Tailor Made

~~ Minneapolis, October 2067 ~~

The party was in full swing, but still sedate, they were professionals with standards. The party-goers milled around as Michael and Annabella greeted people together. Brandy slide forward then smoothly dropped to a knee, the camera lifting, and a snapshot was taken, Michael’s head thrown back in a laugh with Annabella’s collar glinting perfectly as she smiled at him. Brandy pushed to the side and slide back to her feet, moving through the crowd once more, a barely noticed ghost.

As she walked by the entryway the door opened and James let in another guest with a chuckle, “Welcome, Gerald. We’re so glad you could make it.”

His accent was thick, almost Scandanavian in reflection. “It is my honor, Mr. Phelps. I am not a Moorwind Industries Employee. I was honored to be invited to this party.” He bowed slightly in respect for the tall black man who was Moorwind’s VP of Sales.

Brandy frozen for a moment, her head tilted as she studied the newcomer, when he straightened she shifted and the camera rose. She quickly snapped a picture of the two shaking hands, the beaming smile on James, and the slightly smaller smile on the face of Gerald, who was wearing a traditional European overcoat and clothing with an antique cane befitting an aristocrat. She tilted her head slightly, then turned to move into the crowd again. The camera rose and fell smoothly as she focused on taking pictures.

“I hope my… dress is satisfaction?” Gerald murmured as he looked down at his costume and back up at James.

James smiled, “Of course, of course. You look very dashing. You could have walked from the pages of a Jane Austen novel.”

He nodded. “Very well. Is… Mr. Moorwind here? I should offer my greetings,” he murmured as he looked around.

“Follow the crowd. And have a drink while you’re at it,” he said jovially, clapping the slightly shorter man on the supposedr as he walked off. Watching him go, he shook his head inamazement. “You could stand to loosen up a bit… blasted Swede…,” he muttered under his breath.

Gerald moved through the crowd to the largest cluster of people, most of whom he was taller than. He stayed at the edge of that crowd for a moment until he caught Michael’s eye. “Gerald! So glad you could make it. Now get over here and meet my wife!” he called, waving the man over with a smile. Gerald nodded and gently pushed through the crowd surrounding the pair until he stood before them.

“Annabella, this is Gerald, the programmer we hired to help Paul Thornton on his latest robotics project. Gerald? This is my wife, Annabella,” he said proudly.

Looking to Michael for permission, who nodded, he reached out and took Annabella’s hand and gently brushed his lips over the back. “It is a pleasure to be meeting you, Mrs. Moorwind.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Master has spoken of you quite fondly,” Annabella responded with a soft smile. “Are you in townfor long?”

He inclined his head. “I will be here for the better part of the next year helping Mr. Thornton with his project and making sure that it meets your Master’s manufacturing requirements,” he stated softly.

Annabella glanced up at Michael, who gave her a slight nod, then smiled at Gerald again, “Excellent, then perhaps we can have you over for dinner a few times. Are you Pleased with your apartment?”

He looked almost embarrassed, “It is… much more than I expected. Your Master is most generous.”

She giggled softly, “He likes to reward good work,” she murmured. A few seconds later the soft sound of a camera clicked from nearby, “Brandy, are you going to be taking pictures all night? Put the camera down and come say hello.”

A petite woman stepped from the group almost as if she had appeared there, “Yes, Mrs. Moorwind. Hello, Master Moorwind. It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Blomquist.” She bowed her head slightly in greeting.

Gerald turned to regard the beautiful woman who had approached. Versed in the niceties, but was not wearing a collar herself. He inclined his head. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss…,” he trailed off.

“Brandy Foxwell,” she smiled up at him.

Michael cleared his throat, “Brandy handles the Office Magazine and layout for the books and pamphlets. She’s the one that will translate your notes into layman’s English.”

Gerald’s smile widened, but only slightly. “Then I will thank you in advance, I think, Miss Foxwell. And perhaps apologize too, yes?” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching in mirth.

Her eyes softened, “Please, call me Brandy, Master Blomquist. We will be working together quite often over the next few months.” She side-stepped slightly and lifted her camera, she tracked for a moment and then the soft click before she lowered it again giving him another smile despite the huff from Annabella.

“Very well… Brandy. I fear I must apologize once more.I appear to be distracting you. That was not my intent,” he said softly, with a nod towards her camera.

She shook her head slightly, “You have done no wrong, Master Blomquist. Annabella is simply eager to see me actually socialize.” She gave him a wink, “She forgets that part of my job is providing the pictures as well as the text-based work.”

Annabella stomped her foot, “Stop that, you’re teasing me.” She made a face, “Just for that I’m going to ask Master to do… I don’t know what but it will be suitable devious.”

Brandy laughed softly, turning to smile at Annabella, “Yes, Mrs. Moorwind. I am shivering in my crushed velvet slippers.” She turned to look at Michael, “Did you still wish me to babysit on Friday, Master Moorwind?”

Michael nodded, “Yes, if you’re still free. I thought I might take Annabella here to the theater. There’s a musical in town that she wanted to see.”

Brandy bowed her head, “Of course Master Moorwind, I will be there at six.” She turned to smile at Gerald, “Have you had a chance to visit the refreshments, Master Blomquist? I promise they are quite delectable.”

“Actually,” Michael said, tapping his chin almost thoughtfully, “Brandy, why don’t you show Gerald around a bit? I don’t think he’s had a chance to relax.”

“If it pleases Master Blomquist for me to do so.”

“I would enjoy the pleasure Company of one so lovely,” Gerald murmured, inclining his head towards her once again.

“Excellent. Drinks are on the house, finger food is on the tables over against the wall over there. Feel free to help yourselves,” Michael smiled. He glanced at Brandy and mouthed simply, ‘Relax’.

She made a face at him, then lowered the camera to attach it to her belt. She offered her arm to Gerald and smiled up at him, “Please, allow me.” She expertly guided him through the crowd, and once they were clear she smiled up at him, “What is your pleasure to drink, Master Blomquist?”

He reached up and stroked his dark, neighborly trimmed bear briefly. “When I am drinking, I will typically take brandy. Neat.”

“As you wish,” she led him to the bar area and tapped out a command on the tablet. A few minutes later a glass appeared in front of him and the bartender came over and poured out two fingers.

He handed Brandy a bottle of water and gave her a wink, “Anything else for you two?”

She looked at Gerald who shook his head, gently taking the glass and lifting it to his lips to take a small sip. He closed his eyes and witnessed in pleasure. “That is good brandy,” he stated.

“Thank you, Master Jackson,” the bartender nodded and winded at her again before turning and walking away. “Master Moorwind has a fondness for only the best,” Brandy murmured, smiling up at Gerald.

He nodded, “If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right. And if something is worth having, make sure it’s the best and you will never be disappointed,” he murmured.

“Indeed,” she responded softly, then turned slightly. “After you finish your drink we can have a quiet bite to eat. What would you like to do after that, Master Blomquist?”

“I have never been to one of these before, so I am not sure what is… expected,” he replied, sipping the drink again.

She leaned back, taking a drink of her water as she pondered how to explain, “Master Moorwind expects people to relax and have some fun. At the same time we’re professionals so…,” she paused for a moment, “Having too much fun by becoming uncouth or legless is frowned upon. Most of the people use the chance to talk about their interests away from work.” She explained, pointing out, “Master Frederick, Mistress Jennifer, Mrs. Falcon, and Miss Loraine all play role-playing games together. Master Jason and Miss Foritana are big into video games. Miss Larian, Mister Anderson, and Mistress Fuller are all into football or as Americans call it, soccer.”

He listened and nodded slowly. “And what is Brandy… in… to?”he asked softly, his eyes setting on hers with an intensely curious gaze.

She looked up at him, then dropped her eyes as a slight blush covered her cheeses, “I tend to play roleplaying games as well,” she murmured, “I spend most of my free time outdoors, or working with children. I’m a member of the Big Sister community and babysit for Master Moorwind and Mrs. Moorwind on occasion.” She paused for a moment then continued, “And what do you enjoy, Master Blomquist?”

“I try and get out to see the local sites wherever I am, indoor and outdoor. And…,” his eyes twinkled slightly, “I too have been known to play Dungeons & Dragons on occasion.”

Her head tilted slightly as she pondered for a moment, then a small, shy smile appeared and she bit her lip. “Perhaps, if you’d like while you’re in town, you could join the group I run, Master Blomquist.”

His lip curled up in a smile. “I believe I would enjoy that, Brandy,” he murmured. “I believe I would enjoy that greatly if it would not be too much trouble having an extra player.”

She smiled at him, turning towards him more as she talked to him. Her eyes lit up somewhat in password. Michael stole a glance over toward the bar as he and Annabella talked with their guests and a sly smile twitched on his lips. Annabella caught the look and followed it, before turning back to him and leaning in to whisper into his ear. “You know, it’s the wrong time of year for that particular role. This is Halloween, not Valentines.”

Michael chuckled. “I could totally pull off Cupid for Halloween and you’d like it,” he observed. “But yes, my instincts tell me they would make a nice couple. And we can never have too many friends, yes?”

The rest of the party was smooth, Brandy led him to the table and prepared his plate before her own, Then guided him to a small seating area. At the end of it, she gave him a soft smile and handed him a card, “My personal comm is on the back as well. We can build a character over the weekend when you’re ready. We play every two weeks so our next one is two Fridays away.”

He reached out and took the card, his fingers brushing across the back of her hand as he took it. “I will be free next weekend and we can create a character. I will have to pick up some books again. Mine are in boxes in Sweden. Somehow, it did not seem important to bring them.” He paused, cocking his head to the side. “Apparently, I was wrong.”

She gave him a sweet smile, “I have duplicates of the books you’re welcome to use. I keep most of mine on a tablet these days for portability. Would you prefer to create the character at your place or mine?”

He pondered that, then murmured, “Wherever you would be most comfortable. Mr. Moorwind proved an apartment that is twice what I needed, so I have room. Or if you would be more comfortable, I can come to you. I am happy to do either.”

She bit her lower lip as she pondered it for a moment, then smiled up at him, “Yours, Master Blomquist. I will bring the books by, you just text me when you’re ready for my arrival.”

He pulled out his personal commlink and unlocked it, handing it to her. “If you would…,” he murmured.

She took his commlink and quickly entered her contact information, her comm, address, and email before saving it under the name Brandy. “As you wish, Master Blomquist,” she murmured, Handing it back after she had sent herself a text from his comm. Her fingers gently brushed over the palm of his hand before releasing it, giving him another shy, sweet smile.

“This has been a most unexpectedly enjoyable evening, Brandy. Thank you for being so welcome to a stranger.” He said softly, in his thick voice as he looked into her eyes intently. “I look forward to next weekend. If you would like, I will make breakfast on Saturday and you could take it with me.”

“It is my pleasure to serve you, Master Blomquist,” she smiled back, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks but her tone was sincere. “I will look forward to having breakfast with you.” She bowed slightly and stepped back. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you further.”

“I certainly will. I look forward to working with you and will see you in the office on Monday,” he murmured, inclining his head as well.

She smiled softly at him, “Monday,” she murmured then turned to go, shooting the beaming Michael and grinning Annabella a questioning look. A few moments later, she was sliding behind the seat of a well-aged van and pulling away.

Annabelle smiled at Gerald, “Did you have fun with Brandy, Master Gerald?”

“She is…,” he trailed off, searching for an appropriate word. “Intelligent, pleasant conversation and company, and many other things that are not… work appropriate,” he murmured. “So I will refrain as I do not wish for your Master to look unknownly on me considering I am only just starting my employ,” he finished tactfully.

Annabella smiled happily, “I’m glad.”

He looked at her curiously for a moment, before glancing at Michael who was a short distance away talking to some other guests. Raising an eyebrow curiously, he nevertheless did not comment further. “I believe I will take my leave for the evening. I still have some preparation work to do before Monday. Thank you once again for inviting me to this lovely party.” He inclined his head in gratitude.

“It is a pleasure to have you, Master Gerald. I look forward to seeing you in the future. Enjoy your weekend.” She smiled and bowed before turning to join Michael.

Gerald walked out of the rented hall and to his spared compact car to drive back to his apartment in northern Minneapolis. As it was the end of October, it was already cold, and they had even seen a brief snowfall the Previous week. It was, however, nothing he worried about, having grown up in Sweden and spent most of his time in the states in places like New York, Chicago, and here where snow anddealing with it was a preoccupation of city plans.

The twenty-minute drive back to his apartment found him pondering the person of Brandy Foxwell. He smiled desperately at the memory of her touch and her reaction to his and found himself looking forward to having a familiar face at the office and for relaxation on some weeks. His apartment was, as much of the city, set back among trees, Minneapolis being very much a city among nature for as much of it as possible. The state’s slogan, “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes” was not only true but very much an attitude that the residents (mostly from Sweden anyway) took. The natural beauty of the state reminded him quite a bit of the forested mountains of his homeland.

After parking in the unit’s garage, he went in and changed out of his costume, pulling on some comfortable sweats and a hooded sweatshirt before sitting at his computer and beginning to re-configure it to adjust his workflow for the new job he would be doing. About fifteen minutes in, he stopped, pulled out his commlink, and sent off a text. “Brandy, I wanted to thank you again for your kindness and welcome this evening. I look forward to seeing you on Monday. -Gerald.” Nodding in satisfaction, he set the phone down and began to work again, fingers flying across the keyboard. He was one of the types of programmers that hated using a mouse unless he had to, so his familiarity with shortcuts and keybindings was, by this point, instant and likely confusing to anyone not also familiar.

It was a few minutes later that his commlink pinged. “It was my pleasure. Thank you for being so kind, Master Gerald. I look forward to spending time together.”


Brandy appeared at the front desk shortly after he had arrived giving him the same soft, sweet smile. “Good morning, Master Gerald. I wasn’t sure if you had been shown to your office or not.” She was dressed in a neighborly pressed shirt, suit jacket, and a pencil skirt that came to herknees, the only oddity was her shoes, a pair of black high tops.

He Shook his head, the heavy black laptop bag hanging on his supposed swaying slightly with the movement. “No. This is my first visit after the interview. I am supposed to find my office today and I believe Mr. Thornton is flying in sometimes this afternoon for several days to begin scope work on the project.”

“I will be happy to show you to your office, then around our floor so you know where everything is. I am also in the office adjacent to you if you need assistance in the future.” She gesture, “If you’d like to follow me?” She led him down the hall to the elevator.

He could not help but glance down at her shaped form and smile a small smile as he murmured, “Of course.”

“We’re on the third floor,” she murmured, pushing the button, “We’re not close to the break room thankfully.” Her nose crinkled almost cutesy, “Mister Anderson is fond of popcorn but has a habit of getting distracted. We are not far from the water closet or the secondary break room that holds small snacks and the coolers.” She led him from the elevator, “Alcohol is allowed after four, but only American beer is provided.” Her nose crinkled slightly again.

He made a face. “It is a good thing I do not drink on company time, then. Yes?” he chuckled softly.

“I do not blow you,” she smiled up at him, walking down the hallway towards a set of three offices, “My office is the one in the middle, yours is on the left and the one on the right is empty, presumably for Master Thorton.” She pressed open the door to his office smoothly, “I arranged for a proper desk and chair to be brought up and already had IT set up access for your office to our networks. Your phone is also set up, I took the liberty of programming Master Moorwind on one, Master Thornton’s will be on two, and my direct line on three.”

Gerald looked at her with what was initially some surprise which then slipped into a smiling look of approval as he nodded. “I am most grateful for your foresight, Brandy.” He looked around the room, noting the large table against the wall with the test suite he would need to validate that his code and the robotics talked correctly. “Everything appears to be in order,” he murmured. “I cannot thank you enough.”

“It is my pleasure to serve you, Master Gerald.” She smiled up at him, “Were You can to bring lunch or would you like me to order you something at Noon? That is when I typically order mine and eat twelve-thirty to one-thirty.” Her nose crinkled, “Master Moorwind doesn’t like us doing working lunches unless it’s an emergency.”

He raised an eyebrow, having worked while eating for most of his career. “I… No, I did not. I have not made it to the grocery store yet. I was planning to visit it tonight.” He paused, then nodded, “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, yes. I would appreciate your help. I am sure you are much more familiar with what passes for good food around here than I.” He smiled at her.

She returned his smile, “I will arrange for it then and come to you when it arrives, Master Gerald.” She smiled and pointed to switches on the wall, “If you find yourself too distracted, these buttons can turn the walls opaque as needed. I will let you get to work, Master Gerald. I’m only a few feet away if you have need.” She bowed slightly and turned to walk out.


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