Dawn was my cousin, and I shouldn’t have been sexually attracted to her, but as she pressed her naked body intimately into mine, I felt a wet throbbing in my sex and silently felt guilty. I had developed a huge crush on Dawn, and I felt a deep sense of shame about it, but she was just so alluring and having her young, firm body with its warm, soft skin pressed against my naked body was a huge trigger for my libido.
If you ever met Dawn, you’d understand how I could have developed such a powerful crush on her.
Dawn was an adorable teenager with a welcome personality and a face like a Disney princess. She had a long, lithe figure, with firm breasts, a flat stomach, and a tight ass.
Once you combine her stunning good looks with her bubble personality and Easy-going friendly affect, I had no choice but to fall for her.
I felt guilty about having a crush on my cousin, but Lyndsay thought it was cute. She said that Dawn and I made for a “cute couple”, and sheinsisted that Dawn needed to be invited over so the three of us could have sex together.
“You do realize that my mother will punish me again if I have sex with Dawn.”
Masochistic girls like me dread the punishments that we receive, but at the same time we derive a wicked sort of sexual excitement from them. Of course, if we asked for punishments, it would make us feel as if we’d lost all self-respect. It was better to have punishments forced upon us.
“I know,” Lyndsay replied, “Isn’t that just wonderful? I get a yummy feeling just thinking about you getting whipped by your mother!”
Lyndsay was incorrigible. She had led me down a road of shame, depravity, sexual objectification and harsh punishments, and she kept leading me further and further down that road. Did my girlfriend have no limits?
The longer I know her, the more emotional levers and buttons she discovered within me that she could pull and push. She had become an expert at turning my life into anerotic, emotional rollercoaster.
“Invite her over,” Lyndsay insisted. “I guarantee you’ll have fun.”
* * * *
Dawn didn’t need much in the way of coating. She was eager to pay me a visit. Even before I mentioned that sex was on the table, she was enthused about seeing me again. Dawn and I had always had a positive relationship. We both did ballet training when we were younger, we’re both big fans of Scarlett Johansen, we’re both big fans of Amber Heard, we loved Gal Godot in the Wonder Woman movies, we’ve binge watched all the Avengers movies together, we both hate Donald Trump and we both love fiction authors like Neil Gaiman, Laurel K. Hamilton, Terry Pratchett and Jim Butcher.
So, Dawn came over and we spent an hour chatting and enjoying each other’s company before Lyndsay brought up the topic of sex.
Per the rules of the household, I was already naked. I’m not allowed to wear clothes in Lyndsay’s home unless there’s some sort of specialcircumstances. As a result, Lyndsay and Dawn were fully clothed, while I was utterly naked and shockingly exposed. Lyndsay likes to have me feeling vulnerable and constantly reminded that she’s the dominant one in our relationship.
“Having naked orgasmic fun time with Gwen is amazeballs,” Dawn said, “but if we do this, my Aunt Lillian will turn my ass red.”
“Yes, I’m well aware of that,” Lyndsay said, “I think the idea of your aunt striping you naked and doling out harsh punishments is sexy.”
“Oh, my poor bottom,” Dawn said. “She has a collection of whips and riding crops you know. Each one more painful than the last.”
Dawn complained about how much my mother’s punishments hurt, but I know that Dawn was a masochist who got excited about harsh corporate punishments just as I did. We both complained about how much they hurt, but that didn’t negate the fact that we both got wet at the idea of submitting to a dominant woman who would deal out cruel punishments.
When Dawn was done with her ritualistic complaining about how much pain was going to be inflicted on her cute bottom, Lyndsay took me in her arms and kissed me. Then she pulled away from me and passwordately kissed Dawn. Then Lyndsay gave me an impish look before gently pushing Dawn and me together. I melted into Dawn’s arms and suddenly my cousin’s lips were melded to mine.
My body responded instantly to Dawn’s tender touch. I could feel a tingling between my legs and my heart pounded out a high-spirited, jubilant drumbeat, as I returned her password kiss and felt her clothed body pressed intimately into my naked one.
I moaned into Dawn’s mouth as her tongue caressed mine, creating more tingly feelings that began with my tongue, but traveled all down my body, making my pussy throb with hungry spasms, and stiffening my nipples into hard, swollen nubs.
In between passwordate kisses, Dawn made sexy, panting, heavy breathing noises— I loved the sounds that she made. And then we were kissing again, and I felt her wicked tongue sliding teasingly over mine.
At some point while we were kissing, one of Dawn’s hands drifted down and took hold of one of my buttocks, fondling it as the kissing became more password and my body temperature seemed to climb higher and higher.
At some point, Lyndsay interrupted our snogfest and insisted that Dawn was wearing far too Many clothes.
“Sorry,” Dawn replied, and then she grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her head.
Eager to get Dawn out of her clothes, I helped her to undress. I got down on my knees and pulled off her shoes and socks. And after she unzipped and unsnapped the front of her jeans, I pulled her pants down for her.
Dawn slipped out of her panties without any help from me and suddenly her shaken loins were staring me in the face. Her bare pubes looked adorable, and I was tempted to press my face against them the instant they were exposed to view.
I staged at Dawn’s dainty public lips and was enchanted with how soft and delicate they looked. Her vulva was beautifully smooth, leaving her pouty outer lips deliciously visible and exposed. Her charming inner labia lips were peeking out slightly, a delightful shade of pink, already glistening with pussy juice. And her clip was already swollen and just waiting to be coated out of its hood.
“Gwen,” Lyndsay said, breaking me out of my reverie, “aren’t you going to help me get undressed as well?”
“Oh, of course,” I replied to my girlfriend. I was forced to draw my attention away from Dawn’s naked eighteen-year-old body; however, Lyndsay’s body was just as amazing. She had firm, toned abs, toned legs, an adorable ass, round, symmetrical breasts that didn’t sag at all, a very slim waist and loins that were just as shaken and silky smooth as Dawn’s.
After I helped Lyndsay out of her clothes, I stared at her swollen labia and smoothed my hands up and down the soft, smooth fleshof her thighs and her ass. Her skin was soft and smooth but the muscles underneath were hard, firm and sexy. Lyndsay was slender and firm, like an athlete, like an Olympic figure skateter or a rhythmic gymnast.
I was lucky to have two extraordinary beauty as my lovers and I knew it. I loved them both, but in completely different ways. Lyndsay was mischievous and had a talent for being deliciously cruel. Dawn was sweet and had a talent for being affectionate and kind.
After I got up off the floor, the woman passed me back and forth. I would hold one woman in my arms as we kissed passwordately, and the other woman would stand behind me and fondle my buttocks and kiss my shoulders and the back of my neck. Then I would be passed off to another woman and their roles would reverse.
While kissing Lyndsay, Dawn grabbed my buttocks with both hands and lovingly fondled my curves. Of course, while Dawn’s hands enjoyed the feel of my naked backside, I reached down and grabbed oneof Lyndsay’s buttocks. My fingers started at the back of her thigh and worked their way up to the firm flesh of her butt. Lyndsay’s butt was sculpted perfection. Her glutes were perfectly shaped, hard, firm, lean muscle, sheathed in soft, flawless, touchable skin. Just touching them made my heartbeat faster and feel this delicious sort of excitement in my inner being.
My tongue mingled with hers as we kissed, and we both moaned into each other’s mouth. I pressed my naked body against hers, and her skin still felt feverishly hot.
Her bare thighs pressed against my thighs, her bare breasts casually brushed against my breasts and the side of her face nuzzled against my face. Her skin was soft and smooth and hot, and I could still feel a sexual heat radiating from her naked body.
I held onto Lyndsay’s left buttock and allowed two of my longer fingers to probe into the tight furrow between Lyndsay’s sublime exhaust butt cheats. Lyndsay squirmed and made a girl noise of indignation when my fingers grazed the tender flesh of her anus.
Every noise she made was adorable. Every movement she made was erotic. I was enjoying her so much; I wanted this to go on forever.
I didn’t really notice when Lyndsay and I broke from our kiss, but at some point, our torsos were separated, and Lyndsay took both of my nipples in her hands and began to roll my nipples between her thumbs and index fingers. The pressure and friction from Lyndsay’s loving fingers made my swollen nipples so distended and overstimulated that they ached, but it was a delicious sort of ache. It made me moan, and I arched my back, and thrust my chest out, encouraging Lyndsay to continue her efforts at arousing my nipples.
And while Lyndsay paid amorous attention to my nipples, Dawn wrapped an arm lovingly around my wait, snaked a hand between my thighs and cupped my swollen, delicate public lips.
I felt exhilarated, and tingly. Lyndsay and Dawn had inflamed my libido, andEvery touch of their fingertips, lips or tongues seemed to spur my libido to even more wanton heights. I felt shamelessly sexual and wanted these women to have their way with me and make me their naked, wanton bitch. I wanted them to have access to all my naughty bits and to arouse my passages, until my brain shut down completely and I was just a mindless, naked screaming creativity of wanton, orgasmic pleasure.
Lyndsay went on and on, arousing my nipples, inflaming them, eliciting tingly, naughty excitement from them. Her hands were magic on my naked flesh, and the tingly feeling in my nipples expanded across my naked body and inflamed the naughty, throbbing sensings in my loins as well.
While Lyndsay toyed with my nipples, one of Dawn’s fingers worked its way into my damp sex and explored deeply. Then one finger became two and fingers that thrust slowly in and out of me, making the throbbing in my loins even more delicious and urgent.
My own hands traveled across Lyndsay’s warm, naked body, taking hold of her hips, or waist or buttocks. My hands seemed to move without any instructions from me. I was overwhelmed by the flood of sensings as Lyndsay and Dawn played with my naked body, and I seemed to do everything on impulse. The higher functions of my brain were mostly shut down at this point, and I was largely just responding to highly pleasure, external stimuli.
“Oh, Uh, huhhh, Uhhh,” I said, making inarticulate vowel-sounds instead of words.
At some point, I found myself on my knees, with Lyndsay’s firm, perfectly sculpted thighs in front of me. I didn’t remember getting down on my knees, but there I was, with her beautiful thighs and her puffy, pink labia staring me right in the face. I placed Two hands on Lyndsay’s left thigh and felt the smooth, flawless naked skin, and the hard muscles underneath. God, I loved her thighs. And then, without any consciousness input from my brain, I found my face against the bare flesh ofher naked thigh, planning loving kisses there. One kiss was followed by another, and then two more, and then I lost count. Lyndsay’s thighs were delicious, and then were a treat to touch, whether with my fingers or with my lips.
“Oh, God,” Lyndsay exclaimed, “Gwen, I need your tongue inside me. No more foreplay.”
Suddenly, I found myself holding Lyndsay’s buttocks in my hands and licking negative off the delicate, pink petals of her swollen sex. Her public lips had become unfurled, and I licked at the delicate folders that had revealed themselves to me.
I dragged my tongue from the bottom of her slit, all the way to the top, and was almost immediately rewarded with the sounds of luxury moaning and panting coming from Lyndsay’s lips. Then her hips began to squirm and dance as I attempted to work my magic on Lyndsay’s sex with my tongue.
Lyndsay made a lot more vowel sounds as I worked my face into her crotch and probed her delicious sex with my tongue. I lovedthe taste of Lyndsay’s sex. I could taste it, even as I licked the outer lips of her vulva. It was almost like butter, but more exotic somehow. She tasted heavenly, like liquid heaven on my tongue.
My face was in between Lyndsay’s thighs, and she made happy, contented moaning and gasping sounds. I ran my tongue across the swollen, pink folds of her public lips, and saved the taste.
When the orgasm finally hit, Lyndsay utterly lost the ability to communicate verbally and was reduced to making vowel sounds as her sex spasmed and she panted uncontrollably. With my tongue still inside of her, Lyndsay’s her hips squirmed, and her thighs trembled and shook in an erotic, adorable sort of way.
“Oh, God, that was amazing,” Lyndsay enhused. “That was so powerful, my legs felt wobbly. Help me to the bed.”
I assisted Lyndsay in walking to the bed. Once she was reclined and looking comfy, she ordered me to take Dawn in my arms and make out with her while Lyndsay watched.I glanced over my shoulder at my naked cousin, and she had a look of youthful enthusiasm on her face.
“Yes, please,” she said softly and held her arms open as if inviting me to embrace her.
My tongue mingled with hers as we kissed, and we both moaned into each other’s mouth. I pressed my naked body against hers, and her skin still felt feverishly hot.
“You two look so beautiful,” Lyndsay commented from her spot on the bed. “I love watching you. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
Dawn smiled at Lyndsay for a few moments and then she turned to me and gave me a look of pure adoration. I pulled her close and her bare thighs pressed against my thighs.
Dawn moaned, and the side of her face nuzzled against my face. Her skin was soft and smooth and hot, and I could still feel a sexual heat radiating from her naked body. Her soft, round breasts pressed up against mine and my heartbeat quickly.
Dawn’s fingertips touched me everywhere as we kissed, and erotic tingles seemed to resonate across my body wherever her lips or fingertips contacted my skin. The effect of each touch was cumulative, making me feel more and more aroused.
“Hey, you two,” Lyndsay said as she sat up in bed, “lie down on your backs. I have something I want you to try.”
Dawn and I obediently laid down on the floor and looked up and Lyndsay. I gave Lyndsay an expected look and asked her what she wanted us to do next.
“Okay, have you ever heard of tribbing?” Lyndsay asked.
Dawn had never heard of it, so Lyndsay explained the concept to her. Dawn was instructed to spread her legs far apart and scooch her butt close to mine.
Dawn and I both spread our legs actually far apart, and we both raised our hips up, arching our pelvises several inches up above the floor.
It was almost like trying to fit two puzzle pieces together, as I maneuvered my hips forward and guided my vulva closer to Dawn’s. There was a magical feeling of erotic tinglesas my swollen, hypersensitive public lips made blissful contact with that moist, magical place between Dawn’s thighs.
“Oh, God,” Dawn gasped in a weak, girl voice.
“Oh, yeah. That looks hot,” Lyndsay said as she pulled out her phone and took a picture of Dawn and me pressing our public lips intimately together. I feel my pussy throb and felt lewdly exposed as Lyndsay took more photos of my naked cousin and me as I began to gently rub the glistening, tumescent folds of my labia into Dawn’s.
How many yummy nervous endings are in a woman’s labia? I didn’t know, but it felt like a lot. It felt like millions. As Dawn shifted her weight and moved her hips this way and that, her public lips rubbed against mine, stimulating an entire symphony of delicious responses that began in my vulva and resonated across my entire body.
“Oh, God, that feels so good,” I exclaimed. My swollen cliporis throbbed, and I could hear a throbbing in my ears that seemed to sync up with the throbbing in between my legs.
I felt millions of protracted shivers along my vulva, my thighs and my abdomen as the strength of the orgasm grow inside me. It was like a tidal wave building strength deep beneath the surface of the ocean, for hundreds and hundreds of miles before it even rose and crashed into the shore.
I looked into Dawn’s eyes, and she met my gaze with a look of adoration and libidinous excitement. She met my thrusts with enthusiastic thrusts of her own, our pelvises shamelessly grinding our genitals together and causing Dawn to pant vigorously.
I believedly noticed that I was panting too.
My breathing was labored and my need for sexual release was extreme. Dawn and I continued to grind on each other as Lyndsay took photos. I briefly wondered how outraged my mother would be If she saw the photos of her daughter and her niece shamelessly rubbing their naughty bits together. That thought made me feel like a naughty girl that deserved to be punished. And that self-image led to me becoming even more excited.
Dawn’s left thigh rubbed against my right thigh, and I could feel the feverish heat on her skin. My insides felt throbbing and magical. There was a potential energy deep inside of me, cycling, growing stronger, and then Dawn let out a fierce, feminine, wanton cry and shoved her beautiful pelvis into my vulva with a kind of erotic enthusiasm that almost overpowered me.
Then the tidal wave broke, and my legs gave out. My hips collapsed onto the carpet, my naked butt bounced once or twice after it hit the floor, and I screamed and compromised as the orgasm took over and a rush of overwhelming endorphins flooded my naked body and caused me to squirm in ecstasy.
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God,” I exclaimed weakly, and I lay there, naked and panting, savoring the feelings of post-orgasmic bliss. Dawn then untangled her legs from mine and crawled over to lie down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her lips to mine.
I pulled Dawn close and moaned as her tongue slide between my lips and into my mouth. I sawed and slide my hand down to cup her firm ass as we once again made out with each other.
Somehow Dawn and I ended up on the bed with Lyndsay and I melted into Lyndsay’s arms. She groaned as I challenged her mouth with my tongue and Dawn grabbed Lyndsay’s ass and worked her finger into Lyndsay’s wet sex.
I made love to Lyndsay’s mouth while Dawn probed Lyndsay’s vagina. Lyndsay moaned and gasped happily as we brought her to the heights of sexual password. Lyndsay shuddered as my cousin expertly fingered her to orgasm and then Dawn climbed over my naked body and pinned me face down to the mattress.
“Oooh,” I exclaimed and tried to roll over, but Dawn pushed down hard on the small of my back and kept me effectively immobilized.
“You’re my prisoner,” Dawn said playfully. “You can’t get up until I tell you.”
While I was pinned to the bed, Dawn pried open my ass cheeks and I felt one of her fingertips pressing against the soft flesh of my anus. I whimpered as her strong fingertip probed my delicate pink hole and then Lyndsay was between my thighs, thrusting her fingers into my vagina and pumping them inside of me furiously.
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