One of the cities I visit occasionally on business trips has a sex shop inside an otherwise ordinary strip mall. I had driven past it for years, sometimes taking note of the sign that read “Adult Fun” as I went by, but not paying it much mind. One early fall day, I happened to be stopped at a traffic light right in front of this shop, and it caught my eye. I’m alone, and no one knows me here, I thought to myself, nothing to lose by checking it out.
Instead of driving past as I usually would, I turned and parked in the parking lot behind the shop. I sat in my car for a minute or two, trying to think of some reason I shouldn’t go in. Coming up with nothing, I locked my car and walked casually into the sex shop. After walking through the double doors, I paused to take it all in. The store was quite a bit larger than it appeared to be from the outside, and had many racks of adult items; everything from slinky lingerie to dildos and other toys, and everything in betweenen.
Hands in my pockets, I strolled casually through the store, noting that it was mostly empty of people, with the exception of a couple who seemed to be lingering near a display case of herbal supplements, and a lone cashier. I made my way past the couple, who stopped their conversation and eyed me as I walked past. They looked like any average young couple, maybe shopping for some toys to spice things up a little. The woman was plain looking, bordering on nerdy, wearing an unflattering brown canvas jacket and baggy pants. The guy had a country look about him, wearing jeans and a denim jacket over a black t-shirt, with brown curly hair dangling below a nondescript truck hat.
I approached the cashier casually, and she looked up at me appraisingly. I wondered briefly what she gleaned from my appearance. I’m an average 40 year old guy, fit for my age, but no rock star. I dress well, and my best guess was that she sized me up for exactly her target market, a lonely middle-aged guy with money to spend. She was probably in her mid-20s but had a hardened look that is probably required for being the lone cashier in a sex shop, and was dressed in a way that communicated clearly that, while everything else in the store was for sale, she was not.
“What are we looking for today?” She asked smoothly.
“Well, I always drive by this place, but I’ve never been inside” I started, “just curious what’s in here.”
“Got it,” she said, maybe a little disappointed, the continued, “Well, feel free to look around. Lingerie and costumes down here, BDSM gear and movies up there.” She pointed to a raised area behind a wall where I had already noticed some bondage toys hanging from the walls.
“Also, there’s a theater behind the curtain over there,” she said, pointing to a set of drag brown curtains I hadn’t noticed before. “$20 to get in.”
I glanced over at the theater area. “What… happens in the theater?” I asked, stupidly.
“You watch porn,”she said with a little smile. “With other people.”
I hesitated for just a moment, then quickly extracted a $20 bill from my wallet. I decided to take a chance on one more stupid question. “Do people ever get into, like bondage or fetish stuff in the theater?” It feel like one of those movie scenes where you say the wrong thing and everything goes quiet. I was aware that the couple who I had noticed earlier looked over at me.
After a pause, the cashier said carefully, “I have no idea.” With that, she turned and walked away.
Why on earth did I say that? I thought to myself. Seeing all of the BDSM toys for sale across the store had probably started me thinking, and wondering if there was any connection between the toys they sold, and what people did inside the porn theater. Of course not, I said to myself, and hung my head as I walked towards the theater entrance.
After I pushed through the curve into the theater, I paused for a moment to let my eyes adjust to the dark. It wasn’t a large theater; maybe three rows of seats in front of a big screen. There were also a few couches, and something that looked like a massage table. As advertised, there was porn playing on the screen, at that moment a fairly extreme closeup of a man and woman going at it. The volume was low, just loud enough to hear the grunting and moaning above the cheesy porn music.
Aware of maybe two or three other men in the theater, all of whom had turned to look at me when I came in, I made my way quickly to a seat, thinking I’d take in the scene for a few minutes, then call it a day. I heard a swooshing sound behind me, and turned to see the same couple I had seen before come through the curve, and take a seat on one of the couches not far from me. This could get interesting, I thought to myself, are They going to have sex in here?
The movie was completely uninspiring; if it had a plot of any kind, it had long since plunged into gratuitous sex that left nothing to the imagination. I had been watching for just a minute when I felt someone standing next to me. It was the woman from the couple who had just come in.
“Hey man,” she said softly, close to my ear. “Want to come play with us?”
I looked at her skeptically. Why would a younger couple want anything to do with a guy like me? She stood, hands on her knees, watching me squirm for a moment, then stepped even closer to me. I saw her hand move into her coat pocket, then withdraw about half way with what was unmistakably a pair of metal handcuffs.
“I heard what you asked the lady up front,” she whispered, “We’re into it. Come sit with us.”
I was transfixed. I looked from the woman over to her partner, still sitting on the couch. He was watching us intently. He made eye contact with me, then smiled pleasantly and gestured with his head towards the couch he was sitting on. These are strangers, my rational brain screamed, Don’t do this, walk away! But I couldn’t walk away. If this was genuine, it was better than any fantasy I had ever had. Though I had no sexual interest in men specifically, the idea of being dominated by a couple was scintillating. Their average, even drop appearance gave me some confidence that they weren’t tweakers just looking for a score.
Slowly I stood up, and stepped carefully over to the couch where the man was Sitting, the woman following closely behind me, each step feeling more dread, and more excitement. I sat carefully in the middle of the couch next to the man, and the woman crossed and sat on the other side of me so that I was between them.
“Ok,” I said, maybe a little too loudly. “What happens now?”
“Relax,” the woman whispered into my ear, and I tried to look casual, forcing my body to relax, and go with the flow.
We sat in silence for a moment, staring at the screen saying nothing, just three people watching porn together. Just as I began to think that thiswas some strange mixup, or maybe I was supposed to do or say something, the woman put her hand on my thigh, rubbing gently. Her other hand produced the handscuffs again, and she leaned over and whispered, “Let’s get these on you, ok?” I nodded.
The woman handed the handscuffs to her partner, and while she continued to rub my inner thigh, he carefully locked one cuff around my right wrist, then pulled my left hand over and locked it into the other cuff. It happened quickly and with an ease that seemed well-practiced.
I sat there and saved the sensing for a moment, my hands cuffed in front of me by two strangers, the woman still rubbing her hand up and down my thigh, getting closer and closer to my crotch. The man had a hand on my other leg as well, and between the two of them, their touches felt both sensitive and dominating, as if They were ready to hold me in my seat if I tried to get up.
Then the man leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Lean forward, and spread your legs.” His voice was more stern than the woman’s had been, and these words came across like a command, though not in a menacing way. I did as he said, leaning my upper body forward, and pushing my knees apart. Immediately the woman’s hand moved into my crotch and fondled my cock, rock hard already in my pants.
“He’s happy,” the woman said across me to her partner, who nodded slightly.
After a moment, during which the woman continued gently rubbing my cock through my pants, the man said quietly, “I want his hands behind him.” The woman stopped rubbing, and the man reached behind me, unlocking and releasing one of my wrists.
“Scoot forward and put your hands behind your back,” the man said. I paused for a beat, sensing this was the point of no return. Once they had my hands cuffed behind my back, I was effectively their captive.
The woman, noticing my hesitation, reached behind me, pushing her hand behind my back and all the way down to my butt. Pushing me gentlely forward, she laughed softly into my ear, saying, “Come on, you wanted this, right?”
I relented, and scooted my body forward, bringing my hands around behind my back, the metal cuffs still dangling from my one cuffed hand. Immediately the man’s hands were working behind my back, locking my other wrist swiftly into the cuff, securing my hands together.
“Good boy,” the woman said, a little patronizingly. She resumed her fondling of my crotch, which I found myself enjoying quite a bit. The man still had one of his hands on the cuffs behind me, and this felt even more like a measure to keep me from standing up. If this was going to be the extent of our odd little theater threesome, with me handcuffed and grouped by this young couple, I was more than happy.
“What’s your name, honey?” The woman asked after a moment.
“Kenny,” I said, without thinking that maybe I shouldn’t give my real name.
“I’m Lisa, and this is…” she paused for a moment, then said with a small laugh, “Mark, this is Mark.” Clearly not their real names, I realized.
Our voices hadn’t gone unnotified by the other men in the audience, and some of them were looking over at us. Lisa noticed this, and whispered “Want to get out of here?”
“Like this?” I asked, referring to my handcuffed state. But then I realized she hadn’t been asking me.
Mark nodded, and said “Yep.”
“Wait, I don’t know…” I started, but Lisa put a teasing finger over my lips.
“Hush,” she said, scolding. Then, more severely, she continued, “We live nearby. Come with us and we’ll have some fun. Ok?”
Once again, my rational brain screamed that this was a terrible idea. A little messing around in a theater was one thing, but leaving this place and going home with this couple was way more than I was looking for. But I couldn’t pass up this chance, as ill-advised as it seemed. My brain wasn’t steering the ship at that moment.
I nodded, and waited for them to make the nextmove. Lisa spoke up after a second, saying to Mark, “Put your jacket around him so no one will see the cuffs.”
Mark stood, taking off his denim jacket, revealing his black t-shirt and thin but muscle arms underneath. He gestured for me to stand, and as I did, he draped the jacket over my shoulders. Lisa stood as well and put her arm around me, some disguising the fact that my arms weren’t in the jacket sleeps. Lisa’s arm around me felt heavy, and I realized she was pretty ripped as well. It dawned on me for the first time that these two could easily overpower me.
Together they guided me around the seats, and out through the curtained exit, back into the shop. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the bright lights, and I noticed the cashier look up briefly at us, then back down at her book. The shop was otherwise empty, and the three of us walked swiftly to the exit, Lisa’s arm still around my shoulders with a growing tightness.
We exited the shop, and they guidedme to an old looking black pickup truck in the parking lot. We paused briefly as Mark produced the keys and unlocked the doors. “Back seat,” Mark said firmly, pulling his jacket off me, and I realized he was telling me where he wanted me to sit. I climbed through the open door, past the folded down front seat, and into the back seat of the 4-seat truck cab; this was more challenging than I anticipated without the use of my hands, but Lisa pushed my body until I was in the seat.
As Lisa was just about to climb into the passenger seat, Mark said “Wait, I want to tie up his feet first.” This set off some alarm bells in my rational brain, which were quickly squeelched as Lisa leaned into the back seat and found my cock with her hand, squeezing and rubbing.
“Good idea, we can’t let him get away Now,” Lisa said playfully, then added more seriously, “Should we gag him?”
“Yeah,” Mark responded, “But i dunno if we have anything in here to gag him with though, all our stuff’s back at the house.” He had walked around to the back of the truck while he said this. When he reappeared, he had a piece of rope in his hands.
“Feet together,” Mark ordered, and began quickly and tightly tying my ankles together. In almost no time, my feet were tied, and Mark stepped away, walking around the truck towards the driver’s door.
Lisa had been rummaging around the front seat of the truck, and as Mark opened the driver’s door, she stepped back around to lean into the back seat, holding a red bandana. Rolling it into a loose coil, she said “Open,” and held the middle portion to my lips. I understand what she wanted, opening my mouth to allow the bandana between my teeth and into my mouth. She reached both hands behind my head, tying the ends of the bandana together behind my head.
Stepping back and pushing the Front seat into position, Lisa sat in the passenger seat and closed her door. As Mark started the truck, Lisa looked back at me, then over to Mark, putting a hand on his shoulder and saying “Shit, I think we scored this time.”
Mark looked back at me in the rear view mirror and said “Yeah babe, I think he’s loaded. We’ll find out soon enough, and we can mess with him too.”
That last statement sent a chill through me. Damn, they’re going to rob me, I thought. And beat me? Leave me for dead? Fuck.
Mark, still watching me through the rear view mirror, noticed the worried look on my face and said, “Aww, don’t sweat it dude. You know what you were getting into. Just do what you’re told, and you won’t get hurt.”
With that, he started the car and began to drive. I didn’t know the city well enough to know where we were, but after a few minutes of driving, it was clear that “nearby” was a stretch. We finally turned into a rough gravel driveway, which curved around into a parking spot where the truck came to a stop in front of a small house, possibly a trailer, I couldn’t tell for sure.
Mark and Lisa opned their doors and stepped out of the truck, then both closed their doors leaving me in the back seat while they had a hushed conversation in front of the truck. Their conversation grew animated, and eventually I realized they had come together and were kissing, and growing more and more passwordate in their motions. Their embrace finally broke, and they both came around to the passenger side of the truck, opening the door and folding down the passenger seat.
“Out you come,” Mark said, grabbing me by the upper arms and pulling me forward to aid in my extraction from the truck. Once I was standing beside the truck, Mark stepped away toward the door of the house, producing some keys. Lisa grabbed me by the belt buckle, pulling me forward. I hoped with both feet, the best I could do with my ankles still tied together with the rope Mark had bound them with. They both noticed my prediction and laughed as I hoped from the truck across the short gravel stretch from the driveway to the entry of the house.
The two of them entered the small home first, Lisa still pulling me by the belt buckle, and me hoping along behind them. I hesitated when I saw the two metal steps up from the driveway to the house, and almost topped over as Lisa continued pulling on my belt.
“Oh, fine,” Mark said, and stepped around Lisa back towards me, kneeing down and swiftly untying my feet. “Now in you go.”
I stepped up into the house, and took a few steps into what looked like a small living room / kitchen combination. Lisa was suddenly face to face with me, her body nearly touching mine. I decided on closer inspection that while she was plain looking, she wasn’t unattractive. She was average height and build, her skin pale and smooth, and I could see some modest cleavage under her partially unzipped canvas jacket. She caught me looking, and smiled slightly, unzipping her jacket and tossing it aside, revealing a simple black tank top with wide shoulder straps, and baggycargo pants that might have been camouflage, it was hard to tell in the dim light.
Her hand was on my belt buckle again, this time loosening and extracting the belt completely from my pants. She held my belt in her hands briefly, then quickly brought it up to my neck, wrapping it around once, and feeding the loose end through the buckle. She left it loose, but it still feel very much like a collar.
Then all of a sudden she was unbuttoning my pants, and they dropped unexpectedly to the floor. I stood there dumbfounded, my cock poking an obscene triangle in my boxer briefs.
Mark had been rummaging around, and he reappeared at that moment, looking me up and down, and sneering at my aroused state. “Get his wallet before you dump his pants,” he said simply, and Lisa reached down, finding the pocket in my pants where my wallet and phone were, pulling them out and handing them to Mark.
“Step out,” Lisa said to me, bending down to pull my shoes off as I stepped my feet one-by-one out of my pants. She kicked my pants and shoes off to the side, and immediately went to work on my shirt, pulling it up over my head and letting it dangle behind me from my cuffed wrists. Naked now except for my boxer briefs, I felt very vulnerable.
“Bedroom ready?” Lisa asked.
“Yeah,” Mark affirmed.
Lisa grabbed the loose end of the belt that was Around my neck, and pulled me towards a doorway at the far end of the room. I followed her without resistance, and found myself in a smaller room that was dimly lit, with walls painted all black. There was a bed with high wooden posts and black sheets on one side of the room. On it were a few BDSM implements and other sex toys laid out in a row. Along the wall that bordered the larger room there was a small closet with a partially open door, some clothes hanging haphazardly inside.
Mark came into the room behind us, exclaiming “400 bucks in that wallet, damn dude! Let’s get him tied up good, then I’m goingto get some ice.” What?!? I thought.
“Nah, don’t get ice baby, let’s celebrate!” Lisa said. Then it dawned on me that Mark wasn’t talking about frozen water.
“Yeah, ok,” Mark said, some distractedly, looking at me. I held his eye contact for a moment, then looked away. I hadn’t fully taken in his appearance beyond my first impression when I saw him in the store. He had removed his hat, and thick curly brown hair drawn until over his forehead, and down the back of his neck. He was wiper but also rippled with muscles under his black t-shirt. I couldn’t decide whether he fit the familiar druggie or obsessive gym rat stereotype better.
Mark strode over to me and, standing directly in front of me, grabbed my cock through my underwear. “Shit, he’s hard as a rock,” he remarked, “What kinda messed up dude gets off on this?” His hand moved up and down slowly on my cock. This was the first hint of sexual interest from Mark, I realized, as he leaned into me. I caught just a hint of body odor, and while I felt no attraction to him physically, his hand on my cock felt really good.
“Poor confused boy,” Lisa said teasingly, “probably thought he was straight but here he is getting a handjob from a dude.” I groaned involuntarily as his slow strokes became firmer, and Lisa added, “…and loving it apparently.”
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