Switching Date Night

We all have our roles in life, whether as a parent, an employee, a team mate, … we all have them and get used to the format of our own routine and comfort blanket. Some roles can be confusing, frequently changing, and even evolving as we age and develop new interests and skills. However; my role, certainly away from the day to day life and usual struggles, has always remained fairly consistent! I knew fairly early on that I’m some what submissive to certain ideas and attitudes. This role is me, and sure it’s developed many times in regards to my interests, limits and generally maturity, but I am what I am, and any changes to that have always felt highly unlikely. It’s what I know, what I love, and nothing that I would set out to change.

So… I guess this brings me on to Stephanie!

Now I’ve had various relationships over the years… some far more extreme or vanilla than others, but Stephanie seemed completely different. Beautiful, driven, incredibly sexy whilst just alittle mouthy and out spoken! She not a girl you’d call a Mistress or an out and out Domme, but she has such an incredible way about her that you can be talking about the weather or shopping, and then within in a second you’d want nothing more than to drop to your knees and crawl in front of her.

I don’t think I’ve ever been quite so open with anyone, sharing not only my fansies and Desires but allowing such an emotional connection and level of trust to be able to completely be myself, and better still I could feel the same from her. Sure… There are always the occasional ideas we may keep to our self, but where would be the fun in giving away everything.

So that brings my swiftly on to our latest Friday night. The Friday date night had become a regular thing, an opportunity to get out of the house, have a meal and a few drinks, usually picking a bar and restaurant we hadn’t been to before, venturing further and further out of town each week as we searched for new placesto explore.

I sent Steph the post code to my selection of bar around 3pm, as I got to that stage of the day where I was at work, but not really working. With a table booth booked for 7, it gave her plenty of time to get ready and get there without having to rush. I had no real agenda for the evening, but what was unusual, especially for a Friday, I was very relaxed. Work had been pretty easy going, with little stress mounting up on my desk, very few stupid questions from colleagues draining my will to live, the perfect way to start the evening. So I popped down to my car, grabbed the shirt and jeans I had left hanging in the back seat and got changed ready for an evening out.

Knocking off work with plenty of time to spare, and abandoning the car at work for the night as planned, I took up an offer to pop to a local pub for a quick beer or two first, sure that I was leaving my self plenty of room to jump in an Uber to meet Steph, … well… that didn’t go quite as planned,Although in fairness I could, and probably should have predicted that before hand, as would anyone that knows me 🤦♂️

Laughing and joking with the guys in the pub, I kind of lost interest when they started flirting with a group of young ladies. The joys of single work mates, so at that point I had a quick look at my phone and realized I may have stayed a little later than planned. It was only 7, so quickly hit the Uber button and headed off. Ordinarily arriving 20 minutes late wouldn’t be too much of an issue, however the phones off rule for date night didn’t help as I tried to give Steph a bit of advanced warning, and was met with an answer machine.

Now I consider myself a fairly intelligent guy, and pretty quick at picking up on signals, so you’d think the “she’s really fucked off with me” look on Stephanie’s face as I walked in might have given me a hint that… well, she’s pretty fucked off with me! But I honestly didn’t notice… I walked up to the booth, escorted bythe waitress, and my face must have completely lit up.

Steph’s bright rose red hair was straight, flowing over her shoulders, her neck and chest almost completely exposed down to a low cut flowing silver dress, and as sat facing out if the booth, her nude stockings revealed the tiniest hint of a suspender clip as if put there intentionally to torture me. You’d think the angle tapping of her long red nails on the table would really have dropped the hint of being upset at having had to wait, what had ended up being 30 minutes for me to arrive, when I was meant to have been there before her… but no. It wasn’t that either.

As the waitress started to turn, leaving me with my beautiful queen, I lent in to give Step a kiss. This was met with a thrust forward and firm grab of my balls. My sudden gasp for breath, and potential girly scream must have been heard by the young girl just a few feet behind me.

“Are you fucking kidding?…” then not a word, as Steph just stared atme.

Needless to say, the apologies quickly started flowing, and continued throughout our dinner and early part of the evening.

Stephanie and I had what you might call a female led relationship, but that would never have been noticeable to the general public, certainly not unless she wanted it to be, and tonight was clearly going to be one of those nights.

Ordering dinner, she completely spoke over me, ordering my food for me without any consultation, choosing my drinks, and basically taking every opportunity to put me in my place as she could. The waitress who started off shocked, seemed to smile more and more with each time she came to our table, with finally a full giggle as my gorgeous girlfriend ordered her ‘Princess’ a girl cocktail of the waitresses choosing.

After dinner, and as the drinks started flowing, Stephanie had clearly forgiven (possibly forgotten) my slight lateness, and we relaxed, laughed and joked through out the night. Her dress appearedto very innocently creep up higher and higher on my side, knowing full well that she was causing a throb and ache leading me to reposition myself and squirm on the leather seating.

I started clock watching a little, considering the time, and the need to get a cab back home. Friday night is often a pain trying to get a ride home. Steph put my hand back down to my thigh and whispered a semiconductor “don’t worry… we’re not going home tonight”. I gave a slightly inquisitive smile and kissed her gently on her neck.

Shortly after Steph took me by the hand and led me up to the bar. I swear despite the music playing and usual noise from couples and groups chatting away, I could only hear the tap of her heels marching me off across the wooden flooring above everything. She ordered a couple of shots, and then reached around behind me sliding my wallet from my back pocket. Settling the bill, she handed me a shot, cheers the glass, and dragged me along towards the exit as I barely had achance to knock it back and place back on the bar. She discreetly slipped the waitress a tip on the way out and then tossed my wallet over her shoulder for me to clumsy catch with my other hand.

A cab pulled up, clearly ordered without me even knowing, and she ushered me inside the back seat. As the taxi drive away she flung a leg over me, straddling facing me and started to kiss me like a horny teenager on a first date. I sat there unable and unwanting to move as her hands held my throat and nails scratched down my chest.

After a fairly short trip, the taxi pulled up in front of a well lit fancy looking hotel. We jumped out of the car, ignoring the cheese Indian accent wishing us a nice evening, from the driver, and again she led me inside. Approaching the desk, she camly checked in and collected a keycard for our room, Suddenly acting as sober as a judge, with such innocent. Finding our way through the maze or corridors, we made it to our room and I was pleasantly surPrised by the decor and spatial layout. As I realized one of our bags was already on the bed, the level of preparation for our evening became slightly more evidence, as Steph ushered me inside and pushed me down on the bed telling me to strip as she walked off to the bathroom with the bag.

The anticipation of what may come next was starting to peak in my mind… as a submissive guy to Stephanie there isn’t much that we haven’t tried together. Even when I’ve been unsure, Steph has had her ways to tempt and encourage me to try in her own special charming ways.

As I continued to lose my clothes, in that typical male fashion, rolling around the bed, all of a sudden Stephanie opened the bathroom door. The uplighting behind her projected her as an absolute angel. She stood in front on me between the doorway in a beautiful red Basque lace top with matching stockings and suspender belt. Her breasts pressing tight in her top, and pussy completely hide and exposed in clear view. AsShe stood there with one arm raised into and against the door frame I noticed a far more cute cheeky look across her face than what I’d grown to expect over the years. A slight vulnerability almost, far more playful than what you’d usually expect from someone about to cause a degree of pain or dominance.

Ripping off the last sock, and tossing aside, Stephanie slowly and strictly walked over to me, her heeled feet crossing with every step.

I was sat up towards the end bed, legs spread over the corner, cock now fully erect without me even noticing. “Tut tut tut… you may wish you made it on time for our night out Princess!” Playfully stating as she placed a finger over my lips.

Stephanie strood between my legs and started to kiss me once more. Each time I raise my hand to touch her, she pushed them straight back down. I was so desperate to touch her, to feel the lace against her skin, and became more and more frustrated each time she prevented me.

As she pulled away, she tugged my arm and with a degree of forced turned me over, almost pushing me down to my knees at the same time. As she continued to position me how she wanted I was left face down bent over the bed, legs remaining parted and with her hand at the back of my neck firmly holding me in position

Suddenly, without a word spoken I received a firm loud smack to my left arse chef. The slapping sound echoed throughout the room, and if that couldn’t be heard by a neighboring room, then I’m sure my moans of pain must have been. As the second strike rose ready to connect I feel myself squirm, as if hiding away. Again Stephanie tried to reposition me, but again as instinct took over I wriggled slightly evading the assault.

After a stern word I promised to stay put for the next 19 hard loud and Direct hits to both of my now burning red cheeses. Stephanie retired back to her bag at the foot of the bed. I went to move, only to be stopped by a glare and told to get back whereI was. My head turned towards her as I watched Stephanie raise with long bamboo type cane. Nothing too fancy, just that the typical implementation grows surely for the intention of causing pain on an evening such as this.

Resuming my position, my usual level of obedience just wasn’t the same. I continued to wriggle and move, flinch or just generally be a bit of a brat lol.

As her frustration peaked I was Hit with one very hard swipe of the cane, the kind accompanied by the long swooshing sound that you hear long after impact! Instantly I jumped up, and was hoping around the room as if a complete novel to such force. Stephanie sat in fits of laughter as I rubbed my bum trying to cool down the burning line stamped across me.

Then… something happened! Something which started as extremely playful, but still completely out of character for us both.

“Oh really… shall we see how you like it Stephie!”… as I playedfully snatched the cane and started chasing her around the bed. Once I had managed to pin her down, I quickly flipped her over, having to use some force to keep her there, and gave her a few quick spanks with the cane. Surprisingly her reaction wasn’t quite what I expected… the laughter stopped, and there were a few gentle moans as she slowly wriggled her grogeous ass around. My need to hold her down with such force dramatically reduced, but the force I used seems to Increase. I moved off of her, whilst keeping her face down on the bed, and dragged her by one ankle towards the edge so that her toes only just touched the floor, tensing her cheeks and thighs more and continued with the fairly light hits across her.

Suddenly I found myself talking in a completely foreign language… “who’s the little slut now, wanting her ass caned?” I asked rhetorically. I found myself grasping her hair, and whipping the cane across her with more and more force. I repeatedly asked her if she liked being my sexy little whore, taking a cane to her ass. The suddenly as I heard her words, they caused my cock to grow harder than it had, since she first stood in the doorway, they shot through me, and I there was no turning back. “Yes, yes please…” as she continued to moan.

I was creating such an amazing pattern of beautiful raised red lines on Stephanie’s ass and tighs before throwing down the cane and replacing with fierce strikes from my bare open hands, holding my hand in place and squeezed after each slap.

Eying her bag beside me, I left her to recover for a few seconds, warning her not to move. Grabbing a length of red rope I began to restrain my new toy as a perfect decoration to match to outfit. I secured her thighs and ankles of each leg tightly together forcing her to be up on her knees, before pulling her arms behind her back so that each hand was stretched across the opposite forearm. Finishing her bonds with a cross pattern around her waist I finally picked her up and carefully sat her down on the floor.

As she looked up at me, her eyes were red, not to suggest she was upset, or had enough, but more fueled with pleasure and the pain she’d received so far. Part of me wanted nothing more than to stop and cuddle her, but I knew not only could she take more, but I wanted to use her so much more first. I held out a gag, dangling in front of her. She motioned to try and take it in her mouth, before I quickly Corrected her… “No dear… I need those sexy lips before I gag you!” As I spoke I stepped towards her and tapped my throbbing hard cock against her lips. Her desperation to take it inside her mouth was clearly evict as she reached out gasping, as if she were a needy who starved of cock. Finally I avoided my grip of her hair into my fist and push my throbbing head between her lips. I told her to keep her eyes on me, as I started to pump my cock deeper and deeper inside her mouth.

Squirming in her bonds, I feel myself get more and more carried away, almost forgetting her need to breathe. As I pulled my cock from her lips I heard the strong and suddenly gasp for air as saliva fell from her lips and the tip of my cock drooling down her body. Almost instantly I pushed my self inside her again… fucking her mouth repeatedly, before holding it deep to the back of her mouth. As I heard my beautiful Stephanie gag and spurt more saliva from her lips, I couldn’t help but have a giggle inside, Remembering all those comments and references to how small and useless she had declared my cock to be.

Feeling my self get too close, I backed away and fastened the gag in place, making sure to remind her just her desperate she had wanted it before. Once secure I continued to rub my soaked cock over her cheats, completely getting off on the sudden power exchange as I watched her squirm clearly still wanting her mouth fucked.

I moved behind her placing my arm over her should gripping on to the ties around her waist, with my other hand stretching behind and underneath covering her pussy, I picked up my plaything in one swift movement. I dropped her onto the bed face down, and told her to stay there! She was quite obviously not going anywhere, and my dropping her was not quite as intentional as I’d made out, but there wasn’t, and really couldn’t have been much protest.

I grabbed my jeans and a jacket, flicked the lights off left the room.

Angain This act of abandonment hadn’t really been planned or even thought of as a little emotional or phsycological act… it was more of a case of me wanting a few minutes to compose myself. I walked to the end of the hallway and out to a balcony which I’d eyed up on the way in as a perfect smoking area. Stephanie hated me smoking around her and especially before any, shall we say close contact. However, I thought I’d take Fall advantage of my moment of dominance!

Leaning on the balcony enjoying my cigarette in the cool air I wondered how far I could take this? How rough I should be? Then had those doubts of is she really enjoying this, or have I completely broken our trust and bond! As much as there was poorly a few seconds of concern, if I’m being completely honest, it didn’t last… I suddenly pictured her there in the dark, helpless, abandoned, used, and knowing full well that I was going to really enjoy myself for the rest of the night.

I was in no rush, and casually walked back down the corridor after carefully flicking my cigarette in to the night sky. I bleeped the card against the door and entered without a word. Steph was moaning and howling for a few seconds started and panicked by the entry, perhaps I’m sure rather relieved too. I flicked the light on, and watched as she squirmed trying to avoid the brightness as her face watched me from the side like a girl who had been trapped in darkness for a year.

I dimmed the light half way, disrobing my clothes as I walked up behind her. Her toes pointing up in the air in front of me, and pussy and ass in full view and unrestricted access was like having one of those Viagra shots that flash up on every porn site. I learned forward and placed my mouth around one of her big toes, massaging it my tounge as my hands explored the outside of her bound thighs. As I rose off of her toe, I placed a slow lick down the sole of her foot. The sudden ticckled sensing sent a rush of panic through her body! Obviously I Couldn’t resist exploiting that for just a few seconds as I ran my finger tips over the soles of both her feet, hearing the muffled screams through her gag forced me to stop, as I immediately slide my tongue over her cute tight little ass hole that had been staring at me. I know just how much Step loved her ass licked like that, just as she did what followed, as I lowered my self to lick deep between her moist lips.

I couldn’t resist, I had to continue, and pressed my tongue inside her, and then back and forth over her swollen clip. This position was incredible, and the taste of her pussy was driving me crazy. I knew I was getting carried away, and as Steph’s moans became louder and fast I knew she was ready to orgasm, surrendering to the pleasure I was allowing her. She tried frantically to thrust back towards me until finally the muffled yet familiar scream burst through her gag. Instantly I pulled away, removing any contact except for the lightest breaths I tortured her with. She attempted to plead for more to avoid the inevitable ruined teared orgasm she expected, needed and so desperately craved.

Again I teased her ass a little more, helping to tease while recover from her torque, before reaching for the rather large steel plug I had stopped in her bag, that she had no doubt purchased for me this evening.

Applying a general drip of lube, I worked the plug over her ass and began to press firmly inside her. As I held it at its thickness point, watching her be stretched, I let go and let her pull it inside her and her muscles clenched around the steel.

As much as I was completely enjoying myself, my throbbing and aching was building up and becoming unbearable. I swiftly flipped her over and drove my cock deep inside her open, exposed pussy, pressed deep and holding it there. I could feel her pulse with my cock inside her and knew she wouldn’t last long before an orgasm took over.


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