Chapter 3
A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot
I had no legs anymore. I instinctively tried to use them to counter her moves, but when I went to kick them out to stop her increasing her leverage, I discovered that my ankles would not extend and were almost welded to my butt with only a few inches of play.
Her strength was now officially frightening too. I knew she was stronger than me just from looking at her, but now I realized she was a strong as a man. After she flipped me onto my back. My feet were now flat on the floor, she kicked out her own feet so that one of my stupid knots gave and though the other ankle still had a tail of rope on it, she instantly wrapped her thighs around my belly from behind, interlocked her ankles and the ropes holding my ankles to my waist were firmly forced into my ass crack and firmly pinned under my buttocks. I couldn’t kick them and could not straighten my legs at all.
I had grunted steadily as I tried to resist her encasing me in her legs. Now I moaned as her legs squeezed me on each side of my belly. Pushing my breath out.
I only had hands left to fight back!
I reached back to grab her head and neck and got a hold enough to pull her forward onto my chest for a moment, but she brought her own arms up and out so that she broke my grip easily and then she seized both my wrists and rolling hard around me in a flash. She ended up leaning forward above me and managed to pin my wrists to the mat on either side of my head with a hand on each wrist. Her weight fall forward and she thrust with her hips and though I strained my own thigh muscles hard to stop her, but she thrust her hips down even more forced so that her hips spread my own legs apart despite my struggle to stop her. My thigh muscles gave up the fight, her hips backed by her weight and muscles paid them wider and then her belly was suddenly resting on my own. As she recovered back, I could actually feel our crotches meeting through the gussets on my bikini bottom. I felt her vulva rub across my own through the material.
Naturally I pushed my hips up to shake her off, but with my ankles tied to my belly at the back my spread tights were pinned so firmly against my calves and it was like I was humping her, but nothing else was getting done. I certainly could not raise up more than a couple inches.
She shoved my wrists together above my head like lightning and leaned on them both with one hand, then reached out and snatched up a length of rope with the other. I knew I was in trouble then, but the idea of what she might tie next with that rope made me surge my arm strength to maximum with a panting gasp. She had to reach a bit to get the next piece of rope and I broke my hands free after a second and grabbed at one of her arms, got it and heavened sideways.
She jackknifed her hips suddenly and came to her knees and in an incredibly fast move dropped her buttocks hard onto my stomach which winded me with a loud ‘Oof.’ She slipped her ankles under me, interlocked her ankles and now had her legs locked again around my belly.
Sharon sat up there on top of me smoking and panting. It was hard work overpowering another woman. She let her lungs work for a second to recover her wind a bit and I thought I saw an opportunity so I realized half my upper body almost upright inside the embrace of her legs, but she was playing with me since the move allowed her to grab one of my wrists with both her hands, press it against her breasts and get a loop of rope firmly wrapped around it.
I waved my hands and arms with everything I had, or at least tried to, but she hung onto that one hand despite my best effort. Clinging to it.
I wasn’t having that and frantically tugging and pulling on my arm that was pinned to her boobs to loosen it, but she pulled firmly downward and fell forward flat down on top of me again. That arm was now pinned between our bodies with both of her own hands. I couldn’t stop her. Then she pressed her weight down hard so that her breasts were crushing mine kind of painfully. She lifted her hips slightly at the same time. I could feel her hand fumbling around near my belly between our bodies and I wriggled the hand that was pinned there from side to side, but I could feel a couple winds of that slick nylon rope around my wrist and the hand just flopped at the wrist. I used my free hand to grab her hair, but realized it was one of the few rules we had outlined.
No serious hair pulling.
I wobbled her head back and around, but could not really jerk it hard as I was tempted to do. She reached out suddenly like a striking rattler, grabbed and jerked my free hand back between our bodies to be crushed to my belly, then worked both her own hands back to work down near my crotch again.
While I was puzzling out what to do next, she kept doing something below my belly button, I wasn’t sure what, but I could feel her arm muscles moving and knew it was trouble. Her hands were right on top of my public mound and I felt her knuckles slip across my clip a couple times through my bikini bottom.
To be frank, the wrestling was kind of getting me going a little bit with all the hot bodies and sweat mingling — even if it was with another woman rubbing up against me. As her knuckles dragged, I think my clip must have been a bit engorged so a surprise shot of feeling went through me. I might not know what she was up to with her hands, but it felt good!
I grunted and ignored it. I thrust my hips upward quickly. I strained my other wrist in her grip and then with a couple desperate jerks I tore my left hand free from between our bodies. She ignored my free hand and lay flat again with all her weight pinning the hand that was left between us. Her hands were still fumbling around down there. I feel like my right hand was going away from my control now.
Feeling a bit victorious at freeing my left, Ireached down and grabbed for something… anything that I could get my hand on. All I could reach well was the back of her bikini top and because I couldn’t think of anything else, I untied the knot that held it together behind her back, thinking she might now want her breasts to be seen on camera.
I felt her shriek and then actually laugh.
I figured she would have to protect her boobs or let them be seen on film which would buy me some time. Then I grabbed the wad of her hair at the back of her neck and pulled hard on it back and up to try and force her up. It made her arch her neck and tip her head back, but nothing else moved much except her hair clips fall out. I figured at least her longish brown hair might fall in her eyes and give me some help. She kept right on doing whatever she was doing Though.
Abruptly then, she sat upright. One of her tits was on clear view, her brownish nipple visible, but she ignored it. Her legs were still locked around my middle andher butt was on my belly, but she realized them up slightly and using both hands pulled all the slack up on two ropes and like a rodeo rider looping a calendar’s legs, she wrapped and expanded a huge knot right below my belly button. To my dismay I realized what she had been doing below our bellies while she had lain on top of me. My right wrist was firmly tied to that damned belly rope just as both my ankles were at the back!
I tugged and pulled on the tied wrist, but she had created a series of square knots and I was firmly trapped and only had one hand left free!
She leaned out and grabbed another rope then and her breasts hung down while leaning forward, I pushed at her face with my one free hand and she grabbed my remaining free wrist with both of hers. She lifted her butt up and shoved my free hand down between her tights and sat back down. My ‘free’ hand was now pinched between tigh and calm at the back of her right knee. I yanked and tugged and grunted, but all it accomplished was to flap it around behind her leg.
I tried desperately to lean my body upright again, but she put a hand on my forehead and pushed me flat again. I lay there panting and out of breath. She leaned slightly and almost casually looped a rope around the wrist of my fluttering hand inside her right knee. She then wrapped it twice more and tied it off so my hand was tied tightly with rope. My wrist was in that rope and I wasn’t getting it out without some work by my teeth. She took the long free ends of that binding and thrust them around and then through the ropes that held my other wrist to the belly rope tight around my guts. All I could do was watch. She raised her ass in the air and with a jerk pulled the slack out of the rope so that my other wrist was now tugged and tied firmly against the other one. Then Sharon wrapped and wove the ends through the mess of knotting and finished it off with multiple knots while all I could do was squirm a bit, straining against the ropes holding me and making the odd lift of my upper body, but I was getting tired and she really had me tied up now.
She grinned down at me and reaching over pulled yet another rope from the pile.
That scared me a bit. I had thought she had done her worst, but she obviously had other plans.
She looped the rope around the mass of knots below my belly button, but then strangely kind of pushed it between her legs and abandoned it to take up a second rope.
She wiggled her eyesbrows at me annoyingly while I grunted and compromised my upper body side to side.
She unhooked her ankles where they had remained locked behind my ass while she straddled me, upright on her knees. I wriggled my ass from side to side and jerked hard on my wrists violently which bumped her several times on her lower lips inside her bikini but for all that work it brought me no closer to being free. She jumped a little as my knuckles bumped her labia and she wagged a finger at me.
“Naughty. Naughty!” She scolded.
She leaves to her feet, grabbed my shoulder and flipped me over face first on the mat. I could not stop her. I kicked my feet ineffectively, tied as they were to the belly rope, but my hands were useless under me now and tied by my crotch.
It was then that I found out about the rope she had woven into my wrist ties and that damned belly rope. The two ends of it must have been just lying there on the mat between my legs and she snatched them up now, flipped the ends under the back of the belly rope around there my ankles were tied to it and though I am slow to figure it out, I suddenly envisioned what was about to happen. I squirmed with all my might, grunting and straining against every rope on me.
“No!” I yelled commandingly. “NO!”
Sharon ignored me and with a yank I felt her take the slack out of the rope, tightening it into my crotch so that the two strands lay on each side my pussy lips inside my bikini bottom. She kept tension on it andpulled it still tighter while I wriggled and compromised.
“Oww!” I yelled fell that rope really push my bikini bottom up inside my cooch a bit and pinch my vulva between them.
With a final yank that made me squeak she tied it off somewhere back there.
I gave a little whimper and lay there panting helplessly. Lifting my head and trying to look at her, but my hair was loose and falling in my face.
I was one tied up girl!
Not enough apparently.
She wasn’t done.
I felt rather than saw her grab my right elbow and then felt yet another rope being wound around the lower portion of my upper arm just above my elbow. It was snugged tight even while I kicked my legs in midair as if having a tantrum, frantically jerking my ankles back and forth the six inches of slack to try and loosen one of the knots or at least give her a kick to discourage her. She was leaning over and I felt my heels bounce off her buttocks a couple times, but she only giggled more andkept tying away.
Soon I felt her wrapping that damned soft rope around my left elbow too. Suddenly I felt tension increase, then increase again! My elbows were being dragged behind my back towards each other. I wriggled my upper body and pulled for all I was worth and she just kept tightening until my elbows were maybe eight to ten inches apart behind my back. She was doing some kind of knot making back there, I was in no position to stop her.
Worse, the tension she added tightened everything else she did so far. My wrists were scanning against the belly rope and each other where they rested on my public shaft as my elbows were pulled back. With more tension on my belly rope, the whole arrangement pulled my ankles even more towards my ass.
Worst still, the tension added still more pressure on that damned crotch rope. I could feel my cliporis pressing into that rope. A good thing as it kind of painfully spread my labia beneath my bikini bottom.
I wriggled my hips from side-to-side grunting away. I was well and truly tied.
A strange thing happened though. As I wiggled my hips and pulled on my wrists and kicked my legs, every motion dragged that damned crotch rope from side to side a bit. With each of those movements, I felt round soft rope roll across my clip at the top of my inner lips. Frankly…I was finding it a bit erotic now. My clip got harder and I think I was turning red and gasping a bit… not all of it from the effort of straining to get free.
Sharon took that moment to half flip me onto my side which did further interesting things in my crotch.
She caught something in the look on my face and suddenly she grinned hugely down at me and I knew she suspected I was a bit turned on. Why not? It must happen to her all the time as she was making these films.
She flipped me fully onto my back then. Rolling me almost tenderly so as not to pinch anything. I lay there flapping my legs open and closed and fluttering myhands like little birds on top on my public shaft in my bikini. I wasn’t getting loose soon.
My chest was rising and falling from effort and that tiny bit from excitement.
Sharon looked into the camera then.
“There you have it. MJ knows now she has lost this argument.” She looked down at me. “Don’t you MJ?”
I thought about it a moment before replying. It was kind of humiliating the way she had asked it. Still, there was no lying about it. It was all there on video. I nodded reluctantly and looked up at her standing there over me.
I really felt helpless at the point and tried to express it with my face and eyes. I was only half acting.
“Yes…” I said quietly. “You win, Sharon. I know you were right and I was wrong.” I tried to sound submissive and imagine I really did a bit.
She looked down at me indulgently.
“OK, MJ!” She stepped over me and planted a foot on either side of my body with hands on hips. She towered over me looking down andFinally, casually fixed her top by retying it at the back to conceal her boobage slip that I had inflicted on her.
I lay there. Thinking for some reason that her tits looked really nice as they disappeared from view. I dropped my eyes. I found myself looking right up where her crotch lay inside her bikini. It was intimidating. Her mound was clearly outlined. Camel-toe on clear view. A woman had made me her helpless plaything. No question.
“Now you know the rules!” She looked between me and the camera, still playing to the audience. “When one of us loses they have to struggle to get loose for at least three minutes to test whether they are really been beating. They have to try as hard as they can too. The idea is to let it sink in fully that you have lost this bond fight… and that you have to submit to the other person.” She looked at her wrist watch. “Time starts now!” She walked over and leaned against the wall arrogantly crossing her arms.
I stared up at her indisbelief.
I cannot say what was going through my mind then. A little bit of me was pissed off at losing this wrestling match to a rather smug looking Sharon. Another part was kind of into what was happening, especially since that crotch rope was rubbing me the right way. Another part of me had never done bondage before and it was adding to some inner core of me that to be honest, kind of liked being tied up, especially when it was against my best efforts. What kicked in an ratcheted up what came next finally though, was those rotten cameras. In my heart I was Julia Roberts. I was every actress that had ever been tied up on screen. I was acting out for an audience I would never meet. I chose the helpless damsel in distress look and went with it. Because of the real feelings I was having, it started out as an inspired performance.
I jerked at my ropes. I wrestled with the ropes. I strained and compromised and wriggled helpedlessly. I knew nothing I did would really free me, but somehow, I tried hard to get them to give. I was a helpless damsel. A princess in a tower. I pictured all kinds of guys watching my film. Their hard-ons now throbbing. That vision turned me on even more. Oddly, I even flashed on an image of a few women gathered around a monitor and watching me tied and helpless with glasses of wine in their hands. I went into my submissive head space and rolled about from side to side, onto my belly with kicking legs and finally returned to my back to thrust my hips up and down as if some invisible lover was doing me. In a way they were, because that crotch rope got a ride the whole time. I could feel my clip up hard now and heat in my lower belly making me horny.
There was acting involved. But there was certainly more too.
I got into the zone.
I started improving dialog then that I thought all those later watchers might dig, but which kind of reflected my real feelings too.
“Let me go!” I cried. Struggle. Struggle Whimper. Hump my hips. Roll around.
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