Taking the Shoot Ch. 01

A model takes a part in a FF bond wrestling shot

Chapter 1

A model takes a part in a FF bond wrestling shot

The name is Marjory, but everyone just calls me MJ.

I am 26. Really late to take on modeling as a career. Most models start at like 12 or 14 or something crazy. Still, I decided to give it shot. I wanted to try for something special before I went completely over the hill. It was a kind of self-flattery thing with me though. I am kind of a girl with instincts that led me to try for beauty. What I really wanted in my heart was to have some lovely images captured of me while I was still kind of hot. That I could look back on one day with satisfaction.

As a model, I have modeling limits though. Natural ones. For example, I am a bit small breasted to fit into the big cow teenage super hero pash lot so your boobs overflow their cups when you are wearing a lootard. I am short too… I don’t have legs that go on forever like a lot of modeling greats; but my face is pretty and my legs are good enough for a 5-foot 4-inch female and overall, I am cute and exude femininity. I wear my dirty blond hair just above the shoulder in a bit of a straight shag look. I love short dresses. Love posing. My overall image is that of the sexy girl in the next apartment kind of thing. The one guys see and are shy about asking on a date for a long time and then ultimately get with.

I tried to do modeling right. I got some headshots done, got an agent, smeared out my info around the modeling community and then had a few calls for a couple small time company type modeling gigs. Even had a couple backgrounds for clothes and stuff. I made some money at it, but I wasn’t getting rich. The jobs were too far apart to make a real living and so I expanded my horizons and went out for corporate videos too and got one of those after only four months trying.

It was a show featuring me wearing a business suit and talking about proper water coolr installation of all things. I found I liked working in front of the video camera. I felt I understand how to play to it pretty quickly. It flattered me to think other people would be watching me act. I blogged a bit. Did some self-video shtick, but I was too lazy to really do all the jobs involved and keep after it to grow a follower list of any size.

That one professional cooler video gave me the lens bug a bit, I admit it. In my fantasy, demands for videos were going to snowball and springboard me onwards to TV or movies; but that was fantasy and I only got the one gig and I discovered the video work was also too infrequent.

Meantime… I had to eat.

One day, I ran across this low-level agent guy I had shaken hands with in the past just as I was walking out of a bar and we got to talking. My interest in films came up. He looked me up and down and told me he could always get me some ‘Film and Video’ exposure.

I knew what that means.


I declined firmly, but he kept talking and was persuasive and told me quickly that it didn’t have to be hard core or anything. I’d had conversations with other girls around shoot sites and they had told me that in straight up porn that nude women make like $300 for scenes prancing around or with your fingers diddling themselves, $800 for a lesbian scene and maybe $1000 for a straight sex scene. Which always seemed Weird to me since as a straight woman I had thought the lesbian stuff would be more money since you had to go outside your orientation and everything.

Obviously, I had a lot to learn.

Worse, I had a lot of debt. As we talked I could see the bills that had come in and I knew I really needed the dough.

I made a couple calls and as near as I could tell the guy had been playing it straight with me so I got curious enough to actually ring him up. We met again at a coffee shop and I asked him what he meant about the non-hardcore end.

He was frank and told me therewere lots of levels of stuff that were off the ‘narrow’ as he called regular modeling and film making. There was a market for bikini and lingerie stuff that still kept you in some kind of clothes while on camera and still put you in front of the still and video lens. I asked him about that money and it turned out that it was low… only like a $100 a shoot for just prancing around in the stuff with a monetary escalation bump for ‘interests and specialties.’

I was still chewing on that $100 number so it was out of no particular curiosity I asked what the kinds were of ‘interests and specialties.’ I knew he really was an agent then because he didn’t get pervy and stare consistently at me in any way. Not undressing me with his eyes while trying to hide a hard-on in his pants.

Instead, he just started playing with his phone with His fingers while winging things off the top of his head. He said that it added a bit of money for wearing rubber clothes or latex that usually booted it up to maybe $150 to $200 a shoot depending on what he called the ‘overtones.’

I got tired of just imagining other things so I cut things short and asked him straight up to take a slant of looking at it from a money angle. What would take to get me a month’s rent of $450 dollars from a shoot while still not sacrificing any chance I would have of later getting a career full of legitimate work? You know, When I got to the point where I matched Julia Robert’s record of income in Hollywood, for example.

I was worried about being really embarrassed over the long run and after my imagination career shot off like a rocket only to be snubbed in Hollywood when the shots came out in the tabloids — which they always do. In other words, what could I do in a bikini without flashing my junk to the world or being penetrated by something and still make the dollars I needed to meet my needs right now?

I remember he shrugged and told me that there was some bikini work in other spcialties that weren’t penetrative, but were solid porn. Things like fallatio, but he stressed quite honestly that not actually getting jiggy usually means making lesser money. He could see me already shaking my head over the sucking cock thing and shifted his gears the right way.

He elaborated, talking fast the way agents do.

It turned out that to NOT do straight porn with actual penetrative sex of any kind in it was still a possibility. He called it ‘pandering erotica.’ It was all driven by niche markets of fantasy. He handed me his phone that already had a list pulled up of what he meant on it.

I remember noticing things in it that completely grossed we out because they are scatological or puking or some other totally other head-space weirdness only psychos were into.

Others I had not even considered like just riding a horse, which I didn’t know how to do, or striping off in some public place, which I thought was way too risky since you could not control otherwiser people around you. There was even something called Frotteurism which apparently mean rubbing up against somebody in a crowd or some such.

I even spotted something called Amazons versus Short girls. I knew I wasn’t interested in that. With my build I would certainly have ended up being the short one with some huge Mongo throwing me around.

It went on like that as I thumbed down Through it.

Some I had heard of and some not.

Most of the bumps in pay up from a C note though were either tiny or at least not large enough to get me interested or allow me to reach the goal of what I needed. The guy explained that some of them did not arise very often anyway because there were not that many shots around that fetish. Getting a gig riding a horse in a bikini for example were few and far between.

I did notice down towards the bottom of the list the money was climbing steadily though.

I noted there was spanking.

I kind of liked getting spanked a bit, but was obviously worried that it would get harder than I liked and I was certainly not looking to get hurt. I’d heard from other models that some of those could leave you welded up or black and blue.

Then I spotted ‘bikini wrestling’ in there. It was listed as earning between $300 and $350. It at least gave me pause because it seemed harmless, not completely repulsive to me and met my criteria. I had done a tiny bit of wrestling years ago back in a high school gym class. We’d done it a couple times in that class. I figured I was sort of qualified. I could almost wrestle. Sorta!

Then I noticed something near by it on the list called ‘wrestling bondage’ which actually pushed the earnings up to into the $400 to $450 range I was interested in.

I must have spoken the words I was reading aloud without realizing and put an implied question mark at the end because the agent guy smiled at me and said that it was not really that big a deal and assured me it was just not much of achange from regular wrestling but pushed the price point up.

He explained it was identical to straight up wrestling, but they throw in a twist that included the factors trying to tie each other up with bits of rope lying around while they actually wrestled. No sex was implied and there wasn’t much S&M in it from the BDSM side that you might have expected around it.

As he put it, ‘like sports with ropes.’

I looked him in the eye and asked him straight up if he could get me a gig in bondage wrestling doing that in bikini, and just in a bikini.

“Bikini or lingerie?” He asked. An agent negotiating absently, already fiddling around with his phone.

“Just bikini to start. I’ll see how it goes from a first shot before I commit to my undies…but I want $485 for the shot.”

He looked at me, then nodded his compliance.

“Yours would be a new face in that genre. I think I can get you a ‘new face’ bonus. Let me make a call.” He held up his phone in front of my face, snapped a pic, then he paced off a bit, took a second shot of the whole me, dialed and talked for a few minutes to someone on the other end, sending a text or two that probably included the shot he had taken of me. Then he paced around for a few minutes more and finally walked back over smiling.

He was busy scribbling on the back of business card in his hand.

“OK. It is set. We got lucky. They are doing a short series of bondage wrestling scenes. Each is about a half hour long. You just report to the address on the back of this card in two days — the date and time are written there too. I got you the money you asked for.”

He shoved the card at me.

“They’ll pay you according to the standard pattern. That’s 25% cash when you show up at the beginning of the shoot for your trouble and the rest of the money in a wad at the end of the shoot as long as they are satisfied you finished it professionally. They said to bring a bikini… two or three wouldbe better – if you have them or can borrow them. Before you ask, it is just easier for you to bring your own. They have wardrobe sets on hand, but want them to fit you well so your boobs don’t fall out a lot or your knickers fall down during the actual wrestling.”

He scratched his head.

“Don’t think it is in the cellar. A super cheap thing to ask. It is pretty common for They to want you to bring your own if you can, based on the assumption that you will already know your own fit better than them. Also, part of the deal is that they will pick out the best one you bring for their cinematograph evaluation during the shoot. Which will look best for lighting and color and such.”

I was excited to have a potential job, but a little leery and safety consciousness about wearing skimpy clothes in some unknown locale.

“I am going to bring a boyfriend with me.” I said emphatically. I was testing him for weirdness.

It didn’t faze him at all.

“Absolutely. That kindof standard stuff always apply. For your own security most models bring a chaperone with them to stuff like this to give you a ride to and from the shoot. They often hand around looking after your interests around the set. These buddies usually hang around the shoot to make sure nothing weird goes down too. It’s for your own protection. We get that, and most producers and crews have little interest in messing up possible future gigs anyway by pissing off a good model.”

The response was reasonable and I settled down.

Within an hour I was home and pretty damned happy. I had a gig in two days!


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