Sweet Sadistic Psychic Ch. 04

Elizzy here: This is the final part of the series; enjoy!

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Visual novel development was going great! It was almost finished; some of the sex scenes just needed spruced up. And they were so, so invigorating to work on… The paper towel stuffed inside Rosalie’s panties was already wet.

Blake walked into the office at five, just as Rosalie was drawing the blood splatter.

“Howdy, what are…” Blake peeked at the screen and recoiled. Oh, that’s fucked up even for you!”

“I added the iron maiden, so I figured I might as well use it.”

“For that!?”


Blake shrugged. “Well, as long as it makes you and the players happy.”

“There’s one problem,” Rosalie said.

“What is it?”

“All this torture porn is making me horny. I’m gonna need to blow some of it off later…”

Maybe today was a good day to try it.

“Fuck it,” Rosalie said. “How do you feel about… a little bit of ball torture?”

“I’m alittle nervous, but… why not?” Blake said. “You said you were really into it, and I’m wondering, uh, how it feels…”

Good. Blake was receptive to it. Hopefully he had enough masochism in him to actually enjoy it.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Five hours of visual novel development passed like a horny blur. By the time she pulled away from the computer screen, everything else looked greenish in comparison from all the red she had been looking at all day.

Blake was upstairs. Probably. She wasn’t paying much attention to the outside world, so he could have been anywhere.

She went upstairs to the bedroom, and Blake wasn’t there. She lumbered back down the stairs and looked around.

Then she made it to the kitchen. Blake was… eating breakfast cereal. At ten at night?

“I’m finished for tonight, honey!” Rosalie said. “Now finish eating your cereal and come upstairs so I can do messed up things to your nuts. Think of it as punishment for having cereal this late.”

Blake stuffed another spoonful into his mouth. “Mmph, just a few minutes…” he mumbled.

“Alright, Blakey. See you upstairs in a few.”

She ascended the stairs again, and went into the bedroom. The sex toys were all in the closet, so she opened it up and started sorting through them…

The leash and pink collar. Yes. Perfect. The black strap-on dildo, this one slightly larger than the last one she used on Blake. Absolutely. Blake was going to need a reward after having his balls tortured, and if he wasn’t really into it after all, it was still a good fallback option.

She took off her pajamas, slid off her panties, and looked for a sexier bra to put on: that black bra and the black strap-on made for a nice combo, so she took off her simple beige underwear and put those on Instead.

After strapping the dildo onto her groin, she tested it by pressing the remote. It vibrated with an intensity unlike anything the previous dildo was capable of. Good.

Sheposed seductively on the bed and waited.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Blake came a little later than she thought he would.

“Oh my,” Blake said when he looked at the straw-on. “Wasn’t this just going to be ball torture?”

“Yeah, but I wanted to indulge parts of you other than just raw masochism. And if your balls hurt too much, I can always give you a long, hard fucking in the ass instead.”

“Fair enough. Let me just take my clothes off, and…”

Blake stripped down to his boxers, then he took those off as well, and he sat at the foot of the bed.

“Are you going to put that on me?” Blake said invitingly, gesturing towards the collar.

“Just hold still…”

Rosalie sat up behind him, pressing the tip of her dildo against his lower back. She reached forward, holding the pink collar, and claped it around Blake’s neck.

“How does this feel?” Rosalie said, giving the lean a little tug.

“I feel like… I’m supposed to do whatever you want.”

“A good feeling to have while collared,” Rosalie said. “I basically own you. How about you serve your dommy mommy and get on your back so I can play with you?”

“Yes, mommy…” Blake said. He scooted to the side, and then lied down with the back of his head on a pillow. His erection and those sweet, fragile balls were right there for the taking.

Rosalie sat between his spread legs, and she touched the tip of his erection with her larger dildo, then slide her tip down his shake before reaching the balls.

She jabbed him in the balls with the dildo, and Blake let out a moan. Rosalie set a hand on his thigh to see what emotions were going through them.

“Oh yes,” Blake said. “That was… good.”

His emotions backed it up. There was very little concern, and a lot of arousal.

Rosalie pressed the dildo against the loose skin of his ballsack, and she pressed it against his body. Hard. His two nuts spread out to the side as her dildo shoved itself between them.

With a sadistic smile, Rosalie pulled tight on the collar.

“How do you feel now?” she asked.


Good. Rosalie jammed the erection into his nutsack harder, twisting it slightly like she was trying to drill into him.

“How about now?”

“Happy… more, mommy…”

Rosalie yanked the leash, making his head jerk up slightly.

“God, I’m such a sadist,” Rosalie said. “And there’s nothing else I’d rather be right now.”

She pulled the dildo away from him, giving his balls some reprieve. However, it wasn’t a long reprieve; Rosalie reached down with both hands, gently pinching each of his nuts with two fingers.

Rosalie massed them, kneeling the tender balls in her hands…

Then she pinched powerfully, squishing them in her grip.


“Too much?” Rosalie asked.

“Keep going…”

She squeezed tighter. There wasn’t any risk of permanent damage. Enough skill was in her touch to make sure of that. ButWhat she could cause was pain and age.

Faint telekinetic forces entered his balls and probed around, seeking out his tubes.

“And a little testicular torsion for you…”

Rosalie’s telekinesis started slowly twisting his nuts, and she disguised it with some clever finger motions. His tubes coiled up, and Blake let out a moan. He was still rock hard…

“It’s safe to keep you in this state for a little while,” Rosalie said. “I can bring you back from it.”

“Thank, ugh, aaahh…” Blake said as she twisted them harder.

With his balls twisted, Rosalie decided it was time to mix in some pleasure. She kept up her telekinetic grip, locking his twisted balls in place as she reached down with one hand and lifted his hips slightly, making his vulnerable ass more prominent.

“Enjoy,” Rosalie said as she slid the dildo into him. His body shuddered as she put it in him, and with every thrust she made, she read his horny emotions. He wanted more.

She vigorously fucked him, sliding her dildo in and out, in and out, in and out, as his balls ached with pain…

Rosalie picked up the remote and turned on the dildo’s victory. Yes. Yes…

It occurred to her that she was neglecting his collar. So she pulled on its leash, choking him from behind. Technically it was strangulation, but choking sounded so much sexier, so she thought of it as choking.

Ball pain. Prostate ramming. Choking. Blake somehow loved it. She could sense it. Fiery arousal was building up inside him, and he was getting closer and closer to orgasm…

“Beg for me to let you come,” Rosalie said. “Beg.”

“Fuck me, mommy… Make me soil the bedsheets and have to clean them up…”

Oh yeah, she forget the towel. Whatever.

“Beg harder,” she said.

“Ram my boypussy, I’ll be your slutty–aaack…” She pulled his collar, cutting off his ability to speak.

“Can’t hear you over the sound of you choking,” Rosalie said with a sadistic smile.

She kept choking him, and his body grew wobbly…

Then he came. His cock started twitching wildly, and his ageized balls and pounded prostate–both of which were without a doubt aching with pleasure–released their fluids, shooting them out of his untouched, flailing cock, which shot out spurt after spurt of cum. Rosalie felt fluids still flowing inside the tubes of his balls; a miracle, given how tightly wound they were.

She kept ravaging him, pounding his boypussy just as he asked, and he let out slutty chased moans as thrust after thrust made him erupt with fluids.

Then as his orgasm slowed, so did she. Rosalie thrusted more and more slowly, and started telekinetically unwinding his nuts, and she made her tight lean pulls weaker and weaker…

Soon, his balls were back in place, his dripping cock was motionless, and her dildo was turned off and pulling out of his ass. Blake took in fast, powerful breaths, gasping for air as his throat became unrestricted.

Somehow, even though she hadn’t came and the visas were constantly teasing her, Rosalie was satisfied. Maybe it was viewing Blake’s own orgasm telepathically that satisfied her. Maybe it was doing the thing she loved to someone she loved. Maybe her pussy wasn’t feeling all that needy today, and her brain was plenty satisfied by the spectacle in front of her.

Blake took in one more deep breath, then spoke.

“Ah… It still hurts… this was so fun, but we can’t do this very often… I don’t think my balls would survive more than one ravaging a week.”

“Sure,” Rosalie said. “I’ll give you over a week to recover. Perhaps Tuesdays can be ball obliteration day for you.”

“Tuesdays are the worst,” Blake said. “Anything that makes them better is fine by me.”

Rosalie bent forward, sliding her dildo back inside him, and she rested her body on his back.

“Oh, don’t forget, you’re gonna have to clean these bedsheets later… But for now, let’se just cuddle, with me inside you…”

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

It was two Tuesdays later, and after finishing the final scenes and getting feedback from beta testers, visual novel development was finally done. The reviews were trickling in. “Most fucked up visual novel of the year” and “My balls hurt just playing this” and “AAAAAAAAAAA were some of the highest scored reviews, all giving a thumbs up.

Rosalie leaned back in her chair, delighting in the positive attention. She imagined a lot of those horny people getting sympathetic ball pain, and some of the other horny players experiencing the same dark urges as her, just masturbating furiously to the fucked up scenes…

Blake walked into the home office as she stuck her hand into her pants.

“How’s it feel to actually have a game out?” Blake said.

“I’m in a great mood,” Rosalie said. “I might…”

The whim struck her.

“I might use my telekinetic powers to torture your nuts. That’s how good of a mood I’m in.”

“Whatever you say, mommy,” Blake said with a laugh.

Raalie put a finger to her forehead and telekinetically twisted Blake’s nuts, making him clutch his groin in surprise.

“Oh!” Blake said. “You…”

“Yeah. Now follow me upstairs so I can annihilate your prostate with my brain.”

Blake obviously followed her. Rosalie wondered if it was a mistake to come out as a psychic, since her little stunt cost her the ability to pull pranks on her oblivious boyfriend, but either way, it was gonna be a fun night. His balls would love this.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Blake, still clothed in his pajamas, sat at the foot of the bed. Rosalie, wearing only a pink bra, stood in front of him.

“So when did you, uh…” Blake said.

“How did I Become a psychic? Just fiddled around when I was younger and found out I was one.”

“That simple?”

“Yeah. Now keep those pajamas on, I’m gonna make you soil them.

She sent a thrust of telekinetic energy into hisass, this time a surge powerful enough for him to notice.

“Ohhhh…” Blake moaned. “Seriously? How did I not know you had telekinetic powers?”

“I can also read minds through touch.”

“That does explain a lot…”

She rammed the telekinetic force against his prostate, railing it like a huge dildo was ruthlessly slamming it.

“Oh yes…” Blake moaned.

His head tilted back, and Rosalie took the opportunity to surprise him with a telekinetic shove. He fell back onto the bed, and she hoped onto the bed as she kept him pinned with the invisible force. Blake didn’t resist. Rosalie was so wet, but she didn’t want to masturbate in front of him. She wanted to demonstrate power. She wanted to arouse him with cute, dignified sadism. She wanted to make him squirm in place. She simply sat cutely, one hand on her chin, occasionally shaking her chest as she waved her other hand back and forth in time with the pounding of his prostate.

Multitasking with telekinesis a little tricky, but she had enough attention span for one more trick at a time. As she kept him pinned and kept pleasing his prostate, she also cracked inside his balls…

And twisted. Hard.

“Oh, yes!” Blake screamed. Good. She twisted a little harder, keeping it up for a short while before unwisting his balls.

She took a break and released her telekinetic force from him.

“Oh that was so good,” Blake said. “More!”

“Only if you beg. But seriously, begging me to hurt your balls? What a masochist you are…”

“More, mommy, please hurt me…”

“Fine, if you really want your psychic mommy to do it, she will.”

She climbed on top of him and sat on his thighs, then telekinetically squeezed his prostate as hard as it could tolerate. Blake’s hips bucked upward from the pain and pleasure; without a doubt, his underwear already had a surge of precum in it. She didn’t both to check. She just squeezed his prostate like a fruit, juicing it forher own sadistic joy.

Rosalie placed one hand on Blake’s chin and read his thoughts and feelings; he was about to come, and he was a little nervous about her reading his thoughts.

“Don’t be nervous,” Rosalie said. “If you’d like, I can tell you what I’m thinking right now.”

“Oh… ah… What are you… mmmm…”

“I’m thinking about your nuts.”

She slipped a hand into his pajamas and gripped his nuts, and she squeezed hard.

Blake came. Rosalie smiled at the growing dark spot in his pajamas and at the white fluid oozing out of it. She kept squeeze his prostate in rapid pulses, encouraging more of his juices to make their escape.

Rosalie was almost ravenous with lust, and it took all her willpower to not masturbate. She had something planned…

As Blake’s orgasm ended, she leaned forward and kissed him.

“Now, Blakey, Blakey, Blakey, my little masochist… I see you came, but I could use a little pleasure myself…

She climbedforward, bringing her dripping pussy just inches above his mouth.

“Make me come and I’ll punish you as much as you like, all night…”

“Yes, mommy!”

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Thank you for reading this strange little series! I hope you enjoyed it.


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