Taking Over Where Momma Left Off

Stubby went upstairs, two steps at a time. Oh, the girls laughter was almost worse than the pain in his butt and thighs.

Stubby’s pants were bunched just under his butt where he’d pulled them up after Mother’s spanking. He glanced down at them, ugly plaid pants, but Mother had insisted, as there’d been a sale.

When Stubby got inside his bedroom, he shut the door. He would’ve locked it, but Mother didn’t allow him to have a lock, even though he was a thirty-three year old, rent paying adult.

Stubby bounced his butt on the doorjamb and began crying, sobbing hard. His rear was tremendously sore.

Oh, it hurt so much. Even worse than when Mother had made him mow the lawn in the nude and chased him with the cut thorn bush. Anise and Venetia had Very enjoyed that hideous spectacle.

Stubby lay down gingerly on his bed, his pants still around his knees. Stubby will himself not to touch his dick.

This shouldn’t be a turn on. Think of fucking pretty girlls or something.

Think of the dirty magazine you got on the sly, or when you surf porn at work. But even then, Stubby went to weird sites like “Radiant Jade: The Flogging She-Bitch.”

You’re a grown man, Stubby told himself. Things were supposed to change when you came back from the Navy.

You shouldn’t have moved back in with Mom. You shouldn’t have returned to Buttermilk Falls at all.

Stubby thought of Momma forcing his arm behind his back as she’d held him on her lap, landing the wooden spoon again and again.

“You’ll (WHACK) learn to (WHACK) follow instructions!”

He’d tried gritting his teeth against the pain, but that had done no good.

Yes, his dick was getting stiff. He tried to argue with her tonight.

But Momma had shook him and ordered him to undo his hideous plaid pants.

Stubby’s sisters had never had to wear crap like this. But then again, Momma had always said, “It’s easy for boys. My girls must look stylish. And what’s wrongg with your bow tie?”

Stubby had argued then, and Mother had pulled Stubby over her knee in the dressing room at Bloomingdales, and used her wooden hairbrush, and he’d finally acceded to her purchases.

But tonight-they had company over. And he’d gotten a whipping, and he’d tried to do everything right. He’d gotten home from work on time, he’d been weighing in and not gained anything, which of course was a punishable offense.

And yet, Mother had yanked his pants and undies to his knees and went at his bare butt with the wooden spoon.

And again the spoon had landed in the middle of his buttons. “Mama stop”

But the begging had done no good. The tears were running down his cheeses, and so humiliating.

Stubby’s younger sisters, chain-smoking skanks in their twentys, playing Spades in the kitchen with their beautiful friend Haylen, and laughing at him.

Mother knew that humiliation was useful. Some years back, she’d not been well, had a heart murmur, and while Mother was bedroomden…

Stubby had begun going out and dating , and had met a nice girl, Britley.

Stubby and Britley were on the verge of getting married, and getting their own place, and Mother had gotten in an argument with Stubby one night…

Right in front of his fiancée, it was over his using too much sugar in his coffee.

She’d stripped him naked and thrashed his behind with a kitchen spatula and made him stand in the corner right in front of the girl he was about to marry.

And Britley had thrown her ring at Stubby and left in horror.

And tonight, Stubby had known it was a big deal that his paycheck was in the sealed envelope.

He’d begged the Accounting department to remember to seal it, but they didn’t care about a pathetic computer Programmer.

He knew the rule. He thought of gumming the envelope shut for Mother, but that would have been deceitful.

“The rule is, you show disrespect when you give Momma your check in an unsealed envelope. You shouldn’t even know how much you make. You get the same allowance you got in high school, and the rest is none of your business.

And then he’d begged her.

“Momma, please. I told them, but when Gertrude the bookkeeper isn’t there, the other accounting clerk forgets to seal it.”

Haylen had grinned from where she was playing cards. “It’s not a big deal, Mrs. Nillson.”

“Don’t worry about it, Haylen.” Momma had said sweetly. “This is between Stubby and I”

She’d smiled and Stubby had noticed the glitter in Momma’s eyes.

“I told you what happens when you bring your paycheck home in an unsealed envelope, Stubby.”

“Y-yes ma’am. But we have company over, and I’m real sorry. I’ll stay home from my Saturday basketball game at church and clean the yard.”

“And I’ll hold you to that, dear. But we still have to deal with this. Venetia, go get me the wooden spoon.”

Venetia had gotten up, giggling and twitched her cutelittle denim behind into the kitchen, and brought back the fearsome wooden spoon.

Mother had hit Stubby so hard with the last spoon that she’d broken it-when he’d been caught watching HBO, which was a no-no in Mother’s house–for Stubby.

Now Mother took the spoon from Venetia, giving her younger a kiss on the cheese.

“Now take down your britches, dear…”

Stubby had watched Haylen’s eyes get big over her cards.

And yes, Mother had again hit Stubby so hard that the spoon had broken, and she’d gritted her teeth.

“That’s the second one. It’s coming out of your allowance this time. Anise, get me the razor spl.”

“Sure, Momma!” Anise had brought Mother the spl, laughing and then Stubby had been shoved off Mother’s lap.

Mother had taken Stubby by the ear and turned him over the tall, metal kitchen stool, they’d been standing right in front of Haylen…

Beautiful Haylen. And did Mother put her beef into the next twenty minutes, the strop landing all over his buttocks and tighs.

Then Momma had jacked her thumb at the corner of the dining room, and Stubby had shuffled off to stand for half an hour. He knew better than to pull his pants up.

And then after his time was done, he’d jogged up the stairs with his pants still down…

The silvery peal of giggles just ripping his heart out!

Now, Stubby was rubbing his penis, almost involuntarily. He was thinking of Mother’s snug floral pencil dress, and how his hard cock had fallen between her long legs as she’d thrashed him…

And Mother had quite a bosom, and it had swelled considerably against the scoop neck.

He had such shadow thinking about Haylen’s witnessing this humiliation!

She was a beautiful ash blonde. He’d never be able to flirt with her as she peeped over the fence when he was awaiting the bus to work.

No, she’d never look at him as an equal again, really.

But as Stubby thought of Haylen’s future contempt forhim, the pink lipstick staining her constant Marlboro Light that hung on the end of her mouth…

Those heaving breasts in the tube top. She’d laugh at him now, there would be no more kidding or double entendres.

But thinking of his humiliation in front of Haylen, and their reduced friendship…

It seemed to make Stubby’s cock even harder, almost double in size!

She was so optimistic, Mother was.

Stubby could not leave the house after dark. He lived there volunteerly and gave Momma all his salary, and had the same allowance he’d had in high school.

Momma found a way to chase off any female interest. She must’ve known about Haylen and the bus stop conversations.

Stubby would spend his life jerking off in his room, and stealing Momma’s panties from the lazy bag. (which he’d gotten about a thousand whacks for over the past ten years.)

Once, Momma had given Stubby a blistering in front of his cousin, a guy about Stubby’s age or a little younger, and Cousin Zohn had told Momma…

…That when she was too old to “take care of things” he would administrator Stubby’s discipline!

When Momma and the girls went to Atlantic City for the week, they left Stubby with Zohn, and when they returned they found poor Stubby in full makeup, bright red lipstick, and wearing a pink nightie…

Zohn had transformed the poor guy!

And Mother’s contempt had just grown…

What was he to do?

This was hopeless!

But, oh, how it so turned him on.

Suddenly, as Stubby’s hand ran down his shake for the final time, and he was about to cum…the door burst open.

Momma ran in, waving her belt. “I caught you!” she shouted triumphantly.

Stubby’s eyes grow wide as he lay there, still jacking his dick with his pants clogging his ankles.

“Touching yourself. While we have company downstairs. Put your hands behind your back, young man.”

“But Momma-“


Stubby gasped, and put his hands under his back. Now he was lying on his bed, his dick sprouting up and waving insolently.

Momma smiled grimly and raised the sprink and landed it hard on Stubby’s proud penis. She swung it again, this time letting the buckle slam Stubby’s testicles.

Stubby’s hands rushed out to stop the belt’s assault.

“Put your hands back behind your back” Mother told Stubby with clenched teeth..

“Or I will handcuff them. I still have your father’s old police handcuffs.”

Dad had been a Buttermilk Falls constable, about as much in fear of his wife as Stubby was.


Stubby screamed as the belt vanquished his insolent erection.

“You like toying with your little dinner, don’t you?” Mother demanded, and she grabbed Stubby’s now small penis and rubbed it back to a full erection.

“We’ll discourage that grotesque behavior. Your friend Haylen was horrified by all this. Anise told her what nasty things you do up here after I punishmentyou.”


Mother put down the strap and sat down on the bed, and began struggling Stubby’s penis.

“Why do you touch yourself so inappropriately, Stubby, dear?”

Stubby was weeping now, but his penis was growing again, despite the marks and considerable pain.

“Momma wants you to learn to be a nice boy. And to think about how much Our Lord cares for you, dear.”

“Yes, Momma.” Stubby said sobbing. Momma pulled Stubby up and rubbed his head.

“Be a good boy. Think about how to please Momma. Bring home the check in a sealed envelope.”

Then her voice became harsh again and she grabbed the stick.



And Stubby screamed and cried, but his penis stayed strong.

Downstairs, Anise and Venetia and their friend listened to the screams from the upstairs room, as they leaned on the staircase.

“Momma keeps trying to cure Stubby of his jerk-off habit. That’s why she sneaked upstairs and listened at the door” confirmed Venetia.

“Yeah.” Anise said sagely. “Once, Momma locked Stubby in the closet after she had him drill a round hole in the door…

Then she made Stubby stick his dick and balls through the door hole so all we saw was the closet door with Stubby’s junk poking out.”

“And then Momma whacked the dick and balls with a cane, slamming against the close door. That’ put Stubby off pounding his pud for a few weeks!”

Anise and Venetia laughed uproariously, and Haylen smiled, although she was embarrassed and quite intrigued.

“But Stubby still can’t take his hands off his dick?” Haylen asked, smiling.

“It’s sad, Haylen. Stubby’s pitiful. I wouldn’t be surprised if Stubby was a virgin. Even when he was going to marry Britley, they were waiting for their wedding night.” said Anise, scratching her chin.

Venetia nodded. “Yeah, our brother is not a bad looking guy, really.”

“Not at all” Haylen assented, thoughtfully.

A moment later, the girls heard Stubby scream, but not in pain, in alarm.

Mother had suffered a fatal heart attack!

A few months later, Stubby was waiting in his little business suit in front of Haylen’s fence.

She came out of her house, looking glorious as always in her cut-off shorts and crop top. She waved at Stubby.

“I thought now that Your mom passed, you’d be going and getting a driver’s license to enjoy that Cadillac she left you, Stub.”

Stubby smiled, gazing at Haylen’s long legs and the way her perfect C cup breasts poked the Lycra of the top…pink!

“I let Anise have the Caddy. I’m going to sell the house, probably. She left it to me. I was surprised, ‘cos I never thought I was Mother’s favorite.”

Haylen looked at Stubby’s ass in the little sack suit. He really wasn’t a bad looking guy, although he was of course a bit of a geek. She was aware that Stubby’s sisters were leaving Buttermilk Falls, soon, and Stubby would bealone.

“Are you enjoying your new freedom? You really aren’t going to let Zohn run your life, even if he is your cousin, are you?”

“Zohn comes by to visit, to make sure the house is clean.” Stubby said, winning. “But he has his own life. I really miss Mother.”

“Yeah. She loved you, and just wanted your best interests, I think. You’re not Just sitting around jerking off into her panties anymore, are you?”

Haylen felt a little sadistic asking such a personal question, but she’d been fascinated by the life that Stubby led. You’d think he’d be doing cocaine, chasing prostitutes, making up for lost time…

But the poor bastard just looked a little lost!

And was he enjoying her cleavage. She breathed heavily, and crooked a long nail.

“Come in here, Stubby. Let’s talk a little.”

“Wh-why?” Stubby was astonished. Haylen had always been nice to Stubby. He’d reciprocated by tutoring her in junior college, and doing her taxes.

But he really thought such a sexy girl would have better things to do than mess around with him.

But he entered the gate, and figured he could be a little late for work.

After all, Mother’s discipline had ensured perfect attendance.

Stubby smiled and came close to Haylen.

She reached down and rubbed his crotch.

“You’ve been playing with this a lot, I bet. And to think that Your Momma died trying to get you to stop. Had a heart attack, correcting you.”

Stubby looked terribly guilty.

Haylen looked at Stubby seriously “I can’t believe a cute guy like you don’t try to get a life. My sister Zaylee says she saw you down at the laundromat, stealing panties from dryers.”

Stubby got very red.

He wondered how long it would be before everyone discovered that he was dropping a pencil over and over again on Buttermilk Boulevard, so he could bend down and look up women’s dresses as they walked by.

Haylen’s long red nails toyed with Stubby’s zipper, and finally pulled out his long penis, which grew in her soft fingers.

“We really have to get you to be a better behaved boy, I think. “

Haylen leaned in and kissed Stubby’s ear. “You like me, I know. I like you too…”

“R-really? You want to screw?”

Haylen let go of Stubby’s penis suddenly and she slapped him hard across the face.

Then she laughed sarcastically. “You think I’d have sex, fuck with a wimpy little creep like you, a Momma’s boy?”

Haylen snapped a branch off a lilac bush and, without breaking off the twigs, whacked Stubby’s cock with it.

Stubby tried to pull his penis back into his pants.

“Put your hands behind your back” Haylen said with clenched teeth.

Stubby obeyed. His dick was swelling. It hurt, from the whack, but watching Haylen get so angry was driving him insane.


Haylen landed the lilac branch again and again on Stubby’s penis, and despite the severity, he couldn’t stop his organ’s tumorsence.

“I think we’re going to go into my house, and you’re going to call in sick today.”


“What’s wrong, don’t you like me?”

“Oh yes.” Stubby was gasping.

Haylen took a Marlboro light out of the box that was folded into her shirtsleeve, and lit it.

Dropping the lilac branch, she resumed rubbing Stubby’s penis again.

“We’ll go inside, and I’m going to use the sple on you. I took it that night, at your mom’s after the ambulance left.”

“N-no, not the strap!”

Half an hour later, Stubby’s mouth was filled with lye soap, and he was dancing naked in pain as Haylen used her cigarettee to burn his nipples, cock and balls.

Six weeks later, they were married. Although they have yet to consume the act, Stubby is a loving and general husband. He mows the lawn in the nude, and has orally served all of Haylen’s male and female friends.

He’s still learning to be a good boy.


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