Sydney's Spiral Ch. 02

***This is the second part to my story. Again, I apologize if anything seems abrupt. Enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think!***


The walk back to my apartment, although the distance was short, was the longest walk that I had ever had. Thoughts were racing through my head as I recalled the day’s events. I was shocked at myself for allowing what had happened to happen. I was a private person, rarely going out unless it was for necessary items. On occasion, I would go to the bookstore down the road or to the café where I had just been. Everything was in walking distance, so while I had a car, there was no need to use it. My job was at the library, which allowed me the quiet and peacefulness that I found soothing. Being around the books gave me a sense of security, as they were all I had when I was younger. Both parents were the scholarly type, so books were a way of life for me.

I opened the door to my apartment building and went up the stairs. Opening the door, I began to feel the safety of familiar things. I set down my purse and my bag. There were no messages on the answering machine. I walked back to my room, changed into a nightgown, and climbed into the bed. As soon as I lay down, my eyes closed. Feeling myself slip into sleep, I smiled. Maybe this was the change that I needed. Maybe You were what I needed.

The Following day seemed to drag on and on. Being that it was my day off, I decided to shop. I had a modest salary from the library, but I also had a trust fund that was set up for me by my parents. I rarely touched it, seeing it as more of a retirement fund. Today, however, was a day for shopping, as I had none of the items that You requested me to wear. I got into my car and went downtown to some of the more tasteful boutiques. If I was going to wear something for You, I wanted it to be the best that there was, as You deserve nothing less.

I found the black pencil skirt. It fit perfectly, accentuating the curves of my hips, the pertness of my ass, and the shapeliness of my legs. Moving along to another shop, there was the gray blouse, pure silk and cut to fit me perfectly. There were buttons, yes, but they stopped just above my cleavage, then falling open to reveal my collarbone and my neck. I undid the first two buttons and my eyes widened, the sight of my creamy breasts, plump and full in the cups of my black bra peeking out between the folds of the bloom. The same shop had shoes that were perfection. Black, with a rounded toe, and a 3-inch heel. I stepped into them and immediately felt the sexiness of them.

I took home all my purchases and looked at the clock. It was already 6pm! I rushed to get ready, pulling on the black silk stockings and clipping them to the garter belt I already owned. I remember to leave off the panties and I blushed at the Thought of being nude underneath my skirt. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was shocked to see the woman looking back at me. A beautiful woman, with curves that would make any woman jealous, an ass you could bounce a quarter off of, breasts that were full and soft, and legs that seemed to go on for miles while wearing the saucy heels. I looked below my wait, my pussy was neatly trimmed, and the dark that of hair showed evidence of motivation. I was aroused, looking at myself in this way. My hair was swept up, the dark brown locks streaked with natural blonde. No, I didn’t have to pay for my highlights. I stepped out of the shoes, slipped on the skirt, buttoned up the blouse until there were only two buttons left, showing the cleavage that You requested. Adjusting the pearls around my neck and slipping the earrings into my ears, I took one last look. I was almost statusesque. I touched up my lipstick, grabbed my handbag, and left the safety of my apartment behind.

I walked quickly to the café, hoping to be on time, if not early. I came upon the café and stopped. My heart began to flutter and my handsbegan to tremble. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There You were. You were in a white button up shirt, tucked nicely into a pair of black pants. Your hair was slightly messy, as if it had been windblown. You were sharing easy conversation with the man behind the counter. I stopped before I reached the counter. I didn’t’ know whether to interrupt You, or to wait for You to finish Your conversation. It didn’t matter. The man behind the counter stopped talking and stared at me, drawing Your attention to what he was staring at. You smiled a slow lazy smile. You then looked at Your watch. I was right on time. You nodded to me, giving me permission to approach You. I did so slowly, carefully, not wanting to do anything to displease You. The natural swaying of my hips drew Your attention to my wait and You raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled shyly and You held out your hand. As I took it, You rose form your seat and then began to lead me from to the door.

“I thought tha-that…” I began, confused as to what was happening.

“Hush, little one, and trust Me. I would never do anything that would cause you harm.” You said smiling down at me.

I relaxed at the sound of Your voice. It was soothing, soft, and firm. You led me to Your car, opening the door and helping me into the seat. You shut the door softly and walked around to the other side. Getting into the car, You reached behind You, bringing a box to the front, and laying it in my lap.

“Not yet, My little one, not yet” You chuckled as I stopped trying to open the box. Again, I set my hands in my lap and looked down, not knowing what to say. I wanted to ask where we were going, but somehow I knew that You would keep me safe and that it didn’t matter where we went.


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