Sweet Hitchhiker

As the day began to wind down, Eric found himself between the last little town he passed through and Heightsville, Indiana. When he set out on his cross country journey hithiking instead of traveling by car, bus or plane, he had promised himself he wouldn’t get caught late in the day out on the road in the middle of nowhere. He had stopped for a meal at a small cafe in the last town, and had thought he would be able to make Heightsville by dark. Now his feet had begun to hurt and he was more in the mood for a nap than anything else. The traffic along this portion of highway had been pretty unresponsive to his thumb, and he had resigned himself to the fact he would end up walking the rest of the way.

Then out of the blue, he heard a car approaching from behind. As he turned, the red sports car grow closer and he recognized the two women in the front seat. He had noticed these two back at the cafe and had imagined how much fun it would be to hit a ride with a couple of womenas beautiful as these were. He throw his thumb up in the air and lo and behold, it appeared his luck had changed. The car screamed to a halt just ahead of him and he hurriedly made his way up to the passenger side.

As the window slide down, the sexy redhead inside looked him up and down, coolly appraising him, then asked with a laugh, “Going our way, stranger?”

Never one to pass up a promising opportunity, Eric throw his pack in the back and climbed in himself. Settling in the middle of the seat, he wondered how this turn of events might play out.

“How far you two going?”

“We aren’t sure yet.” The two giggled as the car sped off.

As they put some miles behind them, Eric introduced himself and explained that he was finally realizing his lifelong dream of hitchhiking across the good old USA. Lisa, a tall but curvy blonde, and Pam, the redhead, appeared to be impressed and kept talking about how exciting it must be to just start out walking and seeing partsof the country you wouldn’t otherwise see. Upon reaching Heightsville, the trio stopped at the local kwic-pic market for some drinks with the ladies opting for wine coolers while Eric’s taste lay more along the lines of a half case of beer.

“Ya know, Eric, ” Lisa spoke up, “we’re on a little journey ourselves and you’re welcome to ride along. As long as we’re headed your way, it could be fun.”

Eric readily agreed, blatantly eyeing Lisa’s ass as she led the way out of the store. Pam popped another CD into the stereo, and they were off again. The three chatted easily, seeming to get along really well. Pam had unbuttoned her blouse partially, allowing the late afternoon breeze to blow over the tops of her well-formed breasts. Eric was particularly impressed with her general cleavage and was finding it difficult to keep his eyes off her obviously hardening nipples. Exchange small talk about sex, the conversation grow ever more arousing, but they each cautiously avoided becoming too personal.

“Eric, you should have tried one of these wine coolers, ” Lisa remarked. “This new flavor is absolutely awesome! You just have to try it.”

Just to be sociable and keep the “good vibes” flowing, Eric agreed to take a sip. How could he refuse a request from woman who possessed such sensitive, pouting lips? Pam took Lisa’s bottle, poured a general amount into a cup that had been sitting in a holder on the dashboard, and handed it back to Eric with a sly wink.

No fan of fruity alcoholic concoctions, Eric nevertheless downed the cold liquid quickly and faked a murmur of approval while privately wondering what was wrong with Lisa’s taste buds. After a half-hour or so had passed, Eric began to feel a little strange. He thought, “No way three beers has me this far Along.”

Clearing his throat, he asked, “Lisa, ummm, would you mind pulling over? I think I need some air and a quick walk around the car might help.”

The two women laughed and Pam askedhim jokingly if he had ever drank before. As he tried to form a response, the lights went out………….

When he finally began coming around, Eric found himself tied to a tree. Leather cuffs bound his wrists and ankles with a rope running through the rings on each keeping him bound closely to the trunk. He had no idea where the fuck he was and there was no sign of either Lisa or Pam. With his vision a little blurred and his head spinning, he felt as if he had been on a two-day drink. Suddenly, he heard footsteps crunching through the leaves.

“Sounds like more than one person, ” he thought. He tried to call out for help but his throat was so dry, he could barely whisper. Just as Eric finally got some of his voice back, Pam and Lisa appeared, walking towards him. They were dressed in black leather vests that barely contained their breasts and leather pants that clung to their asses like second skin. Lisa was carrying what appeared to be a riding crop, and Pam was hiding something behind her back.

His eyes trying to focus better, Eric blinked in confusion as his mind struggled to accept what his eyes were seeing. “Alice down the rabbit hole, ” he thought. “Now I get ya, Lewis Carroll.”

“Pam…. Lisa… what the fuck is going on?”

The two vixens had almost identical angelic smiles on their faces as they stepped up to their captive.

“Oh, Eric, ” Lisa tapped him on the chest with the crop. “Remember that “fun” I mentioned? Don’t look now, but it’s about to begin.”

Pam leaned closer to whisper in his ear, “You’re to be our little fuck toy, baby. Haven’t you always wanted to be used and abused like the slut you are?”

Eric flinched as she nipped his earlobe before stepping back. He was stunned to realize his cock was hard, more than hard; it was straining at the zipper of his jeans. As he glanced down, Lisa took notice and prodded at his bulge with the crop.

“Looks like he has decided to join the party, Pam.”

The bouncy redhead giggled, “Doc Jones must have added some viagara to that little cocktail he mixes up for us.”

Eric’s dark eyes darted back and forth between his captors. Nothing in his previous experience had prepared him for a situation like this and he fought to maintain some semblance of self-control. All that was shattered however, when Pam revealed the items she had been holding out of view. Raising her hands up in front of Eric, she dangled a leash in one hand, and some contraction of leather straps and steel rings in the other. She laughed gleefully at the expression on the young man’s face and nudged her cohort.

“I do believe we have a cherry to pop here, Lisa.”

Suddenly, they fell on him, ripping his shirt open and yanking his jeans down to his ankles, dragging his briefs along with them. His cock sprang up against his belly and bobbed there freely to his utter embarrassment. Pam’s cat green eyes took in its length and breadth and she licked her lips lascivously. Noticing her friend’s arousal, Lisa pulled Pam’s vest open, freeing her abundant breasts.

“He DOES have a nice prick, doesn’t he?” Lisa pursued in the shorter woman’s ear as she began twisting Pam’s nipples with increasing pressure.

Pam dropped the leash and harness to the ground and shrugged the vest off her body then stripped Lisa of hers as well. Pressing their upper bodies together, nipples sliding over nipples, the two women kissed passwordately, almost roughly, as Eric watched, his cock twitching. As he squirmed against his bonds, the rough bark of the tree scratched the tender skin of his ass, a painful reminder to remain still.

Lisa ducked her head down, her long blonde hair swinging, and began flicking her tongue snakelike over Pam’s rosy nipples, which made both Pam AND Eric moan. Releasing one tingling bud with an audible pop, Lisa grinned up evilly at Eric.

“You’d like to get your slutty hands and mouth on these tits, wouldn’t ya?”

Ericnodded mutely.

“NO… ” Lisa slapped his cock none too gently bringing a howl from Eric. “That is not how you answer your Mistresses. You will answer ‘only if it pleases you, Mistress Lisa,’ understanding?”

Eric flushed and stammered, “Yes, Mistress Lisa, only if it pleases you.”

“Much better, ” Lisa nodded and rose to her feet. “Hook him up, Mistress Pam.”

Eric watched unbelievingly as Pam dropped to her leather clad knees before him and began attaching the harness, slipping the straps around his balls and drawing them up tight against his cock which was also cinched. After hooking the lean to the steel D ring at the base of his cock, she rose to her feet and handed it to Lisa with a pleased “Ta-Da!”

Giving one of Pam’s nipples a tweak of approval, Lisa tugged on the lean suddenly causing Eric to yell, although more from surprise than actual pain. Pam slipped around behind the tree and released the trembling young man from the trunk, but left the cuffs on his wrists and ankles.

“When I tug, you will take three steps towards me, little boy.” Lisa yanked a bit harder and Eric stumbled forward as ordered. Pam efficiently removed the remainder of Eric’s clothing until he stood completely naked and harnessed, all the while eyeing Lisa’s crop being tapped impossiblely against her thigh. The busty redhead completed her preparation of Eric by pulling both his arms behind his back and buckling the wrist cuffs together. Being terribly excited herself; Pam took great enjoyment in brushing her erect nipples over the skin of their slave’s back before returning to stand beside her fellow captor.

“Lead the way, Mistress Pam, and I will bring along our new toy.” Lisa commanded.

Eric walked tender footed through the woods as he was led down a short almost indiscernible path through the trees. In a clearing only a few hundred yards away, it was obvious the girls had previously prepared a setting for their enjoyment. Several large quilts were laid out and a wicked looking metal stake was pounded into the ground beside one corner. A few lanterns were hanging on tree branches and the makings for a campfire was also in place.

Led to the metal stake, Eric was ordered to halt. Mistress Lisa gave the leash a vicious yank and ordered him to his knees on the quilt. He promptly obeyed and his leash was then attached to the stake, giving him a very limited and calculated amount of freedom. The crop whistled through the air suddenly and he felt a seizing pain on his ass bringing a startled cry from him.

“That was for doing well on our walk, pet. You get quite a few more for displeasing me.” Eric shuddered at Lisa’s ominous tone.

“Okay, Pammie, ” Lisa cooed in a complete turnabout of attitude. “Come here to Mistress Lisa and we’ll show our little sweetie what other pretties you have.”

Pam slinked over to her friend and turned with her back to Lisa, wiggling her ass provocatively.

“Watch closely now, Eric, honey.. “

She needn’t have told him to look; he was completely focused on their every move. He had only the slightest fear that they might actually hurt him and he vaguely wondered if what they had drugged him with had overridden any normal appreciation. He watched, fascinated as the long nailed graceful fingers of Mistress Lisa moved from Pam’s breasts down her smooth white skin to grap the Waistband of her pants. With one swift movement and the sound of Velcro giving way, Pam’s crotch and ass were barred.

“No fair, Lise” Pam grumbled. “You have to show your pussy too.” And with that, she turned and yanked the panel from Lisa’s pants as well.

Eric could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he stared at the cunts revealed to him. Both clean saden, yes, but very different in coloration and size. The two cockteasers knelt on the quilt facing him, then simultaneously leaned back and opened their thighs giving him a clear view of their glistening lips.

As Eric looked in total amazement at the two beautiful women, they began sliding their hands down between their creamy thighs. Then as if rehearsed, they spread open their snatches with their fingers, both grinning lewdly. Without thinking, Eric let a soft moan escape his lip as Pam slipped one finger deep inside her wet hole. In and out, she worked her pussy into a dripping wet treasure, her fingers and then her entire hand becoming coated with her juices.

Lisa stood and stride over to Eric, grabbing him by the hair and jerking his head back…”Look at me!” she demanded in a stern voice. His dark eyes starred up at his captor as she asked him, “How would you like a taste of Pam’s sweet little pussy, Eric?” “

Oh, yes Mistress Lisa, if it pleases you,” came his reply in a breathless whisper.

Lisa motioned for Pam to join them. Remove her fingers from her greedy cunt, Pam moaned slightly then crawled over to Eric.

“Give our slut just a little taste, Pammie, You bettersuck her fingers dry, boy.”

Pam raised her index finger to his mouth, pressing lightly. Eric began to move his lips ever so slowly down Pam’s slender finger, relishing her taste. She added a second finger and began to fuck his mouth with them. Eric was moaning and whimpering as Pam pushed her fingers in deeper, driving the taste of her pussy down into his throat before removing them.

Unnoticed by either Eric or Pam, Lisa had briefly left them. Upon her return, she carried a black leather bag. Pam grinned wickedly, “Oh, Lisa, you fetched our toys!”

Eric’s eyes were fixed on both of his torqueors. His mind still seemed a bit fuzzy, but he could tell he was regaining some sense of perspective.

“OK, now wait a fucking minute!” His voice rose with each word. “What the hell are you two planning on doing here?”

“ENOUGH!!” Lisa’s voice echoed through the clearing. “You are our little pet, Eric, and you will do as we tell you to do.”

At this point, Pam steped in between the two. “Alright, alright, let’s just calm down here.”

Pam offered Eric a drink, his lips eager for something cold and wet, as his throat was so dry. As the two women stepped away, Eric watched them intently, waiting for their next move. As the minutes went by, he felt reality distorting again. As the two women observed him, their laughter sounded odd to him and they seemed to be wavering from side to side. The world again was spinning, but this time Eric didn’t feel as if he were going to black out again. No, this time he felt as if he was in another space, removed from himself. He felt hands on his body, moving him, his ass hiked up and his head shoved down. The scent of a woman at his face and hands rubbing over his ass, what was happening he wondered but then he really didn’t care.

Pam leaned back on her elbows with her legs spread to either side of his head, his face just inches from her wet cunt. Lisa knelt behind Eric as she rubbed oil over his fine, tAt the same time. Her independent fingers began working his butt cheats then between them, touching the tight brown hole she wanted to explore and invade. As she eased her finger just inside him, Eric moaned and raised his ass to her, surprisingly aroused by what was happening to him and wanting more.

“He’s ready, Pam.” Lisa’s voice brought a smile to the other woman’s lips.

Pam jerked Eric’s head down to her pussy. His tongue immediately began lapping at the liquid honey that flowed freely from her. She pursued as he licked along her slit as her hands guided him to give her what she wanted.

Lisa slipped on a harness with a very lifelike dildo attached. She moved in again behind her young prey, and prying open his asscheeks, positioned the cockhead at the grossed opening of Eric’s ass. Holding the base of the dildo, she rocked Her hips forward to push it directly into him. His ass twitched but also moved back against the toy. Lisa thrust slowly at first, inching the shake insidethe tight passage. Eric’s tongue began to move more quickly as his body burned with sexual energy. His mind blurred, not thinking of anything but pleasing the saturated cunt before him.

Seeing the effect it was having on his oral skills, Lisa began fucking him faster and harder. Pam’s moans became louder as Eric began frenziedly tongue fucking her sweet hole, while his fingers spread her lips open allowing him greater access. Using the dildo to ream his ass fully now. Lisa smoked his buttcheeks while commanding him to make Pam cum. He moved a finger to the redhead’s swollen clip and began rubbing it up and down as he buried his tongue deep into her canal. Pam screamed out in ecstasy as Eric’s face became awake in her flood of juices. Grinding against his face, she held his mouth tightly to her snatch.

Then with a shove to his ass, Eric found himself face down on the blankets. Pam, recovering from her orgasm, watched as Lisa removed the harness and tossed it aside. The two women smiled at each other, knowing their fun wasn’t quite over yet.

“Roll over on your back, fuck slut. You have a little more work to do before your mistresses are pleased.”

Gasping for breath, Eric did as ordered, his intensely erect cock scanning in his harness. He had never felt such excruciating need for release before in his life and the fact that having his ass fucked had brought him to this point both excited and humiliated him. The lean tugged at the base of his cock and he grimaced with the slight pain. Lisa stood over his body, straddling him with her juicy pussy above his face. Bending at the waist, she deftly unhooked the harness and freed his aching cock and balls. As his cock sprang straight up into the air, she nodded with approval and motioned to her friend.

His captors slowly lowered their bodies, Pam impaling herself on his prick and Lisa lowering her throbbing cunt to his waiting mouth. The women leaned forward to kiss, their soft lips crushed together as their tongues danced wildly in each other’s mouths. Bouncing up and down on his thick shake, Pam squeezed her pussy tightly around Eric’s cock, while she fondled and squeezed Lisa’s tits. As Eric licked and probed her slit from her clip to her asshole, the blonde rocked her body forward and back on his face.

“I’m gonna cum again, Lise, ” Pam broke the kiss to gasp out.

“Oh gawwd.. I’m with you, baby. This fuckslut has one of the best tongues we’ve ever found.”

As the two women throw back their heads and howled their climaxes like coyotes to the moon, Eric reached his own orgasm. His cock shot spurts of cum deep into Pam’s spasming cunt while he struggled to slurp up the juices flooding his mouth. As his balls emptied the last of their load, Lisa rolled away from his head, a contented smile on her flushed face. Pam ground her hips against his body until at last his now limp cock slipped from her body. She joined her friend on the quilts and whispered, “He’s not leashed! He’ll run!”

Lisa laughed sarcastically, “In the shape he’s in now, I don’t think he can crawl. But if it will make you happy….”

Reaching for the thermos, she fixed Eric another drink and raised it to his lips. He drank gratefully, no longer caring what the women did to him. He had never experienced an orgasm like the one he’d just had and was hoping what he had just swallowed would reawaken his cock. “Anything in order to keep their attention, ” Eric thought as he gazed at his companies. A moment later, his eyes closed and he slept deeply.

As the sounds of morning brought Eric out of his sleep, he found himself alone, still naked and lying on the blanket, his clothes nearly folded and placed beside him. Gone were the two beautiful Mistresses who had bound him and pleasured themselves the afternoon and even before. As the cobwebs slowly cleared from his mind, the events of the last day flooded his memory. He couldn’t get the images of Lisa andPam out of his mind as he slowly dressed.

Attempting to get his bearings, he began to walk and found a stream to bathe in somewhat before continuing on. Eventually he made his way back out to the highway, his body still recovering from his erotic journey of the day that just past. The sun was climbing quickly into a clear sky and beads of sweat were already popping out on his flesh.


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