Elizzyviolet here: just a heads up, this story contains nonconsensual cock & ball torture, and it’s often done to people other than the proteinist’s boyfriend. Check the tags on future parts before reading them, because some other elements will be featured in the series later on and they’re not for everyone. Anyway, sorry for the lengthy fortune, but enjoy!
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Rosalie enjoyed her boyfriend Blake’s nice house, but the main problem with it was that she couldn’t telekinetically pour herself a glass of apple juice or make coffee from her desk. At least she was happy to work from home: that way, she could wear her pink pajamas while working; they went well with her pink dyed hair.
It was tough to use her powers when there were several walls between her and the fridge; a small price to pay for living in a two story home with a dedicated office room, she supposed. But still, when she actually had her drink, it was easy enough to levitate it into her mouth without touching the mug or glass.
As she coded some assorted game logic into the fucked up yandere visual novel she was working on, she wondered if today was a good time to tell Blake about the whole psychic thing. Maybe it was. He seemed loyal enough to her; his dreams were filled mostly with her, after all, and the one time he had a nightmare about angering her, he was distraught for days. They were usually lovely dreams to watch at three in the morning when she couldn’t sleep and watching something on her phone might wake him; somehow, he was more sensitive to light than to a hand on his forehead…
She snapped back to reality and focused on making her game. This yandere shit was cool. A little unethical, sure, but it was fun to fantasize about. And it was fun to imagine other people experiencing it; Especially given how she knew this game would sell well. Psychics were great salespeople, after all, and the demo had already made a splash online.
The one thing she didn’t get about the whole yandere trope was the possessiveness. It was sexy, but so weird. If Blake were out sucking and fucking during his workday, she wouldn’t give a shit. She wondered if maybe she should tell him that too; or maybe coming out as a psychic and telling him he could bang whoever was too much for one day.
Rosalie revealed. She was daydreaming too much. She stood up, and walked from The office to the living room to the kitchen, and she made herself a cup of coffee. After adding a ton of sugar, she glared at it, decided it wasn’t enough, and added a bit more.
Blake didn’t add sugar to his coffee, although he made up for it by drinking both Mountain Dew and coffee as breakfast as part of some insane power combo she had yet to comprehend. Although he was always gone before the combo kicked in, she suspected it had quite the impact on his work performance… and the performance of his kidneys. It was the one unhealthy habit she couldn’t get him to drop.
She stirred the coffee with her telekinetic power instead of using a spoon; it was faster to do it that way. And even from a distance, she could feel the hot liquid as if she were touching it with her hands; it was a painless kind of intense heat.
Of course, when Blake was around, she always used a spoon, and rinsed it off before putting it back in the drawer. That was one of the reasons she loved Blake; he also took five to ten seconds to rinse something off when possible instead of just sticking it in the dishwasher.
As she returned to the office with her coffee, the front door opened, and Blake stepped inside. He was taller than her, and his short brown hair and cute face could pull off any kind of expression and make it look like pure happiness. He also looked lovely in the suit and tie he was wearing, but he honestly looked a lot better in sweaters. Unfortunately, it wasn’t sweater weather at the moment…
“Hiiii! Hellooooo!” Blake cheerfully said.
“Blake! Sogood to see you.”
“How’s my little snugglebuns doing?” Blake asked.
“Great! Wanna see what I’ve been working on? Come here!”
She lightly tugged Blake’s sleepeve and led him over to his desk, and he looked at what was on the screen.
“Yep,” Blake said. “That’s fucked up.”
“I know, right?”
“I don’t know anyone else who would make something like this. Great work!”
He gave her a cheery thumbs up, and then leaned in for a kiss. Her lips met his, and with physical contact came fleeting images of his thoughts; she saw herself reflected in his mind, seeing herself as he saw her. And he was thinking about dinner too.
He pulled his lips away and smiled.
“Now I need to take off this ridiculous suit. Speaking of which, what’s for dinner?”
It was one of those Blake non-sequiturs she loved. Priceless.
Blake slowly walked away, giving her a chance to respond. It had been a month since they had last ordered pizza… She liked forcing himto eat healthier. But maybe today was a good opportunity for pizza. And she could do that thing she loved doing to deliver guys, assuming they had hired a new one.
“Pizza!” Rosalie said.
“Yes!” Blake said as he thrust his arms into the air in joy. “Finally! I’ll order that stuffed crust right away!”
“As you should. You’ve earned it, after all.”
If she was going to reveal her psychic powers to him, she might as well butter him up with some pizza. And if she didn’t, well, pizza was still fun.
“Gonna join me upstairs?” Blake asked.
“I’m really in the zone right now. Just gotta keep coding this scene…”
Blake smiled. He was always happy to see her enjoying her hobbies, and she knew it. Some of His most pleasant dreams were of him simply watching her do something fucked up and liking that she was happy…
Still, it was probably for the best that he was going upstairs for a bit. It would be awkward if he witnessed what might be about to happenn to that pizza guy.
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Blake ordered the pizza and some cheesey bread, and after about fifteen minutes of excited writing and coding and coffee drinking, Rosalie, staying in her darkened office, peeked through the curtains with a pair of binarys, watching like a hawk for the delivery guy. She had already gone over the front lawn security camera footage of past pizza delivery guys, so it would be trivial to recognize a new face.
After several minutes of watching, a car parked on the street in front of the house. Perfect. She would finally be able to indulge in that rare, rare pleasure she loved so very much…
A sexy delivery guy stepped out, holding the insulated bag with the pizza boxes inside; Rosalie guessed that he was probably a college student, given the university parking pass hung on the rear view mirror of his car.
She angled her binoculars down, observing his groin as he approached. Then, she reached out with a weak telekinetic grope, and she funneled her senses through it. Her heart pounded with excitement.
It was too disappoint for him to feel it, yet Rosalie strongly felt everything in his groin. She ignored his pathetically small dick and went straight to those juicy balls, probing around with her senses, mapping outside the insides. Everything in there was so delicate. The power she held over him was so, so exhilarating. Almost her entire mind was occurred and excited by the moment, and the rest of it was listening for the sounds of Blake approaching, just in case.
When she was finished sensing the precision anatomy of his testicles, she smiled so, so cheerfully, and giggled with erotic excitement. After putting a few strands of her power around the pizza to make sure it would fall safely to the ground, she brought her telekinetic grap around his left nut…
…And she twisted. Hard. And as she did, her body pulsed with an excitement she felt almost nowhere else.
The delivery guy collapsed withoutut making a sound. They never made a sound. Or if they did, it was an imperceptible wheeze, maybe. A pulse of erotic pleasure shot through Rosalie. She reached down and stuck her hand in her pants for just a moment, rubbing her fingers against the outside of her panties.
Now was the hard decision. Twist the knife, or go easy on him?
She settled for a compromise, keeping his left nut held in twisted Agony for a few more seconds before finally unwisting it back to its proper positioning. The delivery guy held still on the ground for a moment, and then with arms and legs shaking, he managed to stand up. He reached into his pants. An agoized blush appeared on his face. The aftermath was always so fun to watch. So, so lovely…
The excitement lingered as she put her binarys away. She turned on the lights in her office again, and then she went to the front door, anticipating a knock, and did her best to hide her arousal
When he knocked feebly at the door, she waited a moment, and then opened it for him.
“Howdy!” Rosalie said in a cheery voice, mimicking Blake’s enthusiasm.
“I, I’ve got your pizza right here,” the delivery guy said. “Sorry, if I uh, I seem tired, I was just on a run before my shift…”
His legs were still wobbling. How cute.
“It’s okay! Thank you so, so much for the pizza. Me and my boyfriend are starving! And here’s the cash, plus a little extra, since I know it’s a long drive.”
If he was going to suffer testicular torsion, he might as well get a ten dollar tip.
“Thank you, so much,” he said in a poor attempt at hiding his distress as he handed her the pizza. She brushed her hand against his, telepathically sensing his distress and pain and worry through the Fleeting touch. Lovely sensings.
When she held the pizza boxes in her hands, another form of delight filled her. Anticipation of a delicious meal. Pizza was never an iconic food to eat while horny, but the sheer happiness she wasFeeling from having pulled off another one of her favorite tricks was enough. As she closed the door, fantasizing about all the things the delivery guy might do in reaction to having a sudden burst of ball pain, Blake came running down the stairs in his pajamas.
“Pizza!” Blake said, and his own joy just made Rosalie even happier.
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
As Rosalie ate at the dining room table, chatting idly with Blake, she still felt strong lingering horniness from that perfectly executed instance of testicular torsion. It couldn’t have gone better. And progress on the visual novel was going great; the first jealousy-induced murder scene was already done, and it was so sexy.
Blake continued his cute little ramble. “…And then of course, my boss sees this huge puddle on the ground, and then we all knew someone was going to get a whoopin’…”
Rosalie was in a playful mood. Why not have a little fun with him? She gave him just the tiniest telekinetic poke in the back,and he turned around.
“Hear something?” Rosalie asked before stuffing some stuffed crust into her mouth.
“No, it’s just… I thought I felt a bug on my back.”
“Oh no,” Rosalie said with her mouth full. “Am I going to need to kill another bug for you?”
“No, no, I’m sure I just imagined it…”
Maybe today wasn’t the day to reveal her psychic powers to him. Once she did, all these little occasional psychic pranks would lose their impact.
“Well, if I see a bug on you,” Rosalie said as she swallowed, “I’ll smack it right off you.”
“Thank you,” Blake said. God, he was so cute…
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
After dinner, Rosalie went back to work on her visual novel. So many joyful emotions inside her… It would be a waste if she didn’t make use of them.
She started drawing the background for the next scene. The dark corners of a basement sex dungeon were as good of a place as any to give a bit of personality to the visual novel’s yandere protagonist. Rosalie wondered what kinds of little flourishes she’d put into a sex dungeon if she owned one, and then immediately decided that a spiked iron maiden sarcophagus was absolutely necessary. Perfect as an instrument of fear, and maybe even as an execution method depending on where the next murder scene was going to take place.
Blake came in, almost starting her.
“Wow, still working on that?” Blake said. “How long have you been…”
“Ten hours? I dunno.”
“It’s nine in the evening.”
“Oh. Then like, eleven hours.”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna relax for a bit, maybe watch a movie?”
It was then that Rosalie realized just how much brain fog she had. Caffeine. Pizza. Her being a morning person instead of a night person. Ten hours of work. Blake’s lovely presence. Testicular torsion memories. Even if it was mostly pleasant and even energizing, it was taking its toll on her ability to think…
“You’re right,” Rosalie said. “I’ve been going at this for a while. How about we watch that slasher movie you wanted us to watch?”
“Yes please!” Blake said. “I was just about to suggest it.”
WIth the lights already turned off, Blake started the movie as Rosalie put her head on his lap.
“Ah, just you and me,” Rosalie said. “Just you and me…”
Although she wasn’t touching his head and couldn’t read his mind, she was still touching his body, so she could feel some vague emotions from him, which made using his lap as a pillow all the more fun. He was excited for the movie, and a little scared.
“Just remember,” Rosalie said, “I’m right here on your lap. Don’t jump out of your seat, okay sweetheart?”
“It won’t be like last time,” Blake said. Rosalie didn’t really care if it would be like last time or not; it was going to be fun regardless.
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Bedtime came, and Rosalie was still horny. Was tonight a good night to try something? Laying on Blake’s lap made her sleepy despite all the scared emotions coming from him and all of the residual horniness coming from her own mind.
As she went to the bedroom with Blake, she decided that if she still felt horny in the morning, she’d have some fun with him.
They settled into bed together and turned out the lights.
“Sweet dreams, Rosalie,” Blake said.
“Good night.”
Rosalie nuzzled the back of Blake’s head, happy listening to him think. As his own thoughts grow quieter, so did hers.
…Yet as she drifted off to slumber, there was still excitement in her groin.
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be public in about a week, and I can see this being a 4+ part series. I hope you enjoy what’s to come!
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