Chapter 9
A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shot
“I…When he comes home. He’ll expect his meal and… I can’t be…” I flapped my little balls of tape that gripped my fingers into uselessness where they were tied to my hips. “I can’t still be… tied up! You have to let me go! Please, Sharon! I need to be freed before he comes home. If he was to see me this way. Naked. Bound. Kneeling. He would…” I suddenly pleaded. I was surprised myself. This was real acting! I was completely emoting. Crying out as if was this poor little housewife who just had to be untied before Hubbie came home for his munchies and found his wife naked and tied up by a neighbor. In that moment I became a housewife who had wrestled with and lost to her female neighbor and now needed a way out. That moment was the best acting I had ever done. Method acting. I had become the dialog!
I actually surprised myself. I thought my performance was pretty good. I could feel myeyes tearing up imagining my imagination husband coming home to find his poor wife bound and kneeing at the feet of a naked woman!
I think the performance affected Sharon too.
Sharon stepped forward and looked down at me. Her face was working. I swear her muff was just a fraction of an inch from brushing my nose at that point. She cupped a hand under my chin and forced me to look up at her. She stayed on script.
“I understand that, little MJ. I know he will be coming home from work. What do you think he would do if he was to see you kneeing here? Eh? Kneeling naked? Tied? Helpless?” She met my eyes which I tried to drop submissively, but she would not let me lower my head.
“He would be… shocked, Sharon! He would be… taken aback… I would be so embarrassed to let him see me like that. He would see… two women. He would see us… He would think we were… were… lovers perhaps. Playing power games!”
Sharon laughed quietly.
“I’ll bet he would.”She let go of my chin and without thinking I lowered my face and my eyes were right on that level again with her hairy mound. Her notch was maybe three inches from my mouth! Her labia majora looked a bit puffy and her slit stand out.
It really was a lesbian thing.
I was personally embarrassed to be that close to another woman’s privates and looked down carefully at the ground instead. I Know in my heart it would only make me look even more submissive to the camera. I tugged on the rope harness. It was a mistake in a way. It pulled the crotch rope between my own labia majora and rubbed upward along my labia minora with my clip at the top. It made me catch my breath, tighten my belly muscles and lean forward a bit again in response to the tickling. It felt good but I bumped my forehead into her wy bush.
“Lie down!” Sharon choked out. A dominant command.
I jerked my head up to look at her and see if I had heard her correctly.
“You want me to…”
“Liedown. Yes.” Sharon finished for me as if I was dim witted. “On the floor. Now!” She said when I hesitated. She reached down and took firm hold of that belt end again.
I waggled my little taped up fists helpedlessly as I tried for a moment to figure out how I was going to get off my knees and end up lying flat. Eventually I sat back onto my heels and ever so carefully rolled to my right side. My hands were useless as they were to assist. After a certain point my weight took control of me and flopped rather than deliciously lowered myself as I had hoped. I lay there on my side feeling that damned nylon pulling into my pussy and reminding me that this was making me horny rather than thoroughly outraged as I might have been at being bossed about like this.
Sharon as bent over me…in my mind’s eye I could tell she was thrusting her butt straight back at one of the cameras in that position. Unbidden, an image of her pussy and asshole on full view to the audience just popped into mymind. She was still acting too. I think she was acting anyway. Acting or not, she still held the end of my leather leash.
“On your back, MJ!” She said in a tone that broke no argument.
I turned my head in denial to look up at her and then rolled myself obediently flat onto my back.
Sharon let go of my leash and then grabbed both my ankles and in a quick move rotated me around on my buttocks about a quarter turn. I didn’t understand the move at first, but something clicked in my head and I knew she was doing something for the camera, but couldn’t imagine precisely what. Looking for some kind of angle I thought. Then she picked up my lean end again and did the spread-eagle thing standing over my body again. Legs akimbo. Straddling me as I lay. I have no experience with these things, but as I gazed up directly into her pussy, she looked like a dominatrix personified to me. Nude. The leash gripped in her fist. Standing naked over her submissive. Her inner lips were visible and just for a moment I thought they looked damp. I have to confess I pulled a bit on my crotch rope again. Getting into the head space as best I could.
She grinned openly down at me.
“OK, MJ. You look wonderful like this. Beautiful really.” I was flattered. The way to a woman’s heart is through the tongue. Flattery is only one use for the tongue, but it is where you start using it. I think I blushed at that thought, but I have to confess my clip gave a bit of throb. A throb for a woman, mind you! It was yet another new experience for me. Getting turned on by a compliment from another gal.
Then in a flash she dropped to her knees, one on either side of my head. She lowered her buttocks and rested them on my upper chest. If I had been uncomfortable before, I was a bit terrified now. In a flash She skooched her knees closer to one another so my head could not turn more than an inch to either side. Her pussy was now right there! I could smell her again. It was thesame smell I had been inhaling the whole time the panty bottom of her bikini that had been on my face. Her sweat. The strong smell of her… womanhood.
I shook my head rapidly and screwed my face up even though she had not said a thing.
“No…No! No! Sharon! I can’t! I’ve never!” I kept smacking my cheeks into her thighs. My head was trapped in there. My chin brushing her pussy hairs.
She smiled down and me. She lifted her butt a bit and I thought she was giving up on the idea, but it was only so she could grab that damned belt end firmly and pull it upward. Then she sat right back down.
I was pinned. I kicked my legs a bit and jerked on that crotch harness she had left me in. I strained my fingers once again against the wrapping of duct tape that made my fists into balls. Straining to free my fingers. I looked hard at her lower lips inches form my face. They were definitely wet looking. Swollen. Almost purple. I could just make out the little hump of her whereHer clip was bulging under its hood at the top of her lips. I stared at the little lump like a snake while I tugged and tugged on those tough soft nylon ropes. It was a mistake really. As I waggled my belled fists about where they were tied to my hips and jerked that crotch rope across my own clip which actually gave me a thrill instead of characterizing my resistance as I had hoped.
I was staring at Another woman’s pussy closer than I ever had in my life, and to an observer, it looked almost as if I masturbating to that view! Staring at her vulva. Her labia.
I screwed up my face, feeling the uncomfortable tight belt around my neck. I looked up at an almost intolerably smug look on Sharon’s face. I had to plead with her. It was all I had left.
“Please!” I begged. “Please!”
“Please what?” She almost smiled. “Please what? Please let you lick me? Is that what you want?”
There it was. In the open. The proximity. On film. My mouth and her pussy were just nextto one another. It had just been my secret fear until that point. Not anymore. Sharon had said it. The audience knew. I knew.
“I can’t!” I shook my head as far as it would go. “I can’t…can’t lick you. I just can’t!”
“Oh! I think you can if you try.” Sharon said playfully.
“No! I’ve… I’ve never…” I let a couple tears leak out. “Never with a woman.”
“Now, MJ.” She jerked on my lean for emphasis. Reminding me with it that it was that damned kinky audience who was in charge of things here. Not me. Not her really.
“Did you need me to tie you up tightly again? I can you know? You couldn’t stop me before. There is no way you can stop me a second time. You are already pretty helpless. If I have to do the domination thing again… I will probably get a bit pissed off and gag you again. I have to warn you though. If it comes to that, after I am done securing you, you will end up right back where you are now. Your head between my tights. You’ll be gagged again, of course.” She leaned down and put on a stage whisper. “Thing is though… If I hold onto your hair, move your head around, I can use your nose as a kind of vibrator on my clip.” She glanced to the side, at the cameras. “Frankly, while it would not be as easy as you participating ungagged, I have to tell you that I can still get off that way.” She looked back down at me regretfully, as if imparting a private confession that pained her to admit. “I’ve done it before.”
She had eased off on the leash grip during this chat and used her finger tips of her other hand to gently move some straight hair off my face.
“So, MJ! Decision time. For you. What’s it going to be? Just a nice little lick. I am pretty wet from dominating you this way. It probably won’t take me too long to get my rocks off if you are just a little nice to my cliporis.”
I was staring at her with a struggle look on my face. I was panting in a panicky way. Shaking my head a inch or so from side to side. My face scrunching up in frustration and tinge of fear.
“Ohhh!” Sharon said and wiggled her hips a bit. “I like you breathing on my lips down there. It ticles. Makes me hot. Moves my pubes a bit in the breeze. I confess I am getting turned on now. So… time to decide, MJ. Fair is fair. I gave you a nice little come a while ago. You certainly seemed to enjoy that! This is just a bit of give and take. I helped you out. Time for you to help me out.”
I admit it. I whimpered and thrashed about as far as I could. I was tempted to reach up with my legs, hook them around her body and pull her off me, but I knew she would only laugh and then trusts me up like a turkey in under three minutes. I was trapped and I knew it. Roped legs or no rosed legs. Well and truly stuck. My choices were useless. I could envisage her gagging me ruthlessly and then riding away on my nose. Grabbing and holding my skull by my hair. Rubbing my gagged face and nose against her cunt. Humping away across the duct tape of a gag. Making me into a mute sex toy. Me struggle to breath as my nose was alternatively buried in her wetness. It was too horrible to contemplate.
My only other option was to use my tongue on her. Lick her now. Become the ultimate submissive.
Bottom lesbian action style.
Not having a gag on my mouth again won out.
Finally, I just gave in.
“All right.” I said in a hoarse whisper.
Sharon tugged hard on the leash again.
“All right what, MJ? Say it! Say it loud and clear!” She commanded. She didn’t even look at the camera. I think she was talking to me now. Not to the audience. We both knew the audience was listening though. “Do I tie you and hump your face while you resist or do you give me a nice pussy licking? Say what you agree to. Exactly. Here. Now!”
She was the dominate one. In command.
I opened my mouth. I was in real emotional turmoil. I blurbered a bit then. I exhausted a blur of despair. Crying over how hard it wasto say it. To confess that I was going to do what we both knew I meant to do. To say it too.
She wasn’t having my silence.
She pulled the leash taut again suddenly. It was half choking me. Really uncomfortable.
“MJ!” She said in that ‘bad pet’ tone! “Say it! Saaay It!” She demanded as if to a naughty dog. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I…… I’ll…” I couldn’t get my mouth to form the words. I struggled for twenty seconds an then blurted it out in a rush. “I am going to eat YOUR PUSSY! I’ll do it…OK?” I finally yelled.
Sharon giggled and eased back on the belt. She actually reached in to my neck and loosened it with a couple fingers where it had tightened uncomfortable.
“You were turning a bit red in the face there, little pet. Your leash was too tight! OK!” She said brightly as if we were two girls out on a holiday and having fun instead of dom and sub. “Go ahead and lick me. Lick me like you most like to be licked.”
She settled in, letting her weight rest on my upper chest. I tuck my chin in a bit and stared at her nether lips and hairy mound. Tentatively and slowly, reluctantly, I stuck my tongue out. I looked up at her past her breasts and hard nipples to her face. She smiled encouragedly.
I lifted my head a bit and ever so slowly I licked lightly along her lips.
I am not sure what I was expecting really. think I wanted to be grossed out by it. That I was being molested and made to do something I would really hate. Things is, it wasn’t really that bad. She was a bit sweaty and tasted salty. Her lips had a weak odor to them I might not have totally liked, but it was a scent which I was already actually used to since I had been sniffing it from the crotch of her bikini for a time earlier, so there was no surprise. No Shock in the smell.
Oddly, her pubes kind of ticked my nose a bit too.
I licked again a bit harder and this time her lips parted to the tip of my tongue. I was going from bottom to the top of her labia with each stroke of my tongue. So as my tongue finished the move, it flipped her clip a bit. She gasped each time I did that. I liked that I could at least make her suck in her breath if not much else.
I realized suddenly that the feeling on my tongue had been very moist. She was wet. I had been right about the looks she gave me earlier; she was really horny too. She kept giving little breathy intakes of desire as my tongue tip touched any part of her.
I licked her again. This time when I reached her clip, I gave it a series of flicks with the tip of my tongue. She grunted openly and her eyes dropped shut.
Then it penetrated. Pushing into her.
She wanted this.
I have never been gay. Never really had much in the way of lesbian fansies or thoughts. I was the one tied up here. I was in the submissive roll. My hands were secured. She was sitting on top. For all that… in spite of that… I suddenly realized what happened next was actually up to me. In that way at least I was in charge. I was the one in control. I could continue to lick her. Presumably, if she kept getting wetter and I kept teasing her the nub of her pleasure, she would come and I could end this filming. Refuse her. Refuse everything. Wait them out. Or…I could do the other. I could end it quickly with just a bit more cunnilingus. All I had to do was lick some pussy and it would be over.
I couldn’t say when I made the decision to seize the day, but I did. My tongue had a mind of its own, I guess.
Suddenly, I was licking her rapidly. Hungrily. Again, and again. It got to be a matter of curiosity with me. No longer particularly repulsed, I flicked and rolled her clip about. I bit it lightly, crazing it with my teeth. After a couple minutes I would thrust my tongue up inside her. To push my face up deeper into her crotch. Craning my neck. Feeling my nose nestle deeply into her pubis. Shoving my tongue inside her. Shaking my head fromside to side, using the soft underside of my tongue to tease her. I caught myself doing more and more innovative moves with my tongue without really thinking. I was surprised at myself.
Then I was really surprised.
Somehow I completely slipped over a line. An intelligent line. An emotional line. I found that as I was eating her out seriously. Eating out another woman. I was absently, but with intent tugging on that damned crotch rope too! My little fists, mitten in tape were jerking and tugging on the rope around my wait which in turn tugged those two smooth nylon thick ropes up between my own lips. I was getting into it! My hips were moving up and down even as I used my mouth.
I moaned at first in frustration, then in realization that I was getting turned on. Then as I gave myself permission to really let go.
I moaned again into her pussy and then Sharon moaned even more loudly herself back. I moaned more still, lifting and grinding my hips into ropes and she was suddenly panting, moaning and grinding herself down on my face. She jerked and moved her hips forward slightly and my nose was buried into her fur patch solidly — a rough shove. The position spread her legs wide and gave me total access. I tongued her. I laved my tongue up and down her now thoroughly wet lips. I flicked my tongue side to side and up and down over her now thoroughly hard cliporis.
I smiled into those lips as she first cried out. A short preparation bark of pleasure. Then another. Then another that she swallowed.
I had made her cry out.
I did it again.
She moaned and arched her neck back. She was totally into this.
I was in charge of her pussy and clip. Who was the dominant now?
She was panting and vocalizing.
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Yes!” She looked down at me and my eyes traveled up her body, past her hairy bush, past the creames in her belly and her buried navel, across the twin cannons of her tits to her face and I could see her mouth hanging wide open now and her eyes drooping in obvious lust. “Lick me, MJ! Yes! Lick me… lick my cliiiiittt….”
I stopped dead for a few seconds.
“Please! Oh! No! Don’t stop!” She yanked on my leash, but it was folded under one of her legs and gave her no real purchase. “Please!” She repeated looking down at me with pleading eyes.
I began to lick again and she moaned and recovered upright.
She bounced up and down.
Then she crossed her legs behind my neck which served to raise my head up and jam my face between her thighs, relieving me of the stress of holding my head up by my neck muscles. With a deft move she rolled onto her side and then onto her back. My face was firmly planted against her vagina the whole time and I just kept licking as she dragged me over and ultimately, I settled onto my belly — face down. Carefully adjusting the balls my duct tapered fists to either hip I was now flat on my belly with my face planted, licking in her crotch.My back was bent slightly in the position and pressure upwards on that evil crotch rope was constant.
Sharon unlocked her heels and slowly spread her legs. I waddled forward a bit, like a beached seal and applied myself to eating out the first pussy I had ever tasted thoroughly. As I lay there, I kept tugging upward on that crotch rope. Being on my belly turned out to be a plus for me Though, since it pressed my mons down onto the ropes and my position allowed me roll my hips from side to side and saw them up and down.
I licked and Sharon panted faster and faster and I rolled that rope fiercely between my lips. Humping up and down on it at bit. Then a bit more. Then faster/
She lost control of her own mouth then.
“Yes! Yes!” She cried out. “Lick me! Lick me you bitch!” She humped her pussy up to meet me. “Yes. Do it! Play with my clip you little… lesbian… dyke… housewife! You clip licking… whore!”
There was something intensely erotic about how shewas dirty talking to me. Calling me names.
It was getting to me. I was enjoying it. It was pushing my buttons. This was all so far from what I usually went for that I was able to step outside myself at that point. Either that or the smell of her all over my face and nose and tongue were driving me nuts because I was a closet lesbian. I don’t know. I quit caring. At this point I was just acting on instinct.
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