Chapter 2
A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot
Two days later I was Johnny on the spot at the place and time.
I didn’t actually have a boyfriend with me though. I was cock-dating a pretty boy who was a stock broker, but our relationship was only an inch deep and he told me flat out he couldn’t get away during market hours and this shoot was at 2 PM. So, I asked the gal who I considered my best friend to go with me, but she was out of town with her mother on that day. I asked a couple other model acquaintances, but neither of them could make it on short notice either.
Finally, a bit desperate, I asked another girl I had known a bit at a fast-food job I had held for a few weeks a couple years back. She was a little bit tubby and had a wide butt, but still had a reasonably pretty face with only a little bit of jowl and attractive shiny straight hair so she wouldn’t exactly fit in with my starved modeling crowd and subsequently I could tell she was a bit jealous of it all whenever I talked about it, while still being very intrigued by the notion too.
Most women are, whatever they say or how often they turn up their noses.
She agreed to accompany me right off the bat. She was between jobs just now anyway, had a car and was intrigued by the whole thing and told me she thought it sounded like a kinky lark when I told her it was a bondage wrestling shoot.
She seemed ideal to escort me.
Her name was Lisa.
I was just incredibly relieved I had finally found someone who could do it at all and that I would have backup at the photo site. When we talked, I briefed her to look out for anything hinkey while we were at the shoot and to have 911 on speed dial if she suspected anything sick might happen and she agreed readily enough to act as a solid safety net for me.
It settled my mind.
She picked me up the next day right on time and drive us over.
The shoot address turned out to be what lookedLike a typical suburban house that was for sale in a quiet neighborhood. There was a full-on actual realtor’s sign hanging out by the curb and it even had a key lock on the front door like realtors use, though the door itself was unlocked and partially cracked open. That may sound suspicious, but it really wasn’t. Modeling jobs take place in all kinds of locations and I was used to some being in really unusual Joins like abandoned warehouses and decayed buildings in the desert, that kind of thing. I knew producers were always looking for cheap shoot locales to up their bottom lines, so a house for sale was not a surprise.
I told Lisa to stay out on the lawn with her phone in her hand for now and if I wasn’t out in five minutes to talk to her, she should scream ‘help’ to the world.
I pushed open the door. went inside and frankly it immediately felt like everything was all on the up and up.
The living room to the place and been completely cleared out of furniture.
There were professional lighting setups on stands with umbrella reflectors in two corners that made the room like daylight. The windows were masked with frosted plastic to soften stray sunbeams in shots, but to still let natural light in. The floor was covered in soft wrestling mats like the pros use. There were two cameras set on tripods at separate locales to capture shots at two different angles during filming. I caught a glimpse of a kitchen off to one side with coffee and donts stood on the counters along with a veggie tray that most models tend to grazing on when working and through a side bedroom door I could see various clothes, dresses and lingerie dumped in piles on a bed and hanging hither and yon on various hangers. Obviously, the room screamed ‘changing room’ and the clothes positively yelled ‘costumes.’
A rather good-looking guy who hadn’t held in a couple days was fiddling around with one of the camera’s when I walked in and he smiled engagingly at me and introduced himself as Fred the cameraman without hesitation.
“You are right on time.” Fred said. He fished in his shirt pocket and pulled out a hundred and twenty-five bucks. These people led with the money. I respected that.
“Sharon told me to give this to you on arrival. It’s the 25% of your fee. What we agreed to. Can you show me the bikinis you brought?”
“Oh.” I said kind of surprised. Not wasting any time. Straight to technical talk. I instantly realized I was working with a pro. Shoving the money in my jean’s pocket and I held out a plastic shopping bag that had the three suits in it. He pulled them out walked around the room, holding each one against the mats and walls thoughtfully, obviously thinking about which would show up best in shots from various angles in the existing lighting. Fred ended up shoving two of them back in the bag and gave me a string day glow green one. “Wear this one. It will show off your own colors well during the action portions of the shots and still also stand out against backdrop for the audience. You can change in there.” He jerked his head at the bedroom I had pegged as the changing room.
I thanked him, went straight out the front door and got Lisa who was patiently loitering on the lawn.
“Looks OK, Lisa! Come inside.” We walked in and Fred was right there so I introduced them. “Fred, this is Lisa… my Chaperone. Lisa? This is Fred. Cameraman.”
The smiled at each other and I could tell right away that somehow, they fancied each other. I reckoned Fred had his own little BBW fetish that Lisa fulfilled or maybe he was just tired of seeing skinny bitches every day on the other side of the lens.
They started talking to each other right away in as stream of consciousness kind of way. Fred definitely seemed kind of flirty. Certainly, I saw Lisa rock her hips a couple times while Fred wasn’t looking or doing something else. I knew what that means. I went into the bedroom, closed the door and hopeped into my bikeni after taking out the seed money and stashing it under a leg of the bed. It was a security thing. If anybody went through my pants during the shoot, they wouldn’t find the cash I already had.
I strolled out and was surprised to see an auburn-haired brunette with her long hair done up in clips at the back of her head and wearing a white bikeni standing talking to Fred. He saw me and introduced me to her.
“MJ, this is Sharon Tarkenton. She is the producer of the film and is also starring in it with you.”
I was a bit started; I had not really thought this film through. For some reason I thought I would be wrestling a guy instead of another woman.
I put on my professional face though and shook her hand with a smile.
“Looking forward to working with you.” I said in a friendly actor’s voice.
Never put off a producer is my motto. Who knows when they will have more work for you?
She was about an inch or two taller than me… it was clear height win since she was barefoot and I had flats on. She had lean, but strong looking arms and tights though, she clearly worked out a fair amount. Not a bulked-out weight lift type, but no extra flesh on her either. She even sports a bit of a six pack.
She also looked a bit sweaty.
She smiled.
“Thanks! You too.” She said in an equally friendly way and smiled again at me.
I put on my big-girl persona and asked her a grown-up model kind of question.
“Is there no dialog for the film I should be studying or looking over right now? No script?” I asked, always wanting to come off as professional.
Sharon laughed pleasantly.
“Nah…’ She replied. “These films cater to a specific fetish. Some day when I have millions of bucks, I will work on a film with an amazing script and direct the hell out of it. As it is today, the rubes just want to get to the action and don’t have much patience for any talk-talk. So, I will just say a few words at thebeginning, introduce you.”
She giggled pleasantly.
“You just wave at the camera and say ‘Hi’ to the audience. I will make something up about why we are wrestling. Then we basically square off and wrestle. To be clear, it will be neutral position start. You know? Standing. None of your referee’s position, on all-fours starts, just so we are clear. Fans don’t like them for some reason. Also…this is straight shot-thru so there will be no pauses in filming. Just a solid match with no references, no time outs, no whistles and no stops. We wrestle until one of us is defeated. OK?”
“Without refs how do we know when we are done?” I asked.
She smiled.
“Normally, for straight up wrestling, it is based on points or often just when one of us is too exhausted to move. For these kinds of films though…” She pointed to a heap of thick soft looking nylon ropes on the floor. “…Whoever is tied.”
“I forget you are first-timer.” She elaborated. “The ropes here areno big deal. They are thick and really soft, but strong as hell. If you are worried that they are soft enough not to leave much in way of crueles or marks. Technique wise, we grab each other and simultaneously grab a piece of rope and just try and get it around some part, heck, any part of your adversary and tie it off. Except the neck of course. Necks are off limits.”
She looked me in the eye.
“Once you have one rope tied off. Then just grab another piece and tie that off too. In the end you are just trying to immobilize your opponent with the ropes. In my experience it is super tiring doing the wrestling, but just so you know, if it is you that is tied, the fans love it if you struggle around against the ropes as soon as one is on you and they get off on the ‘tying-you-up’ bit.”
She looked relaxed, clearly experienced.
“It adds to audience appreciation to think that you or I are resisting and they dig any signs of that resistance that isn’t too obviously fake.In other words, they are gonna love it if you break a hold and manage to shake off some of the ropes even while we are still wrestling, so don’t hesitate to try with all your might. Don’t worry about grabbing me and throwing me around a bit either.”
She grinned engagingly.
“I assure you I will be trying to do the same so do not hold back a single iota. The match goes on until one or the other of us is immobilized by the other one. If you really need some more stage direction, just struggle a lot against any holds or any ropes on you and try your best to get me tied up instead. Grunts, groans and the odd moan are plenty of dialogue really. Make it an honest effort to win and don’t stop and it will all go well. You understand?”
“Well, I guess by ‘all gos well,’ you mean ’til one of us is all tied up too tight to get loose?”
She giggled.
“Right! Tied up. I am sure you know what that is like.” She turned to Fred then without elaborating. Taking it for granted that everyone does bondage in the bedroom. “Fred, You ready? I checked. Servers working, video and sound are AOK?”
Fred nodded and I saw Lisa in the background. My escort was clearly watching his butt as he leaned over a camera lens. I could practically read her mind as she undressed him with her eyes. I think she was getting a bit carried away by the exotic nature of the surroundings and when you are a bit heavier like Lisa you probably don’t get hit on as often as you would like so this was really going well from her perspective.
A good-looking Fred right at hand at the set who was also into her, along with the exotic topic and the erotic overtones of the shoot was kind of a triple-fecta for her. Frankly, as I thought about it, the way she had hung on every word when I described today’s shot made it seems like she was maybe really into the bondage angle thing too. My chaperone was in hog heaven.
Sharon faced me again and smiled.
“Sorry if I am a little sweaty. I had another match for another similar theme film about an hour before you got here. She grinned at me. She lost!” And laughed with a friendly shove on my upper arm.
I smiled back absently, but realized I had definitely not thought this whole thing through very well.
First, I was going to battle a woman instead of guy, so not everyone would be looking at me in the film which my ego had figured I would be the sole centerpiece of. Who watches the guys in kin films?
I pondered my opponent seriously.
Second, Sue’s muscles looked solid. She obviously worked out. I went to the gym fairly regularly, but I always had it in mind not to look too butch for the boys or the women thinking about the clothes hanging off me in photos. To be fair, Sue didn’t really look butch. She was lean, but shaped. Probably a big B cup or a Small C. Bigger than my own small B. Her face was cute enough too, though not dramatically pretty and she wore minimum make up.
I had on a fairly full kit of makeup on so I figured my face would photograph better on any close ups, but when they panned back to our bodies, I figured she was gonna upstage me a bit since she would look pretty tight next to me.
Thirdly, I knew next to nothing about bondage and knots, but from what Sue had said she had already made a film like this one just today. How many more had she made before that? She was going to have a clear advantage which made me square my shoulders at the thought. I had my work cut out for me for sure. I needed to focus.
Suddenly there was no more time to think about it.
“OK… Action!” Fred called and made a time note on clipboard. “I’ll toss in a red hanky from off stage as a signal to start wrestling!”
Sharon stepped to the center of the mats, facing camera and put her arm around my shoulder then.
“Hi, Folks.” She looked right into the lens. “I am Sharon and this is MJ!” She looked over at me expectedly.
I was minimally trainedin film work by now so I mimicked her and I looked at the lens like it was another person I was just having an ordinary conversation with. You don’t want dead air, so I spoke right up unrehearsed.
“Hi!” I called out searching for something to say. “I decided to hang out with Sue today by the pool in our bikinis… as you can see.” The words just popped out of my mouth. It didn’t seems enough so I just said whatever came into my head. “We had a kind of an argument out there and came into the house after we decided to settle it by wrestling it out. I intend to win!”
Sue looked at me a moment, obviously surprised by this improvement. She grinned delightedly at me and ran with it though and looked right back into the camera.
“That’s right folks. MJ and I Always settle intense arguments peacefully… on the mats. We added ropes because without a referee, it is hard to tell who won. The ropes prevent any confusion. Once one of us is tied up the other one knows just who isvictorious and has to do what the other says for the day – starting with an apology for ticking off the other. It is very humbling to lose. So, without further ado, MJ… let’s square off! May the best woman win in this film called… Lesbian Housewives Wrestle Bondage!”
She stepped to right side of the mats without fanfare and I moved to the left while chewing the title she had just spouted out in my mind. Everyone knew there was no actual Lesbian scenes, right? So why the title? I wondered. Then I figured out that wrestling women together must come across as a bit gay and plenty of guys would think that female bodies pressed up against each other was some form of two chicks getting it on, even if it had nothing to do with that. ‘Men! I thought. ‘They’ll believe anything! Go figure!’
I Remember thinking those ideas and actually knew it was a mistake being I was in my head instead of paying attention to acting since Fred chose that moment to toss the bandana into center ofthe mats and Sharon was off like a shot before my brain even figured out it was the gong signal to wrestle.
She rushed me and I tried to block her hands, but she flapped her arms around in circles leaving mine on the outside, evaded my crude countermove to grab her and locked an arm around my neck. She thrust a hip forward for a falling rollover that dragged me down onto the mat with a thumb.
By the time I managed to sit up, she was already behind me and had reached instantly into the pile of ropes and was already winding one around my belly from behind. I tried to turn towards her, but she slide an arm around across my chest and just missed grabbing one of my boobs, but her clinging on keep me from turning.
I tried then to rise to my feet a couple times, she would just apply weight on my shoulder and sat me back down. I suddenly noticed one of her legs flat on the mat neary and sticking out so I grabbed a length of rope of my own and began to run it around her ankle. It took me a couple tries and by the time I kind of figured out how to loop the rope around and through itself she already had a double loop around my belly and I could feel her jerk it tight and was tying it off behind my back where I could not reach it easily.
She snatched up another rope. I was sitting with my left leg in a cross-legged position and my other folded under me as she kicked her other leg past my hip, over my half lap, thrust her foot forward and hooked a toe into the rope I had just wrapped around her ankle and half dragged it off until I grabbed the rope ends quickly and tried to pull it tight again.
I still had my right leg doubled up under me and I felt her wind a rope around the ankle of that foot behind me, but was so focused on her getting her ankle properly wrapped up again I barely noticed. I tried to tie a knot at her ankle, but realized I had forgotten how to tie a square knot and ended up with a pitiful granny which the slipperynylon ropes made kind of loose.
While I was being ineffective, Sharon had gotten her own rope cleanly knotted on my ankle tied to the rope around my belly and done some kind of complex knot at the base of my spine where I could not reach it. I pushed back against her suddenly and tried to rise, but with a grunt, I sat right back down. My right ankle was tied to the belly rope behind me Somewhere. My calm and tigh were basically welded to each other and my knee bent permanently. I had lost a leg!
She pulled her own tied leg away from me, but I figured I had a victory going when I pulled on the rope to it and yanked it back strongly, but she suddenly shoved me forward between the supposed blades. I fought back but she was strong! I tried to lean back and groaned.
My right ankle was so firmly attached to my belly rope that I couldn’t resist with it and she rolled me forward to that side and flipped me forward onto my face and belly and I had to let go of therope on her ankle to use my hands to stop myself face saving hard into the mat.
That’s when I feel her hands on my other ankle and I kicked out hard to the side to deny her a further grip, but she had already looped a rope around it and I felt her yank it back hard to that ankle was being pulled up towards my butt too. I went up on my hands and arched my back trying to kick my leg. Desperately, I saw that her leg still stuck out and I grabbed the rope I had tied to it and pulled with all my might to bend her knee. I discovered Sharon’s other foot was flat on the mat because she was still behind me and obviously sitting on her bottom and had her legs wide for balance.
I put my weight down on her right calf to pin it to the mat. I could not get very good leverage to pull her tied left ankle, but did manage to stretch the rope from her tied ankle to her other ankle though since they were three feet apart. I tried to tie it off to that she would be hobbled. She thrashed her legs a bit and I fell hard on the kicking right one to pin it still harder.
I got a single loop around the second ankle and tied it in a shitty knot because the ropes were only so long and I had very little rope left. But while I was puzzling out and working away tying my knot, I could vaguely feel her tying and looping ropes between my ass and that damned bellyrope at the base of my spine. Suddenly she reached under my left armpit with her arm, snaked the hand up across my shoulder and hooked it behind my head. She pulled up, right and backwards and it was then I understand that she had now secured both my ankles to the belly rope super firmly near the base of my spine. She had me on my back on top of her and the stretching in that position which pulled all ropes on my ankles taut so my calves and thighs were bent and tight against one another with my feet flat on the mats.
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