I walk up the concrete steps and open the double doors to the church. I stop beforehand though, before I step inside, and look up at the cross on the door. I swallow hard, roll my eyes and proceed to enter. I don’t like church, never went growing up. Religion always made me itchy.
I walk to one of the pews and sit down. It’s cold hard wood on my ass and I shiver a second, then sit down and cross my legs. Squeezing them together nervously. Hoping no one talks to me. I feel so out of place here. But not a lot of people show. It’s just me and a few others. Guess the service maybe cancelled.
The ominous sound of pure silence, somber piano music and a few people muttering some prayers. I roll my eyes again and scar. This is not for me. Wonder what they’re praying for.
I stare at the cross a while. It’s big and wooden and a picture of Jesus staring a hole through me. My breathing hitches. I wonder if anyone has sinned as much as me? For a split second I start
To feel shame, but it is immediately overpowered by other thoughts. My thighs start to kind of stick together from being crossed and I feel myself getting wet. I fidget and squirm. God damn.
I get up to leave, as I’m uncomfortable and changed my mind.
As I get up I see you walk in. Clad in all black. Ofcourse. Thanks, God. 🙂
I bite my lip as I watch your piercing eyes look right at me. Holy shit. Who are you? I remove myself from your intense gaze and continue walking out the door. Pretending not to notice you staring directly at my hard nipples and warm thighs.
As I look around again I notice the couple left, and he and I are in the room. Alone. Together. I swear you could hear my heart beat.
I continue walking out to leave and suddenly you’re behind me. You bind my arms behind my back, place your soft lips in my ear and let out a menuing chuckle. I swallow hard again and try to resist and fight you but I can’t. You’re too strong and I’m tiny. You lead me over to the wooden cross and my energy shifts from excited to a twinge of fear.
You walk over to the piano. You connect your phone to a speaker and “Change” by Deftones starts blaring. Come on. Where did you come from? Are you heaven sent.. or a Devil? I hope for the second.
You lock eyes again. Fixed on my tiny frame. Looking me up and down as my hands are still bound. You untie me and aggressively begin to tie me up to the cross. You rip my tiny dress off like nothing. Bare breasts and nipples erect. Stomach showing. Breathing heavier.
I moan.
You finger me for a second, feeling my wetness and it amuses you. You then guide your wet fingers to my mouth and I suck. Tastes like goddamn honey.
You pull my dress all the way off and the music seems to fade. I can’t hear it anymore.
I’m bound to this cross and you pull out a cane and duct tape. You duct tape my mouth. “Quiet, whore” you say. “You’re gonna repent today.”
I gasp behind the tape.
You pace around me. Observing and examining..
Suddenly you hit me with the cane. Hard. I cry out a muffled scream. You are amused and laugh.
You hit me again and again. Leaving welts. But I don’t want you to stop.
“God. Damn” I mutter.
Probably not a good time to say that, and I find it even hotter. Feeling like such a dirty sinner.
You pull out a belt from this bag of yours and hit me with it repeatedly. I squirm and move and try to fight you. You run your warm hands up and down my body and begin to circle and flick your warm tongue on my pussy. I moan and moan and feel the wetness gushing now. Lord. Have. Mercy.
Suddenly I feel almost proud. I’m strong enough to take this and I revel in it.
You rip the duct tape off hard. I scream. Suddenly “Jesus loves me” plays over the piano recording. Ironic.
I’m panting and in total bliss. You lift my legs up in one fluid motion, to wrap around your waist and pull your cock out. You put one hand on my small throat and fuck me hard. I start to scream and moan and cry out and I start to remember where we are and wonder if anyone can hear me. Or if they’ll walk in. I’m sure you locked the door. You stop penetrating as you feel me climax. Ass.
Maybe you didn’t. I don’t care. I roll my neck a few times and my breathing slows down.
“Whores don’t get to cum” you say. I roll my eyes and you slap me hard as fuck.
You dress yourself and act like you’re leaving. In bound to this cross and laugh. Knowing you’re joking. You wouldn’t.
You snicker and walk out. As you do you put holy water on your fingers and growl. You look back at me one last time and leave.
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