So, it was Saturday morning and I had an appointment to go and be dominated, humiliated and punished by Christina. Should I have been excited about that? Should I have been absolutely giddy with anticipation?
I know. A normal person would be dreading it, but I wasn’t exactly normal. Was I?
I can’t help the way I am. I’m a shameless submissive. I get butterflies in my stomach and a soft, wet pulsing fire in my loins at the prospect of a strong, dominant woman taking control of me, striping me naked and turning me into her helpless plaything.
I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. I women up at 4:00 AM, did nearly an hour of extensive stretching exercises followed by hip thrusts, stomach crunches, leg reaches, lunges and squats.
Then I took a long Shower, held my legs, my underarms and my public area. My public lips and clip were already swollen before I got in the shower and gliding the razor across the folds of my labia as I held away any tiny hairs I could find, increased the throbbing in my sex and made me even more sexually feverish and needy. I really wanted to finger myself to orgasm and relieve the built up sexual tension, but Christina had given me strict orders. I was never allowed to masturbate again-not as long as she was my mistress.
I worked my long, blonde hair into a ponytail and then proceeded to my room to get dressed.
I picked out a pair of yoga leggings, a sports bra, some socks and a pair of running shoes.
The yoga leggings fit like a second skin and you could easily make out the shape of each individual buttocks through the thin spandex. It was even tight around my vulva and you could almost make out the shape of my public lips through the material.
Most women would wear a shirt over top of the sports bra, but I decided to go shirtless and flaunt my tight, flat abs. I had worked hard to get my flat belly and athletic abdominal muscles, why not show them off? Besides, Christina was going to strip me naked as soon as I got to her home anyway. Why wear extra layers of clothing, if I was going to have to take them off anyway?
The end result; as I looked at myself in the mirror; was an athletic, physically active woman, but also one who was sexy as hell. Almost too sexy. I was going to cause rubbernecking when I went out. People driving by were going to take their eyes off the road and stare at me.
I didn’t have to be at Christina’s house until 8:00 AM and I found that I was dressed and ready to go already at 6:30. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself for the next hour and a half, so I went out into the kitchen area and paced back and forth, trying to get the butterflies in my stomach to calm down.
While I was pacing, I heard the sounds of human habitation in another part of the apartment. Apparently Julie had woken up and was moving about. She wasn’t normally awake at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, but it seemed that was up ahead of schedule.
“Morning,” I heard her say around a charged yawn as she padded barefoot down the hallway and towards the kitchen.
Julie had thrown on an oversized man’s sapphire-blue t-shirt after getting out of bed. It hung down to mid-thigh on her.
She owned three oversized t-shirts like this. She wore them instead of buying a bathrobe. They were less bulky than a bathrobe and easier to run through the laundry.
“Morning yourself,” I responded and she made her way close to me, then she passed me and intercepted the coffee machine.
“You’re already dressed,” Julie said as she began to work the controls on the coffee maker, “Are you planning on going somewhere?”
“Health club,” I said, not wanting to tell her the truth. I think it would be a bit overwhelming to tell her that I had a mistress who stripped me naked, tied me up, spanked me and treated me like a slave-girl from one of those Anne Rice novels.
“On a Saturday?” she asked, “You’re really taking the physical fitness thing pretty seriously.”
“I’m a stripper now,” I reminded her, “I have to look good naked. If I don’t look good naked, I won’t make money.”
Julie nodded her head in agreement and waited until she had a cup of hot coffee in her hand before she said anything else. Some mornings she work up full of energy. Other mornings she woke up grggy and wasn’t worth a damn until she had caffeine in her bloodstream. This morning was obviously the latter.
“So what are your plans for today?” I asked, trying to fill up the awkward silence, with the first words that came to me.
“Coffee,” Julie replied weakly, “Then shower and more coffee. Then I’ve got some biology homework…”
Then Julie let out a long and impressively loud yawn and possibly said something about geology homework too.
“Oh, sounds like you’ve got a full day ahead of you,” I said.
Julie nodded and sipped more coffee.
“We’re all out of bananas,” Julie said, barely looking up from her cofee, “Could you pick some up on your way home?”
“Yeah, sure,” I replied and Julie just nodded her head in acknowledgement.
“I was up late last night talking to Gabriel,” Julie said before taking another sip, “I didn’t get to bed until around 1:30 AM.”
“Dear God,” I exclaimed, “You should have told him you needed your sleep! What could possibly be so important that you let him keep you up so late?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Julie replied drowsily, “I need to be more awake before I go into the details.”
Julie walked her mug of coffee over to the dining room table and sat down with it. Then she laid her head down on her arms so that she looked like she was going to take a nap at the table.
“That serious?” I asked, “He’s not breaking up with you, is he?”
Julie rolled her head sideways, opened her eyes, looked at me sleepily and replied, “He’s not breaking up with me. He’s just got these new ideas…”
Julie engaged her jaws, opening them wider than I thought a human being should be able to open them and let out a yawn that I’m certain could be heard on the seventh floor before she went back to forming actual words.
“I’ll tell you when I’m more awake. Go to your health club. Work up a good sweat. We’ll talk more, later.”
I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed my gym bag and walked out the door. I wasn’t Actually going to the health club, however my outfit didn’t have any pockets and the gym bag made for a convenient place to store my wallet, my cell phone and my keys. I therefore grabbed my gym bag and used it to store my important odds and ends and walked out the door.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As always, Christina was happy to see me. Christina loved my young, nubile body and loves that I give her permission to punish it. She grabbed me when I walked in the door, pulled me close to her and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me passwordately and making me drop my gym bag.
“Uh,” I saidrather inarticulately when Christina finally broke from the kiss.
“Don’t both getting undressed,” Christina told me, “We’re going to my aunt’s house again.
I nodded at this information and then a second female stepped forward and grabbed me as well. This was a younger female, about eighteen or nineteen years old. I had just barely enough time to recognize the teenage girl as Robin, before she forced a kiss on me as well.
She kissed my with a great deal of youthful energy and enthusiasm, but it wasn’t an amateurish kiss. She kissed like she knew what she was doing.
It was a good kiss, a good enough kiss that it left me a little breathless.
“I’m so happy to see you again,” Robin said as grabbed me around my slender wait and my left buttock, “I had so much fun with you the last time I saw you. I’ve really been looking forward to playing with you again.”
Robin was a very attractive girl and she smelled nice. And the self-confident way that she held my body in her hands screamed “dominant”. My heart beat faster in anticipation of surrendering to her whims.
“I’ve decided that Robin is a candidate to become one of your wicked step-sisters,” Christina explained, while Robin fondled my bottom through the thin fabric of my yoga leggings.
“Her what?” Robin asked.
“I’m Gwen’s wicked step-mother,” Christina explained, “I’m the ultimate discilarian in her life. She has to follow my orders, however I sometimes designed wicked step-sisters for Gwen. They don’t have my level of authority to control Gwen’s life, however she’s supposed to be polite and receptive to them whenever and wherever she meets them. Failure to do so can result in me finding out about it and punishing her. If I approve of the way you interact with Gwen, I’ll confer upon you the status of being one of her wicked step-sisters.”
“Really?” Robin asked, fondling my ass more intensely and giving me a wicked-looking grin.
“Really,” Christina responded.
“That sounds like fun,” Robin said, and then she placed one of her hands on my left breast and began to fondle it through the fabric of my sports bra.
“You can play with Cinderella later, Robin,” Christina said sharply, “Right now we need to get her in the car, so move it!”
Robin proved that she could obey orders too. Soon all three of us were in Christina’s car and on our way to Christina’s aunt’s house.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Aunt Ruth was pleased to see us. All three of us received hugs as she greeted us and then Christina suggested that Robin assist me in getting undressed.
It was a very strange scene. We were still technically outdoors, and not very far from the main gate. It would be difficult for somebody outside the gate to see me striping off my clothes, but not impossible. I cringed slightly at the idea of passersby catching a glimpse of my nudity, but I was a good girl and I didn’t offer any resistance as Robin proceededed to strip me naked.
“Your naked body is absolutely adorable,” Aunt Ruth said, looking me up and down, “If I had my way, you would never wear clothes.”
Ruth’s maid appeared as if by magic, and she took all of my clothes into the house, leaving me naked outdoors and surrounded by three fully-clothed women.
I wanted to use my hands to cover my naked breasts and sheved public lips, but Christina ordered me to keep my hands at my sides and leave my naked body exposed to her sight.
Something about being naked while everyone around me is clothed, makes me feel even more naked than if I were naked and surrounded by other naked people. It makes me feel much more vulnerable and exposed somehow.
“It was really fun playing with her when she was tied up in the woods last weekend,” Robin said, “Can we tie her up in the woods again?”
“Of course, Dear,” Aunt Ruth told Robin.
The maid was summoned and told to bring ropes and sunscreen.
The maid’s name was Anne Marie. She had seen me naked and humiliated before, however I still felt more humiliated when Anne Marie saw me naked, than when other people saw me naked.
I think it has something to do with Anne Marie being a maid. Being a maid, Anne Marie’s social status wasn’t all that much higher than my status as a slave. Having my nudity and humiliations witnessed by somebody of her low status somehow seemed to make me feel even more humbled and humiliated. I can’t seem to explain it any better than that, but when Anne Marie witnesses my nudity, my punishments and my body in humiliating bondage, it’s somehow worse than when Christina, Lyndsay or Aunt Ruth witness it.
Anne Marie eventually returned with a leather satchel, ropes and sunscreen tucked away inside.
“We’ll be tying Gwen up in the woods again,” Aunt Ruth informed her maid, “You know the best location for that, so you may lead the way.”
Anne Marie made eye contact with me briefly and then marchedoff into the woods. Her facial expression seemed to convey sympathy and friend, but it’s hard to tell what she was truly thinking from just a quick look.
I was made to follow Anne Marie and then Aunt Ruth, Christina and Robin all followed behind me.
“Having you slave walk in front of us was a brilliant idea,” Robin said as I walked naked through the woods, “I’m very much enjoying the view.”
“She does have very exhaust buttocks,” Aunt Ruth agreed, “I absolutely adore them.”
Several times as I was marched deeper and deeper into the woods, Robin would smack my bare bottom with her hand. Christina had already forbidden me from using my hands to cover my nudity, so I assumed I wasn’t allowed to use my hands to protect my bottom from Robin’s punishment slapse either.
Eventually we reached the spot in the woods where Anne Marie and the others would tie me up. It was a team exercise, with everyone working together to make me helpless as quickly and efficientlyas possible.
Spread-eagle was Christina’s favorite bondage position, so that’s the way I was bound. Ropes around my ankles were used to bind my legs very far apart, and ropes tied tightly around my wrists were used to hold my hands above my head and very far apart.
Robin was very new to bondage, so Christina gave her tips on what sort of knots to use, what sort of rope to use and how tight to tie me.
When the last knot was tightened, my entire body was exposed, naked and vulnerable to the gaze and whims of my female captors. My exposed pussy throbbed at the thought of how helpless I was and I whimpered and squirmed.
“Try to get free,” Christina ordered me and I struggled against the ropes with all my might, but the ropes held firm. My arms and legs were bound far apart and I couldn’t do anything but flex and strain against the bondage. My body was effectively immobilized.
“Wow, you really know your rope bondage,” Robin enthused.
“Now that she’s helpless,” Christina said, we’ll need somebody to rub sunblock all over her. She’s going to be out here in the sun for hours, and I don’t want her getting sunburn.”
The bottle of sunblock was handed over to Robin and she gleefully put a big blob of the lotion in her hand and advanced upon my naked, helpless body.
Robin rubbed the lotion all over my naked body. Of course, she started with my breasts, taking special care to make certain that my nipples had plenty of sunblock rubbed into them.
Robin didn’t neglect my back, my shoulders or any other part of my anatomy, however she seemed to take an extraordinary amount of time and care rubbing in lotion when she worked on my breasts, my buttocks, my thighs, the narrow cream between my buttocks and; of course; my sensitive pubic lips.
“Oooooaagghhh,” I moaned as Robin fondled every inch of my body while she rubbed the sun lotion into my skin.
“Since she’s going to be out here for hours,” Robin said, “Maybe I should apply a second coat.”
My nipples were already hard, my pussy was already wet and throbbing and wave after wave of desire was spreading through my naked body. I whimpered at the idea of Robin rubbing her hands across my helpless, naked body again, but there was nothing I could do to stop her.
Robin used plenty of sunblock and rubbed copyright amounts of it into my naked skin. She took special care to work plenty of the lotion onto my breasts again, however my flat belly and inner thighs were also targeted for special attention.
By the time she got to my vulva again, I was a quivering, moaning mess. My public lips were swollen and my clip was hard and throbbing.
When her slick, oily hands touched my swollen labia again, I twitched as powerful waves of desire spread all across my oversensitive sex. My exposed sex was soaking wet with my own juices, and Robin mixed my own sexual juices with the mood of the sunscreen as she ran her slick fingers over andbetween my enlarged, puffy nether lips.
“You’re wet,” Robin accused, and I could little more than moan in response.
“Being helpless makes her sexually excited,” Christina explained.
“Of course the way you keep fondling the poor girl’s vagina might have something to do with it too,” Aunt Ruth observed.
I moaned again, and Robin asked, “Did I do Something wrong? Should I have left her vagina alone?”
“Oh no, Dear, you’re fine,” Aunt Ruth assured her, “Gwen is a sexual submissive. It is only right that she should be sexually abused and maltreated. Just go back to doing what you were doing.”
I whimpered and moaned and Robin went back to her wicked activity of touching me absolutely everywhere. This time she became bolder and mixed in some painful pinches along with the oiling of my skin. She pinched each of my nipples, she pinched my swollen public lips, she pinched the tender flesh of my inner thighs and she pinched the underside of my left buttock, rightin the tender spot where it joined up with my thigh.
Eventually she returned to my breasts, rubbing oil onto them and once again pinching my nipples.
“Aaaghhhh,” I exclaimed as she took each of my sensitive nipples between her thumbs and index fingers and pinched them, cruelly and inevitably.
“These nipples are so swollen and erect,” Robin exclaimed, “It’s like they’re just begging for my attention!”
Robin remained fascinated with my nipples for what seemed like hours, tugging on them, rubbing them, pinching them. A girl’s nipples are a very tender part of her anatomy, and they’re really not qualified to take a lot of abuse, but Robin took possession of mine and abused them to her heart’s content.
I whimpered and moaned and cried out in pain as Robin abused my poor, pink nubs. And just when I was certain I would pass out from the pain, Robin let go of my poor nipples and began to play with my slick, swollen public lips instead./p>
Robin stroked my pink labia, creating erotic shivers throughout my entire body and bringing forth a feminine moan from my lips.
Then Robin thrust two of her fingers deep inside of my wet, throbbing sex. The shame and humiliation I felt was delicious as I was bound naked in the woods, my legs spread actually far apart and three witnesses watching intently as a teenage girl fingered my extraordinarily wet pussy.
Anne Marie, Christina and Aunt Ruth watched as I was raped by this teenage girl. Wave after ageing wave passed through me, heating my skin to fever pitch and making my nipples painfully hard. I moaned and whimpered as my sex throbbed in hungry spasms around Robin’s fingers.
I feel a sense of utter surrender to Robin as she manipulated my defenseless pussy and brought me to the edge of an overwhelming, devastating orgasm, only to remove her fingers from my sex and leave me trembling with sexual torque.
My public lips closed vainly on nothing. Myhips compromised uncontrollably, my sex throbbed vigorously and I whimpered and moaned at the unjustness of the way Robin was violating me. I desperately longed for Robin to thrust her fingers back inside of me; and relieve my sexual distress; however Robin had other ideas.
“Miss Ward, I know this if awful of me but I want to whip Gwen. I’d like your permission to do that. Will you assent to me whipping your slave?”
I was still panting desperately from the maddening, wanton sexual fever Robin had incited within my loins, and I was utterly incapable of forming actual words. I was forced to gasp and sweat feverishly as Christina and Robin discussed my fate.
“Gwen has recently been hired to work as a stripper, for Riverside Entertainment,” Christina informed Robin, “Whip marks could cause her to miss several days of work, and I’m afraid I can’t allow you to do that. You’ll have to find some other way to torque her that won’t leave marks.”
My chest heaved up and down as I continued to pant. What sort of torque would Robin decide she wanted to inflict on me? I know of a number of very painful things that a mistress could do to a girl and leave no visible marks, however I wisely kept my mouth closed and didn’t give Robin any ideas.
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