This is the sixth in a series of stories about a scientist named Edward Vitello who has in his possession a very, very powerful love potion developed in a secret government sponsored research project that, to his dismay, was cancelled. He is determined to continue the research by doing human trials on a wide variety of selected women.
The chemical is called SX69. It is an extract of Bonobo monkey DNA combined with a molecularly altered Oxytocin from the common shrew. Bonobo monkeys use constant sex as a social bonding tool and female shrews mate for life after one whiff of a male’s unique Oxytocin.
In the first installation, he administratored the potion to a sweet young library name Sarah. The potion worked exactly as it had in the lab and Sarah became a devoted and contented mate, living with Edward. In the second, Sarah introduced Edward to her girlfriend, Mary, from her job at Starbucks. She was brought into the love nest as a second devoted and contented mate. In the third, while traveling in England on business, he seduces his beautiful British lawyer, Gwyneth, to evaluate whether she is a worthy subject for the SX69 trial. Unfortunately, Gwyneth’s sexual makeup made him reconsider, and after much thinking, he decided that they were better off without her as a member of their love nest. In the fourth, brilliant British newspaper reporter, Elizabeth, was invited to his castle and then brought into the happy love nest and became a contented mate. The fifth, had him at Oxford University interviewing two girls of color who were business majors. He chose one, a tiny virgin East Indian beauty to deflower and join his family.
In this story, Edward has a pleasant sexual interlude with his newly deflowered brown girl. Then, he is back at his castle and finds his women are in bad spirits due to the cold, wet English winter. He must punish them to stop the bickering and restore harmony. After their hard-felt lesson, a vacation to a sunny, tropical sex resort is planned.
He always keeps in mind that he is conducting a human drug trial for the SX69 potion. His motto is “I have much work ahead of me combining science and pleasure.”
Enjoy this episode of his scientific quest!
Thanks to larryinseattle for editing it.
SX69 Journal December, 2011
Sunam, my tiny, delicate brown beauty has been Such a great addition to our happy family. She has been so curious about the ways of sexual fulfillment and I have been her dedicated teacher. I knew she would be super the morning after our first night together at Oxford. The moment I awoke in bed with her and sweet Mary, she began kissing my neck and ear. She was gloriously naked beside me. Mary and I were still under the sheets. Sunam’s body is so beautiful. Although she is tiny and weights much less than a hundred pounds, she is in perfect proportion. Her breasts are full and very firm. They are so perky that her hard nipples point a bit upwards. Her waist is impossible thin but her hips are those of a woman, not boyish. As is natural for an East Indian, she has a thick patch of black pubic hair above her pussy but being so young, there is no hair on her cunny lips below. This gives one an erotic view of her bare love-slit. On surveying her body, I naturally grow a stiff erection that made a tent on the sheet covering my loins.
Seeing this, she cooed, “Oh sir, could I please see your pleasure thing?” Mary was awake and immediately slipped the sheet from our bodies, revealing my password for the young girl’s eyes. Sunam viewed it with a wonderful look on her face. “Oh sir, can I please touch it.”
“Of course, my dear.” It was one of the most erotic things that I have ever witnessed as she carefully reached out and first made a tenative touch with the tip of her finger and then slipped all of her fingers around the staff and slowly and delicately stroked my length.
Mary must have also been moved by the sight because she curled her body into my side and began kissing my neck and ear. She purred, “What a beautiful young lady we have brought into our family.”
Sunam said in her sweet child-like voice, “It feels so wonderful.” I could see a clear drop of pre-cum ball at the tip. Watching her tiny manicured hand sliding up and down my cock kicked my primary brain into a frenzy. I thought my granite hard dick might exploit. I grunted like a male animal in rutting season as primary instincts rippled through my body. I was breathing slowly and deeply and my nostrils flared with every breath. The air seemed cool and oxygen-filled. I could smell the distinct cent of her young pussy mixed with the semen on the bed-sheets from the previous night when I opened her virgin cunny for the first time. All I could think about was jumping on her and ravaging that super-tight pussy again.
Fortunately, wise Mary could see what was happening. Mary went up on her knees and looked down at us. “Sunam, let me show you our morning ritual.” Then she turned and went down on all fours with her ass and pussy towards us. I knew instantly what she was doing. She wanted to slow the action to make our love session a more extensive experience. I quickly knelt behind her. My cock was so rock-hard and sticking straight up that I had to painfully push the tip down to find her love hole and plumge as deep as possible. My cock was instantly enveloped in the pleasure of Mary’s wonderfully snug pussy. I could have cum in an instant but instead I frozen and knelt there panting and trying to cool off my lust. Mary knew what was happening and gratefully did not move a muscle even though I knew she wanted to grind her hips until she came. Instead she turned her head to Sunam and said, “Please come and join beside me and offer yourself completely to Edward. If you are lucky, he will ease the burning in your womanhood.”
My heart leaves as tiny Sunam moved in to the left of Mary on her hands and knees. In an effort to fully expose her girl parts, she flattened her chest on the bed and her firm breasts billowed out on each side. Her long mahogany colored hair had fallen over her face and pooled on the white sheets but she took her hand and swept it to the other side so I could see her face looking up at me with a look of total surrender. Her tight buttocks were spread tantalizingly and below the crack I could see the red engorged lips of her pussy beckoning me. The wet sheen of her love juice was on everything, even on her upper thigh. This was a girl in heat. A sudden sense of pleasure washed over me as I realized that this would be mine every morning. I reached over and stroked the soft skin of her firm ass-cheeks. She closed her eyes and a look of pure bliss crossed her face as I ran my hand from one cheese, across her crack to the other Cheek and back several times. What a glorious feeling of power it gave me to know this ass and the beautiful girl it belonged to, were now mine.
I couldn’t wait a second longer. I shifted to Sunam and dipped the tip of my cock to the entrance of her love canal and then grabbed her hips and slowly, very slowly drove my cock into the tightest, hottest pussy one could ever imagine. She started moaning at the first touch of my dick and her moans became higher pitched with every inch as I penetrated that heavenly pleasure sleep until she hit soprano and I hit the end of her vagina. She whipped her long hair from side to side in ecstasy as I penetrated and then we both frozen, panting and enjoying the intensity pleasure. I looked over at Mary and saw her on her back with her hand strumming her pussy in double-time with a sex-hungry look in her eyes. Testosterone shot through my brain and sent an overwhelming urge for me to THRUST. My body had no choice but to obey my carnal instincts. I thrusted and thrusted and THRUSTED. I dimly heard the girl’s screams and cries. I didn’t give a fuck whether she liked it or whether I was ripping her apart. IJust thrusted and thrusted and THRUSTED. My eyes were open but I saw nothing but red and orange flashes. My orgasm was like a supernatural cliff ahead of me and I would surely die if I gave into it and leapt into the oblivion beyond. But I could not stop. I leapt off and over into the unknown and an adrenaline rush of fear washed over me a microsecond before the most spectacular orgasm consumed me. I was screaming ancient words as I came and then fell panting to the bed in a heap between my two beauty. Thank goodness no one was injured.
Sunam was weeping in happiness laying beside me. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. That was the most wonderful experience in my life.” In my frenzy, I had not cared what she thought but it was good that she enjoyed it as well. SX69 is such a potential agent of pleasure for women.
We lay there for several minutes before having a refreshing soap-filled and laughter-filled shower before the Rolls Royce limousine drive us back to our castle north of London.
Dear reader. Don’t you think SX69 would be a boon for all mankind? I believe people would buy the product. If I was to give you a website address to go to and buy it, would you? I think so. Unfortunately after my human trial ends, we will still need another two years in Phase III clinical trials before the FDA will approve it for use in America. But rest assured I am doing what I can to further research into this great discovery.
Back at the Castle
England in December is cold and wet. I could see that the girls were getting out of sorts among themselves. It is understandable since the cool weather means they could not walk around in the nude or ride the horses across the fields in the buff. They never argued in front of me but occasionally I could hear them bickering in another room. One time I could hear Elizabeth yell at sweet Sunam for some petty reason, making her cry. I had to gather the girls in the Grand Hall and teach them a lesson that they would never forget.
I sat in the big leather chair with my four girls on the sofa opposite. They sat themselves in order of their rank; first Mary the former Starbucks barista, then Sarah the library, then Elizabeth the newspaper journalist and last, Sunam the businesswoman. They were all wearing long dresses and warm woollen sweaters to survive the weather.
In a commanding voice, I said, “Ladies, I am very upset with the bickering that I am hearing. It must stop, right now.” They all looked down shamefaced and contribute. “As the head of this family, I must bring order to the group by punishing you all. I don’t want to single anyone out. You are all in this together. So I am going to spank each of your asses in turn, to teach you a lesson. Get over here Mary and lay across my knees.” She obediently walked to me and drawn herself over my knees. “Now lift your dress.” With both hands she raised her skirt above her waist, fully exposing her firm womanly naked buttocks. As expected, she wore no panties. I rested my hand on the smooth, soft skin and turned my eyes to the others. “I do not enjoy doing this but we must not allow bad feelings to grow in our circle.” I looked down at Mary and said, “Mary, you are the first ranked woman of our family. It is your responsibility to keep order. Do so in future.” I gave the cheeses of hers a good slap and the sound rang Through the castle. Then, I gave another nine quick hard slapse until her ass was bright pink. I could hear gasps and see the others were wide-eyed on the sofa. There was a small sob from Mary but she bravely held in her tears. “Okay Mary, you can get up and return to the sofa.” She pulled down her dress and then to my surprise she went to her knees and kissed both of my feet.
“I am so sorry, sir. This will never happen again. Please forgive me.”
“Okay Sarah, it’s your turn.” With head down, Sarah crossed the floor and positioned herself on my knees. Without prompting, she raised the skirtof her dress and revealed her snow white firm ass cheeks for her punishment. I gave her ten sound whacks that left a bright red strip across the bottom half of her cheeks. It almost broke my heart to hear her crying and feel her chest heaving with her sobs against my legs. “Okay, Sarah, join the others.” From Mary’s example she went to the floor and kissed my feet.
“Now, Elizabeth get over here.” She hesitated just slightly. An outside observer would not detect it but when you are around women that are totally obedient, a small bit of stubbornness stands out like a sore thumb. Elizabeth has that ounce or two of stubbornness in her. But that is fine just so long as it doesn’t disrupt the harmony of the group. She walked over and dragged herself on my legs and raised her dress as required. Her ass is so different than the others. It is muscle, narrow and without an ounce of fat. A true yoga butt. It is nice that one can see her pussy easily between the tight small cheats. I gaveher ten strong slapses and her bum is so firm that my hand was hurting when I finished. But her ass was just as red as Mary’s and Sarah’s. I noticed that her pussy got very wet and she did not shed a tear. What is it about the Brits and spanking? “Okay, Elizabeth, join the others.” She got up and walked to the others. Mary gave her a stern look and motioned back towards me with her head. Elizabeth got the unspoken message and returned and went to her knees and kissed my feet before turning back to the sofa.
“Okay Sunam it’s your turn.” I knew sweet Sunam was not one of the girls making problems. She is always so happy. But I had to do this lesson as a group, equally. She was wearing a traditional Indian sari silk wrap and when she stood up she just unwrapped it and stood there totally and gloriously naked. She brought her hands together in a praying position in front of her perky breasts and bowed deeply at the wait in the Indian way. I wanted to hug her, not spank her but I knewI must do my duty as the alpha male. She gracefully walked over and delicately draped herself over my knees. I placed my left hand in the small of her back and my right spanned the crack of her firm ass. I could not help sprouting a stiff woody as I looked down at her naked, perfect body. She turned her head to me and looked into my eyes and gave a knowing smile. I knew she felt my password against her stomach. I gave her ten rather milk slaps on the butt and it was only slightly pink when she rose from my knees. As I expected, she also went to my feet and kissed each several times.
When Sunam left my knees, all the girls could see the tent on my pants from my arousal. As one and without a word, they stood up and disrobed and walked to my leather stuffed chair. Mary and Elizabeth sat on the arms and started unbuttoning my shirt while Sarah and Sunam took care of removing my pants, underwear, shoes and socks. In the Bonobo primary troop in the jungle, sex is the social bonding agentt. The tiff we were having had made all the girls insecure and we needed intimate physical contact to put us back on the road to harmony. The over-stuffed chair became the site of a remarkable touchfest and fuckfest. We started with a touchfest where ten hands searched for and stroked continuously the skin of the other nine. Not a single square inch of anyone’s body was not touched and caressed with loving and nursering care. We were a ball of five people who melded into one with hands constantly in motion and bodies rubbing against one another. We were a twisting Rubik’s cube of love with an endless combination of hair and skin colors. My heart leaps with joy as I remember it. My eyes were half-closed though as I drank in the sensings. I could see the others had their eyes fully closed and had a look of pure rapture on their faces. From deep in their throats, I could hear soft purring like that from contented cats.
There was a natural progression to the fuckfest as the touching evolved into kissing and struggling centered on our genital areas. It’s odd that SX69 women prefer not to kiss on the mouth but rather over the rest of the body with an emphasis on the neck, ears, feet and crotch. So our touching turned to grouping and the purring sounds of our group turned to moaning. As I felt each pussy, I could feel them getting wetter with their arousal. Hands from four different beauty carefully stroked my cock and cupped my balls. Then, two at a time, they would knee on the floor and lick my cock and balls while the other two were nibbling my ears and sensitive nipples. What an incredible sight, to watch them lick my dick like it was a delicious lollipop until it gleamed with saliva and their heads bobbed up and down as they deep-throated my manhood. Next, I sat with my pole as erect as possible and in turn each Girl squatted over my lower body and lowered her hot pussy and impaled herself on my weapon. As each humped me, I took two handsfuls of their glorioustits and tweaked their diamond hard nipples. Each pussy was different. Each set of tits was not the same. My girls were so turned on that it only took a few grinds and hums of our sex before each screamed out an earth-shattering orgasm. It was a miracle or maybe just daily practice that I was able to not cum until the last, tiny Sunam, was bouncing on my cock. Her pussy is so tight and hot that it simply milks your dick until you cum. It helped that Mary was licking my balls as Sunam was grinding her pussy. My cock plumbed her cunny to its ultimate depths. Screams of my ecstasy rang through the castle when I came. I thought I would die of pleasure. We all collapsed into a huge ball of naked humanity completely satisfied and as one once again. SX69 is such a powerful peace maker.
As we recovered our senses, I told the girls an idea that had come to me. Why don’t we go to a tropical sex resort with clothing optional rules and get away from this dreary English winter. We can have the freedom to be ourselves and soak up some sun to brighten our mood. The girls were ecstatic about the idea and Elizabeth and Sunam volunteered to find a super-luxury resort and make the arrangements.
I will sign off this journal entry now and write another after our vacation to a ten-star, tropical sex resort.
As always, I am reminded of my motto. “I have much work ahead of me combining science with pleasure.”
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