Rosalie awoke when she sensed an exciting dream coming from Blake. She carefully held still, keeping her face nuzzled against the back of his head.
What was the sensing she was feeling in him? It took a few moments for her to fully awaken, and she got a clearer picture of what was happening inside Blake’s sleeping head.
They were hiking on a mountain, and even though there was snow, the temperature was perfect. His pants were down, and he was bent over a small boulder. Rosalie was spanking him, and he loved it.
“Punish me, mommy,” Blake said. That was surprised; Blake never asked to be punished in bed. And he never called her mommy. This was new… Did he try out some new pornography earlier that night and grow fond of it?
And then Rosalie did punish him. A poisoned wooden dildo, made of the same pine wood as the trees around them yet as smooth as glass, slide into his ass. Rosalie couldn’t sense if it was strapped onto the dream Rosalie’s groin or just something she was holding.
Pleasure shot into Blake as it slide effortlessly into his soft ass, and Rosalie felt her own heartbeat start to climb. Without a doubt, there was a raging erection on the other side of Blake. Rosalie closed her eyes and sent some faith telekinetic energy to probe around his groin; yep, he was hard.
She kept happily observing the dream. Dream Rosalie was sliding the dildo in and out of him slowly, and the real Rosalie watched it with so much delight…
Blake groaned in his sleep, and Rosalie wondered if he was about to wake up. But he didn’t. More and more pleasure filled his ass with every moment that passed…
She got an idea. It wasn’t often that she went down there, but she focused a little and pressed just a little telekinetic force against his ass, extending her senses Through it and feeling his tight opening.
The dream intensified in response to her psychic teasing. Rosalie couldn’t help but smile. Blake was almost at orgasm,and all she did was poke him in the ass.
She sent the telekinetic force inside him, feeling around for his prostate, then she found it and gently ticked his sensitive, vulnerable spot in time with the thrusts in his dream. He was just moments from coming. Just moments away…
He came, and Rosalie couldn’t help but shiver in delight. His orgasm pulsed against her mind, inspiring her own little waves of arousal. It was so, so, so wonderful… Rosalie wished it could last forever.
The dream started to fade just as the orgasm started to die down. Reality started filling his mind, rather than orgasm, and Rosalie quickly shut off the telekinetic pleasure.
Blake grumbled. “Ugh…”
Rosalie let out a similar grumble, pretending to wake up herself. “Huh… What is it, sweetie?”
“I… I had the weirdest dream… Sorry, I need to throw these pajamas in the laundry.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I’ll be right here, don’t worry.”
Rosalie turned on the lamp onher nightstand, giving him enough light to stumble out of bed and clean up.
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Morning came, and Rosalie felt energized… and still horny. The fatigue from an entire day of game development was gone.
“Ah… You wake, sweetie pie?” Blake asked as he rolled over to face her.
“I didn’t want to both you last night, but what was that dream about? Must have been a lot of fun.” Feigning ignorance seemed like a good idea.
“Oh, just a sex dream… normal stuff.”
“Well, we all have those,” Rosalie said. “I just hope it was fun. A little unexpected something in your sleep before you have to go back to work.”
“You know today’s Saturday, right?” Blake said.
She checked her phone.
She was generally unaware it was Saturday until now; she thought it was a Friday. Days of the week really did blur together when you worked from home.
“In that case,” Rosalie said, “Looks like we have all day together. Or maybe I’ll go grocery shopping for us.”
“We could use some paper towels and milk,” Blake said.
“Or we could just have fun today,” she said.
“Or that. There are so, so many things we could do… We could cuddle in bed for a bit.”
“I was thinking… something else,” Rosalie said, climbing on top of Blake, sitting on top of the blankets on his thighs. She placed her hands on his blanket-covered chest. A shame she couldn’t read his thoughts through it. It would have been so wonderful…
“I… Maybe tonight,” Blake said. “I’m still trying to process my feelings from that weird dream…”
“Oh.” Rosalie was a little disappointed. “Did you dream about something strange? Did it involve toys?”
“Yeah! How did you know?”
“Just a guess from how you act in bed. All submissive all the time…”
“Well, I do top sometimes…”
“And you’re a subby top,” she said before giggling.
Blake blushed. “Guilty as charged. So, my dream… It was about getting poundedwith a dildo.”
Rosalie smiled. “I’ll buy one for tonight. How big?”
“I dunno. The one in the dream felt huge, but you know, in dreams, space and time are just…”
“More of a suggestion, really?”
“Well, don’t worry Blakey,” Rosalie said as she climbed off him and started getting dressed. “I think I know a place. I’ll go there today, okay? You know, actually, I think I’ll go there now.”
Blake smiled, still blushing a bit.
“Thanks. I know it sounds weird coming from me, I know you’re into all kinds of stuff…”
“Oh, simply ask, and I’ll do whatever you like to you,” Rosalie said. She made a fucking gesture with her fingers, then went back to putting on day clothes.
Blake’s blush slowly started to fade as they both got dressed.
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Rosalie, wearing some black shorts with a spiky belt and a pink crop top, parked outside the dingy sex toy shop; it was in a bad part of downtown, but of course it was; you didn’tfind sex toy shops in the normal parts of a town like this.
She stepped out of her car and made the very short walk to the sex toy shop’s front entrance. She opened the opaque door and stepped inside.
The carpet at least smelled fresh. Good to know no customers were getting messy in there. The cashier looked bored and cute, but when he saw her, the way he smiled made her lose all interest in his appearance. It Unnerved her. Without a doubt, there were some fucked thoughts in this guy’s head, and she didn’t need to be psychic to know it.
“Well helloooooo miss! What can I get for you today?”
“Just looking around,” she said, not wanting anything to do with him until she had to check out.
“I can show you some new toys we got in stock. You look like a kinky gal, but you won’t believe what the Pounderizer XL–“
“No thank you. I’m just looking,” she said, this time ever so slightly more sternly. There were cameras in the shop; no reason to lose her cool onfilm.
The cashier nodded and went back to looking at his phone. As Rosalie shopped, looking at some fancy toys, she picked up a pink leather collar with an attached leash. It would look good on her. And even better on blake. And it was on sale for only five bucks; what a steal!
She went to the chatity devices section out of curiosity. She wasn’t going to buy any of these today, but it was worth knowing her options. Metal seemed like the ideal material for a chatity cage; it was shiny, durable, and heavy so that it pulled down on the groin. But chatity cages were so expensive… They weren’t things Rosalie was willing to have as a “just in case Blake feels like it one night” toy.
As she moved past the sexy halloween costumes and to the dildos section, she caught the cashier staring at her ass.
“Just admiring your beauty, kinky girl,” he said with that smile she fucking hated.
“Ugh. Don’t. Seriously.”
“Okay okay, chill, lady.” He went back to his phone again.
She found a great strap-on dildo with a fairly solid length. A large sized one would do; the XXXXL one next to it seemed like too much. Her goal was to pleasure Blake, after all, not to annihilate his asshole. The dildo came out to thirty bucks, which was fine.
The creepy cashier was looking at her again. She shot him a glare, making him back off.
She finally finished her shopping and went to the front counter, already expecting the interaction to be disappointing.
“Ohoho,” the cashier said. “Boyfriend’s dick not big enough for you?”
“It’s plenty large. What I do with these toys is none of your business. Now, I just want to check out, okay?”
“Got it. Although you should know, our card reader is broken today, so you’ll have to pay in cash.”
Rosalie looked in her wallet. $19 in one dollar bills, a rather shiny penny, and a coupon printed on orange paper for one free ice cream cone. Not enough.
“Are you sure your cardreader isn’t working? I don’t have the cash on hand.”
“Well, if you can’t pay, you don’t get the goods. Unless a lovely lady like you wants to come to an alternative arrangement…”
That’s it. This guy was going to get demolished.
“Are you propositioning me for sex? Let me remind you, I have a boyfriend.”
“Want the goods or not?” he asked.
He reached across from the table and almost touched her chest, and she stepped back.
“Oh, you asshole,” she said in a quiet voice.
“It’s just five minutes of your time. There’s no cameras in the back room. What’s the problem?”
That was it. This guy deserved punishment. Everything about him just infuriated her.
Or was telekinetic revenge a good idea?
Rosalie put her rage on the backburner and tried to think rationally. There was no need to show her psychic power off to him. And no need to get angle. She could just take her business elsewhere…
…Then she got an idea for subtly usingher telekinesis on him, and the rational thinking went out the window, replaced by hateful arousal.
“You know, mister,” she said, “Perhaps we can talk more in the back… I don’t want to cause a scene in case another customer comes in.
The cashier’s scummy face smiled. “Good. Now follow me, young lady…”
They were the same age! What was he calling her young lady for? She pledged to make sure His balls would suffer.
He came out from behind the register, opened a door next to the adult video section, and invited her inside.
He stepped in first, then she did as well. The tiled storage room was dusty and dirty, but there was a hint of bleach in the air, as if something needed to be cleaned up badly.
He shut the door and locked it.
“Now girl, I want to remind you; there are no cameras in here, so anything I say goes, okay? And I own this shop, so there ain’t no manager you can call.”
“Is that a threat?”
“Doesn’t have to be.”
“Letme out.”
“Not until we come to an agreement…”
She stepped backwards, anticipating he would step forwards to corner her. Him approaching was exactly what she wanted. She sent a faith telekinetic force towards his already aroused groin, and she extended her senses into it. His balls were… a bit on the large side. And so fragile.
He had already lost this confrontation. Now Rosalie Just had to decide how sadistic she wanted to be. And every emotion in her body told her to be a complete psycho. Anger gave way to happy anticipation.
She stepped forward, surprising him, and he stopped in place. They were inches apart.
When he opened his mouth to speak, she quickly thrust one hand down and smoked his balls, using the blow to disguise her real trick: squeezing both of his nuts with brutal telekinetic force, and twisting the tubes connecting them with the rest of his body until they were almost at the breaking point. And Rosalie knew where the breaking point was, so she was free to do everything short of that.
“Let me make one thing clear,” Rosalie said loudly as the guy feebly screamed and clutched his balls, almost falling over, then with a light push from one hand, he fell backwards onto the ground, his legs curling up in age.
She continued. “I’m a Martial artist. I know about anatomy. I learned this technique from an old master. Your balls have minutes to live unless I do a specific technique to reverse it.”
“What did you do… I can’t… I can’t push them back in place…”
God, it was so wonderful to watch him squirm in ago…
Her telekinetic force kept up the twist and the powerful squeezing, outweighting any attempts his feeble hands made to try and put his balls into a non-painful position.
“Permanent damage is going to set in soon. Unless you beg.”
Wetness started to see into her aroused groin.
“Please fix this…”
“Beg, bitch,” she said.
“It’s free! It’s on the house!Make it stop!”
“Mmmm, throw in a chatity cage. And a few vibrators too. And never, EVER, try and rape someone again, or… Ever heard of Rocky Mountain oysters? I can’t get enough of those things.”
“Make it stop… I’ll give you anything… I’ll do anything… Please…”
She kicked him in the balls, telekinetically untwisting them and ceasing her torture. He took in a deep breath, still clutching his nuts.
“And if you try anything else,” she said, “I’ll be cooking myself a nice pair of those mountain oysters tonight.”
“They still hurt…”
“Well, the pain’s not just gonna go away instantly, you know that, right? Now stop being a baby and kindly open this door so I can get my free shit.”
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
The rest of the shopping trip went exceptionally well. Rosalie cheerfully walked out of the store, arms filled with boxes of sex toys. The anger was gone, and she was happy and horny.
When she made it home, Blake gasped at the sheer quantnature of stuff in her hands; she paraded it through the house and gently set it all down in the living room.
“Oh my…” Blake said. “You really… You really went overboard, huh?”
“It was the strangest thing,” Rosalie said, “They had such, such deep discounts on this stuff that I couldn’t help but buy it. And it’s all unopened, as you can see…”
Blake, still in shock, started sorting through the toys. Rosalie interrupted him, going for a quick kiss to read his thoughts. Good. He believed her lie.
“You got… I love all of these!” he said.
“Good,” Rosalie said with a happy smile. “What do you want to try out first tonight?”
“Oh, it’s so hard to pick… Do we have to use just one? I kind of want to try all the crazy stuff you’re into! That dream kind of changed me…”
“Blakey, I’m happy to do as much or as little as you want.”
She kissed him again, this time just because she was happy.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Thank you for reading! Your support means a lot to me. Part 3 will be out in a week from the time of posting.
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