Taking Master By The Hand

i had only just moved into my small apartment. It had one bedroom a small kitchenette, a combined living room and dinette, and a tiny bath. i had little furniture, one raggedy pale blue recliner, that i tossed an afghan over it, to dress it up a bit. There were no tables, no blinds on the windows, or curtains up. To say the least the apartment was bare, but it was home and mine.

Biker had arrived and was sitting in the recliner. i was in the kitchen making our drinks, as we had finished dinner, A Rum and Coke for Him and a Vodka and OJ for me, both on ice. i was standing there; unaware He had slipped up behind me, kneeeled on the floor, until i felt His hand slip up between my legs. i jumped ever so slightly as it started me. His fingers were parting my lips, the moodness coated them. Without thinking i rose up on my toes. i squealed, Biker!! And giggled, He did not stop, and spilling coke over the counter top i grabbed a hand towel, wiping the coke up before it could roll onto the floor. His fingers pressing deeper into my wet slit, my legs parted without thought allowing His hand to move more freely. He was quiet not making a sound. i couldn’t move, hands gripping the counter top, feeling His hand pushing against my cunt. If someone had been standing in front of me, i’m sure a look of surprise would have been written on it. My eyes would have been wide with shock. All of a sudden, His hand slipped up inside me! And i squealed. i then felt His hand slip out. Biker simply walked back to the living room and sat down.

i was shaken to my core, disappointed, delighted, confused, what had He just done? my hands shaking, my breath quickly, i managed to finish our drinks, returned a bit embarrassed to sit on the floor at His feet. i didn’t look at Him at first. i sat there naked on the floor, His hand struggling my blond hair. We decided to move to the floor to sit, as there were no tables to sit our drinks or ashtrays on. The floor was covered with a Beige Carpet. We settled ourselves. i lay back placing my head on a pillow. Turning onto my side, propping myself up on an elbow. Our eyes met, His eyes a deep beautiful blue, but more than that, a Deep Searching Penetrating gaze, seeming to read my every thought.

We sat there, quietly talking. His hand moving to touch my leg, trailing a finger along my thigh, His eyes never leaving mine. My breath quickening, Bikers touch always stirring me deeply, He parted my legs and i rolled to my back, my head resting on the pillow. Watching His eyes and face, my Biker moving to ly down between my legs. His firm but gentle hands caresing my thighs, one hand exploring my smooth sad mound, sliding a finger down my slit. A soft whispering purr escaped my throat. I fight to not close my eyes, the impulse strong, but i know His rule, i must keep them open. My heart was racing, His fingers playing between my lips, teasing my clip, His head bending to view my red swollen lips. my hand reached totouch, His long blond hair falling along side His face brushing my flesh. He reached taking a soft white breast into His hand, caressing it gently. Moaning, i watch as His mouth came down on my enlarged nipple. my breast Yearning for the feel of His mouth, His tongue wrapping around the nipple, sucking ever so gently. my clip throbbing, cunt tightening around His fingers, pushing deeper inside me, i wide my legs allowing Him entrance.

my thoughts return to that moment in the kitchen. my expectations growing, almost holding my breath, He released my nipple and His hand moved down over my belly. His full attention being focused now on His entering me, He had never taken me along this path before.

Often, He had explored my sweet parts, but i knew something was going to be different. This time i felt His hand pushing against my cunt, Biker’s fingers molded into the shape of a cone. Biker’s hand gliding into my wetness, a deep guttural moan poured from my throat. His hand slowly moved inside me, His hand becoming a fist. Fingers extending and then curling, my head back on the pillow. Engulfed in a powerful exploration of pleasure. Nothing i had ever felt before, spasm’s over taking me like ocean waves. His fist finding places of ecstasy i never knew existed. The room filled with the noise of my deep moans, not one sound coming from Biker. His focus directed at exploring my inner secrets. His hand sliding in and out of me, each time bringing a billion wave of heavenly bliss. Nothing i had ever felt, compared to this. This continued for what seemed like an hour.

i cannot begin to fully describe this, slow movements and then taking me faster along this path. My hands gripped my hips. i feel myself pulling away from Him trying to escape this, so powerful, so totally consuming me. He Following me, riding across the floor. Hearing the sound of glasses being knocked over drinks spilling, ashtrays being over turned. Moving backwards, my cunt gripping His hand,Wanting to let go and yet wishing to not have it end.

Sliding along the carpet. i hear His Wicked Chuckling, and saying “Whoa, give me back my hand. Turn loose, let go slave, let go.” Biker laughingly, pleading for His hand. Telling me to give Him back His hand, His hand still inside me, dragging Him along. Pushing along the carpet with my feet. His laughter, ringing out, my groans, screams of delightful torture, echoing in the room. Him unable to get free, pulling Him through the bedroom door, still demanding His hand, my grip tight, my head hitting the baseboard of the wall, not able to get way.

With a wet sloppy, Pop! His hand finally snapped free.


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