Sweet The Pain Of Love

Oh you just love to play, don’t you Jeanette. When the mood takes you, then you know just what you want and how to get me to deliver. Sometimes you want it rough, painful, and we have worked out scenarios to satisfy your needs, to feed your hungers.

When you stepped into the kitchen as I drank my coffee, I knew instantly what you had in mind. You were wearing the schoolgirl outfit, the short pleated skirt over white knee socks, and a crisp white blouse.

You walked up to me, pressing close, your face near mine.

“Oh sir,” you say, breathhily, “I forget to do my homework again, but if you let me off I’ll make it up to you.”

I feel your hand slide up my leg, your fingers cup my balls through my clothes and stroke them gently. I feel myself growing hard under your touch.

“Jeanette!” I say harshly, “You have been warned before about not doing homework and then trying to get around male teachers like this. It will not be tolerated. Come to my study at break!”

“Yes, sir.” You say, as I stride out of the room. I go down the passage and into the small room we have fitted out for our little games. We have all sorts of toys in here, and in our imaginations it can be anything, a doctor’s surgery, a police cell, a dungeon even, but today it is the headmaster’s study.

I cross the room and sit down behind the desk opposite the door. In a few moments, I hear you knock, and I call “Enter!”

You come in slowly, close the door behind you, stand in front of my desk, your hands behind your back, as if protecting that part of you that you know will soon feel the harsh sting of punishment. I ignore you, looking through papers on the desk, both of us playing our parts. Finally I sit back and look up at you.

“This behavior of yours cannot be tolerated, Jeanette. You have had several warnings. Now I’m afraid I must impose a severe punishment. I’m sure you know what I mean by that.”

“Oh sir, please sir, I won’t do it again sir.”

“I’ve heard that too many times to believe it Jeanette. I’m afraid there is only one course of action left open to me.”

I stand, and cross to the punishment stool. “Come here, Jeanette.” I say.

The punishment stool. More like a table than a stool, it stands thigh high, a square padded top on thick wooden legs, each with a heavy leather retaining strap attached, two halfway down and Two nearer the ground.

You cross to the stool, reluctant and slow, playing the part well.

“Remove your underwear Jeanette.” I order.

“Oh please sir, no sir, not on the bare bottom sir!”

“Don’t argue girl! Remove it now!”

You hands go under the short skirt, thumbs in the waistband you slide a pair of panties down your legs and step out of them, dropping them to one side.

“Bend over the stool, Jeanette.” I tell you.

You bend over, the skirt riding high up the backs of your thighs, your stomach resting on the padded top. I walk around to the front, and taking your wrists one at a time, I fasten each securely to a leg of the stool with the leather menacles. I move around behind you.

“Open your legs Jeanette” I order you, and when you do I fasten each ankle to a stool leg with the lower pair of strraps. You are now secured and ready for punishment.

But I don’t punish you straight away, that would be too easy. I make you wait. I sit back down at the desk and make a show of writing in the punishment book. You turn your head to watch me, waiting, the anticipation of what is to follow is a torque in itself. You know it is just role play, that I will stop and release you whenever you ask, but you don’t want to stop me, even though you know that the pain, when it comes, will be real.

At last, I stand up. Slowly I Take off my jacket, hang it on the chair back. I unbutton my shirt cuffs and roll the sleeves up to the elbow. Now I am ready.

I walk over to you, and carefully lift the skirt up over your ass cheeses, baring them to my gaze. You know that it is near, and I see a small tremble of excitement and fear run down one leg. I stand behind you and gaze for a moment, seeing the pale unblemished buttocks, the pink slit of your pussy between the tops of your thighs.

I go to the rack on the wall, where the instruments of pain hang. You crane your neck to watch, to see which I will choose. I run my gaze along them. The rattan cane, queen of inflicted torque, but it will not be used today. I pass over the leather riding whip and the cat whip quickly, they are not suitable for a school fantasy.

I linger between the birch bundle and the tawse, finally taking down the latter. I slap it into my left hand, a thick heavy strap like a razor strip, divided much of its length into two tails. It curls around flesh and inflicts excisite agony. You see what I have chosen and I hear your breathing quicken.

I pass back, out of your vision, and stand to your side, measuring the distance with my eye.I see you tensing as you wait for me to begin.

“You will count the strokes out loud Jeanette. If you miss one, I will repeat it. Do you understand?”

“Ye..yes sir.”

“Very well.”

I draw my arm back, wait one heartbeat, then…..

SWISH….CRACK, the strap smokes across your bare ass cheeses. Immediately a pink band of flushed skin appears.

“One sir.” Your voice is normal, the first stroke is nothing.

SWISH……SMACK. “Two, sir.”

CRACK….the naked flesh quivers and bounces under the stroke.

“Thr…three, sir.” Your voice trembles, the tawse is biting now.

SWISH…CRACK…”Aah…four, sir.” A little gasp of pain that time.

SWISH…SMACK…”UGH!……oh…five sir.” I see your fists clenching. Your buttocks are critic and you wriggle in the restraints.

CRACK….”AAAH!…OOOH!………si…six sir.”

SWISH….SMACK…”OOOH!….OHOOO…seven sir.”

CRACK….”UUUUUUH!…oh god! …eightsir.”

I could stop here, or let up, but I know you would not want that or forgive me easily.


SWISH…CRACK….”AAAAAAH!…..ten sir.”

SWISH…..SMACK….”UUUUURGH!……eleven sir.”

SWISH…CRACK……”AHH!…..twelve sir.”

I toss the strap to one side. I stand behind you again and look. The cheeses of your ass are scarlet, burning. Your pussy is swollen and moisture glistens in it, the flogging has excited you. My cock is like a caged beast, straining against my clothes, demanding freedom.

“Your punishment is over, Jeanette. Now you can make it up to me. Do you want to do that?”

“Oh yes sir, please sir. I I want it so bad sir.”

I step close to you, fumble with belt and zip and push my pants to my ankles. My shorts follow and my cock springs free, hard and throbbing with lust. I put one hand on the small of your back, and take my cock in the other hand. I lean forward slightly and rubb the swollen purple end up and down the wet slit of your cunt, coat it with your slick juices. You moan as the tip rubs over your clipty, then I guide the tip into your entrance and slide it in deep, my belly resting on your crisis ass cheats. You groan as you feel me enter your body.

I give you a few slow strokes, to coat my love piston with your sweet oils, my hard cock glistens with your pussy juice, then I began to fuck you roughly, thrusting hard into you, gripping your hips and pumping the thick cock into your willing cunt as you buck and understand on the stool. I feel you tighten round me as you cum and I let my own load go, pumping hot spunk into you hard and deep in thrust, my hips thudding against you until I’m spend.

I pull out, a thread of thick cum stringing between us for a moment. My juice dribbles out of your open pussy. I unfasten you and you stand, rubbing your sore ass with both hands.

Later, you lie on the bed as I rub soothing ointment into your bottom. It’s been a good day.


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