The first message from Roman and subsequent investigation of his online profiles made me quite sure that I wanted to do very dirty things with this man. We quickly settled a meeting time. I couldn’t help but laugh when he showed up at my door. He had three good sized bags of what I presumed to be toys in tow. We sat down and talked since we’d kind of skipped over the gettingting to know you part earlier. He showed me his toys, many of them crafted by him personally and I knew we were in for a hell of a day.
He pulled out a particularly vivid looking impact toy which he called a dragon’s tail. He was a tapered strip of leather attached to a wooden handle. I was curious to its effects so he had me expose one of my breasts. I heard the crack of the whip and a sharp pain on my breast. He told me it hadn’t been a good shot, so he took another. This one connected more thoroughly, but split my skin open. I quickly decided there would be no more of this toy as blood started seeing to the surface.
He was very sweet and apologetic, assuring me it had been a complete accident. He even went so far as to play nurse and put some ointment on. Surprisingly, it never really hurt and I told him I wanted to keep playing. He had a delightful collection of floggers and paddles. Being that my first flogging had only been a few days previously, I wanted to start out slowly. He had an absolutely gorgeous, handmade, Japanese silk rope floater that he selected first. It was much longer than mine, and had been knotted in the middle. The first blow fell and I was surprised. It was heavier and more intense than mine. But it was by now means too much and I spread my legs for him. Each strike moistened my cunt a little more. And then he’d catch my lips with the ends of the ropes. He was very good at flicking it, it was like getting snapped with a towel in the locker room, but on my cunt. Then he stopped abruptly. The handle had come off the flogger, rendering it useless.
Not toWorry however, he had plenty more. He chose, what was, in his opinion, the next softest. It was a redneck fabulous implementation. He’d taken 18 inch strips of denim and bound them together. I readied myself and screamed at the first hit. It was most definitely not soft. Over and over he flogged. I’ve noticed I have certain spots that are more sensitive than others and he seemed to be able to sniff them out. I’d kind of falling from the couch to the floor, but still had my ass exposed. I would push it up or pull in, trying to expose areas that weren’t as raw. By now, every hit had me screaming, especially when he hit the backs of my thighs. He paused momentarily, only to select his wooden paddle. It was a pretty standard paddle, about 14 inches long, and smooth. My ass was sore and inflamed, but was so far lacking the singing and burning that is derived from a paddling.
His hits were quick and hard. He struck my cheats, my legs, even forced my legs further apart to swat at my pussy lips. I’m discovering there is quite a range between how much pain is plesurable for me and how much pain I can handle. This was well beyond the plesurable stage and was boring on unbearable. When it boils down to it, I’m not much of a masochist. Finally I did give in, I collapsed and said I’d had enough. My ass was singing, even sitting back on the carpet was painful.
Roman is a huge proponent for male chatity and even practices self imposed chatity. He had wanted to come over caged up but I decided. After his show of dominance, however, he decided he wanted to switch and asked to put his cock cage on. Now Roman is submissive like I’m submissive. He still controls what is done, and its all about his pleasure, whatever it takes to get him there. So I agreed. He strutted back out of the bedroom, cock locked up and handed me the key. He went back in the bedroom and I hid the key in the freezer. Then we brainstormed on what we wanted to do. I tried not to let him know that I washesitant to use a stick on right away, as I’d only actually used one once. So we decided that we would start with some fingering and prostate play.
Roman’s main kink is being restrained and he has a myriad of homemade bonds. Once I’d figured them out, I had him bound facedown on the bed, pretty thoroughly immobile. But now I had an issue, I wanted to stick my fingers up his ass, but I didn’t want my long nails to cut him, so I decided to run to the store. I left him, still tied up, waiting for me. The store was a quick trip and I was back in about 15 minutes. He was a delightful site to come home to. I knew there was nothing that he wanted more than for me to put that glove on and push a finger inside him.
So I did, a glove, some lube, and a firm insertion. He moaned as I did. He asshole wasn’t as vice like as some of the other men I’ve encountered which was a pleasant surprise for me. I immediately found his prostate and started rubbing it. He began moaning and bucking hiships like a bronco. I could feel room for more, so I inserted another finger. He’d told me that he’d never cum this way and I was determined to make him. I have never had a partner, male or female so animated as Roman. I’ve promised next time that he will be saran wrapped for the sheer reason of keeping him still. He could not keep still, he was grinding my fingers, then trying to escape from them. I tried sitting on his legs to pin him down, but he was stronger than he looked and it wasn’t much use. I knew I had him on the edge and I wanted that release. Finally after struggling to probe him, he told me that he could never cum with the cage on. He was edged, but would not release. I was extremely disappointed, as I’ve been able to illicit a prostate orgasm from a caged man in the past. So we untied and removed and took a little breather and several smoke breaks.
I knew he wanted the strap on, so I put it on while he was rinsing the sweat off of him. His harness was absolutelybeautiful. I was handmade black leather, with little pink ribbons. I selected the smallest of his dildos, which was still a good seven inches or so and strapped it on. I took the time to snap a picture, which has already been posted. He came out, not knowing what I had on, as I still had my dress on. We went over to the bed and he lay on his back this time. I wasn’t done with my fingers, I still wanted him to cum. He agreed to forgo the restraints. I love tying and being tied, but to me, the purest form of submission is when the submission partner maintains a position even though they do not want to.
I spread his legs and moved closer to him. I’m fairly sure he feel the hard rubber cock through my dress as I moved up. I lubed my fingers again and plunged in. After about 30 seconds, I was wishing I had the restraints, it was Like being at a damn rodeo. I moved closer to try and gain some control, but to no avail. He knew the straw on was there, and I knew he wanted it. So I pulledoff my dress and sat there naked, save for a nice sized cock. I coated it with lube and pushed the head against his pumped asshole. Roman really does have a beautiful ass for a man. In it went with a satisfying pop. I held it there for him to accompany before I started slowly thrusting. My inexperience and lack of flexibility quickly made the position difficult for me and I had him get on all fours instead.
I pushed in again, no hesitation this time. I wanted his loosening asshole to swallow this cock. And it did splendidly. I’d almost met my match as an anal slut. I started thrusting harder, long, deep strokes. He was moaning, but staying relatively still. I went harder, grabbing his ass like so many men have grabbed mine. I slammed into him time and time again. God I felt so powerful. As he was wont to do, Roman had a suggestion, he wanted to ride me. I was slightly unnerved by the idea but agreed.
I lay on my back, erect phallus sticking up as he lowered himself on to it. He began riding, sliding up and down on my cock. I grabbed his small dick and began struggling it. I was bound and determined to make this man cum. As I stroked harder, he rode harder. We were both covered in lube, and a few of my own fluids. He looked at me as he came. My hand working his dick, my cock in his ass. I made the mistake of not aiming very well and ended up with his cum all over my body and face. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. I don’t even let doms give me facials and now I’d ended up with the submissive partners cum all over me.
Another shower, another smoke break and we’d regrouped. I lay on the bed and toyed with myself as he smoked. He had a g-spot attachment for my magic wand that he insisted I try. I came in 30 seconds, squirting everywhere. Up to this point, I hadn’t had much luck in self inflicted squirting so I was quite delighted. He had me do it at least 2 more times before I took a break. I had other things I wanted to pursue.
He had a10 inch dildo that I was determined to take. He knew his little dick wasn’t going to do anything for me, so he donned the strap on. I lay back and he pushed it in my soaking cunt. It bottomed me out immediately with a couple inches to spare. I was a little too big for my cunt, I have to agree. He couldn’t fuck with the force he wanted as it kept hitting my cervix, which is extremely painful for me. My moans of pleasure were intermingled with the occasional scream of pure pain. So he swapped it out for a smaller one, only 8 inches. I did a little better, but not much. I’ve been fucking too many poorly endowed men lately and my vaginal depth has suffered, I suppose I need to exercise more. I came once, painfully and decided that was enough. I really wanted that big one in my ass anyway.
Roman cleaned off the dildo and I bent over this time, he lubed it well and pushed it against my pumpered asshole. I hadn’t had much in it all day, a finger here and there but that was it. The headpopped in and he pushed deeply. It felt fantastic, there was no bottom here, but there was definitely a point of depth where it became extremely uncomfortable. In and out his fake cock went, I suppose its hard to be truly dominant when one is wearing a cock instead of using their own but he made a go of it. He was fucking me hard and slapping my ass even harder. My fingers found my clip and worked feverishly. I felt the tension building and I begged for harder. It was granted and I exploded. There was very nearly a puddle on the bed. I could feel how stretched open my ass was and I wish we’d taken the time to capture that.
I begged for the bigger dildo, so he put it on and lubed it up. I’m pretty sure we went through half of a large bottle of lube that day. The head penetrated my stretched ass easily and he started sliding deep. At about 7 inches of it, it started becoming uncomfortable, but I was determined so I told him to keep going. He thrust in and out, trying to loosen me,working it in, inch by inch. The deepest we got was about 8 inches of it, maybe a little bit more. So I stopped focusing on the depth and just enjoyed the width of this massive cock. It was far bigger than any mans would be, particularly Roman’s. Every time he pulled out, I could feel my ass just divided open to the world. It was amazing. I honestly don’t remember if I came or not, I probably did. But we ended our marathon session with my asshole thoroughly stretched.
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