Taken Hostage

This is the first story I have written here that is not based on actual adventures that I have had, this one is fiction and I do not condone these types of actions unless agreed upon by everyone involved.

It is near the end of the day and the downtown streets are bustling with people heading home and finishing their day. I am one of them but one last stop before I can call it a day, I need to do some banking. This always makes me nervous when I have to do this as there are so many weirdos out there and not to sound conceited but I consider myself an attractive woman and a potential target.

My work attire is definitely different from how I dress outside of work. I am wearing a white button up shirt with a long black skirt that goes just below my knees with black pantyhose. I have a cardigan on as the temperature seems to drop quite a bit in the afternoon and my favourite knee high boots. I have my long blonde hair in a messy bun, my hair style of choice when I am in a hurry in the morning and keeps it out of my face while I am working.

The bank is extremely busy, I approach the long line. Shit, only 2 tellers open and there has to be a dozen people in front of me. This time of day everyone is doing business banking so it takes a while. I check the time on my phone, I think about leaving it until tomorrow but then realize I have thousands of dollars of cheques and I don’t I am at the end of the line and it isn’t moving at all, I am a little more than impatient at this point. There is a larger woman in front of me who smells of a repulsive combination of stale perfume and BO, god I want to get out of here. A well dressed man with a fedora and sunglasses gets in line behind me. I am literally trying to think of anything else than what is going on in front of me.

“Wow, this is really slow huh?” A voice from behind me comments, it is the man who just joined the line, not sure if he was thinking out loud or speaking to me, I simply nod in agreement.

The next thing I know I feel a warm breath on my neck and something sticking into my lower back.

“Don’t make a sound or try to get away, my gun is nuzzled in you and nobody would hear the shot”

“What do you want?”

“Shut up and listen. We are going to walk out of here together and get into the car and have a discussion, understand?”

I am fighting back the tears, scared for my life “Okay,” is all I can get out.

He leads me out of the line and out of the bank and he guides me to a car, opens the passenger door and tells me to get in. I know better than to fight and I do what he says. He gets in the driver’s seat and for the first time I see he really has a gun and is still pointed at me. He grabs my pursuit and briefcase and throws it in the backseat.

“Put your hands on the handle” there is a handle in front of me attached to the dashboard so I put my hands on it. He pulls a zip tie out of his pocket and binds my hands to it and then lays a towel or sweater or something over my hands to conceal them. Oh shit, this was planned, has he done this before, is he going to kill me? Is he going to rap me? Is he going to rap me then kill me or kill me then rap me? Maybe he just wants the money and will let me go.

He drives in silence with the gun sitting on his lap, I no longer fight back the tears but let them flow. It seems like forever but it was likely about half an hour drive into a residential area of ​​older homes. He pulls into the garage of one and my heart sinks as the overhead door closes behind us, great this is it I think to myself.

He gets out of the car and come around to the passenger side. He takes the towel or whatever it was away from my bound hands and he tells me to open my mouth, which I comply with. He shoves a rag in my mouth almost making me choke and I feel a piece of duct tape put across it pretty much from ear to ear.

“That’s so there is no screaming,” he taunts me and pulls a butterfly knife out and cuts the zip tie. Relief is short lived as he grabs my arm hard and yanks me from the car, leading me into the house, leaving my pursuit and briefcase behind, shit this isn’t a robbery.

Down into the basement we go, surprisingly well lit, into a small room. It is a freighting site with a hook and pulley contradiction hanging from the roof and a video camera aimed at the middle of the room, nothing else, literally white walls.

Another zip tie comes out of his pocket and my hands again are tied together, he attaches the zip tie to the hook and adjusts the cable to force my arms over my head. He looks at me for a minute and releases the cable so my arms drop down. Has he reconsidered what he is doing, he is letting me go?

“Get on your knees,” my next order comes out of his mouth.

I do as I am told, way too scared to not as I know he has a gun and a knife at the very least. Then he again pulls the cable and my arms are again up over my head. He admires his handy work for a minute and then leaves. What the hell now, he’s just leaving me here?

He returns with a chair and sits down about 2 feet from me and in a soft voice asks “Are you cold?”

I try to yell a “Fuck you” but it is completely muffled, he leaves the room again and comes back with a large tripod with several work lights on it. He plugs it in and turn it on. They are bright and they are hot. I feel myself start to heat up and sweat is starting to form on my back, armpits, and even between my legs and not in a good way.

He sits on his chair and looks at me for a long time as if he is contemplating what to do. I am in complete misery as I am still crying and now really sweating. Whatever you’re going to do, just do it already. I try to convey my thoughts to this asshole who is torturing me by doing nothing. He is looking me up and down and clearly planning his next move.

“I guess by now you are wondering why you are here.Well let me tell you. You are here because a little birdy told me that you are a whose that needs to be taught a lesson. They said how you like to sleep around with both men and women like the slut that you are”

What? I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for 3 years and I haven’t strayed other than one time I made out with a friend drink but that was it. I try to plead with him that he has the wrong person but the sound is completely muffled.

“I’m going to give you time to think about this.” He gets up and leaves, these lights are so hot on me I feel my shirt is soaked with sweat, where did he hear this about me?

He returns with a TV tray that he sets up by his chair. Next he puts a plate of food on it and a glass and a bottle of wine. Is that for me? I am hungry, it is way past dinner time but how can I trust this guy who abducted me? He pours a glass of wine and starts eating the food on the plate. Not for me, not going to be pooroned or drugged at least.

Hefinishes all the food on the plate and gulps down the wine in the glass and lets out a rude burp. Then his attention is back on me, I see a bead of sweat on his forehead, he is feeling the heat as well. He reaches into his pocket and pulls something out, I can tell what it is and then another item is removed. I hear the unmistakable sound of a lighter, did he just light a smoke? He knees down beside me and blows smoke into my face. He lit a joint and I have no choice but to breathe in his second hand weed smoke. He takes another big drag and again in my face, I can’t say I hate it.

He puts out the rest of his joint and walks around me. I feel my leg getting lifted up and the zipper on my boot is undone, then the other. Relief on my feet actually as they were very hot in the boots and I try to wiggle my toes to stretch them out. To my amazement he starts massaging my feet, that feels really good and then he drops them down. He walks back in front of me and take off his suit jacket and his tie and places them neighborly on the chair. He slowly unbuttons his shirt, he is muscle, shack under different circumstances I would be very interested.

He grabs my face hard and say “Your punishment is about to begin, but first I need to get you ready.”

What the hell does that mean, I’m also scared to find out and think about how I actually miss standing Behind the perfume/BO lady at least I was free.

He releases my face and give me a hard slap across the cheek, fuck that hurt. Then I see his knife appears and he puts it up to my throat “Better not move or you’ll get cut up really bad slut.” I know I need to heed his warning. He grabs a sleepe of my cardigan and slices it all the way to the opening across my chest and then does the same on the other side. From there he is able to pull it off with my hands still bound above my head.

I feel a bit of relief from the heat without the sweater but now am aware that my sweat is apparent on my shirt,and if I wasn’t I was about to be told.

“Look at you now! Pit stains on your shirt, title sweat on there as well, not exactly glamorous like you try to be.” He’s right, his belittling is working, I hate sweating unless it’s due to intimacy, not this shit. He grabs the back of my head and rips the clip out that was holding my hair up. My hair is also a sweaty, matted mess. He laughs at this site and slaps my face again.

He raises the cable and forces me to stand up. Again he paces around me, what the fuck is he going to do to me next?

I don’t have to wait long for my answer as he says “That is not a very sexy skirt, you need to show some leg.” He uses his knife to cut a slit on one side of my skirt all the way up to the elastic waist and then does the same on the other side. I feel the cooler air on my legs as the pieces of skirt fall to the side.

He stands very close to me and alternates rubbing my legs, from thigh to knee and back again. Then I realized, I’m wet! How can I be wet with this maniac cutting my clothes off, I am really mad at myself for being turned on by this. He unbuckles his belt and slides his pants down. He is pretty close to if not fully erect and his boxes do nothing to conceal it.

“Your turn,” he says and cuts the wait band of my skirt and I feel it fall to the ground. He does another lap around me and smacks my nearly bare ass, hard, I wince in pain, then another slap to the other chef, another wince.

“What are you hiding under that ugly shirt?” More of a rhetorical as he knows there is no way I can answer. He grabs a handful of shirt right around the buttons near my breasts and pulls in opposite directions, buttons fly off and my breasts are revealed.

“You should be punished for hiding those big tits, and you will be.” He walks behind me once again and pushes my head down, I feel the cold steel of his blade against my skin and it goes all the way down to the bottom of the shirt.

The shirt falls off my shoulders and each side hangs there no longer covering anything. He seems disappointed with it and rips the sleeps away from my arms, the shirt is shredded and still hanging around my shoulders. He leaves the room and comes back with a yardstick, what could he possibly be measuring with that? Then I feel it hard across my ass, then again, and a third time.

He kicks my feet apart and swings the yardstick between my legs and I grimace as it contacts my pussy, that one really hurt. He laughs to himself at my reaction and again has his knife pointed at me. He grabs the top of my pantyhose and cuts down the middle between my legs and follow my ass crack to the top of them on the other side. He releases his grip on my pantyhose and they immediately start to slide down my leg.

He’s looking at my bare ass Now, “A thong huh slut? Doesn’t cover your ass at all,” and to prove his point he gives me a couple more whacks with the yardstick, this time on my bare ass and followsit up with 5 between the legs.

He is now looking at me in the face and takes a strap off my shoulder and slices through it, then the other, almost systematically he slides his blade under the middle of my bra and slices through that. My bra falls to the ground in several pieces, my sweety breasts drop to their natural position now free of the bra, never to be hurt again.

“Those are some great tits slut,” he proclaims and then hits them each with the yardstick several times.

He realizes the cable and pushes me back down to my knees. “You look like you need a drink,” he surveys and starts peeling the duct tape off my face, ever so slowly, it hurts, it hurts like hell, then he rips the last couple of inches off like a band aid. I breathe in as much into my mouth as I can, feeling some relief.

Then he grabs a Handful of hair and pulls my head back. He puts a funnel in my mouth and starts pouring the wine in it. I can’t keep up with the speed that it is going intomy mouth and start to choke. “Stop wasting a very good bottle of wine”

I am now completely naked except for shreds of my shirt and pantyhose and my thong. I am covered in sweat and now wine, what a price I must look like.

His boxes are off and in front of me is my abductor, completely naked with what I guessed to be a 10″ cock staring straight at me. “You’re going to suck this cock and don’t even think about doing something stupid,” he said waving his knife around.

He thrusts his cock in my mouth and down my throat cheering me on with things like “Suck it harder, feel it in your throat” I can’t handle it and feel nauseous but there is no way to communicate it and then I throw up. Wham! Another hard slap “I didn’t tell you to do that, now open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

I do as he instructs and he rests his cock on my tongue and starts pumping, he must of being close when he was fucking my mouth as soon after I feel his warm cum hit the back of my throat and more drip onto my tongue. “Swallow it all.” Like I had a choice.

He leaves the room again and I think what could he be possibly bringing back now? Soon after I had my answer, it was a small desk. He puts it down beside me and unhooks me from the cable. He pushes me face down onto the desk and tells me to hold still. I see him run the cable under the desk and reconnect it to my Restraints, then he tightens the cable pinning me down on the desk.

He kicks my legs apart again and starts hitting my ass with his yardstick, then I hear a snap, the bastard broke it on my ass, at least that is over.

He has his knife out again and he cuts each side of my thong and pulls it off.

“You are really wet you fucking slut, you are enjoying this! Want to see?” Not waiting for an answer, not that he wanted one anyway, he stuffs my thong into my mouth. Shit he’s right, I am really wet, like really wet, how can that be?

I don’t have much time to think about it as I feelHis hands on my hips and he rams his cock into my pussy. That big cock slide in so easily, I am so wet but I don’t want this cock in me, he abducted me, he cut my clothes off, he beat me with a yardstick, he chased me with his cock, and now he’s fucking me hard with this monster cock and…and…and I am moaning, and now I am cumming?!?! What the fuck is wrong with me? He keeps fucking me as hard as he can, I spit out my thong to get more air in, I can’t look back but in as much of a voice as I can muster I say “please don’t cum in me, I’m ovulating, please no.” He doesn’t slow down and seems to ignore my pleasure.

Great now he’s going to knock me up, I wasn’t lying about ovulating. But then he pulls out, I can’t see what he has and no time to think his cock slides back in my pussy, but he isn’t fucking me any more just holding it in me. Then I feel it, something cool and wet entering my ass, he’s lubing it up! I feel him pull his cock out of my pussy and I assume he is lubing up his cock, as if it needed more, and then I feel the tip against my asshole, then it penetrates my ass.

“Can’t knock you up in your ass,” I feel him slide his cock deeper and deeper, that big cock is ripping my ass apart, I want him to stop,how much more does he have, then I feel his balls on my ass. Holy fuck this monster cock is all the way in, it hurts so much”

“That’s right take it all in your ass who and fuck it good!” What does he mean by fuck it good, then I answer my own question and realize I am moving back and forth on it, letting an inch escape before pulling it back in, what I am doing?

“I want to cum, now,” I don’t even have a chance to respond as he grabs my hips and is now ramming my ass with all his might, it hurts so bad, it hurts so…good! God I am loving this punishment and I hate myself for it. I don’t have time to beat myself up over it as I feel him hold it deep inside me and then he starts to throb inside my ass, one spurt, then another, must have been at least 6 big ones and his orgasm is still going.

When he is done he pushes me to get off his cock and I collapse on the table then the table itself collapses. Now I am on the floor of this grungy basement covered in sweat, wine, puke, cum and wearing a shredded shirt and pantyhose. Oh and now cum is leaking out of my ass and I am still very wet.

He recalls himself and says “Your punishment is over slut, go home”

I roll over and look at him and smile and say “I am home honey, our home!”


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