Chapter 7
A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot
Doing it made me blush furiously of all things. To be so weak. To surrender that way. So easily. But then I did what she wanted. What she was asking for. I slowly unclenched my thigh muscles, unclasped my legs and let them fall open. The world could see my naked con though the camera. My labia on view. My cliporis. My sign of complete submission. Or so I thought.
She smiled and gently caresed my nipples gently.
“Good girl That’s my good girl.” she whispered to me almost intimately.
I did not expect it, but in its own way, it was kind of a rush. At least I was getting paid. I felt a bit like a prostitute or perhaps a slut. In the end though, I had little choice or face being paraded around naked and tied in front of strangers. What is the difference between housewives and cameras? Why not get paid for it. It was my only form of revenge on this woman who and tied me and tricked me into… into… into shamelessly exposing my privates to the world. I was a naked tied up… slut. That was my motivation.
Sharon gave me another.
Her hands drifted onto the crotch rope again.
She was her usual gentle self.
She was kneeling beside me and slowly and softly rolled that crotch rope side to side and back and forth for a couple minutes. Grazing the slick nylon material of the rope across my outer and with a tug, my inner labia. By leaning her hand up towards my belly button she used it the put pressure right on my clip. Eventually, after several minutes of very soft teasing, she pulled both the lengths to one side and extended her middle finger to slide across my shaken shaft like a whisper of wind until her fingertip reached the nub at top of my labia minora.
Then it happened. I did not want it to, but what choice did I really have?
I gasped and whimpered into that damned gag. I blush to say that I gasped. She had done what I thought she could notever do. She had got me going. Excited me a bit in a lesbian way. My clip was hard. There was no denying it. No lying about it even if I’d had no gag.
She teased it. Purposefully, she had made it hard this time. She kept it up. My clip was throbbing. Not by accident. Not at the newness of it all. Not in secret. Right out in the open. Where everyone would see. On camera.
“Hoh Hoh!” She laughed a bit. “Hello there… little nub.” She said this last a bit breathlessly staring between my legs. She stared down curiously, but with a look of… something else. Was it longing?
I am ashamed to say that my clip was hard at being caressed with soft ropes, but that privacy conversation about my clip made me pant through my nose suddenly. I smelled her smell again. I couldn’t help it. Sharon’s pussy smell was in my nose. Filling my senses. My clip throbbed as I breathed.
She began to cares my clip as if it was a breakable and worth a fortune. Gently and barely touching it. Then she would move her finger lower and half enter my vagina Then ease the finger back up the length of the flesh between the entrance and the underside of my clip. Then she shifted and rotated her finger back and forth quickly then teased it infinitesimally softly. Barely grazing it. Then applying more pressure. Then easing back off and barely grazing it again. Then repeated the whole cycle again. Up and down. Round and round. Then again. And so forth.
I know I had been had.
I know she had dragged me into the lesbo scene between us against my wishes. Even against my normal desires. But I have to be frank. She was good.
She was giving me one of the best fingerings I have ever had. She worked away. Edging me. Eventually she lay down beside me on the mat with her head propped on one hand. She hooked a leg around one of mine and tugged it flat. I let the other one fall open flat too so that my legs were played wide. I could feel her wetness and heat against the tigh on that side. My legs were now wide with my ankles essentially bound against my ass. The position let her lean forward and suck on a nipple now and then too.
I hadn’t been sure I was going to be able to get off on the lesbian part of this thing. I was straight after all. Or I was until that moment when my legs fell open.
She had not only wrestled me into an unbreakable hold with Her ropes and gags, she had now begun a process of flipping me over her shoulder; a kind of jiu jitsu to my sexual orientation. I had thought I was firmly straight when I arrived at this photo shoot. Within a few minutes, I changed from resisting and moved instead into a head space of total surrender to her. It was rational in its way. I already knew I could not get loose. The only way out for me appeared to let her do this thing to me. To play with me. To tease me. If that kind of rationalization had been all there was to it, then it would have been all there was to it. Giving in to get untied and then finally get paid was why I had to do.
But as she ticked my frontal lobes that damned conversation too. What she described kept running though my head. My mind kept calling it up despite whatever I might do to put it back away in my brain. I kept envisioning her leading me about with that damned belt leash. Leashed, tied and led around like a real sub through the neighborhood. A neighborhood that would be largely filled this time of day only by women. I was tied. I was naked. I was her helpless plaything. Wearing her panties on my head. Wearing her bottoms on my face really. I’d smell her pussy with each breath. I closed eyes. I’d like to say I closed my eyes and let her, but there was nothing I could do about it anyway so let’s just say I closed my eyes and let myself get into it instead.
My clip got harder and harder. She started dragging wet sounds out of my lower orders. She was gentle about the whole thing. Eventually I was so wet both of us could clearlyhear loud squishing sounds as she thrust her fingers a bit at a time deeper into me.
That wetness is what a hard-on is to a male.
It marks the point at which we can no longer lie about being excited. Before that a woman can fool a man. Pretend she is not excited. Conceal it like what is between our legs is naturally concealed. Until that wet sound gives us away.
I surrendered along with the sound.
I groaned.
I was officially excited then. A part of me might not want to be. That part had no say here. Sharon knew how to jerk a girl off. I was being jilled. I was panting again. Through my nose above the gag. I was hard to get enough air through those panty crotches and suddenly her scent added an extra eroticism to things. I was smelling Sharon every time I breathed. The woman who had tied me. Dominated me. Was playing with me!
I didn’t want to. Then I thought of my nose buried in that smell, of her under togs wrapped around my head, being hooded withmy own bikini bottom, I kind of started to get into it and totally lose it then.
I while a bit. I moaned. I began to jerk my hips up and down. I would like to tell you I was doing it to ham it up for the camera, but it wouldn’t be true. Not true at all. At that point I meant to get my rocks off and Sharon was really good at touching me in a way to assist me with that. I might not be a lesbian, but my clip no longer knew that. It only knew someone was helping it along to conclusion. I was wet.
Talk about sexual fluidity.
I began to hump her hand then. To help her. Up and down. Up and down. I began to keen in the back of my throat. Keening that sound going and letting it grow louder and louder, interspersed with my panting though my nose.
I was coming close.
So close.
I was going to come!
At that moment, Sharon lifted her fingers off of me and lay her palm on her own thigh and lay by my side with her leg sprayed over my knee. I had let my eyesdroop shut as my feelings below had increased to the edge of orgasm, now I tore them open desperately. I was so close!
“Mfff?” I made a vague inquisitive sound from my lower throat.
“Wow!” Sharon said casually. “You are getting pretty excited…aren’t you?”
I just looked at her while panting desperately through my nose and if truth be told, pleading kind of desperately with my eyes.
“Bet you’d really liked to come, wouldn’t you?”
I nodded my head reluctantly. Then again positively. Yes!
“Say it!” She commanded.
I panted a few more times considering resistance, but I really was ready to come and obeying her gave me a thrill instead of filling me with revulsion.
“Mmm!…” I whimpered. “Pshh!” I said though the gag and her gusset and my gusset too.”
She smiled. I think sympathetically.
“Was that a ‘please?’ Huh. Well, I know this a first-time trying bondage out for you, isn’t it?”
I moaned. I wanted to come. I nodded sadly.
“Then you probably don’t know it, but one thing bondage is really good for is edge. Edging is when you get taken right to the edge of orgasm and hold there… without going over it. That is kind of where you are right now. Aren’t you?”
I while a bit, ashamed.
“Let’s try it out for a while and see if we can make this a really memorable thing. Let’s help you ride the edge of the wave that leads to orgasm.”
I stared at her around the crotch of her bottoms. I am sure my eyes were wide and pleading.
“Plsh! Plsh!” Asked from inside my tongues prison. I knew that was what she wanted to hear and frankly I very willing to give it to her at this point if it would get me off.
She smiled at me, this time with geneuine respect, I think. She respected that I was willing to stretch myself. To go along. Perhaps others had not been quite so willing in the past? I wondered. But she was back at it by then and I quit paying attention to the questions. Teasing. Teasing. Playing. Rubbing briskly and then back to teasing. Me moaning and panting and grunting and coming…almost coming! Almost there! Then she stopped again. I moaned and groaned and whimpered in frustration and ever so slowly got my breath back under control using only my nose. Frustrated and hornier, if that was possible, than the last time.
She would let me come down a bit, but not very far and she began the whole cycle again.
Over the next twenty minutes or so she did it again.
And again.
And again.
I will be frank with you. I have always been kind of good looking. When you are good looking you can have your pick of lovers. I have had a few. Some have been pretty good. But most are eager to please me. They want to please you. They want to make you come. It’s a kind of incultiation for some of them. Please her so she’ll like me. Then we will be invited back to do this again. They do not hesitate to get you off. What it means was I had never really had towait for an orgasm in my whole life. If I wanted one, I just took it when I was ready.
Not now. Now Sharon controlled me. She controlled my clip.
Sharon made me whimper. She made me moan. She made my clip throb, but all I got was a feeling I was going to fail from lack of oxygen as I used my nose to desperately gulp in air through the gusset that had been in her crotch an hour before and she held me right there…just on the edge of coming. Not… quite… further.
Just a tiny bit further!
I moaned loudly.
I screamed in frustration, swallowed as it was by the gag.
After the last time she did it I just was reduced to begging though my gag.
“Plsh!” I screamed into the tape. It came out muffled. I tried harder!
“Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh!” I yelled. “I wnt uh ummm! Umm. Mk meee ummm. Plsh! Plsh! Plsh!” I pleaded.
She smiled down at me triumphantly. The cat who had eaten a canary. It was a new humiliation.That smile was knowing. That knowledge that she was holding all my pleasure at the tips of her fingers was humiliating on a new level.
I really understand what it was to be a sub then.
“OK, Darling.” She said. “Since you asked me so nicely. Let me do this for you!” She slide halfway down my body and cocked her index finger and the one beside it and made her hand into a pistol. She committed those Two fingers straight up into my squelching vagina then began to thrust in and out, twisting the fingers as she went and using her thumb to continue to stroke rotations on my clip at the end of each action.
Frankly, that finger fucking lasted perhaps two minutes maximum because I was like Vesuvius at that point… I was absolutely ready to blow. She needed no finese at all to enter me really — I was as wet as the Okefenokee. As she hammered those two fingers in and out of me, in a flash I rose higher and higher riding them, jerking my hips as much as possible while I became a tied up panting moaning frenzy that let me finally explode with a scream I think was barely muffled by the gag and the soundproofing. A long-sustained scream while my body went rigid and I jerked and jerked and jerked. All noises were sexually buried in my gag that went on and on and on while I held my hips as high as they would reach and she used those fingers to pull out every convulsion.
It was incredible.
I came like I cannot remember ever coming in my entire life.
I became a shrinking straining mess.
Just as I rode over the hump into that orgasm, I no longer saw Sharon’s look of concentration as she fingerfucked me carefully, but rather in my mind’s eye, just for a brief flash, I saw her wearing jeans and leading me down the sidewalks by a park, nude, tied as I am tied now, gagged and wearing her panties on my face. It was so utterly erotic an image to me at that moment that I just let myself go completely and rode that vision of helplessness out of this worldand into the land of mists and shadows where the best sex takes you.
Frankly, I think I passed out then. The orgasm was that good. I was completely shattered.
I came to shortly after. Not sure how long.
I dimly heard Sharon’s voice.
I rolled my head to look. I certainly couldn’t lift it.
Sharon was squatting and talking to the cameras. Literally squatting. Feet flat, legs bent, buttocks resting on her heels. Lying as I was, with the lighting the way it was, I could clearly see her labia minor hanging downward between her legs. The views were getting quite a view of her. She was not shy I’ll give her that.
She was whispering to the audience and I was still zoned out so I didn’t catch it all; but I got the gist.
“Few people appreciate how tiring wrestling can…imagine if you add ropes…exhausted, poor thing…sweet come… came like a.. draining. We housewives do get horny and love our rope…… Fair is… Let’s just give her a couple minutees to get her wind back…”
She rose and moved off camera, fussing about with things I could not see. I realized in that moment that the cameras might not see her but were still trained on me and I was lying there naked, tied, gagged and still with bikini bottoms on my face and head. Sharon’s slut. Unable to escape. Used and abused. Reduced to a little cum slut.
Then suddenly, Sharon was There beside me.
She knelt by me on the opposite side from main lens and grinned directly at me.
“I’ll bet you really enjoyed that, didn’t you MJ? I peered up at her with drooping eyes through the legs of her bottoms. “Let me help you get more comfortable, shall I?”
I moaned a bit in response.
She began to fumble around with the ropes on my wrists. It took her a While, but she got the top wrist free. I thought she was releasing me, but she shifted the wrist to my left hip and retied it to belly rope again though there was a foot of give or so.
I whimpered inDisappointment, but I was limp and filled with endorphins.
“You are so impatient, MJ. I will free you…eventally…don’t worry.” She ‘booped’ my nose tip through the material that was stretched across it with her finger. I inhaled and realized I was still smelling her with each breath. I had gotten almost used to it.
The retied my other wrist to the other hip. The tight balls of duct tape that immobilized my fingers stayed where they were. She rolled me over considerately and untied my elbows which made me sight in relief since the new arrangement took most of the tension off the crotch rope cutting into my lips below. I saw again at the lack of strain. She was going to let me go!
She rolled me onto my back and fumbled around.
Eventually she lifted my bikini bottom away from my mouth. The I Hear a bit of tearing sound from a piece of duct tape and she lifted her bikini bottom off my head. She put her hand on my face and peeled a strip of duct tape off my gag. Then another. The made as if to continue, but then stopped and looked down at me. Maybe half the gag was gone, but the rest still remained.
“Listen, MJ. I am going to remove your gag. I know you want it done. It is really hard to breathe through your nose. If I do it though, here is your part of the deal. You have to realize I am in charge here. No talking until I give you permission to talk. Do you understand. Be a good…” She grinned at the camera. “…housewife. Will you?”
I must have looked stubborn for a second, because she continued quickly.
“No talking unless I say or we leave it on. And remember this! This time my bikini bottoms could be on the inside of the tape! Shoved into your mouth and filling it up. A real gag instead of only a tape one. Nod if you agree.”
I envisioned her shoving her bikini bottom into my mouth and retaping it shut. I knew I would never be able to stop her now. I hesitated only a second, then nodded my acquisitions.
Sharon smiled at me encouragingly and caressed the side of my face. Then she pulled the rest of the tape off.
I have never appreciated breathing so much. I panted through my mouth this time. Pure air. Pure oxygen. No smell of another woman’s pussy right there! No breathing through two layers of clothes.
“OK.” Sharon said. “I know from personal experience that a gag can make you thirsty. I had an idiot tie me up with a sock in my mouth once. Imagine how that sucks up the old saliva.” She held a bottle of water up to my mouth and I gratefully gulped four ounces of it down in short order. I lay back feeling almost content.
Sharon wasn’t buying content though.
“All right. Let me get those ankles of yours.”
She shifted on her knees down to my feet and began fiddling about with the ropes there. Before I knew it, one of my ankles was free. I groaned loudly and stretched that leg straight. If felt so good after almost a hour bent tightly back even through one hugeStraining orgasm. After a minute the other ankle fell free too and I stretched it out too with another groan of delight.
“Oh…Sharon I…”
She grabbed my ankle, lifted it straight up in the air and slapped my buttock hard!
“Ow!” I yelled surprised.
“What’d we say about you talking?” Sharon said imperiously. Her hand was still poised in mid-air to spank me again.
I started to form a word than then realized I better not.
I slipped into acting mode and tried to look contribute — a wounded puppy look. For effect, I whimped.
Sharon nodded and lowered her hand.
“I can see you understand. Go ahead and stretch your legs, MJ. I know that being tied up can really cramp them after a while.”
Actually, I thought it was rather kind of her and I took full advantage, stretching my legs straight out.
“Sit up.” She almost made it a command. I did. My hands were still pinned near my wait beside my belly, but I sat comfortably upright. Sharoneased closer and held the water bottle almost tenderly to my lips and I drank. I gulped it down. My dry mouth was passing. “Good girl.” She went on and caressed my hair. “All right, let’s get you on your feet.” She hooked her hands into my armpits and helped me struggle to my feet. “Keep looking down, girl.” She finished.
I swayed a bit standing. I had been tied up for a While. Had struggled through the emotional trauma of being molested only to have a tremendous orgasm. One of a kind really. The cum had been shockingly complete. It had knocked me out for a couple minutes. I was kind of questioning all my assumptions about my sexuality between bouts of concern over the fact that Sharon was filming me pretty much against my will. In short, I felt weird. Disoriented on several levels. It means I stayed biddable while I tried to sort out my feelings.
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