Chapter 6
A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot
I screamed into my gag and rolled my head around to try and escape her, but she just adjusted her panty bottom onto my face until the gusset that pressed up against her crotch was perfectly aligned with my nose. She began to fiddle about behind my neck and though I shrieked into my tape gag and jerked my head as far as I could must in my now exhausted state, she just kept fiddling about. Within seconds I knew she meant to tie the bikini bottom in place. I felt rather than saw her wrapping it somehow with a bit of duct tape and then she took her hands away. The bottom stayed in place. Its fabric stretched hard over my head and face. I understood my head to throw it off. No dice.
With the gag, I could only breath through my nose.
The strip of clothes that ran between her legs earlier was firmly stretched from top to bottom across my nose. All I could smell was sweat and… and… it finally dawned on me… her pussy!
“Ehh! Ehh! Ehh!” I yelled at her and my eyes were wide as I looked up at her through the leg holes of her bikini bottom. It was too cruel. I inhaled despite myself and smelled… and smelled… only her! The way she smelled… down there. I as panting in fear, distress and protest. I had tired myself out trying to free myself already and I as I was sucking in breath desperately through my nose. All the air I got was lacened with her scent!
She wasn’t done.
She twisted her torso to the camera again.
“Well… there you have it. Now MJ will get to smell me as we continue with her learning her lesson and she apologizes at the end of our argument so we both know there are no hard feelings. Of course, I think it would be fearfully unfair of her to have to Only smell me. Only me. I feel she should have to smell both of us. Don’t you?”
What? I thought absently, smelling her crotch pressed against my nose was enough!
I shook my head from side toside like a dog. Her bikini bottom crotch piece stayed put.
The she was there again with my bikini bottom. She casually wrapped it around my lower face like a scientific mask and ran the tie strings around the back of my head. I felt her tying those off back there.
“Ngh! Ngh! Ngh!” I shook my head some more until I had to stop. I was too tired to do much more. Too tired and too short of oxygen. Have you ever tried breathing through a half inch of duct tape and since you cannot, then having to breathe through a bicycle bottom over your nose? Then through a second bottom too? It is hard work.
I was finally getting the message and went still. I became aware of another smell joining the sweat and general smegma in the gusset of Sharon’s panty style bottom. It took me a moment, but it was a background smell wafting up from my bikini bottom that had been added to my gag and was thoroughly pinning her own clothing bottom to my face in addition to hers so that there was absoluteely no way I was going to be able to work those bikeni bottoms off my face. The smell I was getting was my own sweat and I suppose the smell of my pussy. Worse, my own bikeni bottom was now part of my head bondage.
For a straight girl it was a truly great shock. First the whiff of one woman and now the scent of another. Me. All I could do was gasp in air through my nose and try and get my breath back and to ignore that it stunk of two chicks… well, their twats anyway.
I lay there looking up at Sharon helplessly, begging with my eyes through leg holes.
She smiled at me and put her hand tenderly on my cheek.
“Aw!” She said. “Poor little MJ! The little straight housewife is forced to smell my pussy cent with every breath. That is so sad. I sympathize. It Must be a shock for you. Let me make you more comfortable.” She shifted herself behind me. She put one hand on my shoulder and the other on my crotch rope. She tugged the rope across my cupcake and lowered me almost gently onto my back, though she rotated me a bit so that my junk was facing the cameras.
I stared turned my head and looked up at her though the leg holes of her bikini bottom putting on my most pitiful face hoping for some clemency. Clemency from this lunacy.
On my back I had let my legs fall apart as much for balance as design. Then I felt her hand gently cares my inner tigh and started, I clapped them shut hard.
She laughed.
“Darling. It is a little late for that. If you like I can go away and leave you like this until you change your mind, but I really do sympathize. I just wanted to check on how you were feeling about this prediction you are in.”
“Nnn. Nnn!” I said though my gag, shaking my head from side to side for emphasis and trying to glare at her which was ludicrous because my eyes were looking through the legs holes of her stinky bottoms.
“Gosh.” Sharon said. “The little straight housewife doesn’t want to find out why the title of the movie is Lesbian Housewives Wrestle Bondage. You’ve had the wrestling. You’ve had the bondage. So now comes the Lesbian part. She rose to her feet gracefully and fetched a belt from a chair in the corner.
I stared at her horrified. My imagination racing on what she might do with the belt. It was a heavy one. A man’s belt.
“All right, Darling. Open your legs for mama like a good little housewife. Or there will consequences. But there are consequences and then there are consequences. First, I imagine you are already imagining that I can flip you over on your tummy, put my foot at the base of your spine to hold you still and then show you what this belt could be used for on your butt to motivate you to open your legs when I am good enough to cares you.” I realized with shock that what she said was true. She could blister my bottom like a naughty school girl and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I was frustrating to be so helpless. Humiliated.
Sharon dropeon though.
“But of course, that isn’t all a belt is good for. Your imagination may not stretch that far so let me show you.” She knelt by me. She slipped the belt tip though the buckle without the prong. She slowly and deliberately moved the loop she had made in the belt over my head and around my neck. With a slight tug she pulled on the belt and the loop tightened around my neck. I whimpered in suddenly fear and I would have shrunk back if I could have. As it was, I was shaking my head in short panicky jerks from side to side to side. Was she going to strange me?
She smiled at me. “Now I know what you are thinking. You are thinking about…well… sexual asphyxiation, aren’t you?”
I hadn’t thought of it at all until she said it! She could choke me! I had heard there are people who do that to get a sexual high. I wasn’t one of them. It scared me to death. It was too dangerous. I while through the gag and managed to say “Plshhhhh! Plsh! Et meee ough!”
She actually laughed again.
“Let you go? Not right now, darling. You lost the match you know. It is consequences time… for you. But you straight girls have such limited imaginations. Limited experiences too. You’d think those husbands of yours would educate you. You see sweetie, just because you have a leather loop around your neck doesn’t mean I had to tough you with it… not at all…!” I yanked on my bondage again at the word ‘strangle.’ I flailed the wrists and tried to kick my tied ankles knowing full well it would avail me nothing. I felt tears singing my eyes. I was going to cry, full on blub, but she stopped me as she caresed my cheek gently. “You aren’t using your idea factory. Think about it. What could be worse than a spanking or cutting off your admittedly limited oxygen, love? Can’t you see there is another way to go? Can’t you imagine that if I untie your ankles, stand you up… then I could just take you out for a little walk.” She lifted the belt end and showed it to me. The belt wasn’t tight around my neck, but it was firmly there. If she tugged on it the thing would tighten more and I would be unable to stop her. At the first sign of pressure on my neck I knew I just jump right up on my feet and do whatever she told me to.
She smiled gently at me.
“What I am saying is that a belt makes a fine lean. Imagine if I lead you by that lean. First, around the house. Around the yard says… then, if you are still a naughty girl, then imagine if I took you outside this house. You might resist, but I could just drag you. You saw how fast I defeated you in wrestling. Dragging you by a leash in this state of…. well bondage… will not be much harder. You experienced how easily I could tie you up. Now, do You really think you could stop me from just leading you through the neighborhood? Let all the women in their homes look out their windows and see you.”
Sharon continued to smile.
“I would dress myself of course. You, on the otherhand would not be dressed. You would be tied and gagged. And naked. If any woman asked me what I was doing I would just say that it was your thing! You wanted it. You enjoyed it. It was a fantasy for you. Imagine that! You would be helpless to stop me. My little leashed subbie girl. Utterly helpless. Standing there while I talk to this… I don’t know…housewife? Imagine the look on her face while I tell her that you asked me to do it. Parade you around on a leash so you could get a sexual high! Tell her that you naked and leashed was just the way you like it.” She patted my cheek tenderly. “Just the way you love it I should say.”
I stared at her stunned. I could not help myself. She had got into my head. I was envisioning it. I didn’t want to, but she had painted this verbal picture! It was stuck in my brain. I knew she could make it come true. I imagined being made to walk about this quiet neighborhood. The shoot site was actually in a suburban home in a quiet neighborhood! LEashed, tied, gagged and naked. Made to go for a walk. A helpless walk. Frankly it was kind of terrifying, but… well… I knew I had lost the wrestling match… Sharon would make it happen if she wanted to and I also knew there was nothing I could do about it. I panted away with nose inhaling her intimate smells. I realized she was right. I was the dominated one here.
I wasn’t a complete idiot. I knew I would lose if I resisted. I also knew what BDSM means. If you weren’t the one doing the dominating, that made you the sub.
It ran though me then like lightening and I shivered.
I was the sub here.
I thought about that.
Her smell invading my nose every time I breathed and had a thought. Her ropes holding me tight. Helpless even to speak through the gag. Suddenly I knew I couldn’t meet her eyes. I had to do what she wanted or pay consequences I had never foreseen.
Finally, I just nodded quietly. Almost passively.
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