Sylvia's Little Secret Ch. 02

Part 2

The further adventures of Sexy Sylvia

Dan took my hand and we started down the mall. He ignored me as we walked and if he hadn’t been holding my hand so tightly I would have thought he wasn’t aware I was with him. He seemed different somehow, like he was fighting with himself, his mind a mile away. We entered the seating area of ​​Starbucks and he hesitated for a moment, glancing around before selecting a table in the corner and dropping heavily into a chair. Without saying a word he pulled me down next to him.

We sat in silence for a few more moments as he continued looking around. I couldn’t read the look on his face and I was afraid to be the first to break the silence. I knew he had been shocked by what I’d done but I couldn’t tell how upset he was and I didn’t have Any idea what to expect next. I was so thankful he hadn’t been drinking this early in the day. He could get so nasty and unpredictable when he drank.

I wanted to cry, to ask him toforgive me again, but I was afraid to break the silence. In all the years we had been married I had never felt so conflicted with him. “I’m really sorry, Honey” I finally blurted out. His silence was starting to freak me out. I felt so guilty about what he had caught me doing and I was absolutely mortified as I confessed my other exploits.

“I always thought you were the prudish one,” he finally said. “Remember that spring party your room invited us to during your last year in college? She said it was going to be fun and kinky and we’d have a great time. I really wanted to go and have you wear a sexy outfit but you chickened out and said you were too bashful, remember?”

I remember it well. Beth, my roommate was definitely wilder than me and I’d always have both fascinated and a little repulsed by her and the stories she brought home after some of her exploits. She was an exhibitionist at heart and Dan had always encouraged me to lighten up and be more like her. He’d rEally wanted to attend the party and had bought me a revealing dress to wear but I refused. Finally on the last day I agreed after he suggested we created a safe-word I could use if I decided I just couldn’t handle it.

“Do you remember what our safe-word was?” he asked.

I thought back, wondering why he was bringing this up now. I closed my eyes and it finally came back to me. “Sushi! It was sushi and we said that either of us could use it if something didn’t feel right,” I blurted out.

“Right,” he said. “Sushi. Good old sushi. And you used it just before we walked into the party, remember? I was pissed off at you for a week, but I respected your decision and we cancelled out.”

He was still looking over my shoulder and he suddenly looked pleased with himself. He reached into my purse and removed his wallet and took a $20 bill out. He handed it to me and told me to go buy us some coffee. “And don’t ever forget that word,” he added as I walked away. “Sushi will always work if you ever really need it,”

I went to the counter and ordered our lattes, wondering why the hell he had brought up our old safe-word. Before I could think it through and try to make some sense of it, the barista started chatting as she made our drinks. She looked like a cute little dyke and was so friendly and outgoing I felt myself start to relax as I listened to her. What a crazy afternoon, I Thought. I hoped Dan was going to accept what had happened and not be too disgusted with me. After all, he had admitted to getting a hardon when I told him about what I’d done, so surely he couldn’t be too pissed. Feeling some better, I paid for the coffee and turned around.

I was surprised to see a man sitting at our table. He had his back to me and was leaning forward listening intently to whatever Dan was telling him. I walked over and put the coffee cups down before sitting next to Dan.

“You remember your old friend,” Dan grinned, “don’t you, Sylvia?”

Theyoung man looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t recognize him. I tried to be polite as I could and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t remember you.”

Dan seemed to enjoy my disappoint for a minute, and then hisssed, “Perhaps if you took your clothes off it would come back to you.”

“Oh my God!” I was suddenly mortified, absolutely mortified. I recognized him alright—it was the guy from the store!

I looked at Dan and he was leering at me. I looked back at the young man. He looked a little nervous but just shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Nice to meet you formally, Sylvia,” he said. “My name’s Brandon.” He reached across the table and shook my hand. “And I think Dan is a very lucky man to have a beautiful wife like you.”

I could feel my cheeks burning. Christ, I was so embarrassed I thought I was going to die, but at the same time I felt myself getting turned on again. Brandon’s eyes kept dropping to my breasts and he made no attempt at being subtle aboutt it. I could feel my nipples involuntarily hard and felt relieved knowing he couldn’t see them through my bra.

Dan reached beneath the table and squeezed my leg hard, very hard. He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, loud enough for Brandon to hear. I don’t think I’d ever heard his voice sound so hard and cold, and I’d hear it cold plenty of times before. “I think Brandon needs a latte too, Sweetheart. I think you should go order one for him.” I started to push my chair back but he still had held of my leg. He dropped his voice even lower before continuing. “And before you come back with it, I want you to go into the ladies room and remove your underwear, understand? All of it. And do it now!”

I couldn’t believe what he was saying. I know my mouth dropped open as I looked at him and he squeezed my thigh again, only this time hard enough to hurt. The pain made it obviously—he was deadly serious and I suddenly knew I had no choice but to do what he said. I looked atBrandon and found no sympathy in his eyes. The look of expectation on his face made it clear his excitement was as high as Dan’s.

I stood up feeling my legs shaking and weak beneath me. I felt like I was in a daze as I walked over and stood in line to order the coffee and in my confusion I tipped the girl $5.00 and told her I’d be back in a minute to pick it up. Walking to the ladies restroom I felt Like a zombie and quickly stepped into a stall. When I tried to unbutton my blouse I looked down and saw my fingers trembling so hard I didn’t think I could do it. I knew I was nearing a point of no return and I leaned against the wall, feeling my breath come in short, labored gasps. I took a few deep breaths to settle myself down and realized that I not only didn’t have the will to alter my course, but was Actually excited by what Dan had ordered me to do.

I took a last, deep breath and began to unbutton my blouse, my fingers sure and quick now. I unhooked my brassiere and slipped it down my arms before folding it and stuffing it into my purse. Reaching under my skirt I tugged my thong down my legs and stepped out of it. ‘My god,’ I thought, ‘what was I doing?’ I knew I should stop this madness but I felt powerless. I pushed the panties into my purse with the bra and opened the stall door. My reflection in the mirror greeted me and I checked to see if I looked as naked as I felt. My blouse was dark enough that my areolas weren’t visible but my nipples were hard and clearly poking through the clingy material. ‘Not too bad,’ I thought, ‘most people probably won’t even notice.’

I left the restroom and headed down the hall towards Starbucks again; acutely aware of how my breasts were jiggling with each step I took. I didn’t see anyone that seemed to be obviously looking at me and was almost to the point of becoming relaxed by the time I got to the coffee stand. The barista smiled and pointed to a cup waiting for me, but as I reached for it I saw her eyes drop to my breasts then quickly back up. She grinned again and turned and I realized she had definitely noticed. I felt my cheeks flush but was secretly pleased by her reaction.

Both Dan and Brandon were watching me carefully as I approached the table, their eyes glued to my jiggling tits. They had changed places while I was gone and Dan now had his back to the room and Brandon was facing me. I sat down in the empty chair and slide the coffee cup in front of him, feeling his leg press immediately against mine as I did so.

“Thank you, Sylvia,” he smiled. “You make a very sexy waitress. The only thing that would be better is if your blouse wasn’t buttoned so high.”

I automatically looked down to see how much of me was showing and as I did his hand reached out and traced a finger slowly down from my neck to the first button. I sat there frozen, hardly believing he would go any farther. I could feel myself getting more turned on as he deftly slipped the top button out of its slit. He opened another one and I was shocked at how warm his fingers felt against my chest. I looked over at Dan and he was staring intently, totally mesmerized by what Brandon was doing. I looked around the room feeling embarrassed and guilty, but since Dan was blocking the view no one seemed to be paying any attention to us. It was a good thing, because Brandon’s hand slipped inside my blouse and firmly cupped my entire breast.

I looked at Dan and could tell he had grown even more excited. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, concentrated on how incredibly good Brandon’s fingers felt as he began to pinch and roll my nipple. Without thinking, I put my hand on his leg and squeezed, wanting him to know how much I was enjoying his touch.

Dan noticed my hand move under the table and knew exactly What I was doing. He leaned closer to us and whispered hoarsely, “Brandon, my friend—I think our sexy Sylvia might be getting a little turned on. Whadda’ you think?”

“I certainly hope so,” Brandon responded. He slipped his hand out of my blouse and put it over mine, pulling it slowly up his leg to his cock. I tried to jerk away but he held on, molding my fingers around it’s hardness with his own. “She can damn well tell I am,” he chuckled. Squeezing my fingers again, he leaned towards Dan. “And I think you’re getting pretty turned on yourself knowing that, aren’t you Dan?”

He released my hand but instead of pulling away I continued to touch his cock, loving the feeling of it pulsing beneath my fingers. Brandon was either wearing boxes or was going commando because I could feel the length of his shaft hanging unconstrained against his thigh. I squeezed it again, trying to gauge its full length.

He slouched back into his chair, giving me easier access to it. He surprised, watching Dan’s eyes as they followed the movement of my arm where it disappeared under the table. “She certainly seems to like what she’s doing, Dan, but I can’t tell if she’s really turned on or not.”

Dan looked at me and smiled. “With Sylvia, there’s one way I can always tell for sure,” he added. “Her cunt never lies.” His voice broke slightly when he emphasized the word cunt, and I felt a frightening chill as he added, “I think maybe you should check it out.”

I couldn’t believe what he just said!

Brandon’s hand moved to my knee. He squeezed it lightly a couple of times then slide it higher, hesitating when it reached the hem of my skirt. He looked at me expectedly and I knew he was waiting for a signal from me. I wanted him to stop, but God, it felt so good and I was so turned on. I looked at Dan; still not sure how far he wanted this to go. A tiny drop of spittle had formed in the corner of his mouth and a thin sheen of perspiration was on his upper lip and I recognized both as familiar signs of his sexual arousal. His excitement was now so evidence I knew he wanted me to continues and that whatever happened next was totally up tome.

Brandon’s fingers slipped under my skirt, slowly and teasingly pushing higher and I knew I should stop him—and stop him now before he discovered just how excited I was.

“My safe-word, oh god, what’s my damn safe-word?” I looked at Dan again, hoping for a sign that would make me remember it. Instead, over his shoulder I saw the little barista walking towards us, absently wiping empty tables as she drew closer. I panicked and clamped my legs together to stop Brandon’s hand just as she caught my eye and winked.

Too late—Brandon’s fingers had reached my bare cunt and was gently pressing against his price. Thank god she didn’t seem to notice what was going on because she turned to walk away and I felt an incredible rush of relief. I closed my eyes and exhausted, realizing that I had been holding my breath since I first saw her. My legs relaxed involuntarily and I arched my back, pushing my ass forward against Brandon’s hand. Dan’s mouth was hanging open and I could hear his breath as he watched my movements and tried to imagine exactly what was happening under the table. With one smooth motion, Brandon’s fingers slipped easily into the hot, slippery folds of my flesh so deep I could feel his ring touch my outer lips.

I was lost. He pumped his fingers into me a few times then withdraw them and began to roll my swollen clip and I felt my need overtake what little control I had left. I tried to squirm away but each movement I made only increased his pressure on my clip. I knew there was no way I could allow myself to reach orgasm, but a wave of heat began to spread through my body so deep and powerful I must have momentarily blacked out.

The next thing I was aware of was Dan pulling me forcedly to my feet.

As we started to walk away he turned to Brandon and smiled, looking extremely pleased with himself. “Brandon, why don’t you come over for dinner this weekend? I’m not sure what Sylvia might cook up for us, but I can assure you it won’t be sushi.”


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