A Fantasy created in email by 2 strangers – one male, one female
She (written by the woman via email):
There are a range of fans that I enjoy that involve being required to submit to any order for an especially attractive job offer… where I am expected to be a total sex slave (obviously a world devoid of the term ‘sexual harassment’). To do anything that is asked of me… with anyone the ‘boss’ sees fit to share me with. I would be a ‘perq’ if you will – in order to draw accounts… or maybe just the boss’s personal plaything.
Something along the lines of “Amy, could you please bring me that spreadsheet you have been working on …. and make sure you are only wearing your hose and heels when you come in… and be sure not to drop the vibrator out of your pussy that I put There earlier as you come in to see me.”
As I come to the desk he says. “Remember, I told you that was to be in color? Bend over my desk for your punishment. I am going to insert this (very large) butt plug and you will take 10 HARD swats on your ass for forgetting. You will then go back to your desk and get it RIGHT. and return to me to have it checked.
“If you get it right this time you will be allowed to take my hard cock in your ass as hard as I can fuck you, then you can leave for the day. By the way… be sure when you come in in the morning that you haven’t peed since you got up. You will wait for me on my desk until I get in and pee only when I have given you permission. That is all for today.”
He: (Written by the male)
Your slave scenario sounds so hot, as a fantasy. To usually behave normally in the office but never know when some really perverted task would be required of you.
“Amy, Please come in and take notes of the meeting with these 3 clients”.
You enter, dressed in very nice business attire – and begin to take notes for your boss and 2 other men – and one woman. All continues normally until your boss quetly says, “I need your clothes on my desk now, Amy”
without even raising his voice.
You can’t question. You must do.
The meeting continues as if you are not simply stripping totally naked and putting your clothes on the desk. All of the others continue with the meeting – making it clear that they are admiring your naked body – but otherwise giving no sign that anything unusual is going on.
Perhaps you would like to develop the fantasy for awhile?
I return to my seat and continue to take notes.. As I sit down I, by force of habit, cross my legs at the knee, and begin writing. Soon, there is a pause in the conversation and as I look up, I glance at my boss. He has a somewhat disappointed look on his face and a slight frown. I give him a quizzical look… I can think of nothing I have done wrong.
He gives a pointed look at my knees, and I realize what it is. I immediately uncross my legs… spreading my knees to the edge of what the chairwill allow and move my notepad to the side. He nods his approval, and I notice that the others in the group are now staring greedily at my neighborly trimmed pussy. One of the men seems exceptionally interested and actually licks his lips as he shifts his position to allow more room for his hardening cock. The meeting continues.
Some time passes. I notice that the clients seem to be having more and
more trouble concentrate on what is being discussed. Two of the men are now openly aroused and both have reached down to adjust themselves. My boss stands and moves to my chair as he continues the business discussion he has been leading. There are many notes and I am writing the better part of the time.
As he reaches my chair he puts his hand under my elbow and urges me to stand… I pause in writing and look to him for guidance… He leads me
to his desk and puts my notepad on the front of his desk and nods to it..
indicating that I am to continue to write from astanding position. In
order to do this I must lean over with my back to the clients seated in front of his desk.
I blush… but do as I am told. I bend over to continue writing… knowing that this fully exposes both my ass and my pussy to their full view. I must concentrate hard not to miss any important information…
or I know I will be punished later. My boss returns to his chair and begins to fondle my breast and pinch my nipples as he talks. I cannot see the clients or what they are doing.. but I see my boss occasionally looks around me to make eye contact with them…
The meeting continues – and intensifies a bit so that it almost seems that you are forgetten…bent lewdly over the desk with your asshole and cunt spread for display – considerately taking notes. You feel hurt that You are being taken so much for granted.
But you are busy and have to concentrate on your notes.
So that you don’t notice your boss motion to the woman client and ask her to come to his desk…and open a drawer – and extract…something.
You don’t really notice that anything has changed – until the blunt, black, leather end of – something – is gently, but firmly pushed into your mouth. Your eyes focus – and you see the woman (her name is “Lori”) pushing the handle of the cat-o-nine-tails into your mouth – lubricating it with your saliva – as you try to keep taking notes – naked – spread – displaying.
Your cunt immediately responds – and gets sopping wet – and the 2 male clients’ breathing quickens so you know they saw – and are aware of your wet, sloppy cunt – displayed in front of them.
Conversation stops.
Lori works the whip handle in and out of your mouth – letting you taste it and lubricate it.
And then she pulls it from your mouth – and casually walks around the desk to your naked ass. Your eyes are locked on your boss’ eyes – and you can see the gleam of lust – and know that the other two men must look the same. Everyone is focused on *your* naked, lustful body…
as Lori slowly…slowly…slides the whip handle up…into…your wet cunt – while all three men watch hungrily.
GOD! It feels sooo good to finally get something in your aching cunt…and you moan and drool a bit on the desk – and suddenly realize that you will be punished for that. The reality hits you and you Suddenly blush: you are stark naked – bent over a desk – with a whip slide deep into your cunt – and everyone else in the room is dressed in a businesslike manner and quite proper. GOD! The SHAME! You turn red all over…and realize that your ass is still white – but will not remain that way.
The 4 other people in the room savor your position for awhile, then take a deep breath and laugh a bit…and…RESUME THE CONVERSATION!
They just pick up their talking as if nothing unusual is going on… with a whip protruding from your dripping slit – and you realize a bit too late – that you have missed a couple of remarks in your notes and struggle to bring your mind back to the job – and ignore that you are played naked in front of the group.
At this point my boss asks if anyone would like to take a break from the
discussion and release tension that has been building. He also mentions
that if everyone is in agreement on breaking, that he first needs to spend just a few moments of their time correcting several things that I
have “had problems with” during the meeting and they would be inconvenienced for just a short time before they could proceed.
All are in agreement that the meeting has come to a break point and agree to carry on after a short reception. That decided, my boss rounds his desk and slowly … slowly removes the whip from my aching cunt. I know what is to come… and I clench my ass tightly with fear. He leans down and whispers very quietly…
“Relax…. you know that will only cause me to strike harder”.
He turnsto the clients and lists the things I have done wrong..
1. I attempted to cover myself while seated.
2. I showed excitement by drooling on the desk. and
3. I missed important pieces of information in my notes by not paying attention.
3 things…. I know what that means…. 3 strikes… my face flushes with both fear and excitement at what is to come. My boss then says to the clients, “This is the way problems are handled in this office” and he brings the whip down across the top of my ass cheeks. The sting makes me jump! and leaves red stripes across my ass where it hit. I turn my head to look at the faces of the people watching…. and I see lust in all their eyes… and it sends shifts to my clip.
My boss then turns to Lori and says “This was a demonstration, it is not one of the 3 punishment strikes Amy needs to remind her to do as I say.
You shall each give 1 of those 3 strikes.” My eyes fly to his. This isn’t fair!! I must endure 4 strikes whenI have only done 3 things wrong!!
My eyes show my anger… and he smiles a weak smile… and give me look that says “Go ahead. Say something. You know you will receive far worse if you complain”. So I am silent… and bow my head for what is to come…
One of the men reachings for the whip first.. He walks to me… reachings out and strokes the place where the first blow landed. He is admiring the feel of my naked ass… the smoothness of the skin… and then he slides his hand down and inserts his middle finger in my sopping pussy… thrusts it two hard thrusts.. and pulls it out to taste and smell… and smiles… for he knows that it will be his before we are done.
Then he steps back and quickly brings down the whip! He has caught me off guard.. it happened so fast and my body was feeling the ache from his fingers.. wanting more… and so I cry out… even though the blow was not too hard, the surprise of it makes me embarrassed and I drop my head again….
The man again strokes your bottom – and you feel the sting left by the whip. He hesitates a bit and you see him catch your boss’ eye. Then he wets his two fingers in your sopping pussy and brings them around to your chin, lifting your head and catching your eye as he slides his fingers into your mouth – letting you taste your own hot juices. His eyes are on fire with lust, but you detect real concern behind it: He is silently checking with you that this is really OK with you – that – while you are mortified with shame – you are seeing inside and know that you will not really be hurt.
The silent message passes – and you silently assure him with your eyes that you are OK…that your consent is given – that you do choose to do this…and then you realize that you do Choose to do this – and feel so much more ashamed, mortified. You realize your slut position: naked, sopping wet pussy, lewdly spread and displayed asshole and pussy… and you drop your head again to avoid hisgaze.
Before he steps away, he whispers: “My name is Jim. Remember it.”
The third man takes the whip and again inserts the handle into your pussy. Suddenly. In one stroke, it is buried deep inside of you.
Ohhhh GOddddddd!
I feels so Goodoood to be full again!
Your cunt rejects at the full feeling as the third man wiggles the whip around in you… coating it with your juices. Ooooh! Goddd!
You orgasm begins to build deep inside you – and –
the whip is suddenly gone!
Snatched from your snatch!
You cry out and whimper – feeling your cunt ache to be full again. Oh Damndamndamn!
Then you feel the whip handle again…pushing up against you.
This time, he is using the luxury to slowly coat your ass open! Oh GOD! The shame! You are lying across a desk naked, sopping wet, your nipples pressed against the cold glass of the desk, with a whip being pushed up your ass!
Oh GOD! How embarrassing!
But. But it feels so Goodoood! Oh GOD! It feels so Gooooood!
He slowlywwwly works the handle up into your stretched bottom and you feel a different kind of fullness – and you cry out again.
At that, Lori catches your boss’ eye and say, “I think we need to help her be more quiet!”
Your eyes flick to your boss in fear – but he simply nods.
Lori says “Time to join the party a bit more actively, guys” and walks to the desk.
She stands looking at you. Deep into your eyes. Then her fingers go to the hemline of her skirt.
Her proper business skirt.
And she does that trick that women are so good at – where she slides her fingers up under her skirt, hooks the waistband of her pantyhose, and pulls her pantyhose down and off – without really showing anything to anybody.
HOW do ladies do that?
Meanwhile, you are stark naked – spread, dripping, with a whip handle in your ass – so that EVERYBODY sees you.
Still looking you deep in the eyes, Lori then does the trick again – but this time with her panties. Oho! Lori has a little secret under her proper business attitude: Oh-so-lacey panties… lavender in color – Soooo sexy…and all the more sexy that everyone there now knows that Lori is naked under her skirt.
But no one can see that.
“Time to make you be quieter, Amy”, Lori says…and makes you wait – wondering what she has in mind.
The whip gently turns and pushes in your asshole – feeling sooo tight and full. Your cliporis aching for attention – and getting none.
Then Lori steps up on your boss’ chair – and up onto the desk.
Standing above you. Looking into your eyes.
as she Sloowly lowers herself down…down…to your face.
She pulls your head up, then lays her legs over your shoulders.
Her skirt flares over your head as she presses her crotch to your face – presenting her slit to your mouth to be licked and sucked – still tantalizing all of the men since they cannot see any of what they know to be happening under her skirt…
and you cannot see anything at all.
Lori slowly rocks up and down while your tongue feasts on her.
She is quite juicy – you are proud to confirm.
Then she lifts herself off the desk a bit and you try to follow with your tongue – but she presses your head back down… and you realize that your tongue must go lower on her.
To her ass hole.
Ooooohhhh God!
Your mind is so lust filled – and your vision is blocked…and you simply do it: continue to lick and suck – but now your lips find her pumped brown asshole – musty from a day of being confined to pantyhose and panties – and wet from the humidity of her pussy…so close – but so far away.
And you feast on her ass hole. And you slide your tongue up into her picker – licking her cheeks and poking your tongue into her backside. As the whip is slowly withdraw from your ass…
I groan my disappointment to have the whip taken from me… even rotate my hips… begging to be filled… “Please someone fuck me” my body yells…
Does no one hear me???
Just at that moment the final stroke of the whip hits me square across my ass!!! Yikes! that one REALLY hurt and I jump… and Lori reminds me that my total focus is to be on her tight little asshole. My mind is absorbed in the sting from the whip.. one of the sharp ends left a stripe right across my tenderer pussy lips… but the pain has put me on fire… and the reaction I feel is to lick … and suck… and bury my tongue in her ass…
She squirms her excitement.. and bears down with her hips, pushing my tongue as deep as it will go… She then reaches down and grabs my head, and moves my mouth to her hard… waiting.. clip!
I gently take the whole of it in my mouth and begin to roll it around my tongue. The strong smell of her musky pussy is filling my mind with nothing but sex… and I wonder what the men are doing.. why is no one filling my pussy with hard cock? But I continue my efforts with Lori.. and am rewarded!
When she finally lets her load go, she bucks all over the desk.. I have to move quickly to keep my tongue in her pussy.. I don’t want to miss one single drop of that sweet cum!
When she slows.. and I feel her relax, I Feel my boss’s hands on my back.
He leans close says, “assume your position on my desk”.
Lori hears this and moves away for me to do as I am told. My boss (Steve) then walks around his desk and opens the drawer he normally keeps locked, and removes two sets of padded velcro handcuffs. I turn around and very slowly and gently slide my aching ass up onto his desk.
I am quick to lie back to take some of the weight off of the area that has been so recently abused. I know the position he wants… I am required to assume it on a regular basis, and he knows that it is the positionthat I feel the most vulnerable in.
Steve, Jim, and Tom are all standing around the desk now with Lori, and I realize that they have all taken their clothes off while I could see nothing under Lori’s dress… and she is slowly.. sexually dropping her dress as well.
Steve walks to the end of the desk where my feet rest on the corners as I lie on my back, knees bent, and spread wide. He runs a hand down my stomach, and traces a finger very slowly along my clip… down to my soaking wet pussy, and strokes it, and smiles his approval. Then he takes the handscuffs and wraps them snugly around each ankle, one set for each side, then take my wrists and attaches each wrist to the ankle on the same side.
I now have no way to straighten my legs.
Then he moves back to the drawer and removes two small lengths of rope, and attaches one to the ring attached to each set of cuffs, and runs it down to tie to the leg of the desk.
I now cannot straighten my legs, nor can I bring my feet together, or use my hands in any way. Again he smiles. He now looks at Lori and says “she is yours. Enjoy”.
I can see that Lori is wild with sexual lust, her eyes are squinted, and her look says “get ready”. She moves to the end of the desk and immediately drops her head to my wet – dripping – pussy…. and inhales deeply… then slowly begins to flick the very tip of her tongue around the edges of my outer lips…..
My body tenses involuntarily in anticipation.
It has been a very long time since my boss has allowed a woman to eat me…and I know without a doubt that it will be the best I have had because a woman KNOWS what will feel good.
Lori then works her way toward the very bottom tip of my cunt and begins to lick her way up, first flicking, then licking with a very soft, warm, placid tongue. Alternating between the two is beginning to light a fire in my stomach, and I arch my back to beg for more contact.
She begins to circle my clip with the tip of her tongue… just not QUITE touching it directly.
At the very moment that her tongue hits my clip with full force, Jim takes my left nipple in his mouth and lightly bites it.. Then sucks it into his mouth and rolls it around.
Tom brings his burning cock up to my head, and reaches out to physically turn my head to face it. When I hesitate to immediately take it into my mouth he looks to my boss. Steve looks at me with a painful expression, and moves to his desk drawer, and pulls out a clothes pin… and attaches it to my right nipple!! The pain of it and the humiliation make me arch my back up and squirm… but he silences me with one strong look.. And I immediately turn and hungrily take the whole length of Tom’s cock into my throat.
I alternate between taking his hard thrusts deep into my throat and circling the head of his cock with my tongue. This brings moans of appreciation from him and he drops his head back to enjoy my technique.
Suddenly myfocus turns to my pussy. I have been so engrossed in my sucking cock, and the pain in now both my nipples as Jim continues to pinch and squeeze my left breast and nipple… that I had almost forgotten about Lori working over my hot cunt. I now realize she is putting something in my pussy! I can’t see her for all the men blocking my view, and my mind races to try to identify what is inside me by the feel of it.
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