Sweet Gwendoline Ch. 22

When I got home, I was sore all over. Councilwoman Normandy had whipped me far more seriously than any woman had ever whipped me before.

Ms. Knauss was the first to notice my whip marks. I was under orders to report to Ms. Knauss immediately whenever I came home and submitted to her for a strip search and body climate search. It wasn’t that anyone felt I was going to sneak any sort of contrast into the house, it was just another attempt to humiliate me and rob me of my dignity.

“Wherever did you get such whip marks?” Ms. Knauss said, gently stroking her fingerprints down some of the more painful-looking stripes on my skin.

“I had a client who likes to whip girls,” I explained.

“I hope she paid you well, Gwendoline,” Ms. Knauss said as she gently rubbed her fingerprint across a painful stripe that went all the way across my left breast, “some of these are welts..”

After I suffered through an exceedingly long and demeaning body climate search, Lyndsay came downstairs and saw how badly I’d been marked up.

“Gwen,” she excerpted, sounding concerned, “what happened to you?”

“One of my clients whipped me,” I explained, “Does it really look all that bad?”

Lyndsay fussed over me and took me up to her room to rub some sort of medicinal gel into my tighs, my ass and everywhere else I’d been whipped.

“Aaaahhhh,” I exclaimed as my girlfriend rubbed the oily substance into my inflamed labia. She was being gentle, but my pussy was so tender, even the gentlest of touches still hurt.

“This whip marks are the most severe I’ve ever seen,” Lyndsay commented as she did her best to look after me and help my abused flesh to recover, “You’ve got welts and crueles and abrasions. You won’t be able to work for several days. You’re going to have to heal before you can see more clients.”

Next, Lyndsay took photos of my collection of welts and abrasions and sent them to Noel along with a text message, explaining why I couldn’t takeon any more clients for a while.

“How many days will I be out of work?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Lyndsay asked, “how long will it take for those whip marks to fade? You’re too wounded to take anymore punishments right now.”

* * *

After Noel saw the photos of how marked up I was, she contacted Councilwoman Normandy and charged her a “physical trauma” fee. It was something she thought up on the spur of the moment, but it was her opinion that if a client abused me so bad that I missed several days of work, they’d have to pay a penalty for that.

The next three days were mostly spent lying in Lyndsay’s bed, and getting medicinal gel rubbed on my body. Sometimes Lyndsay would get into bed with me and we’d binge watch Harley Quinn together.

Julie came up to check on me several times to make certain I was okay. On more than one occasion she got into bed with me and we watched episodes of the Big Bang Theory. One time she even massaged my feet while we watched TV. Normally Julie only massages my feet if she wants to ask me for a huge favor, but this time she did it just to be nice.

Julie’s foot massages are heavenly, I absolutely reveal in them. She started on my right foot, massaging the ball of the foot, and then working on the tight spaces between my toes. I sawed and got swept away so thoroughly I couldn’t concentrate on the images on the TV screen.

“Oh, Julie,” I moaned, “That’s amazing.”

“People need to be nicer to you,” Julie opinionated, “and since I’m your best friend, I’m gonna do my best to be a part of that.”

“I was just whipped,” I said and let out another moan. Her hands felt so incredibly I was barely listening to anything she said, “It’s not like I was flogged.”

“I saw the marks,” Julie insisted as she expertly massaged the arch of my foot, “It may not have been a flogging, but it was exceptionally cruel. If I ever see you covered in welts and crueles again, I’m gonna be extra nice to you until you’re all healed up, especially if they’ve whipped your poor vulva, or those beautiful breasts.”

I moaned again, and I arched my back as my body seemed to fill with endorphins. The idea that I would get delicious foot rubs from Julie every time I got a cruel whipping made me think I should get a cruel whipping more often. Julie’s hands were extraordinary and could do amazing things once they went to work on a woman’s feet. My whole body was tingly and awake with a feeling of euphoria.

* * *

Later on that day, Lyndsay told me that she had just gotten off the phone with Noel, and she was looking to hire a second emotional support companion to take up the slack if I ever got hurt like this again.

“I didn’t break a leg,” I insisted, “I just got whipped.”

“You got whipped bad enough to miss several days of work,” Lyndsay countered, “Noel just wants to make certain that there’s someone who can cover your appointments if you have to miss work again.”

“So,What happens next?” I asked.

“Well, what Noel is doing is legally questionable, so she can’t exactly post an ad for a job opening like a normal employee, so I suggested doing something a little bit unorthodox,” Lyndsay replied.

* * *

Lyndsay has met hundreds of people in the BDSM community through the internet. Lyndsay issued invitations on a dozen different websites, aimed at very specific people in the BDSM community. The invitations were directed at female submissives, lesbians and bisexuals only, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight and only those who were in excellent physical condition.

Fourteen women emailed Lyndsay back and claimed that they fit all the criteria. Lyndsay invited them to a lesbian pool party and promised that there would be kinky BDSM games.

Dispite the fact that fourteen women promised to attend the party, only three women showed up. There was a woman named Felicia, a woman named Mary Jane and a woman named Yelysaveta.

“Yellsatvettah?” I asked, attempting to pronounce her name.

“Yelsaveta,” she corrected, her accent was Eastern European, possible Russian, or Ukrainian or Romanian.

“Yelzvetta?” I tried.

“Yelsaveta,” she said again.

“Yellsatya?” I asked.

“Unghhhhhhh,” she groaned, “You can call me Betty. Most Americans call me Betty. It is easier for them to pronounce for some reason.”

Okay, so Felicia, Mary Jane and Betty were all taken down to the pool area and given two-piece swimsuits to change into. I was given one as well. For the purposes of this party, Lyndsay wasn’t telling anyone that I was her girlfriend. She was acting as if I was just another submissive lesbian who’d been invited to the party.

All three of Lyndsay’s guests were attractive women. Felicia was a tall woman with long legs, an hourglass figure, large breasts, and a narrow waist. She had long, flowing hair that was as white as the driven snow. Her eyes had also been dyed white. Even more notable was the fact that she had dyed her public hair the same color.

“That is an unforgettable sight,” Mary Jane said as she caught sight of Felicia’s snow-white public hair.

“Whenever I dye the hair on my scalp, I always dye my pubes the same color,” Felicia explained, “You’d be amazed at the dumb jokes people make when your hair colors don’t match.”

Mary Jane was a redhead, but I couldn’t tell if she was a natural redhead or not. Her vulva was as smooth as a cue ball. Her pubes had been shacked or waxed or lasered. Whatever method she had used, her pubes were as bald and hairless as mine.

Betty was a brunette with small breasts and boyish hips. She was slender, but had great muscle tone, tight abs and legs like a dancer.

“I took ballet lessons for twelve years,” Betty explained.

“Ah, that would explain it then,” I said, “Your legs look amazing.”

The first time I had attended a pool party at Lyndsay’s home, Lyndsay had provided me witha swimsuit that would become see-through if it became wet. I sort of assumed that she would pull the same trick at this pool party and waited for the gasps of outrage and embarrassment as our suits became transparent, but it didn’t go down that way.

It started off like an ordinary pool party. We swam and we splashed and laughed like schoolgirls. The five of us engaged in playful banter as we swam and Eventually Lyndsay suggested a competition. Each of us would swim from one end of the pool and back.

And to make matters more interesting, Lyndsay declared that the slowest swimmer, would get spanked by the fastest swimmer.

“That should motivate everyone to do their best,” Lyndsay declared.

“Are you sure?” Mary Jane asked playfully, “You don’t know how much I enjoy being spanked.”

Her words were playedful, but I still surrendered that Mary Jane might deliberately lose the competition just so she could get spanked by the winner.

I can’t prove that Mary Jane deliberately lost, however, she did come in last place and Lyndsay declared that Mary Jane would have to be spanked.

“Oh no,” Mary Jane excerified in mock disappointment, “my poor bottom!”

“She should be naked,” Betty proclaimed, “It is not a proper spanking unless she is naked. There are traditions that must be uppheld.”

“Naked?” Mary Jane shouted melodramatically, “My poor reputation! Expposing my naked body in front of a crowd of strangers!”

Mary Jane then proceeded to scare dramatically and she peeled off her wet swimsuit. She handed her suit to me and then asked where this spanking was to take place.

She swayed her hips and turned this way and that, showing off her butt before finally going over Lyndsay’s lap. If Lyndsay weren’t the daughter of a very wealthy woman, I think she would probably have become a professional athlete. Of all the women there that day, Lyndsay was easily the strongest and the fastest. Of course, she won. I feel a little bad for Mary Jane. I’d been spanked by Lyndsay before and I knew how hard she could swat my naked ass. I worried that a spanking from Lyndsay might be more pain than Mary jane could handle.

The first swat that came down on Mary Jane’s ass wasn’t hard at all, but the second one was harder and the third one was harder still.

Lyndsay kept increasing the intensity of her blows until Mary Jane started to squirm. When Mary Jane began to show signs of real distress, Lyndsay stopped increasing the force of her blows and brought her hand down with the same amount of force each time.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Mary Jane screamed as her pale ass was reddened. She didn’t ask for mercy or attempt to roll of Lyndsay’s lap, but she was very clearly in pain.

When the spanking was over, Lyndsay ordered the redhead to get up off her lap. Mary Jane stood, rubbed her shaped ass, gave Lyndsay a pouty look and asked, “Can I put my clothes back on?”

She shifted her weight from one foot to theOther as she rubbed her tender buttocks. I must admit, I was enjoying the show. Mary Jane was an attractive woman, but somehow watching her squirm in pain, and seeing how red her shaped bottom had become, her beauty had become enhanced. I could sort of see why dominants enjoyed abusing their slaves.

“Losers don’t get to wear clothes,” Lyndsay declared flatly, “You stay naked until I Say otherwise.”

Mary Jane didn’t argue with Lyndsay’s decision and when Lyndsay declared that I should allow Mary Jane to cry on my shoulder until she was done sobbing, I stepped forward and took Mary Jane in my arms.

I enjoyed the feeling of Mary Jane’s naked body pressed against mine. Her skin was soft, her body was warm and the feminine sounds she made as she sobbed on my shoulder were surprisingly erotic.

Mary Jane’s breasts were pressed against mine and I was bewitched. I got lost in the sensing of having this adorable naked girl pushed up against me and I breathed in her scent and ran my fingertips up and down her back.

“The two of you make for a cute couple,” Betty observed, “Maybe Mary Jane should be kissing you.”

Mary Jane pulled back from our embrace and gave me questioning eyes. I returned the look and said, “Why not?”

“Go ahead,” Lyndsay encouraged, “We’ll stand here and watch.”

Three sets of female eyes watched as the beautiful redhead put her mouth on mine and we kissed passwordately. She smelt of chlorine and I remember for some reason thinking that was sexy. My heart pounded, my pussy throbbed, and I could hear soft moans as our tongue danced inside my mouth.

I got lost in the kiss and forget about the small audience watching us. Mary Jane pressed her body against mine as her hands roamed up and down my body. I feel her thighs brush against my thighs, her boobs press against my boobs and her hands grabbing and caresing my ass as we kissed.

Excitement sang through my blood as Mary Jane’s tongue stroked mine andHer hands fondled my body. She feasted on my mouth and when my hand grabbed her firm, naked buttocks she whimpered. Of course, her ass was tender, but as we kissed, I felt the overwhelming urge to touch her all over.

I was carried away into my own little world where the only people who existed where me and the adorable redhead I was kissing. And then the spell was broken by a familiar voice saying, “I think they should do more than just kiss.”

It was Lyndsay who had spoken and I looked up just in time to see Betty and Felicia nodding in agreement.

“The two of them are adorable,” Felicia added, “I’d love to watch them put on a sex show.”

I turned to look at Mary Jane, she looked at me and without either one of us saying a word we seemed to agree that we would perform for our audience. Mary Jane’s skin was already feverish with lust and her nipples were already hard. In her condition I suppose convincing her to have sex wasn’t a huge challenge.

Then Mary Jane gently touched one of her hands to my breast. She gently caresed my soft globe of flesh through my bikini top and I squirmed my hips in response. There was a tingling sensing in my body and then she stroked her thumb across my erect nipple through the thin, wet material of my swimsuit.

At some point Mary Jane removed my bikini top and tossed it into the pool. I don’t remember the details. One moment I was Wearing my top, the next moment I was naked from the wait up. I suppose the details weren’t important.

And with an eager audience watching, Mary Jane leaned in and licked one of my erect nipples. It had already been hard, but as she licked it with her talented tongue I fell under her spell. My nipple throbbed and became so hard and sensitive that it ached. And the throbbing in my nipple was soon matched by a throbbing on my loins.

An agoning wave of desire passed through me and then Mary Jane took my turgid nipple into her mouth. She sucked on it, making memoan and then just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, she flicked her tongue across it once again.

At one point she had one of my nipples in her mouth and she placed her hand on the other one, stroking it, rolling it and occasionally pinching it. My pussy was soaking wet and I panted with feverish excitement.

Mary Jane methodically went from one nipple to the other, taking each one into her mouth and sucking on it, the left, the right and then back again. I panted the whole time her mouth worked its magic on me and at one point I looked down at my own breasts and saw that my nipples were red and remarkably erect. They were still wet from Mary Jane’s saliva and something about that added to the eroticism of my situation.

My sex throbbed with hungry spasms and I began to believe that I could cum just from the way Mary Jane was stimulating my nipples.

I never found out if it was possible as Mary Jane moved down my body, from my breasts, briefly kissing my abdomen before placing her hands on my bikini bottoms. Without warning, she tightly gripped the waistband on my skimpy bikini bottoms and pulled them down all the way.

I was naked, and Mary Jane was kneeing in front of me, her face level with my crotch. I looked down at her and she flashed me a brief smile before commenting on the great job that had been done waxing my pelvic region. I had been shaken, not waxed, but before I could mention this to Mary Jane, her tongue brushed across my swollen labia and I temporarily lost my ability to speak.

I thought her tongue showed admirable skill when she lavished attention on my nipples, but she showed and even greater talent when she lavished attention on my the swollen folders of my public lips. She quickly located my swollen clip, but rather than touch it, her tongue traced graceful circles around it. She circled my aching clip, brushing her tongue across the surrounding labia, but never touching the cliporis itself. She was driving me crazy with lust.

I spread my legs wider in a lewd invitation for Mary Jane to be more aggressive and after an endless eternity of gasping and whimpering she finally took the hint and her tongue gently brushed across my throbbing clip.

My entire body shuddered and the women watching the show shouted out words of encouragement to Mary Jane and told her to make me moan and squirm and gasp. Then I feel Mary Jane’s tongue slide between the folds of labia and thrust deep into my vagina.

“Oh God,” I moaned as the beautiful woman on her knees worked her magic. She probed the inside of my vagina with her tongue, licking every corner she could reach. I moaned and panted and marveled at her skill.

She teased me with her tongue, bringing me to the edge or orgasm, then taking her mouth away and leaving me to pant in frustration before licking my sex again. She did this so many times I lost count. It got to the point where I became so overheated with lust that I was drenched with my own sweat.

“Please,” I screamed at her, “No more teasing!”

The edging finally stopped as she took my clip into her mouth and sucked it like a hard candy. I felt my swollen cliporis throb Mary Jane kept it trapped within her mouth, sometimes sucking on it, sometimes using her tongue to lavish attention on it.

Shame and dignity went out the window and the orgasm that had have been building in strength inside of me finally had an opportunity to break free from my loins. Mary Jane grabbed my ass with both hands, and I screamed as a I gave birth to an orgasmic hurricane.

“Aaaaaaaaughhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed and my whole body shuddered as the orgasm erupted inside me.

My hips compromised in a shameless and obscene manner as Mary Jane continued to stimulate my sensitive cliporis. The onslaught of pleasure tore through my body and I thrashed and very nearly lost my balance as my legs went weak and my knees buckled.

My entire body throbbed with pleasure and itseemed as if scores of orgasms were erupting from my body one after another in rapid succession, but no matter how much I squirmed or thrashed, Mary Jane’s mouth remained firmly between my thighs, her tongue continued to lick at my throbbing cliporis until I collapsed to the floor.

I was scooped up by Mary Jane’s strong arms and then Mary Jane and Lyndsay pulled me back up into a standing position. I continued to pant and gasp for several minutes, and Mary Jane and my mistress continued to hold me, as if they thought I might collapse once again.

“Well, did everyone enjoy that?” Lyndsay asked the bikini-clad women who had watched attentively as I gasped and moaned my way to a shuddering orgasm.

* * *

The next day we called Noel Whitehouse and recommended that she makes Mary Jane a job offer.

“She’s beautiful, she has a high pain tolerance and she’s into BDSM sex games,” Lyndsay opinionated as she explained Mary Jane’s marketable attributes.

“And she is amazing at eating pussy,” I added enthusiastically.

“Yes dear,” Noel replied, “I’m quite certain you’re correct. Although I find the phrase ‘eating pussy’ rather vulgar. At Emotional Support LLC, we prefer the term ‘cunnilingus’”.

“Sorry, Ms. Whitehouse,” I replied.

* * *

My services became so popular that Noel ended up dramatically raising the Hourly rate that we charged our clients. And even though the rates went way up, I still had many customers willing to pay for me to come to their homes.


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