Taboo Pt. 01

Author’s Note: this is an age-play fantasy featuring two consenting adults experimenting with ‘Mommy-Dom/little girl’ scenes and language. It features spankings, a butt plug, and a double-headed dildo and is really sexy and filter and so totally wrong that no one should ever read it under any circumstances.


As Faith alternated spanking each of the perky ivory Cheeks that she had in her lap to a ripe Honeycrisp apple red, she had the kind of moment she’d heard about when she was a kid in church but never believed would ever happen to her. It was as if God parted the clouds and sent a single, blessed ray of sunlight down onto the miracle that was Robyn’s ass.

For Robyn it was no less revelatory. Getting spanked, even in the most degrading position that she’d ever found herself in, was more self-actualizing than an ayahuasca trip, a course of ketamine, and a mega-dose of LSD combined. Or so Robyn imagined. Her college experience had been remarkably drugfree so far.

It was called the wheelbarrow position and it never let Robyn forget, even for a second, that every fiber of her being belonged to Faith as her older lover set her tender ass on fire with the relentlessness of a spanking that had been both well-earned and a long time coming.

It was nowhere near over either; there was still the brush, wooden spoon, and the metal butt plug to go. That thing was Especially worrying to Robyn, even though she had picked it out herself at the toy store, it was bigger than anything she’d played with before.

Robyn swooned and pleased for Faith to stop. She did, but only to dig her fingers painfully into Robyn’s ass cheeses.

“I will not stop. You’ve said yourself you deserved this before we began. Or have you already forgotten?”

“No,” Robyn cried.

“No? No? Are you really saying ‘no’ to me, little girl?”

“No, I mean yes…I mean,” Robyn forced out a sob. It was a bit much, but she had promised Faith the mostimmersive roleplaying experience possible. This was exactly the kind of dilemma that she had wished they both would get to experience that weekend.

“Say it. Say, ‘yes, Miss Faith’,” Faith instructed. “Say, ‘I did forget that I said I deserve this.’”

“Yes, Miss Faith, I forgot. I do deserve this.”

Faith responded by slapping her butt cheats with Both hands harder than she ever had before. Robyn gasped and rocked forward, away from the pain.

“That’s right, you do deserve this. Now, say ‘thank you, mam, please finish teaching me a lesson’.”

“Yes, Miss Faith,” Robin moaned. “Yes, mommy, please finish teaching me a lesson.”

That did it. Mommy. The ‘accidental’ slip of the forbidden word, the honorific they’d agreed would not be used that weekend, being uttered aloud during a scene. That was it. Robyn clenched her cheeses in anticipation of the inevitable escalation.


Robyn felt like she had been planning this day, this weekend, ever since she met Faith.

The older woman was literally the only person in the world she felt safe exploring the part of her sexuality that Robyn called her ‘Sparkle Space’. If the endless fantasizing they had done about the subject over the three or so months of playing online and the four months of their budding physical relationship were any indication, Robyn believed Faith felt the same way.

In Robyn’s research and personal experiences, age-play was extremely common but carried with it the stench of taboo that had only grown stronger in the online conspiracy circles of late.

As Robyn got in the car to head down the coast to Faith’s house, she knew that however closely they managed to stick to the plan, along with its agreed upon boundaries, it would be a memorable one. The fantasy that they were going to play out in Just a few hours had certainly ranked the highest in her mind, second only to Robyn’s cherished memories of the two cheeky birthday gifts from her stepdad Ethan a few years ago.

Robyn, more than anything, wanted Faith to be a stern ‘mommy’ type figure. At least for the weekend. She wanted to be criticized and scolded, to be fondled intimately and punished harshly.

And to hear Faith tell it, from almost what was probably only their second or third conversation online that they had together, Robyn knew that her lover wanted to dominate a young woman into shuddering, sputtering, squirting submission.

Robyn squirmed in her seat, a familiar sweet sticky warmth spreading from her kitty out to the tips of her fingers and toes. This was going to be a long drive.


Faith had dressed in her most severe business attire, teased up her short auburn hair and did her makeup carefully, puttered around the house making double and triple sure everything was in place for Robyn’s arrival. She could barely contain her nervous energy until Robyn’s ‘on my way😘’ text came through. Then she became almost supernaturally still. Except for her right foot. No matter what she did, no matter how she sat or what she tried to occur herself with, that right foot was moving like she was sewing together the pieces of the world’s biggest Pride flag.

Faith couldn’t sort out her feelings even if she tried. It was like that every time they played harder than the occasional playful spanking or fuzzy-cuffing Robyn’s wrists to the bedpost. She tried explaining the feeling to her once. What came out was awful, mostly because Robyn replied that it sounded like the chief emotion that Faith was feeling as they got kinky was ‘dread’. Damn.

If there was one feeling that Faith associated with her time with Robyn, dread was the further from it. It felt like she talked a good game but when it came to the physical acts of bondage and domination, Faith falsetered.

She cared for her, dammit. Having Robyn in her life was the first time Faith had thought about her own future in a romantic sense since she left her fiancé at the altar.

She shuddered. “Gosh, brain, the breakup wasn’t that bad,” Faith muttered to herself. It was true, his parents hadn’t even booked the chapel or reserved the event hall yet when she broke it off.

In an instant, the whole sordid story spooled out in Faith’s mind. Strict evangelical parents on both sides, purity rings and professions of love that were exclusively tied to marriage and nest building. Pursuing a small-L liberal arts degree in a capital-L Liberal city. The slipping of the façade until there was just the naked, internalized misogyny and homophobia left standing. It feel like a lifetime ago when really it was less than half.

“We can’t be married, Foster,” Faith told the ghost of her past. Damn. Fifteen years later and she could still recall it like it was yesterday.

Why bring up the darkest, most painful memory when the light of my life, Faith thought, when my little ducky is coming to play?

Faith glanced at her phone. One whole minutehad passed since she last looked. This was torture.

If there was one thing that helped her be successful in business, so early and so often, it was an eye that never stopped searching for a way to make things more perfect, so Faith got up, put in her earbuds to listen to some Tegan and Sara, and stalked her house looking for flaws again.

Her home was modestly sized for the area and decorated to be efficiently comfy, meaning that there was some furniture that was from the ‘As-Is’ section of IKEA and some that she would blush to reveal the cost of.

Her living room was a bunch of minimalist art gallery-style seating clustered around a ridiculously large flatscreen on the wall. She’d recently had a shelf installed for Robyn’s PS5 and Nintendo Switch dock and was just about ready to accept the minor disruption that the gaming consoles caused to the overall flow of the room.

The kitchen was clean but cluttered (to her eye, anyway) with every cooking appliance known to man and at least one that she had to sell her soul to otherworldly forces to acquire.

Her office had once just been a desk chair that most people would have to take out a loan to afford and a single slab of glass perched on a pair of custom made concrete blocks for a desk that had a vast cityscape of monitors, speakers, computer towers, battery backups, and external hard drives on its surface. It was perfect.

Perfect, that was, until Robyn came into her life with her sparkling youth and stunningly successful interactive sex-ed streaming show/podcast. Then her office became festooned with bean bag chairs, LED lighting, cameras of every shape and size, several professional grade microphones, geeky gifts from adoring fans, and so many adult toys. Dildos of every shape, size, and species (!) literally everywhere.

Faith had a hard time saying no to Robyn.

She had put her foot down when it came to her bedroom though. Other than Robyn’s clothes and toiletries, the bedroom and master bathroom remained as Faith liked it: Spartan.

It was the spare bedrooms and guest bathroom that had changed the most, only recently so and specifically for the week they had spent weeks planning.


Robyn tried to occur herself on the drive down by listening to her new cohost handle the Friday call-in show of their podcast. She told Siri to remind her to tell Amai to breathe and relax, let the listeners talk a little more, give them a chance to finish their thoughts, worry less about dead air and more about making everyone feel safe and welcome. She then asked Siri to remind her not to be so hard on the college freshman seeing as how she’d never done anything even remotely as public as a podcast before in her entire life.

She was just getting into a really interesting call from a girl who identified herself as Heather when Robyn found herself parked and idling in Faith’s driveway.

“So, you took your shot, and he said yes…that musthave felt, uh. How did it feel?” Amai asked the caller. “Like, having sex for the first time can be hit or miss, but losing your virginity to an older man is like…”

“Was it everything, I mean, he’s experienced and…sorry,” Cherry talked over the caller.

“No, sorry, you go,” the caller said. “It was…”

“No, sorry, Heather, please, sorry. I think there’s a little bit of a delay.”

“Okay…it was great, like amazing, and we both want to see each other more, but it doesn’t look like we’ll have much time together this summer,” Heather said. “I’m starting my first semester at UCSB soon, and he’s going to help me move up and we’re working on making a special weekend out of it but…”

Robyn didn’t get to hear the rest because the garage door started rolling up, revealing Faith leaning against her spotless Subaru in a black pencil skirt and spotless white blouse, trying to look stern but failing, the exaggerated frown flipping to the happiestsmile that Robyn had seen in her entire life.

Robyn sat sheepishly in the quiet car, hoping to inspire some early role play. It worked.

Faith took her time walking to the driver’s side, strutting really, her siletto heels cracking against the pavement like party poppers. She opened the door and said, “You’re late, young lady!” Faith got the tone right, but her expression was joy turned to a light that shined brighter than the sun.

“Sorry, Miss Faith,” Robyn said, trying not to giggle. She tried again, saying as seriously as she could, “Sorry, mam.”

“What, no excuse this time?”

“No, I mean, there was a little traffic, but, no, I just got a late start.” Robyn said unconvincingly. She cleared her throat. “I keep forgetting how far Malibu is from school. Sorry, mam.”

Faith laughed and held out a hand. “Missed you, little ducky.”

“Me too,” Robyn said, stepping out of the car and into her lover’s arms. Faith’s taller frame was perfect for Robyn to bury her face between her ample breasts, something she enjoyed immensely but Faith only tolerated in public for so long.

Faith bent down to give Robyn a quick kiss on the top of her blonde head and another on her carnation pink lips before looking around for unwelcome observers.

“Sorry,” Robyn said. She knew how uncomfortable PDA sometimes made her, especially when there was potential for the neighbors to see. Robyn broke free and reached down to pop the trunk.

“No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t care, right?” It was a discussion that they had almost every time since she’d started driving down for the weekend. Malibu didn’t care about the same things that her hometown of Fairfax, Ohio did. Robyn wasn’t convinced that Fairfax cared either, it was just the church that Faith had been raised in.

“Well, let’s just forgive each other then, shall we?” Robyn sassed.

“Oh, boy, you really went for it, didn’t you?” Faith exclaimed, stepping back to get agood look at her lover. Robyn had her cornsilk blonde hair in twin pigtails and was dressed in a denim jumper with a yellow duck embroidered on the front pocket, a yellow belly shirt, yellow knee-high socks, and white Reeboks. She’d managed to put on just enough makeup to look like she was wearing none at all, but had left her lips bare, exactly like Faith preferred them.

“You like?”

“You’re perfect, little ducky, better than I could have ever imagined.”

Robyn hoped with pride. Nothing produced a squeeze of joy from her like praise from a loved one.

“Let’s get you inside.” They both grabbed both of Robyn’s bags each and headed into the garage. “You hungry?” Faith asked.

“Yeah! What’s for lunch? I’m starving!”


Of all the plans they had made for the weekend, Robyn hadn’t expected to be spending the night in her bedroom alone.

Her bedroom was the best, almost as wonderful as the playroom next door, and on any other night, Robyn would love every second of her time spent there. One of the best parts of exploring ‘Sparkle Space’ with Faith had been figuring out the look and feel of her playroom and bedroom and they had turned out better than perfect. Every innocent little thing that Robyn held onto in her mind from her charmed childhood was either present there with her or one room over and much of it was a shade of yellow that warmed her heart the most and made Her favorite feature of her bedroom was the enormous four-poster canopy bed. The comforter had a yellow wildflower pattern that made her feel like she was daydreaming in a field from a fairytale. The canopy and curtains were sheer allowing Robyn to look up at the artistic night sky that her nightlight cast on the ceiling. Falling stay there the last few weeks was more magical than words could express. Now the starfield just reminded her how small and alone she felt.

Robyn thought back to when things started to go bad and after dwelling on a few mortifying moments, she landed on lunch. It was supposed to be grilled cheese and tomato soup, but because of Faith’s lactose integration, she had gotten vegan cheese that failed to melt, and repeated tries only burnt the bread. They laughed it off, but Faith’s mood darkened when she realized several spoonsful into the soup that she had gotten the kind with cream in it.

Robyn tried to cheer her up by following Faith around like a duckling and showing her with hugs and kisses, but her lover left for CVS after discovering that she had run out of Lactaid pills. Robyn knew that Faith was just looking out for both of them (a gassy night on the toilet would be the exact opposite of sexy) but it was still hard to watch her leave.

The next thing to go wrong was Her scheduled Sparkle Space time. Robyn got out some coloring books and opened boxes of new crayons, colored pencils, and markers and planted herself in front of the TV while Faithcaught up on episodes of Real Housewives of Some City or Another. The plan was for Faith to interrupt Robyn’s Sparkle Space time by seducing her right there on the floor, but when it came time to seal the deal, Faith stopped the scene. It took a while, but Robyn finally got out of Faith that it was just too uncomfortable for her.

After falling asleep in her lap two or three episodes into the RHOSCA marathon, they decided to go out for dinner instead of ordering Postmates. The gourmet vegan restaurant was fine, pretty nice actually, but the rule was no roleplay in public, no matter how eager Robyn was to test that boundary.

The scene that was supposed to happen in between dinner and getting ready for bedtime was Faith’s idea, so it was especially disappointing when she gave up on that one too. Robyn’s face burned with shame at what happened in her lover’s office.

Faith was supposed to pretend to be working at her desk while Robyn would be leaning into her brattiest beHavior, which would lead to the first spanking of the weekend. When none of that worked, Robyn tried warming her up by crawling under Faith’s desk for some oral fun. That lasted about five minutes before Faith claimed an upset stomach and retired to the master bathroom. Robyn hung back and respected her privacy until she heard Faith crying and it only got worse from there.

After a tense argument Through the bathroom door (their first!), Faith said her safeword and called an end to the whole experiment.

So, there she was, all clean from her shower, her mouth still minty fresh from brushing her teeth, naked inside her footy pajamas, laying alone on top of the covers of her huge, empty bed, wondering if the aborted weekend trip into Mommy-Dom/little girl land had also ended their relationship. They hadn’t even kissed goodnight, a ritual they’d enjoyed from the earliest visit to Chateau Faith.

“Oh, no,” Robyn cried softly to herself. “No, things can’t be that bad. We’llbe OK tomorrow; I just need to think.”

Nothing came to mind. There were no thoughts, only an endless stream of visions of Faith’s beautiful face distorted by disappointment, embarrassment, and dread. “Think, Robyn, think. Come on, you’re good at this.”

Nothing. The gap of silence between their two bedrooms was starting to feel so uncomfortable that she thought that maybe it was time to pack and go home. “No, you don’t give up so easy, not on yourself, not on her.”

Robyn did a little despite herself and awoke with a start. She was no closer to coming up with a plan than she was when she had been banished to her bedroom. “Better come up with something by breakfast, otherwise…”

Suddenly, it was there. An IDEA! Fully formed, all she had to do was muster the courage to act. If she went through it and somehow got Faith back on board, it would be the boldest version of herself that anyone had ever seen.


Faith felt most comfortable when she wasgetting smoothered by layers upon layers of blankets and comforters, cocooned in multiple layers of sleepwear, hovering in that sweet spot between the waking world and oblivion.

That night though, she was so restless that even the weighed blanket crushing her from above and the heating pad blazing under her lower back couldn’t calm her down enough to sleep.

The worst part was that she knew exactly why. She had sent the woman she wanted and cared for more than anyone else in the world away.

Because she was embarrassed. Because she had been pushed outside her comfort zone. Because she might have eaten something that would have caused her to fart. Because she didn’t feel like she deserved to feel good, or be loved, or get fucked, or have an orgasm.

Because. Because.

Robyn had gone to so much trouble to create a fantasy that they could both live in for a few hours, guilt free, but guilt was all she felt.

Faith got up and stood in front of her linen closet. All that was left were towels and she was so sweety that anything more she put on the bed might cause her to die of heat stroke.

She knew exactly what would make her feel better. Go to bed with Robyn! All she had to do was walk across the hall, slide under the covers, scoot her love-sick body next to Robyn’s, and all would be well again. Somehow, even that became just another ‘Because’.


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