He arrived at the address indicated in the ad. “Switch SWF seeks SWM switch. Must enjoy dildos, ice cubes, and other games.” It was a risk, but it had intrigued him none the less. He rang the door bell and waited.
Shuffling his feet on the porch, he felt as though time was creeping by. There didn’t appear to be anyone home as the house was dark and he didn’t hear a sound.
He waited a few more moments and then turned to leave.
A soft giggle stopped him dead in his tracks. How long had she been standing behind him, he wondered? But there she was, a short woman with many curves, long brown hair, a sweet smile and brown eyes that sparkled with mischief. “I see you’re carrying the paper. I assume you’re here about the ad?” He nodded, still trying to figure out exactly what was going on here.
“Good. Come in please.” She walked past him, smelling very sweet and…well, she sure didn’t look dangerous. He decided it would be safe to go in for a bit. She turned on lights as she moved deeper into the house. Finally they came to a small living room and she sat down in an easy chair. He decided to sit on the couch across from her. He felt her eyes on him as they moved from his dark brown hair, over his face, across green eyes, down his chest, and lower to areas that were growing warm under her scrutiny.
She smiled warmly and with welcome. “I can see you’re nervous. Would you like some tea or something else to drink? For a bit, we can just talk, then…if you like, we can play. Is that alright?” Feeling a bit more relaxed, he returned her smile and agreed.
He took the chance to look around while she was in the kitchen. The room, the whole house in fact, seemed so very normal. Could this woman really be into kinky sex? Aside from the bit at the door, she had been a perfect hostess and just seemed so motherly and sweet. It didn’t seem possible.
“Well now, here we are,” he heard her say as she re-emerged from the kitchen door behind him.He turned to take his drink and stopped, staring at her. She had changed into a beautiful, royal blue merry widow with black thigh highs, black 6 in. heels, and what appeared to be a rather large, straw-on dildo.
She moved around the couch and set the drinks on the coffee table between them. She then returned to the easy chair, but sat sideways in it, one leg dangling over the arm rest, giving him a beautiful, open view of her.
She smiled, this time looking a bit predatory. “Hmmm…you’re surprised, but you seem to like this. Am I wrong?” He felt himself flush. Of course she was right, but all he could do was nod in his embarrassment. The minute he’d seen her, he had grown hard and now strained at his pants. He knew she could see and that was how she judged him so well.
“Good. Then Here is the deal. You’re absolutely capable of leaving. I’m certainly not strong enough to stop you and I won’t be restraining you tonight. However, if you remain, you are to follow my commands. You may let me know that I’m going too far by saying “yellow”. This will tell me to back off, but not stop. You can say red to bring things to a complete halt and I’ll let you leave. Fair enough?”
She smiled at him, waiting for his answer. He thought for a moment, still a bit dazed by her sudden appearance and proposition. So many questions swam through his head, but one in particular had to be asked. “If I stay,” he began hesitantly, “will you use that on me? The straw-on, I mean.”
She smiled brightly. “Oh yes, in more ways than one.” Her words cut straight through him and his cock grow almost painfully hard as arousal overcame him.
“Then we have a deal.” he said, his voice a bit breathless and shaky.
“Good. Get undressed.” The authority in her voice left no room for question. She watched him, her eyes lingering on every inch of him, as he striped quietly in front of her. “Very nice. Now, see that rug? I want you on it on all fours, your backside facing me.”
He looked over to see a beautiful, plus rug set in front of the fireplace. It was daylight and warm, so the fire wasn’t lit, but he could imagine what it would be like when it was. He hoped to be around for that as he moved into the position she requested.
Once there, he heard her rise from the chair and listened as her heels clicked softly as she walked towards him. He felt her soft hands touch him, rubbing over his back, his ass, his legs. She pursued in admission. “You are beautiful!” she said and he beamed under her praise. “Yes, absolutely beautiful. But lets see if you have any talent.”
She moved around in front of him and placed the dildo before his face. “I want to see if you can suck a cock, my dear. I want to witness just how talented your tongue is. You can rise to a sitting position if that helps, but otherwise, stay as you are. Understood?” He nodded and sat back on his heels, looking at the dildo presented to him.
He wrapped one hand around thebase of it, feeling the warmth of her skin against him, as he slip the cock into his mouth. He felt as though he could cum almost as soon as it touched his lips, but he resisted and began to suck happily. Had he looked up at her, he would have seen her eyes open in surprise. This was supposed to be a bit of humiliation, but he was enjoying it. Seems she would have to change her strategy.
She watched for a bit, smiling. He was magnificent. She could feel herself growing wet at the thought of such enthusiasm applied to her clip. Moaning softly, she closed her eyes. Her moan encouraged him and she felt him moving at her hips as he increased his efforts. Fearing she would cum and loose control of the situation, she stopped him.
“Very good, my dear. You are an amazing cock sucker. Would you do such a good job on a real cock, I wonder?” He blushed slightly, but nodded. “Yes ma’am. I would be happy to do so.”
She smiled. “You are very pleasant. I have to wonder, would you like me to do sometimes else with this?” She stroked her hand over the dildo as he stared for a moment. “Yes ma’am,” he said, but was unable to continue, over come with shyness at the prospect.
“Oh poor baby,” she teased. “Does it embarrass you? You get all flustered when you realize that you want to be fucked in the ass with a nice, big, firm cock, don’t you?” He nodded, turning just a little red this time. “Do you want me to do it, hmm? Do you want this?”
“Yes ma’am, please.” He had said it quickly and with urgency before he even realized the words were going to spill from his mouth. He blushed at his eagerness as she laughed quietly.
“Good boy. Then I’ll give you what you want.” She walked behind me and knelt down. He heard her move around a bit, then felt her hands spread him open. For a moment, she just looked at him, enjoying the view, one hand caressing his back lovingly. Then, gently, she worked in a finger. It was cool with lube and made him shiver slightly. She moved around, turning, applying the cold gel to him entirely. After a bit, she worked in another finger, bringing a moan from deep in his throat.
“My, you do enjoy this. I’m glad. It’s one of my favorite games,” she said with geneine affection in her voice. As she stroked his insides, her other hand wandered around to his cock, petting it playfully and fondling his balls. She did this for just a bit, listening as his breathe quicken and his arousal growth. Then, she withdraw her fingers and replaced them with the dildo.
She was careful, pushing in gently and watching his reactions, reading his body. He moaned quietly and pressed his hips back, driving her deeper. She smiled, then pushed in with vigor. He let out a load gasp as she began to drive into him. He heard her moan as well and felt her wetness running along the strraps. Her hands griped his shoulders, massaging them as she went. He pulled on the rug beneath him, now moaning loudly.
“Ma’am,” he asked breathlessly. “May I touch myself?” It took her a moment to answer with a quick “yes”. Sitting back a bit so he could reach himself, he drove her deeper into him. She now wrapped her arms around him, cupping his balls as he stroked his cock. He felt her mouth on his back, her breasts pressed against him, and her hips driving up to him. It wasn’t long before they both came and collapsed on the rug, now wet with their password and the lubricant.
They lay there for a moment, him flat on the floor, her on his back still inside him. After catching her breathe, she sat up and withdraw. He rolled over to look at her. She seemed unsure for a moment, blushing a bit and looking as though she wanted to say something but couldn’t. “Thank you,” he said with a smile.
He watched her relax, her eyes lighting up as she gazed at him. “You’re welcome. I take it you did enjoy that? I worried that I might have pressured you,” she said as she lay down next to him, her head on his chest.
“You said it yourselves, if I had wanted to stop, I could have, remember?” She nodded, snuggling close. They lay there in silence for a bit, just enjoying the warmth of each other.
“So, will you come back? Tomorrow maybe,” she asked, breaking the silence.
“Absolutely,” he said.
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