My naked, defenseless bottom was the victim of Christina’s strong, punishing right hand. My naked buttocks and the backs of my thighs were a riot of sharp and daunting pain as Christina’s hand rained down punishing slashes upon my naked and innocent buttocks.
Christina’s aunt and Anne Marie were witnessing my humiliating punishment, and my pride was the only thing that kept me from crying out in pain. I didn’t want Christina’s stately, imposing aunt and her maid to see me sobbing like a little girl. I attempted to salvage what little dignity I had left.
I bit my lips and choked back sobs, however the sharp, punishing slaps keeping raining down on my naked backside and the terrible heat continued to build.
“Will you ever be disrespectful to my Aunt Ruth’s maid ever again?” Christina asked, pausing in her punishment of my poor bottom.
“No, Mistress! I swear!”
I had assumed that Christina’s demand about my future behavior marked the end of my punishment and; based on this assumption; I allowed the muscles in my buttocks, thighs and the rest of my body to finally relax.
And shortly after I let all of the tension go out of my body, Christina resumed spanking my poor, tender bottom. Aunt Ruth watched my humiliating punishment with a look of satisfaction on her face. Apparently she approved of the merciless way in which her niece was punishing my poor, naked bottom.
Dispite my resolve and my stubborn determination not to be humiliated further, I soon started to sob and scream shamelessly. Somehow I managed to keep from kicking or raising my hands up to protect my punished bottom, however I was unable to hold back the tears and the older screams.
When the spanking finally ended, my poor bottom was a wildfire of singing pain. I had finally managed to stop screaming, but the uncontrollable sobbing continued and tears continued to soak my face. Aunt Ruth looked at me smug and satisfied, while Anne Marie just looked impassive, as if watching naked girls get spanked was just a routine part of her job.
“Your little Gwendoline is a delight, Christina,” Aunt Ruth said, her voice brisk with adoration, “Her punishment has made her so much more beautiful. See how she drops forward and hangs her head now that the spanking has stopped? The pain makes her tired, and I think she’s ashamed.”
“The tears Enhance her beauty too,” Christina replied, “And the redness of her ass? That color is just so sexy on a girl’s skin.”
“You’re right of course. Oh, Gwendoline, that gives me an idea. Stand up, dear.”
The intense spanking had taken a lot out of me; both physically and emotionally; however I wanted Christina’s aunt to approve of me, so I stood up on wobbly legs and tried to gather my strength for whatever she had planned.
“Walk this way, dear,” Aunt Ruth commanded me, “I have a large mirror in the bathroom down the hall. I want you to see just how truly red your bottom is.”
My bottomwas so hot, I was ready to believe it was crisis, however when I was led into the bathroom and forced to look over my shoulder and confront my criticized bottom’s reflection, it turns out I overestimated the intensity of how red my bottom would be.
The backs of my thighs and about a third of my bottom was flamenco pink. The remaining two thirds of my bottom was mostly rouge and in a few spots; where Christina was especially cruel; it was strawberry red.
Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I also saw that my face was soaking wet with tears and that my eyes were red and puffy from crying, my long blonde hair was a mess from thrashing around during my punishment and I had an expression of helplessness and utter defeat on my face.
In the mirror I could also see my bare public lips peeking out from Between my thighs. They were utterly slick with my juices. When I was spanked, the heat from the spanking often spread to my sex. Sometimes it took a while for the painful heat of the spanking to spread and fan the flames of my lust, however today it happened very quickly. My loins were feverish with sexual heat and I desperately wanted Christina to take me away so that she could finger me to orgasm. I wondered; with some embarrassment; if Aunt Ruth realized just how sexually needed I was at that moment.
“If you were my little submissive,” Aunt Ruth said tenderly, “I’d spank you often, possible every day. You wouldn’t have to be a bad girl or break any rules. I’d do it just because a harsh, painful spanking enhances a girl’s beauty so much.”
“Yes, Aunt Ruth,” I replied promptly, still staring at the reflection of my punished ass in the full length mirror. I found myself strangely agreeing with Aunt Ruth. Ididlook more beautiful in the aftermath of a cruel spanking. It wasn’t so much the color of my ass (although I was surprisingly proud of how red it was) it was the defeated, distressed damsel look I took on while I was still sobbing and inpain. Somehow it made me look more feminine.
“If you intend on telling me that I’m a cruel bitch, don’t bother,” Aunt Ruth said, “I already know. Plenty of women have already told me, including Christina’s mother.”
“She’d best not ever say anything so unknown to you,” Christina said, standing just outside the bathroom, “If she does, I’ll have to punish her for being disrespectful.”
“Of course you will, dear,” Aunt Ruth said to her niece, “Gwen needs strict rules and harsh discipline. I could tell that within seconds of meeting her. And as a good mistress, you give Gwen exactly what she needs.”
“Would you like me to bring her back tomorrow?” Christina asked.
“Oh, by all means,” Christina’s aunt revised enthusiastically, “I have so many fun ideas for things we can do to the poor girl.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When I got home, I was surprised to see that Lindsay was in my apartment. She and Julie were sitting on the couch, chatting like they were oldfriends.
“Hi,” I said, trying to hide my surprise.
“Gwen,” Lyndsay greeted me enthusiastically, “I came by to see you! You weren’t home, but Julie invited me in, any way!”
“Yeah, well Julie’s a great girl,” I responded, “She’s really friendly and polite.”
“She’s a sweetheart,” Lyndsay agreed, “Now come over here and sit down!”
Lyndsay patted the couch cushion right next to her and sat right down on it, almost instantly Lyndsay placed her arm affectionately across my shoulders. My bottom was still sore from the merciless way Christina had spanked me earlier, but I tried to sit still and not let on how much it stung.
“I came over to let you know my mom is throwing a pool party at her house, and you’re invited.”
“Oh, okay, thanks,” I replied. I felt a little bit funny about meeting her mother. I mean, I’d be meeting the mother of a girl I was having sex with. Did Lyndsay’s mother know I was having sex with her daughter? How was I supposed to act around Lyndsay’s mother? What was I supposed to say to her?
“I’m the lesbian whose been violating your daughter”probably wouldn’t go over well. I needed to figure out the etiquette for these sorts of meetings before I went to this pool party.
“Don’t be worried,” Lyndsay said, apparently sensing my nervousness, “My mother is going to love you!”
“Are you sure?” I asked, “I’ve never met the mother of anybody I was having sex with before. Are you sure she won’t be judging me?”
“I absolutelyadoreyou, and my mom wants me to be happy. Therefore my momhas tobe nice to you. It’s basic math.”
I felt nervous about meeting Lyndsay’s mother, but I promised to make an appearance at her pool party Anyway. Christina had pretty much told me that I had to do whatever Lyndsay said, so it was kind of like I had no choice in the matter.
I wondered which would be more difficult: Telling my own mother I was gay, or telling Lyndsay’s mother that I was having sex with her daughter.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning I had to head out to Christina’s house again. Christina was delighted to see me and took me straight to her aunt’s house. She seemed to really enjoy sharing me with her Aunt Ruth. Apparently it was some sort of kinky victory for her, to dominate a girl well enough that she could share her with her family.
Instead of being tied this time, I was handcuffed. And this time none of Christina’s neighbors saw me being led to Christina’s car in bondage (I hope).
When we arrived at Ruth Taylor’s estate in Augustus Beach, we were buzzed in and Christina parked the car. Christina let me out of the car, but she left me handcuffed. I was led to the front door, handcuffed by Christina. This was my second visit to Ruth Taylor’s home and both times I was brought here with my hands bound behind my back.
Anne Marie opened the door and saw that my hands were cuffed helpfully behind my back, and said, “Those handcuffs look very nice on you, Ms. Schön, however Ms. Taylor wants you naked before she’ll see you.”
Then she turned to Christina and said, “The handcuffs have to come off, so that she can undress.”
Christina unlocked my wrists from stainless steel bondage and the maid looked at me expectedly, waiting for me to strip.
I had gotten into a great deal of trouble the day before, when I hesitated before striping in front of the maid. This time I was more humble and obedient.
This time, I striped rapidly, even though the outfit I wore this time was more complex and involved buttons, zippers and a bra with a double row of hooks and eye closings. Anne Marie watched me closely as I divested myself of each piece of clothing, and I allowed her to watch, without complaint.
Each time I removed an item of clothing, Anne Marie took it from me and placed it in a large cardboard box on a mission-style end table near the front door. When I was completely naked, Anne Marie sealed the box up with packing tape, causing me to wonder just how long it might be until I was allowed to have my clothes back.
“Hands down at your sides, Ms. Schön,” Anne Marie said in a dispatchate tone of voice, and I obediently lowered my hands and allowed the maid an unobstructed view of my naked body.
Anne Marie placed her hands on my shoulders and looked my naked body up and down, then she pushed and pulled me so that I had to turn a full circle, allowing her to view my naked body from all angles.
When Anne Marie and I were again face-to-face, she said to me, “Ms. Taylor wanted me to make certain; before I took you to see her; that you were fully conscious of the fact that you were the only one here that was naked. Ms. Ward and I are fully dressed, while you are very exposed, with your breasts, nipples and your clean-shaven loins utterly on display to both of us. She wanted me to make certain you were fully aware of the inequitable disabledage this situation creates for you.”
I feel my face grow hot, and I feel much more naked and vulnerable after Anne Maries said those words than before. It was as if she had somehow managed to strip me more naked than naked.
“Yes, Anne Marie,” I replied, “I am fully aware of how you and Christina are fully dressed, while I am completely naked. I find it to be very humiliating to be put at such a disadvantage, allowing you and Christina to see every inch of my naked body, while the two of you are fully clothed.”
“Excellent, Anne Marie said, kissing me on the forehead, “That’s exactly what Ms. Taylor wanted.”
“She’s so embarrassed, she’s blushing,” Christina commented, “its adorable when she does that.”
My wrists were handcuffed behind my back again and I was led upstairs, naked, humiliated and bound, to go see Christina’s aunt.
Anne Marie held onto one of my arms in her strong grip, like a policewoman holding onto a shady criminal.
“Gwendolinedear, there you are,” Aunt Ruth said enthusiastically when I was finally led into her presence.
She was wearing a stylish, black shirt-dress and stylish Italian, black leather mini-boots. Now I was the only naked girl in a room with three fully-clothed women. That somehow made me feel even more naked than before.
“Did she behave herself this time?” Ruth asked Anne Marie.
“She stripped naked with no hesitation, Madam,” the maid replied. I felt a strange sense of pride at that, as if I’d just answered a question correctly on a pop quiz.
“You see, Gwendoline?” Ruth asked, “I told you that I would teach you things. Already, you’re putting away your pride and learning to be more submissive.”
I barely had enough time to say, “Yes, Aunt Ruth”, before the older woman was directly in front of me, fondling my breasts, pinching my nipples and touching my defenseless, naked body absolutely everywhere.
“Gwen, you delicious little girl, you’re absolutely soakingwet,” Ruth enthused after she rudely thrust two fingers into my vulnerable sex and probed deep. I gasped at the sudden intrusion but knew better than to complain.
“I’m sorry, Aunt Ruth,” I said promptly, trying not to pant or gasp as she continued to thrust her fingers into me, mercilessly.
“Foolish girl, there’s no shame in that adorable pussy of yours being wet! My niece and I prefer that you be soaking wet down there, pretty much all the time. Submissives must always be available for sex, however they should never ask their betters for an orgasm, and they should never bring themselves to one. Self-denial is another thing that I’ll be teaching to you.”
The whole time Christina’s aunt was talking, she continued to probe my sex with her fingers, like a corrections officer giving me a body cavity search. Although the brutality of the way she fingered me, I found my breathing becoming heavy and my pussy wantonly throbbing.
When I was panting actually, Aunt Ruth declared that she had a delightful plan for what she could do with me today and she told Anne Marie to escort me out into the back yard.
“Have you ever been naked, outdoors before, dear?” Christina’s aunt asked me as I was led across her lawn.
Christina’s aunt had decided to buckle a leather collar around my neck and attach a leather lean to the collar. This allowed Anne Marie to lead me through the yard on a leash.
“Never,” I replied honestly to the older woman, “When I was younger some of the kids tried to get me to go skinny-dipping down at Lake Nadador, but I refused to go.”
“Really,” Aunt Ruth inquired as I was led along by Anne Marie to a grove of beech trees, “It would seem to me that your submissive inclinations would make you heavily inclined to strip naked in front of a group of your peers.”
I tried to shake my head in negotiation, but the collar and the leash made that difficult. “Most of them were boys,” I explained. “For some reason, boys don’t bring out my submissive side. Every sexual fantasy and wet dream I’ve ever had, I’m submitting to a female TSA agent, a wicked step-mother, a female running coach, a female ballet choreographer and her female ballet students, but never a male torquer. Always female.”
“Interesting,” she said, as Anne Marie pulled on my leash and forced me to walk barefoot over stones, ground-hugging vines and tree roots. “Apparently you’ve always been a lesbian, although you’ve never admitted that to yourself until just recently.”
“I didn’t date in high school,” I explained to the older woman, “And I never thought about sex very much. I never flirted and I never tried to get anybody into bed.”
“A girl as beautiful as you?” Aunt Ruth inquired,“That’s an outtrage! Your body is like something sculpted by the gods! You can’t simply refuse to share it with the rest of us!”
Eventually Anne Marie led me into a grassy clearing and Christina unlocked my handcuffs.
“Stand at atAttention, dear,” Aunt Ruth told me, so I stood I stood with my fingers lacened together behind the back of my neck, my elbows back and my legs spread wide.
“See dear?” Aunt Ruth said to me, “You’re learning. I just taught you that posture yesterday and you’ve already mastered it.”
Ruth had carried a leather satchel with her. When I was standing at attention in the clearing, she opened up the satchel and pulled out a few long lengths of rope. Christina, Ruth and Anne Marie all worked together to tie me in between two strdy saplings.
The trees I was positioned between had trunks no more than four inches thick, however they were still quite solid and strong compared to the strength of a naked girl. I submissively stood still and watched as the three clothed women tied my right wrist tied to one of the slender trunks, then my left wrist to the other. Then they took more rope and tied my right ankle to one of the slender trunks, then my left ankle to the other. By the time the women were finished tying me, both my arms and legs were stretched quite far apart. Then Christina removed the collar from around my neck, leaving me totally naked once again.
“Being naked and bound outdoors is an important experience for a submissive girl like you,” Aunt Ruth explained, “You really should have allowed someone to do this to you years ago, but I suppose better late than never. How old are you, dear?”
“Twenty-one, Aunt Ruth,” I replied promptly.
“We should make up for lost time,” Christina suggested, “We should strip her naked and tie her up outdoors often. Eventually, we’ll make up for all those years that she denied her true nature.”
My heart beat painfully fast in my chest at that suggestion. The way these women had me naked and helpless outdoors had me feeling more naked and more vulnerable than I had ever felt in my life, and now Christina wanted to do this to me a continuing thing?
“Splendid idea,” Ruth told her niece, “I’ll try to come up with variations on the theme, so that it doesn’t become too boring for the poor dear.”
“Thank you, Aunt Ruth,” I said deferentially, although in truth, her words filled me with a helpless sort of fear.
It was a new and delicious sort of fear, yet fear nevertheless. Naked and bound, out in the sunlight, with the birds and the insects and the occasional cool breeze blowing Against my naked loins seemed somehow more naked than I’d ever been before in my life, although it definitely did seem like something Cinderella’s wicked step-sisters would do to Cinderella.
Then Christina’s aunt reached into her satchel again and pulled out a dark blue, plastic bottle that said COPPERTONE SPORT on the label, and she handed it to Anne Marie.
“This is sunscreen, dear,” Ruth explained to me, “You’re going to be out here for a while and I’d hate for you to get sunburn. That’s not what these bondage games are all about.”
Anne Marie stood close to me withthe bottle of sunscreen in hand and softly whispered,“You’re supposed to thank her.”
“Thank you, Aunt Ruth,” I said, wondering what might have happened if Anne Marie hadn’t warned me.
“Enjoy the experience of being bound outdoors, dear,” Ruth said cheerfully, “Christina and I will be back in a few hours to see how you’re doing.”
Christina and her aunt walked away and left me there with Anne Marie. Anne Marie slathered huge amounts of sunscreen onto my naked skin and rubbed it in hard. She was insanely through and rubbed it in everywhere. She seemed to spend an especially long time rubbing it into my breasts, buttocks, thighs and public lips. She applied two or three coats of the stuff into those areas. Apparently those were Anne Marie’s favorite areas on my body.
Anne Marie’s efforts at rubbing sunscreen into my naked skin did more than just give me protection from sunburn. Her independent rubbing of my breasts had left my nipples stiff and aching. Her rubbing of my thighs and my public lips had left my clip throbbing and my pussy soaking wet. I was panting and sexually frustrated, but the way I was bound, spread-open, I was totally helpless and unable to rub my own clip, and end the independent throbbing between my legs.
“Perfect,” Anne Marie said after an eternity of rubbing her slick hands all over my naked body, “You’re all ready for a day out in the sun.”
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