Taking a Wife

This is one of my older stories, and it was requested by aporia-canopy.

Contains: consensual kidnapping, bondage, aphrodisiac use, dominant/submissive, and orgasm control.

The night air was sharp and painful in my lungs. A light from covered the ground, threatening to make each footstep crackle. I moved carefully, keeping to the bare dirt and letting out my breath slowly as to not make telltale clouds. A few fires still pushed back the darkness from the camp, giving silhouettes to the tents looming around me. I examined each shelter, my heart pounding as I searched for the one that held my lover. This was only a game, but it was a game I could still lose. Just because things were agreed upon beforehand didn’t mean everything was set in stone; though we would be married one way or another, it remained to be seen which of us would wear the more literal bonds of matrimony.

I stopped breathing as heavy footsteps tramped by, far too close for comfort.It was dangerous to stay here for long. Thankfully, I soon found the tent I had visited before, recognizing the markings on the side. My nose was assaulted with the strong scent of leather and fur as I slipped through the flags, moving as silently as was possible. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the near-total darkness, but I could barely make out her tanned face, half-covered by the blankets that swathed her body. The pile of pelts rose and fall with slow, even breaths; she was deeply asleep and alone, even better that I’d hoped. She knew that I would be coming for her, but she had to rest at some point and it was unsporting to have someone keeping a direct watch. I edged closer, readying two long strips of clothes and crumpling one into a loose ball.

In a flash, I forced her mouth open and stuffed it with the bundled fabric, clamping a hand over her face to further muffle her cry as her eyes shot open. I knelt on top of her as she started to struggle, putting all my weight on her arms and chest to trap her in the bed. She was as strong if not stronger than me, but I had every advantage. It was the work of a few moments to bind the strip of clothes tightly around her head, completing the gag and turning her noises into low grunts. Though it was impossible to make out her expression in the gloom, she definitely didn’t sound happy. She was probably hoping to do this very thing to me, looking to gain a permanent upper hand in our dominance games. Both of us could be happy on top or bottom, but there was a struggle for power every time, often ending in a breathless bond wrestling match like this one.

We were at a bit of an impact now, though, since I couldn’t get at any of her limbs to restrain her. After taking a moment to think, I moved to the side and quickly grabbed her shoulders through the blankets, flipping her over and straddling her lower back. I caught one of her flailing arms and slipped a loop of rope around it, ignoring the way she attempted to claw me. She was putting up quite a fight, but she hadn’t used any of our non-verbal signals, so I continued to tie her arms together, making knots by feel in the darkness until all she could do was jerk her bound wrists around. I considered doing her ankles as well, but carrying a full-grown struggle woman was going to be quite difficult and it would be easier to have her ride in front of me if she wasn’t forced to sit sidesaddle. I yanked the rest of the blankets away and rolled her over again, finding that she was dressed in pants and a tunic.

“I’m going to put your boots on,” I murmured. “I don’t want you to get frostbite. Don’t kick me, alright?”

She hesitated, then nodded, muttering something unintelligible and ceasing to struggle now that she recognized she was beat. I felt around the floor of the tent until I found soft leather, bringing it over and slipping the shoes on her bare feet. Standing up, I heaved her upright, steadying her as she staggered.

“We’re going to run to my horse. If you go slow, I’m dragging you.” I raised a hand to her face, stroking her cheek. “Let’s not make this harder than it has to be, mhibu.”

Reluctantly, she nodded again. I crouched down, ducking my head out of the tent and squiting in the firelight. As far as I could tell, nobody was watching. I grabbed her arm and led her outside, hustling her Through the chilly air,

“Sarnai?” a man’s voice called, and I broke into a run, forcing her to keep the pace. “Hey! It’s the wife-taker!”

More shouts rose up behind us as our feet pounded over the crisp ground. The camp would be in uproar in a few minutes, but that much of a headstart would be enough. We just had to move fast. Before too long, we reached the small patch of bushes where I had tied my horse. I wrapped my hands around Sarnai’s wait, heaving her up into the saddle with barely a pause in our movement.

Only… it wasn’t Sarnai. The pale moonlight revealed much more than the darkness of the tent, and what it showed was only a resemblance to my beloved. Brown eyes, dark hair pulled into a ponytail, a similar face and body type – enough to fool a hurried wife-taker in darkness, but no more. Ice-cold realization dripped down my spine as I stood frozen, and the woman who was not Sarnai seemed to smile at me from behind the gag.

Before I could move, something dropped over my shoulders and tightened around me, forcing my arms to my sides. I had barely a second to struggle before a heavy weight slammed into my back, knocking me forward onto the grass and setting on top of me. Dazed and still in shock from the deception, I realized my wrists were being bound behind me and half-heartedly fought back against my attacker even though I had little chance of breaking free.

“My brave Gan,” a voice murmured against my ear as the person straddling me leaned down. “A good attempt, but so… straightforward.”

“S-Sarnai,” I sputtered, trying to twist aroundund and see her. “How-“

“Shh, kipenzi,” she whispered. As I opened my mouth to speak again, a strange-tasting wad of clothes was stuffed inside, quickly being held in place by a loop of rope around my head. Now all I could do was make muffled noises, my mind still reeling as I tried to figure out how things had gone so wrong so quickly.

Well… ‘wrong’. This was by no means a terrible outcome, as her gentle lips brushing against my neck reminded me, but the noise of approaching hoofbeats made my stomach drop. She shifted off my back and helped me into a kneeing position, allowing me to see both her and the group of people on horseback approaching. She was wearing thick furs and a long cloak like me, confirming my suspicion that she had been waiting out in the cold for some time.

“Sarnai! Odval!” one of the women cried out as the horses slowed to a halt, the breath of man and beast making steaming clouds. “Are you alright?”

“We’re fine,” she replied, ruffling my short hair as my face burned. “I’ve caught my little kidnapper, thanks to Odval.” The men and women chairled and slapped their thighs, enjoying this reversal of fortune at my expense.

“You’re quite the trickster,” said the same woman, grinning. “We’ll go prepare for your binding.” The woman I had captured – Odval, a name I somewhat recognized – mumbled something into her gag, tossing her head to the side, and the people laughed again. “Does your sister need a bit of help?”

“I’d appreciate it if you took her back with you. I’ll bring this one in on my own.” She patted my shoulder. Helping hands took Odval down and freed her of her bonds, allowing her to come over and peck Sarnai on the cheese.

“I think you made a good choice, sister,” Odval said, smiling. “I’m glad I was able to come help.” She accepted Sarnai’s return kiss on the opposite chef before taking an offer hand and pulling herself up onto a horse, riding double with one of the rescue party as they headed back to the camp. Now that the two of us were alone, Sarnai crouched down behind me and looped more rope around my ankles, leaving me even more helpless. With a grunt of effort, she lifted me up, carefully placing me sidesaddle on my horse and climbing up to sit behind me. She took the bundled-up blanket – the one that had been meant to keep her warm – from the saddlebags, wrapping it around my Shoulders and encircling me with her arms as she took the reins, urging the horse into a slow walk towards camp.

“Are you angry with me, Gan?” she murmured, her hand coming up to hold my head against her chest.

After a few moments, I shook my head, nuzzling into her warmth. I was angry at myself for being fooled and nervous as I anticipated the cost of failure, but she was still my love. However things had turned out, we would still be together in the morning.

“I’m glad.” She pressed a kiss into my hair, her lips warm against my scalp. “I want you to have fun tonight, evenThough you lost. Let me know if it gets to be too much.”

I nodded slightly, appreciating her affection.

“Also, I soaked that gag in a little something.”


“It’s supposed to make wedding nights more… exciting. I think it’ll keep our roles quite clear.”

“Mmm?!” I could tell she was grinning by the way she spoke, and I tongued at the wad of clothes in my mouth, taking more notice of the sharp, herbal taste. Now that I was paying attention, I could sense an unnatural heat growing all over my body, especially between my legs.

“I’ll give you a hint,” she whispered, hot breath tickling my ear. Her free hand slipped downwards, brushing over my stiffening nipples and slipping into the waist of my pants where she teased her fingertips across sensitive and Increasedly swollen flesh. I let out a little while as she pulled her hand away, returning her attention to the horse and nudging it into a faster trot.

“The ceremony is short… only an hour orso,” she said, amused. “I’m sure you’ll be able to hold out until we get to the tent… and you’ve taken care of me… and you’ve taken care of me… and you’ve begged to come… and I’ve edged you, oh, I don’t know, fifty times…”

I whimpered, my bound hands clenched into fists as nervous excitement filled my chest. There was always a struggle for dominance between us, but once established, she knew exactly how to turn me into a soaking wet submissive mess.

The artistic arousal only increased as more of the drug entered my system, turning the trip back to camp and the actual ceremony into a bit of a blur. I definitely remembered being brought into the warmth of the communal tent while trusted up and slung over Sarnai’s shoulder, my body on fire with embarrassment and lust as nearly the entire tribe crowded in to congratulate my beloved for capturing me. A white-haired, sun-wrinkled man made a rambling speech about our bonds to our families, our tribes, and each other, then handed Sernai a leather flask. She took two long sips before turning to me, removing my aphrodisiac-laden gag and holding up the container to my lips. The exact traditions varied from tribe to tribe, but there were common elements to what I’d seen at home: the sharing of water to bind our spirits, the sharing of food to represent the binding of our physical possessions, and the sharing of blood to bind our bodies. I drank cool water from the flask, ate a bite from a piece of dried meat she offered, and didn’t flinch when she took her knife and made tiny cuts on both of our lower lips. Her friends and family cheered as she pulled me into a deep kiss, combining the metallic taste in our mouths and making us one, now and forever.

Eventually, after more congratulations to both of us that I acknowledged in a horny daze, she picked me up in her arms and carried me back into the chilly night, Weaving through the tents until she stopped at one some distance from the edge of camp. She shoulded through the flags and the four women inside smiled at her, filing out without a word. They had kept this place warm for us with their body heat, and now its privacy was ours. She set me down on my back in a pile of blankets, kneeing next to me.

“You did well,” she murmured. “I don’t think they noticed how desperate you were. I’m the only one who recognizes that oh-so-needy look on your face…” She trailed her hand down my stomach, slipping her fingers between my legs and feeling the wetness starting to see through my pants. “Oh, you are needy. How much do you want it?”

“So much,” I groaned, my whole body tension and hot, quivering with need. Even if I didn’t get to come, I was going to lose my mind if I was left in this hell of untended arousal. My nipples were hard and my clip throbbing, responding to the raging inferno of lust that sent juices leaking down my thighs as my body begged to be touched.

“Mmm, it’s better than I hoped,” she said, pleased with my torque. “Let’s seeIf you deserve it…” She stripped out of her heavy clothes, baring her toned, athletic body. Black tattoos made simple patterns on her arms and a few scars marred her skin, marking her as the warrior she was. Naked, she planted her knees on either side of my head, putting her hands on my chest and her slick, swollen heat inches from my face, filling my lungs with the musk of her arousal. I immediately strained upwards, making her suck in a sharp breath as I began to lap up her salty-sweet juices.

“Please,” I began between licks. “Please touch me. Your mouth. Your fingers. Anything, mhibu.”

“How can I say no to that?” she said softly. She lowered herself further onto my face, half-smothering me in wet heat, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was her unfastening my pants and tugging them down, baring my aching pussy to the air. My breath caught as I was finally touched, but it was only one gentle fingertip dragging up and down my lower glistening lips, providing less stimulation than rubbing against my pants. Though my plea for more was muffled against her folds, she laughed, grinding harder onto my face. “Beg me with your mouth, not your words.”

I poured all my desperate lust into pleasure her, licking, kissing, sucking, using everything I know. Pushing my tongue deeper into her heat made her shiver with bliss and slip a finger inside me, gently thrusting. Seeking out her clip and lavishing it with attention earned a thumb on my own sensitive nub, stroking over it every time her finger pumped into me. The stimulation was incredibly slight, but I was so hot and needy that I could feel it building the pressure in my stomach all the same.

She tensed above me, her thighs clamping around my head as she gasped and shuddered, filling my mouth with a rush of hot juices. I swallowed her orgasm and took a few breaths, panting along with her before she pushed back down onto my face, grinding inevitably against my mouth. Just as I nearly my own edge, she pulled her hand away, giving a half-moaned laugh when I made muffled protest.

“I know you too well, kipenzi… You’ll come when I want you to, not before.”

I had no choice but to keep pleasure her, even as she denied my orgasm again… and again… and again. I lost count of how many times she edged me, keeping me teetering on the broke with the tiniest touches before taking her hand away and giggling at my desperate struggles to send myself over. There must have been some unconscious signal I gave when I was about to come, but I had no idea what it was, only that there was nothing I could do besides submit to her control. She rode my face to a second moaning orgasm that covered me in her juices, then forced me to lick her again, continuing her devilishly gentle stimulation of my pussy. My tongue grew sore, but that was nothing compared to the frustrated age of driving her to climax after climax while she teased me to insanity.

She collapsed over my chest when she came for the third time, her muscles giving out as she convulsed with pleasure. As she lifted herself from my face, allowing me to breathe while her fingers brought me to yet another edge, what little composition I had disappeared. I couldn’t take it anyway.

“Sarnai,” I whimpered. “Sarnai, Sarnai Sarnai! Please! Oh, gods, please let me come- please let me come for you, let me come…”

She was the only one who could do this to me. The only one who could turn a proud warrior into a mewling, begging slut, desperate for release. In these moments, she owned me, body, mind, and soul.

Wordlessly, she leaned down to my soaked heat, taking my throbbing clip between her lips and gently suckling as she slipped two fingers inside me. I went rigid underneath her, half-expecting her to pull away at the last moment, but she finally allowed the aching tension inside me to snap. Uncaring of the fact that the entire camp could probably hear me, I cried out again and again, my mind white with sensing. Hot, blinding waves of pleasure Shook my body as the long-denied orgasm coursed through me with overwhelming intensity, making me wrong and fight my bindings, clenching around her fingers over and over again.

The ecstasy gradually faded, leaving me slumped and panting hard. I was rarely aware of Sarnai untying the ropes around my limbs and gently pulling me out of my clothes before taking me in her arms, peppering my face with kisses.

“Gan,” she whispered, holding me against her naked warmth. “Gan. My wife. My love.”

“Sarnai,” I mumbled, slipping my arms around her to return the embrace. “My rose. My everything.”

Her lips found mine, soft and sweet.

All feedback is greatly appreciated.


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