He woke up the next morning, and checked in on his little one. She was sleeping, bundled up and content in sleep for now.
He rose from bed and dressed before going to the kitchen and fixing up a nice breakfast of pastries and coffee for her.
She woke up the next morning, confused as to why she was wearing pajamas in bed. She was always naked in bed, that’s the way Master wanted it. . .
Master! He wasn’t in bed! Did she sleep through her alarm and miss making his breakfast? That wasn’t a serious offense, but she took all of her duties seriously. . . .
He came in, and saw her panicked, confused look. “Good morning, my little one,” he told her tenderly.
“Good morning, my Master,” she replied, looking at the tray of food in confusion.
He smiled and kissed the top of her head as he set the tray on her lap. “The next couple days are about you,” he explained, sitting next to her and struggling her hair. She hesitantly picked up a pastry and nibbled on it. “Last night didn’t go as well as I planned, and that was my fault. I took care of the physical aspect last night; the next couple days are going to be the emotional aspect.”
Last night, when she had kneed him reflexively when her hypersensitivity got to be too much. She felt so guilty about that, but he understands, and was trying to make things right. “Yes, Master.”
He smiled. “Eat up. After you eat, I want you to put on one of your dresses. We’re going out shopping.”
“Shopping? For what?” she asked, confused, eating her pastry.
He smiled and sipped his coffee. “Whatever my little one wants. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, toys. . what my baby wants, my baby can have.”
Her eyes widened. The last time this had happened, it was her birthday, and Master had gotten a huge bonus at work. “Really, Master?”
He chuckled. “Really, little one. Come on, eat up.”
She finished her breakfast quickly and got up out of bed. Her ass was sore, as was the rest of her body.
He saw her wobble a bit and immediately came over and steadied her. “Do you want me to brush your hair after you get dressed?” he asked her softly.
“Yes, please, Master,” she whispered back, gazing up into their closet. She had quite a few dresses, and she chose a long, modest one in midnight blue that covered her, but hugged her curves and made her look nice, but sexy.
He helped her into the soft cotton panties and bra she had chosen and he zipped up the zipper for her before guiding her to the bathroom. Sitting her down, he began brushing her hair, and she gave a soft coo of contentment.
He smiled. “Whe do you want to go?” he asked her.
“Could we go to the bookstore? There are a few new releases that I’d like,” she asked.
He smiled. “Whe do you want to go?” chuckled warmly. “Of course, little one.”
“Maybe a trip to our favorite store? Oh, and the new coffee shop down the way? Maybe even to Penny’s? They’re having an amazing sale.”
He laughed in delight as he seta silver headband in her hair. “Of course, my little pet.”
She laughed and stood up. She was that only yesterday?
She hugged him and kissed him in happiness. “Thank you, Master!!”
He kissed her back. “Anything to make my baby happy and well.”
She laughed and stood up. She was still a little shaky, but much better. He helped her get her shoes and coat on, and the two went out, him driving.
The first stop was to the new coffee shop, where she got a new travel coffee mug and her favorite chocolate flavored coffee. He got a latte for himself and the duo walked out, happy.
Next was J.C. Penny’s, and he indulged her whims on the latest styles of dresses, skirts, and shorts. A couple of hours later of Her modeling things for him privately in the changing room made him realize exactly how lucky he was to have her as a little slave, and how last night needed to be mended as quickly as possible.
As she tried on the last dress, he came up behind her and kissed her cheek tenderly. It was a cute number, a soft pink that went very well with her complexion. The A-line frame gave him lots to imagine, even with the square neckline exposing some cleavage to him and the world. Yet, even with the cleavage and the knee length hem, it gave her a look of innocent. He wrapped his arms around her wait.
“Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?” he whispered softly.
She blushed brilliantly. “Not lately, no,” she admitted softly.
“You are so beautiful, little one. Very beautiful,” he told her, kissing her cheek again.
“Especially when dressed as innocently as this. It makes me fall in love with you all over again.”
She blushed and hid her face in her hands to disguise it.
“Now, now, none of that,” he told her tenderly. He gently pried her hands away from her face. “I see I need to say it more often,” he told her, kissing her lovingly. She rTurned his loving kiss with a soft scar of happiness. “Because obviously, you don’t hear it enough, my beautiful little one.”
She bit her lip and let her eyes go downcast in shyness. He chuckled warmly and kissed her again. “Come on. Let’s get you into what you came in and finish up our purchases here, mkay?”
She smiled broadly and quickly changed and made her way to the checkout line. The couple then made their way to their ‘favorite store’- the local adult store that had helped them over and over again.
They walked in and the owner greeted them happily.
“How are you two, darlings?” she asked, smiling happy.
“Very well, love,” his little one said.
“Why don’t you wander around, see if there’s anything you want to add to your collection?” he told her. She nodded happily and went off to the anal toys area. Chuckling in amusement, he greeted the owner himself.
“Trouble?” she asked.
“Of a rather different nature. I. . . accidentally pushedher too hard last night, and it caused some distress. I took care of the physical aspect of it last night. However, the emotional aspect of it is a bit. . trickier.”
“Of course.” The two looked at the young woman, examining different brands of anal toys, unaware that she’s being watched. “She seems to be doing pretty good, for that happening.”
“I want to make absolutely sure. The next couple days are all about her, but. . . I don’t want to smooth her. Does that make sense?”
“Absolutely,” the owner agreed. She smiled indulgently at the young master before her. “Been shopping?”
“Of course. Last stop’s the bookstore.”
The owner chuckled. “Of course. I recently got a new shipment in of blindfolds in. I know she loves them. Would you like to give her one as a gift?”
He shook his head. “She has plenty for now. Unless she chooses one. What do you have in the. . . gentler, shall we say, department?”
She smiled indulgently. “I do have a nice gift set of combats and sweets. Would that do?”
“Ring it up separate from her purchases. I don’t want her to know.”
“Of course.”
Soon, his little one came over, a few items in her arms. “What have we here?” he asked her playfully.
“Couple new plugs, a new blindfold, handcuffs and a set of vibrating pastities,” she reported, showing him each new item, smiling brightly.
He hugged her and discreetly took the bag of her new surprise as he handed her his card. “Go on and pay for them, darling. I’ll be out in the car.”
“Okay,” she told him. She went up and paid before heading out to the car.
Their final stop was the bookstore, and she made her way around the new releases eagerly, and he browsed around with her as well. Once she had her arms full of books, he guided her to the check out, paid, and whisked her back home.
“I’m going to do a little work. Why don’t you relax some?” he asked her.
“You sure?” she asked, opening the door to their house.
“Absolutely, baby.” He kissed her forehead and playedfully swatted at her ass before entering. He went straight to do some work, while she curled up on the sofa with one of her latest acquisitions, reading to her heart’s content.
He would sometimes watch her, reading her book, an occasional strand of hair landing in her face, her body curled up around a pillow, a blanket covering her legs. Her eyes never left the book, engrossed in what she was reading. Occasionally, she would gasp softly, or grumble about one of the characters in the book, but for the most part, she remained silent.
He finished up the day’s work and walked over to her, kissing the top of her head. “What do you want for dinner?” he asked her softly.
“Whatever Master wants,” she replied absently, still reading intently.
He gently closed the book, marking her page, and was immediately rewarded with a glare that made him chuckle. “Little one, you know better. Now, tell me what you want for dinner.”
She shrugged. She hadn’t thought about dinner. “I hadn’t given it much thought,” she told him.
“Well, how about we go to your favorite Chinese buffet?” he suggested.
She smiled and nodded. “That sounds good,” she said.
“Good. Afterwards, I have a couple of surprises for you.”
She grinned happily and the two kissed tenderly. “Why are you doing this, Master?” she asked softly as he broke the kiss.
He smiled tenderly at her as she asked her question. He was expecting it.
“Because last night was my fault, and I want to make it up to you. Plus, we’ve spending a lot of time downstairs in our dungeon, and not enough time doing things like this with each other, and that, too, is my fault.” He stroked her cheek and smiled a bit bigger. “Besides, miss a chance to spoil my slave? Why on earth would I do that?”
She smiled, understanding now. “Thank you, Master,” she whispered softly, curling up on his lap. He chuckled and held her as they just satThere, enjoying each other’s company and touch.
Finally, he gently patted her behind. “Come on, let’s go,” he coated. She smiled and got up.
Dinner was a nice affairs, which included her trying to use chopsticks on a rather stubborn piece of sushi and him just stabbing the food on his plate, him knocking his glass over and soaking the nice carpet underneath them while she squealed and tucked her legs up underneath her.
After they got home, he gently blindfolded her with the new blindfold and sat her down on the couch. “Don’t move,” he teased as he went and grabbed the combs and chocolate that he had bought earlier that day. He opened up the case they came in and smiled. They were perfect.
He untied the blindfold and saw that she closed her eyes. “Open your eyes, little one.”
She opened her eyes and gasped softly, speechless. The combs were absolutely beautiful, and the chocolate was tantalizing. She met his eyes and he chuckled. “You’re welcome, little one,” he told her, kissing her gently. She smiled and blushed, mumbling her gratitude.
They got ready for bed a few hours later, after spending hours of cuddling and eating and reading in each other’s arms. She was about ready to slip into bed, naked, when he came out of the bathroom, his face half shavled.
“Not tonight, little one,” he said, smiling. She raised an eyebrow. He chuckled and Walked over to a bag he had gotten while they were at Penny’s, with a soft, baby blue nightgown in it. Her eyes widened and she smiled shyly. “Put this on,” he told her, smiling as he kissed her forehead, wiping away shaving cream from her forehead after it was done.
He walked back into the bedroom, freshly shavled and wearing pajama bottoms and nearly stopped. She looked absolutely beautiful in the nightgown, accenting her tan skin and blonde hair. Her hazel eyes looked brighter. She looked. . . innocent, and it was breathtaking.
She smiled softly and he came over, kissing her passionately. “Little one,” he whispered against her lips. “Baby, you look absolutely breathtaking. . .”
“Really?” she asked softly, blushing.
“Yes,” he whispered, pressing her down gently onto the soft, warm bed. He wasn’t going to do anything to her tonight. “You’re absolutely beautiful right now.”
They laid there for a few moments, kissing and touching before she rested her head against his chest, signing that she was tired. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “That’s my baby girl,” he whispered. She smiled as she closed her eyes.
“I love you, baby girl.”
“I love you too, Master.”
He smiled and soon, was fast sleep, his little one tucked neighborly into his arms.
She laid awake for a few minutes longer, reflecting on the past two days. She didn’t feel as bad that she had kneed him, and she felt like it wasn’t her fault that she overreacted.
He made her feel like she was the perfect little one. And that day alone made her feel special, and wanted.
She gave a soft scar of contentment as she fell into a peaceful sleep.
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