Emmy moaned quietly into the clothes stuffing her mouth, squirming against her bonds. She lay on her bed, legs tied together, wrists bound behind her back, utterly helpless against anyone who might come upon her. If someone were to find her, to touch her, she wouldn’t be able to resist, could only–
She witnessed as she carefully untangled her hands from a repurposed hair tie, breaking the illusion long enough to reposition them in front of her body where she could begin touching herself. Binding her legs was easy enough, with a couple of belts providing a nice firm hold she could struggle against, and a washcloth and scarf made a more or less functional gag. But the hair tie was the best thing she’d found for her wrists, and it always felt like it was going to break if she pulled too hard. It was more an inconvenience than a restraint.
Emmy tried to ignore the flimsiness of her bondage as her hand found her clip, struggling slowly as she cast her mind back to her kidnapping about a month prior. Then, she’d been bound so tightly with that heavy tape, mouth sealed with a ball gag, and Piri–the gorgeous, intensely confident Piri–had come to her, and—-
“Mmnnffh… ffhhnnn!”
She worked her fingers faster, an orgasm blossoming as she focused on the memory of Piri’s touch. Emmy’s legs flexed against the belts, her muscles tensed-
A sudden pop at Emmy’s wrists started her, interrupting her climax, leaving a confusing mix of pleasure and shock in its wake. It took a few moments to realize what had happened: The hair tie broke! Emmy had liked that one, too.
This clearly wasn’t working, she thought as she began untying her gag in frustration. Ever since that incident, since Piri, she couldn’t stop thinking about being bound, being touched, but these little self-bondage sessions were a poor substitute. Maybe it was time, again, to stop denying what she really needed, what she was afraid to ask for. Piri had forced that confession out of her once, and while they’d had no contact since then, the other girl’s parting offer still echoed in her head.
Once her legs were free, Emmy dug the slip of paper out of her desk drawer, the one she’d carefully hidden away after her captors had released her. Emmy’s hands shook as she typed the number into her phone, reading and rereading the name above it: Piri.
* * *
Arrange an alibi for their meeting was surprisingly easy. Emmy told her mother she’d be seeing her friend Lily after school that Friday, “and I might stay over, I’ll let you know.” She told Lily she had a date–which was, essentially, true–and to please cover for her if anyone asked. Lily was curious, of course, but Emmy promised to tell her about it afterward, and could probably explain it away as a disappointing evening if it came down to it. She didn’t particularly like the deception, but the truth ofthe matter–I’m meeting the girl who kidnapped me so she can take control of my helpless body–was not something she particularly cared to explain.
Emmy had half expected her mother to make things more difficult; after all, she had just been kidnapped. While she was eighteen and technically free to do as she wished, if there was ever a time for overprotectiveness, this seemed like it. But while her mother had been very apologetic over Emmy’s experience–guiltily so, even–she promised Emmy that it had all been resolved, and that she wouldn’t have to worry about it again. Presumably this had been part of whatever deal she worked out with Piri’s father over Emmy’s ransom, and Emmy didn’t pry further. Of course, her mother might have raised some concerns if Emmy mentioned exactly who she was seeing, but that was out of the question. She just had to hope she wasn’t making an enormous mistake.
* * * *
Friday afternoon came, andEmmy found herself at a small cafe near the edge of town, drinking her boba too fast as she tried not to physically shake with anticipation. She was excited, unbearably so, but there was an undeniable anxiety mixed in as well. At the back of her mind, she couldn’t shake the feeling: Was this a trap? She’d taken precautions, had asked Lily to check in on her over the phone at a set time, and had an unfortunately detailed email scheduled to send the next day if she wasn’t available to cancel it. Was that enough? What if Piri just grabbed her and carted her off somewhere? A rush ran through Emmy’s body as she imagined it, but she tried to pull herself back to the gravity of the situation. Seriously! My mom would be so mad!
And then Emmy looked up from her drink to lock eyes with Piri, walking towards her table, and none of that mattered. The other girl was as beautiful as she remembered, her flowing, purple-dyed hair fading to pink at the tips, her piercing eyes, her completeely self-assured stride. She wore a cropped black t-shirt and dark jeans, a casual outfit that was nevertheless extremely flattering on her body. Emmy was still wearing her school uniform–white button-up shirt, red bow, plaid skirt, minus the vest due to the warmer weather–and now feel slightly self-conscious about it.
“Emmy,” Piri said, approaching the table with a knowing smile. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Y-you also,” Emmy managed to stammer.
“I’m going to order a drink. I’ll be right back, okay?”
Emmy just nodded and watched Piri make her way to the counter. It only took a moment; she seemed to know exactly what she wanted. She looked, Emmy noted, just as good from behind.
“So,” Piri said, returning and taking the other seat, “I’m glad we could meet under… different circumstances. We didn’t really get to talk last time, you know?” Emmy blushed at that. She had, of course, been gagged almost the entire time.
“You’re wearing your uniform again,” Piri continued.
“I, uh, didn’t have time to change…”
“I know.” Piri’s face wore a slightly soft expression here, in public, but that calculating smile shined through. “I told you to come here right after school, didn’t I? You could have asked for time to change, of course, but you didn’t.” She leaned closer, lowered her voice. “Maybe you’re just Very obedient… or very eager.”
A shiver ran through Emmy’s body. She hoped no one else in the shop was paying attention. “I… uh… I did bring some clothes with me, so–“
“No.” The statement was direct. “You’re adorable in a uniform. If I want you to wear something else, I’ll say so.”
“Um… thank you.” Emmy raised her drink, tried to hide her red face, not sure how to respond. “You, uh… you look good too.” Piri grinned wider.
“You’re a sweet girl when you’re not, you know, demanding that I untie you. Oh, here’s my drink.” Piri thanked the server as Emmy made her best attempt to look normal. “So, when we’re done–” She motioned towards the window, where a chain hotel loomed just across the street. “Do you want to go somewhere more private?”
* * * *
Piri had already booked a room, and led Emmy in through a side entrance, avoiding the lobby. “This place is mostly for people here on business, or on their way somewhere more interesting,” she explained, glancing around a hallway corner before ushering Emmy along. “But, you never know who you might run into. I mean, I don’t care who sees me going into hotels with strange women, but you probably have some sort of reward to uphold, right?”
“Oh, I, uh… thank you.” It was actually rather considering her, Emmy thought.
“Here we are.” Piri opened the door, revealing a clean, simple hotel room with a single king-sized bed. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Emmy hesitated a moment, taking a breath before stepping inside. This was all moving very fast, she knew, but thiswas, after all, exactly why she’d come here. Even the time spent waiting in the cafe, watching Piri finish her drink, her dexterous fingers gripping the cup just so… Emmy had felt like she was going to burst.
“Thank you for, uh, meeting me.” That was awkward. Emmy didn’t really know what to say. She had never been to a hotel… with someone like this. Especially someone whose last greeting was to grab her and restrain her with duct tape.
“I wasn’t surprised to see your message. Maybe surprised it took that long.” Piri gave her a mischievous grin. “I gave you a taste last time, but I could tell you’d want more.”
Emmy went red again, had to look away. “You… you made me…”
“Oh, of course,” Piri said in a playfully mocking tone. “I made you Come, I made you like it, and now you’re here so I can make you do it again.”
Emmy shivered at the thought. But Piri was right; she could see right through her, and there was no sense playingcoy.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” she admitted. “The way you looked, the things you did, the way it felt… I shouldn’t be here, but… I just had to.” It felt ridiculous, saying it out loud, but every word was true.
Piri’s smile seemed to become a little more gentle, just for a moment, before the edge returned. “I’ve been thinking about you too… and what I’m going to do to you this time. Are you ready?”
Emmy took a deep breath and nodded. There was no sense denying it. She couldn’t wait any longer.
“Good.” Piri moved to a duffel bag on a benchmark next to the bed and unzipped it. “I brought something a little different this time. Look.” She held up a bundle of red-dyed rope, neighborly looped and tied together.
“Rope?” It was a stupid thing to say, Emmy realized immediately, but Piri paid no mind.
“That’s right. Do you want to feel it?”
Piri handed it to her, and Emmy gently turned it over in her hands. It was surprisingly soft tothe touch, but to imagine rope, this rope, all around her body…
“That tape last time was quick and effective, good for a kidnapping, but this is a lot more fun. You’ll see.” Piri took out another bundle of rope as she spoke, then another, then another.
“H… how much rope do you need?”
“That depends, Emmy.” Piri paused a moment, looked her in the eye. “How badly do you want to be tied up?”
“I… ah…”
That drew another smile. “You’re here voluntarily, so you can always tell me to stop if you’ve had enough.” She leaned closer. “But I bet you won’t. Now,” Piri said, taking the rope back, “turn around. Arms behind your back.”
Emmy did as she was told, taking a deep breath as Piri adjusted her arms, crossing them so Emmy’s elbows met her palms. This is it, she told herself. Last time she forced it on me, but this time I’m just letting her do it. If I don’t say something now, I’ll be completely at her mercy.
But she said nothing, only trembled as she felt Piri wrap the rope around her wrists, looping it several times, then securing it with a knot. Just like that, some fundamental piece of freedom was gone.
“How does it feel?” Piri asked from behind.
Emmy flexed against it; the rope didn’t give. “It feels… good.” It did feel good, more than she could say. This is what she Remembered, what she’d been trying and failing to capture on her own. That feeling of restriction, of helplessness–she knew she shouldn’t want it, but she did. She’d missed this.
“Very good,” Piri responded. “There’s more.”
Piri ran the end of the rope around Emmy’s arms and chest, above her breasts, the tension lifting her wrists higher behind her back. Piri repeated the pattern Below Emmy’s breasts, then slipped the rope between her arms and body, once on each side, cinching the loops taut. Every tug pulled the rope tighter, increasing the restriction, the feeling of being held, being taken, by this beautiful girl.
Finally, Piri fed the end of the rope over Emmy’s left shoulder, between her breasts, connecting the two loops in front and further tightening them around her. Piri pulled the rope back over Emmy’s right shoulder, tying it all in the back, apparently satisfied.
“Well, Emmy,” Piri breathed, moving closer, lips near her ear. “How do you like it?”
Emmy pulled against the rope, feeling its hold. The tape last time had been strong, but this was something else entirely. Every move she made, any bit of slack she might find, only pulled the rope tighter somewhere else on her body. She couldn’t wriggle her wrists loose with the rope pinning her arms to her sides, and struggle with her arms only pulled her wrists higher, further from freedom. And Every motion, every breath, met resistance from the ropes across her breasts, as if claiming them. Emmy felt that heat growing between her thighs, knowing she could do nothing about it in this state.
“Enjoying yourself?”
Enjoying yourself?”
Enjoying back to attention, blushing, not sure how long she’d been standing there just taking it all in. “Sorry, I… got distracted.”
“I’ll bet you did. Over here.”
Piri grabbed Emmy’s should, firmly, and walked her over to a full length mirror on the wall. She could see herself now, still in her uniform, rope harness framing her chest, Piri’s helpless prisoner.
She saw Piri, too, met her eyes in the mirror. There was a fire in them, now, one she recognized from before. Of course, Emmy thought, I’m not the only one who wants this. If this makes her feel the same way I do… A shiver ran through her body.
“You look damn good in bondage,” Piri said, arm still gripping Emmy’s Shoulder. “I could have you just like this. But.” She paused a moment, let Emmy squirm, then whispered in her ear again. “I still have more rope.”
“Piri… t-touch me…” Emmy saw her reflection go red; she hadn’t meant to blurt that out. But she was getting so wet, feeling like this, seeing herself like this, and with her hands bound she couldn’t even…
“Already?” Piri smiled, but there was a hunger to it. “What, like this?” Her hand slide up Emmy’s leg, past the hem of her skirt, lingered at the edge of her panties. She hesitated a moment, then slipped it inside, finding Emmy’s wetness and running a finger slowly back and forth across her clip.
“Ahh… Piri…”
“You really want this, don’t you? We’ve barely even started.”
“I just… please…” Emmy didn’t care how she sounded anymore. It felt good, so good…
“No.” Piri pulled her hand away, the sudden absence leaving Emmy wanting. “You’re a greedy little thing, but I’m not done tying you up yet.”
“Ahh… wait…” Emmy squirmed, her desperation obvious in the mirror. She struggled harder against the rope, serious this time, but found no more success getting free– and only grow wetter because of it.
Pirireturned to the bed, grabbing another length of rope, and tied it to the harness in the back. Emmy wasn’t sure where else it could possibly go, until Piri dropped the free end between Emmy’s legs, ran it through one of the ropes on the front, then pulled hard.
“Ahh!” There was an immediate tightness between her legs, a pressure against her already sensitive pussy, a carefully-placed knot in the rope brushing her clip through the fabric. It wasn’t as intense as when Piri touched her, but it was unyielding, constant, impossible to ignore. Emmy shifted her body, trying to somehow control the sensing, as Piri secured the rope to the rest of the harness. Each movement only sent further pulses of pleasure through her body.
“You like this one, don’t you?” Piri stood, facing her, watching Emmy’s face.
“Ah… it’s… it’s right there…”
“And it’s going to stay there.” Piri gripped Emmy’s chin, tilted her head up. “Just as a reminder… until I decided you deserve more.”
“Piri, I–mmhh!”
Piri grabbed her head, suddenly, pulling Emmy into a kiss. The other girl’s tongue thrust into her mouth, and Emmy met it, drinking her in, unable to do anything else. She wanted this, wanted Piri, so badly. Why had she waited so long to come back?
“Mmm.” Piri released the kiss with satisfaction. “You’re delicious.”
“Please…” Emmy didn’t need to say anything more. Piri knew what she wanted.
“I have a present for you. Hold on a second.”
Emmy could only wait, feeling the rope gripping her everywhere like a dozen griping hands. What was Piri bringing? The vibrator she’d snuck into Emmy’s ransom video? Or the toy from later that night, the big one…
When Piri returned, she was holding something red. Emmy wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. A bow?
“I’m going to fix your hair. Stand still.”
With a slight tug, Piri slid Emmy’s hair tie off, releasing her ponytail. In a moment, she’d gathered the hair up again, not pulling hard enough to hurt, but certainly enough to show who was in charge. There was something intimate about even this, Emmy felt. She’d never given it much thought before, but she always had kind of enjoyed it when another girl played with her hair. The rope still digging in to her panties certainly didn’t help.
Piri wasn’t fixing her ponytail, though. Instead, she separate the strands into two high pigtails, securing each with a bright red bow. Emmy hadn’t hurt her hair like that in years, probably, but now even this was under Piri’s control.
“There,” Piri said, admiring the results. “Aren’t you cute? I love a girl in pigtails.”
“Th-thank you,” Emmy managed, not sure what else to say. She felt even more exposed now, Somehow, dressed up like Piri’s doll. She squirmed reflexively, as if to cover herself, but only managed to shift the rope between her legs and send another jolt of sensing through her body.
“Although,” Piri intoled, leaningclose, “I might have an ultimate motive. That ponytail was in the way of your new gag.”
“M-my… but…” Emmy remembered how it felt, that rubber ball filling her mouth, reducing every word to a useless moan.
“I mean, the gag was effective enough last time, but you can be quite the noisy girl, can’t you? I found something that should really keep your big mouth under control. Besides, if I don’t gag you, you’re just going to keep begging me to touch you, aren’t you?”
“I… I… I can be quiet.” Emmy wasn’t sure she believed it herself. That rope! It felt like Piri had a finger pressed against her the entire time.
“Oh, you will be.” Piri let that hang in the air for a moment, stepping briefly back to her bag. When she returned, the new Restraint dangled ominously from her hands. Emmy recognized the red ball, similar to the one from before, but attached to it was a far more complex web of straps. She wasn’t even sure how it was going to work.
“This will keep younice and quiet,” Piri said, moving close again, holding the gag up for Emmy to see. “Struggle all you want, this one’s not coming off. Now, open your mouth.”
Emmy hesitated a moment. Once it was in, she wouldn’t be able to speak, to beg, to do anything. She’d truly be at Piri’s mercy, her plaything, and the very thought of it was making her so wet she could barely stand it.
She took a breath and opened wide.
Piri just watched for a moment, then traced Emmy’s lips with her finger. “I just want you to appreciate what you’re doing right now. Last time you tried to fight, but now you’re obediently opening your mouth for me, just so I can fill it. I want you to take a moment and really understand that everything that happens after this is because you let me. Because you want me to. Keep your mouth open.”
Emmy just stood there, mouth agope, taking in Piri’s words. It felt awkward, but she didn’t dare move her lips, didn’t dare speak. It was true; she remembered how hard she’d struggled against the gag last time, but now, somehow, Piri’s words alone held her fast, mouth willing and ready. A long moment passed before Piri spoke again.
“Good girl.”
“Mmpph!” Emmy gasped as Piri suddenly pushed the ball in, filling her mouth, then immediately got to work securely behind her head, like before, but Another set passed on either side of her nose, joining at her forehead, then running over the top of her head to connect to the first strap at the back. Finally, Piri tightened a stick under Emmy’s chin, holding her jaw in place, preventing her from even trying to push the ball out.
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