Tables Turned

PART 1- Life of the Party

I saw her across the room. She stood out somehow, from the rest of the crowd, a spotlight adorning her.

I watched her delicately place a cigarette between her strawberry pink lips, licking her mouth, while trying to light up her fag. She cought, not ready for the burn she felt in her lungs. She let out a cloud of smoke, and chuckled at something her friend whispered in her ear. Her eyes twinkled, as she let her lips touch her salt-rimmed glass. She slurped her drink and swallowed her olive. As I curiously studied her face, I could not help but let my eyes drift to her body. I was gawking at her impossible figure. Her hair was done up in a loose, messy bun, with a few strands pulled out, which she kept awkwardly tucking behind her ears. Her silver earrings dangled every time she spoke, like little windchimes on a breezy day. Her legs looked never ending in her tight miniskirt. Leather. Black. The thought of her in black latex, cut out at the right places, made me shudder. I closed my eyes, trying to get the image out of my head.

‘What are you doing?’, I asked myself.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw her, staring at me, with her honey brown eyes, pupils dilated. I retired under her gaze, squirming, my heart racing. I can usually figure out my next move by this time, but this girl had got me feeling helpless. Her eyes were fixed, intently. I looked back with the same intensity, my eyes yearning for more. But she didn’t shy away. She didn’t even blink, once.

‘Stubborn. Much more fun, ‘ I chuckled softly to myself.

She was not smiling, but her lips were twitched into a semiconductor grin. Her eyes locked and I mentally undressed her. I let my imagination pull down her bra top, revealing her nipples which were struggling to thrust out of her skimpy top. No bra. Just the way I like it. She looked away suddenly, distracted by someone else, but the picture of her nipple piercings teasing me lingered for a while.

‘Get busy, distract yourself’,I thought. I picked up a beer and joined Lily.

‘Look who decided to talk, finally’, Lily screamed, a little too loud.

I just smiled coyly. Lily was clearly drunk. It has been her pattern now, ever since high school. Get drunk, puke, sleep with someone, regret it, and take a walk of shame back home. I just wish she could do This with a little less self loathing and more confidence. And Ofcourse, with fewer dorky fuckboys who never gave her what she really deserved.

As I looked around the room,I wondered who would she bed tonight. I suddenly became consciousness of how loud the music was. My heart started thumbing, feeling the bass, pumping more blood and adrenaline. I finished my bottle and decided to get something stronger to soothe my nervouss. As I excused myself from Lily and others, I saw her again, dancing this time.

Fuck, she could move. Move like she was made to dance. For me. Only me.

I could see her throwing it back, aware of all the male eyes fixed at her perfect ass. She dropped low and pushed her butt in the air as she got up, slowly, seductively, balancing herself on her six inch heels. She was grinding on some man next, who evidently seemed to be enjoying her tease way too much. If only she were mine, I would have shown her what she would have deserved for being doing this way, teasing and exclusively someone else.

No. Once she is mine, she is all mine. I’ll tattoo my name across that ass, let her know who owned her.

The thought of her naked body, chained and tied, wriggling in my bed made me want to punch through a wall.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. I wanted to see more. I wanted that for myself. All of her. I picked my drink and reluctantly made my way out of the room. As I walked towards my friends, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around.

‘Hey’, a soft voice whispered.

‘Hi’, I said, taken back to see her. There she standing, in front of me. ItReally was her. She was hauntingly close to my face. She smelled of cigarettes and cologne, too strong for my taste. But I could always teach her, how to dress for me. She would look beautiful in the clothes I’d buy for her.

And she would take them off whenever I wanted to fuck her raw.

For a second I didn’t comprehend a word she said. I was lost in thoughts which would have scared her away.

‘I’m sorry, could you say that one more time. The music’s too loud’, I signed using my hands.

She said, ‘ I just wanted to say hi. I’m Beck. Can we talk?’

‘Yeah sure, what’s up? I’m Kris by the way. Are you enjoying yourself?’

‘Yeah I guess’, she smiled, biting her lower lip.

I wanted to smear her lipstick across her pretty face. And then Grab her face and squeeze her cheeks.

‘You really got some moves. I saw you out there, and wow’, I said.

She smiled nervously, as if she didn’t already know how sexy she was.

She grabbed my hand and said,

‘Do you want to talk somewhere quieter?’

God fucking bless. I knew exactly what that means. I couldn’t believe my lucky stars.

‘Sure, let me grab my things’, I said, hiding my desperation carefully.

‘Yeah all right’

I made my way towards my friends, bid them farewell, grabbed my keys and jogged towards her.

‘You’re really pretty, too, you know that?’, she said.

‘Yes honey, I know’, I thought to myself.

I am not narcissistic, just self aware of what effect I have on people around me.

‘However, I just politely thanked her for her compliment. I don’t have to let the whole world know I can cum to my own photos.

I grabbed her hands and led her out of party.

As we Walked towards my car, parked just a few stops away, she turned and put her hands on her hips, poised sexually on one leg.

‘Can I drive?’, she begged, pouting her lips. Damn her, I thought. I wanted her to beg for mercy while she craved for more. Images of her pale skin reddening with every smoke across her body flashed before my eyes.

I collected myself, yet again and said,

‘Here you go’, I throw the keys at her.

Excitedly, she got into the car and she kicked the car alive. She drove.

‘Where are we going’, expecting her to murmur the answer I’m used to receive.

‘It’s a surprise’, she said.

Okay, I was not expecting that. I wanted to tell her to stop beating around the bush, but I controlled myself.

‘Okay’, I said, clenching my teeth.

‘Lengths we go for things we want’, I thought to myself.

She turned on the radio, singing in her loudest, boldest voice.

‘Sing with me, Kris’ she yelled as she rolled down the roof of my convertible.

She was driving faster than she should have, considering how drunk she was. But watching her hair fall loose as the cold air blew across her face,I didn’t have the heart to stop her. She looked happy.

‘I’ll keep you happy’, I thought to myself. F

Feeling spontaneous, I joined her, and we sang. One song after another, I watched her move her lips perfectly to the lyrics. She knew all of them by heart.

I was finally setting into the vibe, when she stopped the car suddenly, and shrieked. I almost got a heart attack by how loud she was. She jumped out of the driver’s seat and took her phone out. I wondered what she was doing. I felt slightly pissed. I wanted to take her home. That is all I wanted.

What was she doing?

‘Pchh,’ I said. ‘What are you doing exactly? Beck?

‘I saw the moon and it looked so pretty, I couldn’t resist taking a picture’

‘Fuck, she needs to be tamed. Like really bad.’

‘Come see for yourself’,she said.

‘I’m good. You do Your thing’ I said, dismissing her stupid idea.

She walked towards me, like a model on a runway, and tugged on my arms. I let her. Her touch felt nice to my skin. Her baby soft skin feel like butter and I wanted to kiss every inch ofher sheer like skin.

I got out of the car and looked. The pessimist in me wanted to scream, jump into my car and leave her here. I had taken enough. But again, I surprised myself with my own reaction.

She was actually right. The moon looked beautiful. I could actually see the stars in the pitch black sky, shining brilliantly. The city was sleep and the moonlight fell upon us, drenching us in its silver radiance. I could see the perfect skyline of New York, embellishing the backdrop of the moonlit night.

I saw her face light up each time she clicked a picture on her phone. She then pulled me closer and clicked a selfie with her front camera. I don’t like taking pictures. Unless it’s of someone else. Particularly someone I’m in bed with. Pictures I like to go back to, sometimes, When I’m alone.

‘Lets go now’ she said, biting her lower lip, driving me insane.

I couldn’t believe myself, but in that moment, I felt something more than just lust for her.

Could this really be happening? Do I like her?

I grabbed her waist and bought her closer to my chest. She stared down nervously at the sidewalk we stood upon. I was just letting my fingers get used to her skin, gliding my fingers across her face, tracing her chiseled features softly. I tucked a lock of her purple dyed hair behind her ear.

She smiled. I bent a little, closing in the few inches between our faces. I let my forehead rest against hers.

I hear my heart thumbing, as I breathed her in.

What are you doing to me, Beck?

She got on her tip toes and kissed me. I shut my eyes, letting my hormones control me. I could taste her drink, a bitter-sweet aftertaste. Her tongue explored mine. She was panting now, moaning softly into my mouth. I couldn’t resist it. I couldn’t resist this angel in front of me. I wanted to rip off her clothes and take her there and then, to just feel her body against mine.

‘Now, my place’, I said, gasping for air.

‘No’, she said.

‘What?’, I asked, shocked by her response.

‘I can’t wait. Lets do it, right now’

‘That’s like my girl!’, I thought. Her emboldened, brazen self got me soaking in between my thighs.

I kissed her, more passwordately this time, with more longing.

She pushed her breasts onto my body, and I could feel her nipples hardening. Her piercings were tearing against her top. Unable to resist myself, I grabbed her neck and choked her, gently with my hands.

I took a step back, to look at her, admire the view. She looked started. But not scared. She liked it.

I squeezed it harder this time, and used my other hand to grab her left boob, pinching her nipple, feeling the metal ornament on her now rock hard tits.

Holy shit, I could just cum looking at her. She was gorgeous, so sexy.

I pulled my dress lower and got down on my knees. Quickly, I lifted her skirt and saw her pussy through her lace panties. I took my fingers and glided against her, through the lace, feeling her drool with my every touch. She throw her head back, in pleasure, the moment I used my thumb to press on her cliporis.

‘Oh, Kris’, she said, softly, nothing less than a whisper.

I got up and looked at her. She was teasing me now, with her hands encircling my breasts.

She didn’t care that she was half naked, in the middle of nowhere with some stranger she had just met. Brave, she definitely was brave. A little dumb too.

I grabbed her hands, stopping her and pushed them behind her back, as if restricting her in handcuffs. With one hand still wrapped her petite wrists, I let my mouth taste her nipples. She screamed when I bit her, pulling her jewellery, and used my tongue to cares her areola.

I let her hands go as I pulled her panties, giving her a wedgie, just to see her juices soak her underwear and marvel at her shape of her pussy.

She bit my earlyobe approvedly and kissed me again, tongue darting in and out. I was moaning too now, and my legs felt weak. Taking advantage of the situation, she teased at my entrance with one, then two fingers. The subtle shock urged my eyes open. I bit my lip to stifle a groan.

She went down, her tongue moving swiftly, punishing me, torturing me. She looked up to see me, her mouth covered with my wetness. Her lipstick was smudged and her cheeks were critic, but she looked more beautiful than ever.

She let her hands explore me, four fingers now. Her hands were relentless and rhythmic, as if moving to some marching beat.

‘Fuck no, this is not how it ends’, I thought. But I was so lost in her, that I couldn’t even voice my opinion. I couldn’t care less in that moment.

She didn’t skip a beat while she rummaged blindly in the side pocket of her bag. When the rustling stopped, so did her lips abandon me. I didn’t make a note of what was happening until her face was hovering next to mine and the softest droning buzz sprung from somewhere between us.

‘Fuck, this girl came prepared’, I thought. She was nothing like what I had expected. This night was nothing like what I had expected. This was outlandish, unfamiliar and new to me. But I let it happen, because it was turning out to be one my best ones so far.

Before I had a chance to react, the rounded edge of her small, sleep vibrator was where her tongue had just been. She reached down for my hand and encouraged me to take the reins. I clutched the squished egg-like device and began to pleasure myself with it.

I was actually obeying her. I wanted to laugh at myself, and then slap myself hard across the face. What was I doing? Why am I letting her tell me what to do?

She bit my earlyobe approved and kissed me again, tongue darting in and out, as she teased at my vagina with all her fingers now.

The tip of her thumb massed at my button, extremely with her pink vibrator.

I pushed my clip to the compromise. My hips rose in anticipation. She slid deeper and deeper until she was as far as she could reach with every thrust, curling her fingers up to my belly button every time she slide out.

I’d like to think I was quiet, not completely giving myself to her movements, but there’s no way someone wouldn’t have heard us if they set up shop in the next cubicle over in that moment.

She nibbled at my neck as she dragged the orgasm right out of me.

My palms clenched, eyes scrunched, jaw tightened, my head tapped the invisible wall behind me. My leg started to twitch violently as my hips fell down following the harsh yet extremely welcome release. She pressed her lips to mine to distract me from the loss of her fingers, breathing life back into me.

I was still recovering from my climax, letting my heartbeat return to normal and getting my breaths less deeper.

I had cum, to this wonderful woman. And I had let her do what she wanted, just they way she liked it.

It was time to show her the real deal now. I pulled her hands, and dragged her to my car. She willingly sat down and I drive, faster than I have ever driven in my entire life. I was driving, but it felt like I was fighting for my life. I couldn’t think of any rationality, the fucking traffic signals, nothing. I just wanted her, in my bed, and I would have traded my world for it. And Everything in my world. For one night, with her. Just one.

‘What am I doing?’, I keep asking myself. But she was bewitching, a fucking sorceress, enchanting me with her body.

PART 2- Cuffed

Minutes later, I pulled up to my house. She looked fascinated by how it looked from the outside. I smiled, knowing that she would probably love the inside more.

She followed my lead, through the main door, as we made our way through the dim-lit corridors of my house.

Beck let her beautiful, slim fingers glide gracefully across the golden railing leading upto my room. I couldn’t stop staring at her ass as she made her way up. My mouth dried up and I tried to wet my mouth with a gulp. She noticed my eyes fixed at her, and gave me a semiconductor grin, the kind you give to me if you want to be devoured. Fucking eaten alive.

She bent over, slowly, revealing a glimpse of her pussy.

She then covered her mouth with her one palm, her lips parted, as if pretending to be shocked, while she let her panties slide off her smooth legs using her other hand.

I could do nothing but watch, look at her and drool, salivating in my mouth and soaking down there.

I gasped. ‘Fuck’, I moaned softly.

She grinned, then took my hand. Unable to control myself, I pulled her in towards my chest and gave her a long, password kiss. She reciprocated and grabbed my ass, squeeze my left cheek tightly.

I turned her around and bent her over, lashing her buttocks with a hard spank. She shrieked in delight.

I hit her again, harder this time, and I watched her butt steadily turn criminal.

I realized I hadn’t asked her her safe words.

I said slowly, ‘Do you have a safe word babe?”

Her eyes widened.

“I want to try something I think you’ll like… but I’m not going to attempt it without giving you an out.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, still looking confused.

“Doesn’t have to be complicated. A lot of people just use red and yellow. Yellow means slow down or try something different. Red means stop everything, we’re done. Do you want to give it a try?”

I examined her expression. Curiosity in her was running rampant, flirting with arousal.

“What are you going to do?” she asked quietly, but confidently.

I grinned cheesekily. “Nothing too wild. Do you trust me?”

She didn’t answer right away. I saw shards of fear battle with the keenness in her eyes. Suddenly, it seemed, she made a decision. I saw her swallow hard.

“Yes”, she breathed, her eyes dipped away for a second, then met mine confidently, “I trust you.”

Something twisted in my gut. Excitement,my own fears, a number of other things I couldn’t quite identify. I would have to reflect on that later. Right now I had other plans. Fucking majestic ones.

“What do you say if you want me to slow down?”


“And if you want me to stop everything?”

“Red,” she answered with more confidence.

“Don’t be scared of those words. If something doesn’t feel right, if I hurt you accidentally, even if you just aren’t sure about something – use them.”


“Okay,” I said. My own words rang in my ears. This was really happening. Fucking hell.

My wicked smile returned, “Now where were we? “

My hand was on her throat now, squeezed lightly, before she could blink. A jolt shot through her as she drew in a sharp breath. I leaned down by her ear and whispered, “

Get your ass to my bedroom. Now.”

Beck gasped first and then obeyed my instructions, exploring the wild thrill that had just shot through her.

She laydown on my bed, her legs wide open.

I moved back to look into her eyes. Something I saw there made me smile wider. “You like me being in control, baby girl?”

She nodded slowly, not trusting herself to speak. My eyes narrowed mischievously.

Suddenly, I left her, as I crawled towards the side of the bed. She sat up a little, watching me curiously. I desperately searched for something metal under my bedsheets.

“Aha!” I sat up, turning back to her. In my hand, I had my handscuffs from the night before with some girl whose name I couldn’t remember.

“I knew I forgot to put this away”, I thought.

She watched me rarely as I moved slowly back towards her.

“Roll over,” I ordered in a low voice. Without a thought, she Complied. “Hands behind your back.”

“Oh fuck no,” she murmured into the mattress, even as she was obeying.

“Oh fuck yes,” I replied, teasingly. She felt the sharp cold of metal around her wrists and surprised heavily. When I let go of her hands, she gave it an experimental tug. Firm. She wasn’t going anywhere.

‘Now, you do what I ask you to do. No questions asked, understand?’, I say, barely a whisper, letting the words slip out of my mouth like a slow, semiconductor hiss.

She simply nodded, unaware of what my vindictive self had in store for her. For us.

She still had her clothes on. What a shame. I got up and walked to my study to find a pair of scissors to cut her out of the material hindering us from being together. I ripped her clothes as I chopped through them, freeing her boobs. She stared into my eyes intently as I did my job, not blinking once.


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