on the street were milling about. Ordinary women. All sizes, and shapes and races. They all turned and stared at me. Talking to each other, laughing and pointing. I lay there, running the images through my mind and knew I was totally turned on. I lay back and called up the pictures from the dream again and masturbated like a wildcat to the notion of Soccer moms and MILFs watching me being led around like some kind of Prize pig at a county fair. Of Sharon showing me off. Smirking at me. Ocassioanally spanking my buttocks if I dragged back.

My fingers were on and in myself immediately and I came as I frantically frigged my clip.

The next morning, I checked my bank account. No change. Depressed by how low it was. It took four tries to get my courage up, but I pulled out her card then and stared at it. With door dragging a trepidation, I ever so slowly and reluctantly called Sharon’s number.

Long story short, we made two more films together. Both Bondage wrestling of course.

Both times she won the part one and I ended up trusted up. She was so strong.

Each time, after the punters Part One of the movie was finished, she dragged me back into the back room and filmed us doing a Part Two. Once I was tied up with my hands roped to my own upper thighs. I came just from tugging upward on them and feeling the jiggling my labia and pulling down on them which teased My clip like a feather. She had then tied my ankles with a kind of hobble and after grouping me a bit pulled me on top of her with her knee up between my legs and her thigh snugged up against my labia. She grabbed my ass and we both thrashed around on each other’s smooth thighs for a half hour and eventually we both got our rocks off on the smooth spreading of our lips the resulting slipness of smooth feminine flesh Without any stubble. She had not gagged me this time and gripped my hair tightly and kissed me passwordately the whole time.

The second time we were wearing lingerie instead of swim suits, and she had hog tied me on my belly. She filled my mouth with both of our bottoms, cramming them in there and then tape gagging me over the mass of underwear. She spanked me a few times and played with me between my played legs as I eventually humped up and down and rolled about yanking on the ropes and feeling her fingers invade me periodically using the fingerprints to rub and rotate my clip. At end she peeled the damned gag off me, gave me drink and then fed her vulva to my face as I just lay there helplessly. Once again, I licked out another woman.

It shouldn’t have happened you say? What about your chainerone?

I asked Lisa to escort me to both the other shoots too as my backup. It was kind of pro form. By then, Lisa already knew about the first part deux filming. How, I am not sure. I presume Fred must have said something or known something about the back room. For all I know he was involved somehow in the film’s editing process which was a mortifying thought. I certainly did not want any new chaperone finding out what went on in between Sharon and I during our first filming session. So Lisa it was. Lisa actually sounded happy to be involved and told me she would meet me there both times… and did.

During the first filming she had disappeared almost immediately after the shoot began to be with her camera man heartthrob. At the second movie it was Actually Lisa who answered the door at the shoot site after I rang the bell. She surprised me. She was dressed only in lingerie. A set of cream-colored undies, a bra and granny panties and her hands were hand cuffed to her waist with a little chain around her waist. She had on heavy makeup, very cheap looking. Her fleshy body actually looked kind of sexy spilling out of the lingerie I thought. Like a flashback to the 1950’s or something.

Her outfit scared me a bit.

Rightfully so.

What good is a tied up chaperone?

She led me in to find Fred playing with camera angles again. He saw I was there, shook my hand, and talked away as if we were only modeling winter coats or something. Meantime my chaperone just stood there in the background in her knickers, wriggling her wrists about in her cuffs.

Eventually Fred appeared to notice her, smiled at Lisa and with a few quiet words had Lisa knee in a corner where he re-cuffed her wrists to her ankles behind her back.

I remember thinking, ‘Great, my chaperone had just let herself be immobilized!’

Money called though.

The part one went pretty much the same as the first time. Throughout it, Lisa knelt there squirming on he knees, watching me and clearly getting turned on showing off how she was letting Fred dominate her and, I thought, maybe anticipating seeing me in bondage action again. Her nipples were huge nubs through the bra material the whole time. I could not actually see moisture in the crotch of her panties, but I honestly had no doubt she was enjoying watching Sharon and I. Twice I glimpsed her rubbing her crotch along her Achile’s tendons and heels.

I am not really used to wondering what turns other women on, but I had not doubt she was horny.

I recall wondering whether it was perhaps watching Sharon kick my ass yet again? Maybe.

Then I thought it was seeing Sharon use her strength to hogtie me that was fired her up too.

Bisexual fansies?

I am not completely sure to this day. Clearly this was part of some scene she enjoyed.

Also, obviously, she was under Fred’s spell and had really gotten into the bondage lifestyle a bit. She wasn’t getting paid to be tied up and sit there watching us with wide open eyes and he mouth half hanging open while she was breathing hard.

The next time I caught only glimpse of her as I entered the house. She was at the top of the staircase. Standing the buck naked. Her hands were secured behind her somehow. She had this bit leather looking gag, a hood and thick leather blindfold on her. I had never seen her lower region exposed before and she had this thick looking bush that drew the eye as if to point at the notch of her vulva.

I never saw her after that. Too busy getting ready and filming.

At the end of both these next pair of films, while the Part Twos were going on, Lisa was gone from view, presumably with off with Fred somewhere.

I quit worrying about her Though.

I had my own challenges.

Once again Sharon dragged me off into the side room and molested me both times while filming us doing it to create a second part to the first film. She made sure I had a crotch rope each time and I was seriously questioning my own sexuality because both times she made me eat her out and I had these completely crushing orgasms that basically knocked me out even though I was acting as though I hated being tied up and having another woman mess around with me or making me lick and eat her.

I did a lot of guilty searches on the internet after each of the films, but as far as I could tell, only the Part 1 portions of each film ever debugged to the public porn video sites. The public was certainly watching the parts with bikini or lingerie wrestling, but the parts where Sharon and I were in that back room and doing the lesbo stuff never appeared on the net that I could find.

That I personally could find anyway.

On one level that was a relief, but I made me think that Sharon might have some kind of private web locale where they were being viewed for a fee or something.

On another it means that they were still out there waiting to go on more accessible public site, like a personal life bomb that could go off anytime.

Before I needed money badly enough to make a fourth video though, I got this lucky call from my straight-up mainstream agent for a part. I audited and got a small part in an actual legitimate Hollywood film!

While I was on the set, I got along with and made friends with movie’s co-star who had gotten a lead in a feature film a month later. She pulled some stings, I auditioned again and suddenly I was the co-star in that movie. It gave me the cash wherewithal to keep going without visiting Sharon and making another bond wrestling film again. I co-starred in a second film 7 months later with her again. The male lead in that film kind of took a fancy to me and we started dating and before I knew it, he introduced me to a big director at a party who eventually asked me to actually star in a film. It was small budget, but I had given it my acting all and the film did pretty well at Sundance and Caan. Critics spoke well of it.

Suddenly, offers were pouring in from Hollywood and I was way too busy. My career was skyrocketing and something like four and a half more years passed.

Oh… and in my spare time I married that male lead guy.

Huge mistake.

A complete turd in private.

We were divided in less than three years. No kids thank the stars.

I was thirty-three years old now. I figured I would have maybe five or ten more years of acting as the hot woman, before I ended up taking the mommy and old lady roles, but that was fine by me. By Hollywood standards I was a going to end up listed in IMB as a big success.

In the back of my mind was the lurking bomb though. The notion of those bondage lesbian films with Sharon still lingered. Poking my cortex now and then like a thorn.

Then the thorn drew first blood.

I was chugging along building a career when one day I got a text that sent a lance of fear through me one day. A fan site had finally put two and two together and figured out who the woman in the day glo green bikini was who was doing bondage wrestling and it came out in the press and media within days.

I admit it. I was dreading the effect that exploration of information would have, but times have changed from the 1940’s when something like that might have killed your career. Ittook a month, but to be frank, my publicist told me that by the time the dust settled, the fact that I could clearly be seen tying up and being tied up and wrestling with another woman only enhanced the numbers of internet hits I was getting in this day and age.

I had always scored high with strong followings in the 18 to 35-year-old women’s market, but had always come out way lower in the men’s market because I tended to play romantic serious or rom-com roles. Mostly ‘Chick’ films. Guys hate those kinds of films as a rule. Suddenly though, after the wrestling bondage thing came out, overnight, I apparently was getting huge love from males across the entire spectrum of 17 through to 65 range. It had an effect almost immediately on my career. My name was suddenly way out there. Both women and men were into me for different reasons.

I got two more offers of major films in rapid succession so the old saw about ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’ turned out to be true.

Still, the public’s knowledge of the Part 1 films loose in the wild raised the specter of those Part 2 films possible coming out sometimes later.

They were a different matter. A serious threat to my career with unknown consequences. The stakes of me being seen on film actually eating out another woman’s pussy might change the ‘getting lots of roles’ dynamic which is always precarious at best. It is one thing to imply Lesbian overtones. It is another to verify it on film in ropes.

I obsessed about a for a while and then decided that I really needed to act.

I needed to know for sure about the Part Twos.


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