“I want to take you somewhere that you’ve never been before, Tali…”
Tali. That’s me. It’s short for Talisa, but no one calls me Talisa except for my mother. She and I have never seen life eye-to-eye: she is all about business and manners and coldness; I, on the other hand, am all about fun and sex and being relaxed. Up until recently, I didn’t really understand how fun and sex and being relaxed could intertwine in my life quite so well. Not until I met … him.
“Him” is known in his business and familiar circles as Christopher. His close friends call him “Chris” … I call him “SC”. It stands for ‘Sexy Chris’ but I said that so much that it gagged my friends, so I just call him “SC”. They still roll their eyes, but in truth, it’s because they’re jealous. My best friend, Martha, said that “SC” stands for Santa Claus, and I had to laugh at that notion because Chris is always giving me gifts: the gift of his attention, the gift of his affection, but most of all, the giftof that magnificent body of his!
Okay, I’ll tell you about SC. He’s gorgeous: about 6’2″, but has a man’s body. Not all hard like a teenager, but not overly soft like an old man. Just comfortable, with a snuggly little beer belly and wonderfully strong arms that hold me tight. His eyes are wise and they wrinkle at the corners just so when he smiles, and his laughter can fill up a room. His mouth can possess your body in an instant … and those HANDS! Oh, my god. Those hands can cradle you when you cry and fan flames when you’re needy! But the best part of all is his cock: it’s heavy and warm – not too long but thick – the kind that fills up your pussy with a flared head that rubs just in the perfect way no matter how he is positioned inside you.
Mercy. I need to catch my breath. Just thinking about his cock makes me crazy, y’know? Anyway, my life had been a series of failures both in love and in bed until I met SC. He came into my life at a time when I had been praying forsomeone who would not only love me, but would teach me and allow me to grow sexually as well as in other ways. I was tired of having to hide the fact that I loved to watch porn, that I loved to suck cock, that I was not a girl-girl. I was tired of hiding my male friends, tired of hiding my penchant for a good flirt. Yet, when SC came into my life, I doubted his open-mindedness. I still do at times.
The first time SC came to my home, I met him at the door in a bathrobe. I had expected him to be another thirty minutes or so when he called saying he had gotten into town. SURPRISE! The doorbell rang and I bolted from the shower with my hair in a towel to meet a man who would become, in a few short moments, my lover. He didn’t care. He wrapped me in those wonderful arms and gave me the warmest kiss. It was then that I just KNEW we’d be good for each other. Okay, maybe it wasn’t just the kiss. Maybe it was that he started to strip off naked, telling me: “I don’t want you to feel ale here, so I’ll get naked, too, so it will be even.” What a guy!
Our first sex was tenative and gentle. He quickly learned that I loved my nipples sucked, that I loved his fingers inside my pussy. I learned how to suck his cock (every man is different) and feel his huge balls. We kissed like teenagers, and when we were through, we held on to each other for a long time. I think it was at that point that SC started to formulate a plan: to take me to new heights.
We had talked at length on the phone about experiences and what I might like to try in the way of sex. He already knew I had been rather forced into the typical “good girl” role where sex was for a purpose rather than for pleasure. He knew that many of my previous lovers were men who preferred their women to please them instead of finding joy in the pleasure of their women. With each time we are together, he pushes me farther into my own pleasure; he offers me acceptance and in return, I do my best to explore my ownDesires. We explored possibilities in fantasy, some making their way into reality.
“Tell me what you want …” he began, caressing me carefully. “Show me what feels good to you.”
I caressed my body and he followed suit, intently watching me pleasure myself as he shadowed my every move. He was a quick study – taking over where my fingers left off to bring me to the compromise and over. Rolling over me, he thrust his now-hard cock into the confines of my body, holding himself there as he kissed my forehead, my cheeks, my lips. Then he began to slowly rock inside me as he said, “Is there something … anything … that you want to try?” He stopped and held himself deep in me as he waited my answer.
“I think I would like to be tied up. I would like to surrender to you completely, maybe even be blindfolded.”
“Are you sure, Tali?”
“No. Yes. Oh, I don’t know! It looks fun and sounds fun, but …”
He kissed me deeply and began to thrust into me once again with renewed vigor. His body shook as he spewed his cum into me, my orgasm matching his own. He held himself inside me for a long while and as his withering cock slide from my body, he said, “Your wish is my command.”
Nothing else was said about the whole bondage thing for a long time. I had even forgotten about it until one day I came home to a note:
Come upstairs.
It was SC’s handwriting, so I knew something was up. Normally, that spells fun, so I sprinted up the stairs to our bedroom. As I stepped inside the door, my world went black: SC covered my eyes with a blindfold. It started me, but his strong hands went to my shoulders and said, “Don’t worry, baby. It’s just me”
The tension melted from my body as I allowed him to lead me to wherever it was he was leading me. He pulled my clothes from me in a hurried fashion and led me to a chair in the middle of the bedroom. Sitting me down in it, I felt him shackle my ankles outward and my arms behind me. I was now spreadbut sitting.
There was a rustle behind me, and then I felt a slight ticker. Then another one.
“Tali, what do you feel?”
“I don’t know. It feels like a … a … feather?”
The ticker came around to my tits. Around the nipples it went until they stood from my body like proud soldiers. The ticker made a trail down my belly to my now-opened pussy, the tendrils causing my clip to ache with anticipation. Down to the inside of my thighs – I was squirming now.
“Please what, baby?” I could tell he was smiling. He knows I hate not having any control. This was way out of control for me!
“More … stop … SOMETHING!”
The ticket stopped, replaced by something warm and wet. I felt the ticket of his bear, so I knew it was his mouth on me. I didn’t have to see to feel the heat rush to my pussy as his mouth caressed my body in unusual spots: the tip of my nose, the hollow of my throat, just below my tits on my ribcage, on my knee. He was delibErately avoiding my usual hot spots, and in doing so, was driving me mad with desire. He took my big toe into his mouth and sucked it as I would imagine he would suck a cock if he had that motivation.
“Get up, please” He pulled me to a standing position then guided me to the bed, asking me to knee with my chest on the mattress and my knees on the floor.
WHACK! His hand came against my asscheeks with a stinging force. Not hard enough to bruise or really hurt, but enough to place a nice warming sting across the flesh there.
WHACK! He swatted the other chef. “You write about spanking, you tell me you’re a bad girl. I think you needed a spanking ..”
I had never gone into this scenario with him, but this was definitely turning me on. I moaned low, and with each gentle swat of his hand, my moans grow louder and more independent. I was going to cum without him having touched my clip for more than a second.
WHACK! “OOOOHHHH MMMMYYYY GOOOODDDDD!!!” I screamed asI came harder than I ever had. His fingers shot up into my pussy to feel the pulses. He pulled away, his hand covered with a thin sheen of my juices.
“Here, taste what you have done, Tali …” He placed his fingers into my mouth and I sucked them dry. I still cannot believe how hard that cum was or how liberating the whole bondage idea feels to me.
I felt him move behind me, his fingers exploring my ass as his gorgeous hunk of man-meat searched for respite inside my gushing slit. I felt the helmet of his cock move inside me, bringing me again and again to that bliss of orgasm as his fingers began to open my asshole.
“Tali, can I take you here?”
I thought for a moment. The rush of his body in and out of me distracted me from the question at hand, but then his fingers brought me back.
“Would this feel good to you, little girl? Can I take this for my own?”
I breathed deeply. I knew that since I was bound in the manner I was, and since I couldn’t seewhat he was doing to me, he was free to do with my body as he chose. This fact alone had been one of the major turn-ons for me that night (and for many nights since). I knew he could take me however and wherever he chose, but I also knew that all I had to do was say the word and things would stop on a dime.
“Yes, SC … take me. Take me wherever you wish.”
And with that, he withdraw his cock from my pussy. I suddenly felt very empty and vulnerable. “Beg me,” he whispered into my ear. “Beg me to fuck your ass. Tell me how it feels.”
He teased me with his fingers; his mouth put long, slow, sucking kisses on my ass cheeks. He plunged three fingers in and out of me, taking his other hand, he swirled a finger against my clip which was engorged and throbbing.
“Tell me!”
“Please ….” I whispered in a voice barely audible. “Please take me. Please take my ass as your own”
He pushed his hard cock into me, carefully allowed me to adjust to the girl. I grunted with effort to push out, to relax my muscles and allow him back into my body.
“Oh, god. You are so hot and tight back here!”
He swatted my ass again, my sphincter spasmed around the head. I groaned and allowed him to pull me back onto the length of the shaft. My arms ached. My ass tingled. My colon was stuffed with hot cock. And I was in heaven.
He fucked me with long, slow strokes, pausing to rub my aching shoulders or swat my ass. We fucked this way for a long while, but it seemed like mere moments. Suddenly, his cock expanded in my ass, pushing me over the edge that I had been riding for quite a while.
“oooommmppphffff … yeeesssssssss. Take that cum up your ass … feel that?”
I cried out to him, my body completely surrendering to what he was offering, my mind surrendering to the trust we had built. My orgasm caused my asshole to milk the final drops of cum from his shrinking cock, and I felt him slip from me; cum leaking down my pussy onto the floor. SC rocked back on his heels to watch as my body explored the cum.
“Damn, that’s sexy,” he husked as he watched me, forgetting the precarious position I was in.
“Hey, could you release me from my shadowles, now, Mr. Man?” I teased. In reality, though, my shoulders, arms, and knees were screaming for relief.
“Oh, shit, Tali, baby! I’m sorry! Here…” and with that, he took off the handscuffs and helped me from the floor so I could ease onto the bed. I desperately needed to straighten out my legs. He carefully rubbed my thighs and caressed the red marks on my ass where he had spanked me, and then he rolled me into his arms and held me close.
I cast into his chest. “I have never cum like that. That was amazing!”
“Yeah … awesome. I wasn’t sure you’d like being spanked, but you got into it!”
My breathing was finally coming back to normal, my heart beating more regularly. I looked into his eyes and said the words he had been longing to hear from me fora long time:
“That was fun. Now what?!”
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