Sweet Irene

Delivering water bottles wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do with my life, but under the circumstances, extreme pressure Katy was inviting into my mind is what I have to do. Driving past the tiny house on the corner of Main and Early, study nothing but the blowing curves in the window from the register directly underneath.

Whispers of passwordate words were echoing my brain each and every time I drove by the little green house. Warning signs rang out as goose bumps spent more time in my body, less time on the geese. But realizing she was on my route.

It was 3:00 p.m. when I halted the blue and white truck directly in front of the tiny green house with shutters that echoes my mind and the four walls which seem to be breathing on their own. Grasping the two plastic jugs from the rear of the vessel, carrying them tightly in my hands, as my legs felt jumpy and heart skipping beat after beat.

I knocked on the glass door lightly at first, then knocking a bit louder thethird time as I listen to those familiar sounds her bare feet would make upon my arrival. Fearing her, or was it myself that I am fearful of, that is tapping into my membranes.

Suddenly the vision, view from the opposite side of the all glass door was clear to me. She was wearing something so distinctly pure, so ripe in color as the smell of exotic perfume escapes when you open the door with a look of sexual pleasure.

“Hello again,” you said, searching for the right words as your eyes swells to the magnificent status of my loins.

“Your balance of $50.00 dollars is due, missy.” Bewildered of the way your eyes were shaped and soiled.

Suddenly my eyes grew dim, hands feeling like slimy fish, mouth as dry as the desert sand. Searching deeper in my thoughts of an exit sign that wasn’t There. Desiring you all the more as I make my way within the four walls upon the gears of your humble eyes, straight lips and the tender voice that says, “Why don’t you come inside.”

Sweet innocent body that I feast onto swways towards the adjoining room of the den, swallowing my pride with each glance onto your hourglass frame and see-thru chiffon gown that seems as smooth and silky as silk on a corn stalk.

Moments later you reenter the main room, wearing guilt on my face when you apologized for the tardiness. Reaching out to kindly except the money that was over due when your nails clutched the thumbing veins in my thin wrist. Slowly you great me with your warm kind lips, working your wet taste buds between my trembling lips as your free hands glides carelessly down my tight jeans.

“Do I turn you on?” You said seductively. Slowly opening up your eyes with our bodies close together.

“Yes.” Filled the warm air.

“Do you want to come upstairs with me?” Again in a voice so rich and uncanny.


I feel uncertain of what was about to happen to me when I followed you up the step narrow steps, into the large bay with exoticLarge plants in each corner of the bedroom. Gulping down more wet saliva once your lovely soft eyes were again greeting me and lips so suffocating as my swelling grow much harder.

“Does this make you want me more. Rubbing deliciously over your tight jeans trousers?”

I was at lost for words when I felt your soft smooth fingers going down inside my pants. Leaving my lips quivering as You sense me becoming for more of you. Working your mouth effortlessly over my thin neck, hands burrowing deeper, fingers clutching two throbbing objects.

“Mum, their as smooth as an infants bare bottom,” You said, whispering in my ear.

Slowly you begin to unconsciously unbutton my shirt, draw open my blue pants and nibble your way down my bare chest. Leaving me standing with aching knees, while you surrender yourself to the swelling I have been ending since the moment of my arrival.

“Oh, you are so big and healthy, mister.” Fondling the sensitive object with both tiny hands. Admiring it’s size and texture as I watch you bring my shake closer to your slightly ajar lips.

“Mum!” I moan, gripping handful of your long brown hair as I felt this alarming sensing going deeper within….

“Oh, yes.”

Bobbing of your head was getting the best of me, teasing your long silky locks as I felt your soft lips and heavy breathing parting the darken pubic I’ve have yearning to feel.

“I need it two baby,” you said, knocking me to the Victorian brass canopy bed and quickly climbing onto my tall frail body. Engaging my face with the skimpy white panty, lowering your mouth back between my legs as I peel down the satin material to drop myself in a pool of warmth that was demanding to be released.

Gazing up into the tunnel of love, or is it shame? Nevertheless it was what I too have been craving. Something which Katy knew nothing about that lies onto my awaiting tongue.

Rubbing the pointy hairs, licking the core, teasing the then the wet sides asmost gratifying “coo!” lifts from between my naked limbs. Taking me much deeper and more frequently as my lips were pressed tightly against the twin pink lips.

“Oh, you are really good, mister.” Uttering from my testicles. Weeping of envy when you drew down my pants to kiss along my inner thighs and encouraging me to dig deeper when you swing your hips and thrust down on my erect taste buds.

“Oh…I’m coming!”

“Me too,” I said, forcing myself deeper down your throat as I felt the lava surface.

Stay turned for act 2


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